279 research outputs found

    The SCR flare of 16 February 1984 as recorded by the Sayan spectrograph

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    The Sayan cosmic ray (CR) spectrograph recorded an SCR flare that occurred on 16 February 1984. Data from both 1-hour and 110-minute duration measurements in 10 channels with different energy sensitivity (of neutron monitors HM-64 located at different depths in the atmosphere, and of a neutron, multiple neutron and rigid mumeson component lead-less detector) is presented. The parameters of the SCR variation spectrum are evaluated and it is shown that the recording of multiple neutrons at the same geographic point and at the same level in the atmosphere provides information similar to that from a spectrographic complex of instruments

    ПОНЯТТЯ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ: ПРОБЛЕМА ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ В СУЧАСНОМУ НАУКОВОМУ ПРОСТОРІ (The concept of identity: the problem of definition in the modern scientific space)

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    У статті розглядається одне з базових у філософії, психології, соціології понять – ідентичність. Уточнюється семантика й структура поняття «ідентичність», встановлюється його співвідношення з іншими – семантично близькими, але не тотожними, окреслюється можливість дослідження ідентичності у межах різних культурних ідеальних моделей. (The article considers one of the basic philosophy, psychology, sociology concepts – identity. Specifies the semantics and structure of the concept of «identity» is set to its correlation with other semantically similar, but not identical, outlines the possibility of the study of identity within different cultural ideal models.

    Spectral optical monitoring of 3C390.3 in 1995-2007: I. Light curves and flux variation of the continuum and broad lines

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    Here we present the results of the long-term (1995-2007) spectral monitoring of the broad line radio galaxy \object{3C~390.3}, a well known AGN with the double peaked broad emission lines, usually assumed to be emitted from an accretion disk. To explore dimensions and structure of the BLR, we analyze the light curves of the broad Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line fluxes and the continuum flux. In order to find changes in the BLR, we analyze the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line profiles, as well as the change in the line profiles during the monitoring period. First we try to find a periodicity in the continuum and Hβ\beta light curves, finding that there is a good chance for quasi-periodical oscillations. Using the line shapes and their characteristics (as e.g. peaks separation and their intensity ratio, or FWHM) of broad Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha lines, we discuss the structure of the BLR. Also, we cross-correlate the continuum flux with Hβ\beta and Hα\alpha lines to find dimensions of the BLR. We found that during the monitoring period the broad emission component of the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta lines, and the continuum flux varied by a factor of \approx 4-5. Also, we detected different structure in the line profiles of Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta. It seems that an additional central component is present and superposed to the disk emission. In the period of high activity (after 2002), Hβ\beta became broader than Hα\alpha and red wing of Hβ\beta was higher than the one of Hα\alpha. We found time lags of \sim95 days between the continuum and Hβ\beta flux, and about 120 days between the continuum and Hα\alpha flux. Variation in the line profiles, as well as correlation between the line and continuum flux during the monitoring period is in the favor of the disk origin of the broad lines with the possible contribution of some additional region and/or some kind of perturbation in the disk.Comment: 32 pages, accepted to A&A, typos correcte

    Long-term variability of the optical spectra of NGC 4151: II. Evolution of the broad Ha and Hb emission-line profiles

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    Results of the long-term (11 years, from 1996 to 2006) Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line variations of the active galactic nucleus of NGC 4151 are presented. High quality spectra (S/N>50 and R~8A) of Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta were investigated. We analyzed line profile variations during monitoring period. Comparing the line profiles of Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta, we studied different details (bumps, absorption features) in the line profiles. The variations of the different Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta line profile segments have been investigated. Also, we analyzed the Balmer decrement for whole line and for line segments. We found that the line profiles were strongly changing during the monitoring period, showing blue and red asymmetries. This indicates a complex BLR geometry of NGC 4151 with, at least, three kinematically distinct regions: one that contributes to the blue line wing, one to the line core and one to the red line wing. Such variation can be caused by an accelerating outflow starting very close to the black hole, where the red part may come from the region {closer to the black hole than the blue part, which is coming} from the region having the highest outflow velocities. Taking into account the fact that the BLR of NGC 4151 has a complex geometry (probably affected by an outflow) and that a portion of the broad line emission seems to have not a pure photoionization origin, one can ask the question whether the study of the BLR by reverberation mapping may be valid in the case of this galaxy.Comment: 24 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publications in A&

    Spectral monitoring of AGNs: Preliminary results for Ark 564 and Arp 102B

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    We present preliminary results of the long term spectral monitoring of two active galactic nuclei with different broad line shapes: Ark 564 and Arp 102B. Ark 564 is a bright nearby narrow line Syfert 1 (NLS1) galaxy with relatively narrow permitted optical emission lines and a high FeII/Hβ{\beta} ratio, while Arp 102B is a nearby broad-line radio galaxy with broad double-peaked Balmer emission lines. The spectra of Ark 564 were observed during 11-year period (1999-2009) and the spectra of Arp 102B in the 12-year period (1998-2009), with SAO 6-m and 1-m telescopes (Russia) and the GHAO 2.1-m telescope (Cananea, Mexico).Comment: Presented on "8th Serbian Conference on Spectral Line Shapes in Astrophysics". In revised version minor changes in the tex

    Mineral natural table waters as a component of sanatorium-resort children rehabilitation complexes in the remission of oncological diseases

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    Urgency. High rates of oncological diseases (11.5-12.0 per 10.000 of children's population) dictate the need for comprehensive approaches to the organization of the rehabilitation process. The objective: to justify the advisability of using mineral natural table water in the period of oncopathology remission in children under conditions of sanatorium-and-spa rehabilitation. Materials and methods. The algorithm of the children’s examination included the study of anamnesis, complaints, initial nonspecific adaptive-adaptation reactions (according to the general clinical analysis of blood). The general rehabilitation complex (GRC) included a dose-sparing motion regimen; climatotherapy, diet food, therapeutic exercises in special medical groups, singlet-oxygen cocktail, phytotea (holosas with ascorbic acid), psychological support. In addition to GRC in 2 therapeutic complexes (TC) mineral natural table waters (MW) Truskavetskaya Akva-Eko mineral water (TC1 after treatment of solid tumors) and Morshinskaya (TC2 after treatment of oncohematological diseases). Results. The general tendency to the mend of sick children state under the influence of TC1 was established in comparison with GRC. It manifested in significant changes of various levels (