658 research outputs found

    A note on leapfrogging vortex rings

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    In this paper we provide examples, by numerical simulation using the Navier-Stokes equations for axisymmetric laminar flow, of the 'leapfrogging' motion of two, initially identical, vortex rings which share a common axis of symmetry. We show that the number of clear passes that each ring makes through the other increases with Reynolds number, and that as long as the configuration remains stable the two rings ultimately merge to form a single vortex ring

    Microfinance: Viable Approaches for Islamic Banking Implementation

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    Islamic banks have very much engaged in debt financing businesses the same way and as much as their conventional counterparts do. Debt financing businesses, as widely implemented, were specifically targeted for and tailored to the needs of middle and upper income group of people. The low income people remain left out and forgotten in most banking businesses while microfinance instruments, which are meant to help the poor and needy, remain unpopular among the banking institutions. There is indeed increasing calls for Islamic banks to seriously consider this type of instrument as part of their religious obligation embedded under their Islamic identity. This paper demonstrated that microfinance instruments are viable for Islamic banks to consider despite the claims that the contracts are less secured and hence, too risky to embark in. A number of microfinance instruments based on Islamic concepts namely Musyarakah, Murabahah, Mudharabah, Ijarah and Qard al-Hassan as well as operational frameworks such as SPV and wakalah, were being proposed and discussed to pave ways for its implementation by the Islamic banks

    The effectiveness of multilevel classification system for Sport psychology (MCS-SP) model for athletes performance functional evaluation

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    This study attempted to distinguish issues and athletes’ problem into the category of performance function based on Multilevel Classification System for Sport Psychology (MCS-SP). In this study, athletes’ performance function were devided into Performance Development (PD) (n=54) and Performance Dysfunction (Pdy) (n=43). Using Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) and Young Schema Questionnaire (YSQ-S3), the overall level of mindfulness skills and thinking schemes were moderate. PD athletes were standingout significantly in mindfulness skills and few elements of thinking schemes such as self-sacrificing, unrelenting standards, and entitlement. Meanwhile, Pdy athletes were more likely to be in other side of thinking schemes elements. It can be seen that MCS-SP can be used as a standard reference for identifying athletes’ performance functional status and planning for better psychological interventions.Keywords: Multilevel Classification System for Sport Psychology (MCS-SP), PerformanceFunction, Performance Development (PD), Performance Dysfunction (Pdy), MASUM athlet

    The Role of the Fc Region in CD70-specific Antibody Effects on Cardiac Transplant Survival

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    Background: The role of the CD70-specific antibody and the mechanisms by which it extends transplant survival are not known. Methods: Fully major histocompatibility complex-mismatched heterotopic heart transplantation (BALB/c to C57BL/6) was performed. Treated mice received intraperitoneal injections of wild-type (WT) CD70-specific antibody (FR70) or IgG1 or IgG2a chimeric antibodies on days 0, 2, 4, and 6 posttransplantation. Results: WT FR70 antibody significantly extended heart transplant survival to 19 days compared with untreated mice (median survival time [MST]=10 days). Graft survival using the nondepleting IgG1 antibody was significantly shorter (MST=14 days), whereas the survival using depleting IgG2a antibody (MST=18) was similar to that using WT FR70. The FR70 and IgG2a antibodies demonstrated a greater efficiency of fixing mouse complement over the IgG1 variant in vitro. CD4 and CD8 T-cell graft infiltration was reduced with treatment; however, this was most pronounced with WT FR70 and IgG2a antibody therapy compared with the IgG1 chimeric variant. Circulating donor-specific IgG alloantibodies were initially reduced with WT FR70 treatment (day 8 posttransplantation) but increased at days 15 and 20 posttransplantation to the level detected in untreated controls. Conclusion: We conclude that WT (FR70) and the IgG2a depleting variant of CD70-specific antibody reduce graft infiltrating CD4 and CD8 T cells, transiently reduce serum alloantibody levels, and extend graft survival. In contrast, the nondepleting IgG1 variant of this antibody showed lower efficacy. These data suggest that a depleting mechanism of action and not merely costimulation blockade plays a substantial role in the therapeutic effects of CD70-specific antibody

    Dominant Media of a Community-Based Organization for Disseminating Sustainable Agriculture Knowledge and Information

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    Abstract Co mmun ication is the key to transforming Malaysia's conventional agricu ltural systems to sustainable agriculture systems. The objective of this paper is to identify the dominant and most effective med iu m for co mmunication as it is implemented by the Qadhijah Natural Farm -a co mmun ity-based organization located in Parit Buntar, Perak, Malaysia. Rapid Appraisal Agricultural Knowledge Systems analysis indicated that the "face-to-face" communicat ion is the dominant and most effect ive mediu m fo r transfer of knowledge/information by the Qadhijah Natural Farm among all co mmunication med ia types studied

