219 research outputs found

    Admission Pattern of Newborns admitted in special newborn care unit: an observational from North West of India

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    Background: Globally, neonatal deaths constitute 44% of all deaths in less than 5 years age group .The concept of SNCU is based on the learning from the ā€œPurulia modelā€. This research study was undertaken, to assess the profile of sick newborns admitted in the SNCU.Methods The investigators analyzed this data and establish the morbidity profile of newborns admitted in SNCU Hamirpur in 2019.Results: Total of 422 newborns were admitted 197 (46.7%) were females and 225 (53.3%) were males. Out of these 381 (90.3%) were inborn and 41(9.7%) were out born. In inborn 293 (76.9%) weighed more than 2.5 kg, 83 (21.8%) were low birth weight <2.5 kg to 1.5 kg and 2 (0.52%) were very low birth weight i.e < 1.5 kg to 1 kg and one newborn was extreme low birth weight i.e <1 kg. In the out born group, 23 (56.1%) weighed more than 2.5 kg and 13 (31.8%) were low birth weight <2.5 kg to 1.5 kg, 4 (9.8%) were very low birth weight < 1.5 kg to 1 kg. Jaundice was the most common neonatal condition 63%, infection 9.5%, respiratory diseases 9% and birth asphyxia 7.8%.Conclusions: The most sensitive time for morbidity and mortality development is during the newborn period. The main reasons for SNCU hospitalisation include neonatal jaundice, preterm, low birth weight, perinatal asphyxia, and infection. Neonatal Jaundice continues to be the primary reason for both inborn and outborn newborns admission to SNCU, and inborn babies make up the majority of this group

    Proximally migrated Double J stent in hydronephrotic kidneys: Etiological factors and management

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    Double J stents have become an essential tool in urologistā€™s armamentarium but are never without potential complications. Migration of DJ stent is a recognized complication, though its proximal migration into the upper ureter, pelvicalyceal system is reported rarely. This can add to the cost of patients and increases hospital stay if another general/ regional anesthesia session is required for its repositioning/removal. We successfully repositioned or removed proximally migrated DJ stents ureteroscopically under local anesthesia and analgesia in all of our case series patients on a daycare basis. We emphasize the importance of recordkeeping and follow up of stented patients particularly with those with hydronephrotic systems. In the event of proximal migration of the DJ stent, it can be successfully repositioned or removed under local anesthesia and analgesia. Keywords: Double J stent, proximal migration, ESWL-Extracorporeal shockwave lithotrips

    Nanocarriers in Tuberculosis treatment: Challenges and delivery strategies

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    The World Health Organization identifies tuberculosis (TB), caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, as a leading infectious killer. Although conventional treatments for TB exist, they come with challenges such as a heavy pill regimen, prolonged treatment duration, and a strict schedule, leading to multidrug-resistant (MDR) and extensively drug-resistant (XDR) strains. The rise of MDR strains endangers future TB control. Despite these concerns, the hunt for an efficient treatment continues. One breakthrough has been the use of nanotechnology in medicines, presenting a novel approach for TB treatment. Nanocarriers, such as lipid nanoparticles, nanosuspensions, liposomes, and polymeric micelles, facilitate targeted delivery of anti-TB drugs. The benefits of nanocarriers include reduced drug doses, fewer side effects, improved drug solubility, better bioavailability, and improved patient compliance, speeding up recovery. Additionally, nanocarriers can be made even more targeted by linking them with ligands such as mannose or hyaluronic acid. This review explores these innovative TB treatments, including studies on nanocarriers containing anti-TB drugs and related patents.LA/P/0101/2020; LA/P/0140/2020;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Characterization of Thirty Cultivars of Mangifera indica L. (Anacardiaceae) by Their Foliar Anatomical Traits

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    Leaves of thirty cultivars of Mangifera indica L. were investigated to compare their anatomical variations and identify the characteristic features which are potential markers for the identification of the cultivars. Variations were noted in the thickness of cuticle, length of epidermal cells in the abaxial and adaxial surfaces, length of palisade and spongy tissue. The length of epidermal cell varied from 10 Āµm in ā€˜Gotoā€™ to 25 Āµm in ā€˜Desiā€™ cultivars on adaxial side, while on the abaxial side it varied from 15.5 Āµm in ā€˜Alphonsoā€™ to 6.9 Āµm in ā€˜Sopariā€™. The palisade tissue length was maximum in ā€˜Jahangirā€™ (111.36 Āµm), while it was lowest in ā€˜Fazliā€™ (24.13 Āµm). Spongy tissue length was the highest in ā€˜Jamadarā€™ (199.92 Āµm) and lowest in ā€˜Fazliā€™ (90.55 Āµm). Two layers of palisade tissue were seen in ā€˜Sindoriaā€™, ā€˜Jhumakhiya 2ā€™, ā€˜Aambadiā€™, ā€˜Neelamā€™,Ā  ā€˜Rajapuriā€™, ā€˜Fazliā€™, ā€˜Jahangirā€™, ā€˜Kajuā€™, and ā€˜Aamir pasandā€™, while three layers were seen in ā€˜Alphonsoā€™, ā€˜Jamadarā€™, ā€˜Ladvoā€™, ā€˜Sopariā€™ and ā€˜Dudhpendoā€™. Such parameters can be used for distinctly differentiating varieties among them and thus have an exact identification when morphological features are indistinguishable