    Hybrid Knowledge-Based System for Collaborative Green Automotive Manufacturing Management

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    The objective of this research paper is to demonstrate the application of hybrid knowledge-based system, gauging absences of pre-requisites (GAP), and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approaches for selecting the improvement programs for Collaborative Green Manufacturing Management (CGMM) system. In this research, a generic knowledge-based system is developed to measure the level of CGMM adoption in automotive manufacturers compared to the ideal system. Using the GAP and AHP tools, the key green manufacturing improvement programs can be prioritized and demonstrated with an illustrative example

    Nutritional outcomes related to household food insecurity among mothers in rural Malaysia

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    During the past two decades, the rates of food insecurity and obesity have risen. Although a relationship between these two seemingly-paradoxical states has not been repeatedly seen in men, research suggests that a correlation between them exists in women. This study examines nutritional outcomes of household food insecurity among mothers in rural Malaysia. A cross-sectional survey of low-income households was conducted, and 223 households with mothers aged 18-55 years, who were non-lactating, non-pregnant, and had at least one child aged 2-12 years, were purposively selected. A questionnaire was administered that included the Radimer/Cornell Scale, items about sociodemographic characteristics, and anthropometric measurements. Of the households, 16.1% were food-secure whereas 83.9% experienced some kind of food insecurity: 29.6% of households were food-insecure, 19.3% contained individuals who were foodinsecure, and 35.0% fell into the 'child hunger' category. The result reported that household-size, total monthly income, income per capita, and food expenditure were significant risk factors of household food insecurity. Although there was a high prevalence of overweight and obese mothers (52%) and 47.1% had at-risk waist-circumference (=80 cm), no significant association was found between food insecurity, body mass index, and waist-circumference. In conclusion, the rates of household food insecurity and overweight and obesity were high in the study population, although they are looking paradoxical. Longitudinal studies with larger sample-sizes are recommended to further examine the relationship between food insecurity and obesity


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    Development of an innovative method to enhance the detection of tuberculosis (TB) in Malaysia is the latest agenda of the Ministry of Health. Therefore, a geographical information system (GIS) based index model is proposed as an alternative method for defining potential high-risk areas of local TB cases at Section U19, Shah Alam. It is adopted a spatial multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) method for ranking environmental risk factors of the disease in a standardised five-score scale. Scale 1 and 5 illustrate the lowest and the highest risk of the TB spread respectively, while scale from 3 to 5 is included as a potential risk level. These standardised scale values are then combined with expert normalised weights (0 to 1) to calculate the overall index values and produce a TB ranked map using a GIS overlay analysis and weighted linear combination. It is discovered that 71.43% of the Section is potential as TB high risk areas particularly at urban and densely populated settings. This predictive result is also reliable with the current real cases in 2015 by 76.00% accuracy. A GIS based MCDM method has demonstrated analytical capabilities in targeting high-risk spots and TB surveillance monitoring system of the country, but the result could be strengthened by applying other uncertainty assessment method

    Isolation of klebsiella pneumoniae from Sungai Skudai and in silico analysis of putative dehalogenase protein by

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    Aims: The surplus use of herbicide Dalapon® contains 2,2-dichloropropionic acid (2,2-DCP) poses great danger to human and ecosystem due to its toxicity. Hence, this study focused on the isolation and characterization of a dehalogenase producing bacteria from Sungai Skudai, Johor, capable of utilizing 2,2-DCP as a carbon source and in silico analysis of its putative dehalogenase. Methodology and results: Isolation of the target bacteria was done by using 2,2-DCP-enriched culture as the sole carbon source that allows a bacterium to grow in 20 mM of 2,2-DCP at 30 °C with the corresponding doubling time of 8.89 ± 0.03 h. The isolated bacterium was then designated as Klebsiella pneumoniae strain YZ based on biochemical tests and basic morphological examination. The full genome of K. pneumoniae strain KLPN_25 (accession number: RRE04903) which obtained from NCBI database was screened for the presence of dehalogenase gene, assuming both strains YZ and KLPN_25 were the same organisms. A putative dehalogenase gene was then identified as type II dehalogenase from the genome sequence of strain KLPN_25. The protein structure of the type II dehalogenase of KLPN_25 strain was then pairwise aligned with the crystal structure of L-2-haloacid dehalogenase (L-DEX) Pseudomonas sp. strain YL as the template, revealing the existence of conserved amino acids residues, uniquely known to participate in the dehalogenation mechanism. The finding thus implies that the amino acid residues of type II dehalogenase possibly shares similar catalytic functions with the L-DEX. Conclusion, significance and impact of the study: In conclusion, this study confirmed the presence of new dehalogenase from the genus Klebsiella with potential to degrade 2,2-DCP from the river water. The structural information of type II dehalogenase provides insights for future work in designing haloacid dehalogenases