    Seroprevalencija virusnog proljeva goveda u uzgojnim farmama u Indiji

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    Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is an important infectious viral disease affecting cattle populations all over the world. In addition to direct loss caused by the disease, the virus causes immunosuppression thereby predisposing the host to other diseases. A cross-sectional study was undertaken to detect the prevalence of BVD in 14 well-organized herds located in different parts of India. A total of 880 serum samples (646 cattle and 234 buffaloes) were screened by a commercial ELISA kit, detecting antibodies towards the p80 (NS3) region of BVDV. The overall true prevalence was 56.67% (95% CI: 53.26-60.02%) and within herds, it ranged from 0-99.99%. The prevalence rate was higher in cattle (65.42%) than in buffaloes (32.49%) and the difference was statistically significant. Further, a significant difference in prevalence among cattle breed types was recorded, with the lowest in indigenous cattle (16.49%) followed by crossbreeds (16,97% and exotic breeds (87.80%). Higher positivity was detected among females (68.87%) than males (48.83%) but this difference was not significant, as revealed by multivariate regression analysis. Of the 10 semen stations studied, the prevalence varied from 9.72% to 72.68%. However, none of the animals from these semen stations turned positive in the antigen ELISA test, suggesting the antibodies detected in this study were from past infections. On the two dairy farms/bull mother farms showing very high positivity, two (one each) persistently infected cows were detected during whole herd screening by antigen ELISA test. One bull mother farm was free of BVD antibodies suggesting it is possible to maintain BVDV-free herds. The present study indicates the endemicity of BVDV in Indian organized herds, and therefore a suitable testing strategy and management should be adopted in response to testing to control the introduction and further transmission of the disease on farms.Virusni proljev goveda (BVD) važna je zarazna virusna bolest od koje obolijevaju goveda diljem svijeta. Osim izravnoga gubitka uzrokovanog boleŔću, virus uzrokuje imunosupresiju zbog čega domaćin postaje podložan drugim bolestima. Provedeno je presječno istraživanje kako bi se otkrila prevalencija BVD-a u 14 organiziranih uzgoja koji su uključivali farme bikovskih majki i stanice za proizvodnju sjemena za UO. Uzgoji su se nalazili u različitim područjima Indije. Ukupno je 880 uzoraka seruma (646 goveda i 234 bivola) analizirano komercijalnim ELISA testom za otkrivanje protutijela na regiju p80 (NS3) BVDV-a. Ukupna je stvarna prevalencija iznosila 56,67 % (95 % CI: 53,26 ā€“ 60,02 %), a unutar stada kretala se u rasponu od 0 do 99,99 %. Stopa prevalencije bila je veća u goveda (65,42 %) nego u bivola (32,49 %) i razlika je bila statistički znakovita. Nadalje, zabilježena je znakovita razlika u prevalenciji među pasminama goveda, s tim da je najmanja bila u autohtonih pasmina goveda (16,49 %), slijede zatim križanci (61,97 %) te egzotične pasmine (87,80 %). Veća je pozitivnost zabilježena u ženki (68,87 %) u odnosu na mužjake (48,83 %), ali multivarijantna regresijska analiza nije potvrdila znakovitost te razlike. Među deset istraživanih stanica za proizvodnju sjemena za UO, prevalencija je varirala od 9,72 % do 72,68 %. No ni jedna životinja iz tih stanica nije bila pozitivna na antigenskom ELISA testu, Å”to pokazuje da protutijela pronađena u ovom istraživanju potječu od prijaÅ”njih infekcija. Na dvjema farmama mliječnih krava - bikovskih majki tijekom testiranja cijelog stada antigenskim ELISA testom, utvrđena je visoka pozitivnost pri čemu su dvije krave bile stalno zaražene. Na jednoj farmi bikovskih majki nisu pronađena BVD protutijela Å”to upućuje na to da je moguće održati stada bez ove bolesti. Rezultati istraživanja upućuje na endemičnost BVDV-a u organiziranim uzgojima goveda u Indiji zbog čega postoji potreba za odgovarajućim strategijama testiranja i upravljanja stadom kako bi se kontrolirao unos bolesti i njezino Å”irenje na farmama

    Antiangiogenic activity of zinc and zinc-sorafenib combination using the chick chorioallantoic membrane assay: a descriptive study

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    Background: Zinc, a trace element, is known for downregulating several proangiogenic growth factors and cytokines. However, its antiangiogenic activity is not adequately studied. The present study was aimed to evaluate the possible antiangiogenic activity of zinc via the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay. Also, the antiangiogenic activity of the combination therapy of zinc with various doses of sorafenib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, was evaluated.Methods: A pilot study was initially conducted so as to select suitable doses of zinc and sorafenib. The antiangiogenic activity after combining zinc 2.5 Ī¼g/embryo with sorafenib 1, and 2 Ī¼g/embryo was also evaluated. The antiangiogenic activity was quantified in terms of total length of blood vessels, number of junctions, number of branching points, and mean length of the blood vessels.Results: Zinc 2.5 Ī¼g/embryo showed significant (p 0.05) to that of sorafenib 2 Ī¼g/embryo.Conclusions: Zinc caused significant antiangiogenic activity in the CAM assay. The lack of addition/synergism in the zinc-sorafenib combination could have been due to the variability in the dose/ratio selection. Addition of zinc to sorafenib therapy could improve treatment tolerability, reduce cost of therapy, and reduce the emergence of drug resistance. Future mechanistic studies could identify the exact pharmacodynamics of zinc as an angiogenesis inhibitor

    Effect of post harvest treatments and harvesting stage on vase life and flower quality of cut Oriental lily

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    An investigation was carried out to study the effect of post harvest treatments and harvesting stage on vase life and flower quality of cut Oriental lily cv. Avocado. The results showed that highest vase life (15.83 days) and vase solution uptake (49.17 ml) was recorded with sucrose (2%) + 5-SSA (200ppm), whereas maximum flower diameter (15.17 cm) was recorded in vase solution containing sucrose (2%) + 5-SSA (100ppm). Earliest opening of florets (4.42 days) reported under sucrose (2%) + 5-SSA (200ppm). Effect of treatments was found non-significant in respect to opening of florets. Harvesting at green bud stage exhibited extended vase life (14.33 days) and higher vase solution uptake (40.43 ml), whereas maximum flower diameter (14.25 cm) recorded at 75% colour development stage. Based on the results it is concluded that 5-SSA could be an inexpensive and potential chemical for delaying senescence and for extending the keeping quality of cut liliums commercially

    Mechanochemical synthesis of a new triptycene-based imine-linked covalent organic polymer for degradation of organic dye

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    In the present work, a novel triptycene-based imine-linked covalent organic polymer (TP-COP) was designed and synthesized via room-temperature, solvent-free mechanochemical grinding. The as-synthesized TP-COP material was fully characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, solid-state NMR, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method, thermogravimetric analysis, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The HRTEM image of TP-COP clearly indicates the presence of graphene-like layered morphology (exfoliated layers). The DRS study reveals that TP-COP exhibited a low optical band gap value of 2.49 eV, implying its semiconducting nature. Further, the EPR study confirmed the semiconducting behavior of TP-COP through the generation of free radicals. These findings suggest that TP-COP could be used as an efficient photocatayst for the degradation of organic dye (RhB) under solar irradiation. Moreover, TP-COP showed excellent reusability in degrading dye (RhB) without obvious performance decay

    Influence of Malnutrition on Adverse Outcome in Children with Confirmed or Probable Viral Encephalitis: A Prospective Observational Study

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    to explore the independent predictors of adverse outcome in the patients with confirmed/probable viral encephalitis. The primary outcome variable was the incidence of adverse outcomes defined as death or severe neurological deficit such as loss of speech, motor deficits, behavioural problems, blindness, and cognitive impairment. Patients with confirmed or probable viral encephalitis were classified into two groups based on their -score of weight-for-age as per WHO growth charts. Group I. Patients with confirmed or probable viral encephalitis with weight-for-age (W/A) -scores below āˆ’2SD were classified as undernourished. Group II. Patients with confirmed or probable viral encephalitis were classified as having normal nutritional status (weight-for-age -score &gt;āˆ’2SD). A total of 114 patients were classified as confirmed or probable viral encephalitis based on detailed investigations. On multivariate logistic regression, undernutrition (adjusted OR: 5.05; 95% CI: 1.92 to 13.44) and requirement of ventilation (adjusted OR: 6.75; 95% CI: 3.63 to 77.34) were independent predictors of adverse outcomes in these patients. Thus, the results from our study highlight that the association between undernutrition and adverse outcome could be extended to the patients with confirmed/probable viral encephalitis

    Mechanochemical synthesis of a new triptycene-based imine-linked covalent organic polymer for degradation of organic dye

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    In the present work, a novel triptycene-based imine-linked covalent organic polymer (TP-COP) was designed and synthesized via room-temperature, solvent-free mechanochemical grinding. The as-synthesized TP-COP material was fully characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, solid-state NMR, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller method, thermogravimetric analysis, diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). The HRTEM image of TP-COP clearly indicates the presence of graphene-like layered morphology (exfoliated layers). The DRS study reveals that TP-COP exhibited a low optical band gap value of 2.49 eV, implying its semiconducting nature. Further, the EPR study confirmed the semiconducting behavior of TP-COP through the generation of free radicals. These findings suggest that TP-COP could be used as an efficient photocatayst for the degradation of organic dye (RhB) under solar irradiation. Moreover, TP-COP showed excellent reusability in degrading dye (RhB) without obvious performance decay
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