98 research outputs found

    Geochemistry of Sublacustrine Hydrothermal Deposits in Yellowstone Lake—Hydrothermal Reactions, Stable-Isotope Systematics, Sinter Deposition, and Spire Formation

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    Geochemical and mineralogical studies of hydrothermal deposits and altered vent muds from the floor of Yellowstone Lake indicate that these features form due to hydrothermal fluid quenching in shallow flow conduits or upon egress into bottom waters. Siliceous precipitates occur as conduits within the uppermost sediments, as tabular deposits that form along sedimentary layers, and as spires as much as 8 m tall that grow upward from crater-like depressions on the lake bottom. These deposits are enriched in As, Cs, Hg, Mo, Sb, Tl, and W. Variations in major-element geochemistry indicate that subaerial sinters from West Thumb and spire interiors are nearly pure SiO2, whereas sublacustrine conduits are less SiO2 rich and are similar in some cases to normal Yellowstone Lake sediments due to incorporation of sediments into conduit walls. Vent muds, which are hydrothermally altered lake sediments, and some outer conduit walls show pervasive leaching of silica (~63 weight percent silica removal). This hydrothermal leaching process may explain the occurrence of most sublacustrine vents in holes or vent craters, but sediment winnowing by vent fluids may also be an important process in some cases. Stable-isotope studies indicate that most deposits formed at temperatures between 78°C and 160°C and that vent fluids had oxygen-isotope values of –3.2 to –11.6 per mil, significantly higher than lake waters (–*16.5 per mil). Sulfur-isotope studies indicate that vent waters and lake waters are dominated by sulfur derived from volcanic rocks with δ34S ~ 2.5 per mil. Geochemical reaction modeling indicates that spires form from upwelling hydrothermal fluids that are saturated with amorphous silica at temperatures 80°–96°C. Reaction calculations suggest that silica precipitation on the lake bottom is initially caused by mixing with cold bottom waters. Once a siliceous carapace is established, more rapid silica precipitation occurs by conductive cooling. Silicification of thermophilic bacteria is a very important process in building spire structures

    Geological and thermal control of the hydrothermal system in northern Yellowstone Lake: inferences from high-resolution magnetic surveys

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2020. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(9), (2020): e2020JB019743, doi:10.1029/2020JB019743.A multiscale magnetic survey of the northern basin of Yellowstone Lake was undertaken in 2016 as part of the Hydrothermal Dynamics of Yellowstone Lake Project (HD‐YLAKE)—a broad research effort to characterize the cause‐and‐effect relationships between geologic and environmental processes and hydrothermal activity on the lake floor. The magnetic survey includes lake surface, regional aeromagnetic, and near‐bottom autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) data. The study reveals a strong contrast between the northeastern lake basin, characterized by a regional magnetic low punctuated by stronger local magnetic lows, many of which host hydrothermal vent activity, and the northwestern lake basin with higher‐amplitude magnetic anomalies and no obvious hydrothermal activity or punctuated magnetic lows. The boundary between these two regions is marked by a steep gradient in heat flow and magnetic values, likely reflecting a significant structure within the currently active ~20‐km‐long Eagle Bay‐Lake Hotel fault zone that may be related to the ~2.08‐Ma Huckleberry Ridge caldera rim. Modeling suggests that the broad northeastern magnetic low reflects both a shallower Curie isotherm and widespread hydrothermal activity that has demagnetized the rock. Along the western lake shoreline are sinuous‐shaped, high‐amplitude magnetic anomaly highs, interpreted as lava flow fronts of upper units of the West Thumb rhyolite. The AUV magnetic survey shows decreased magnetization at the periphery of the active Deep Hole hydrothermal vent. We postulate that lower magnetization in the outer zone results from enhanced hydrothermal alteration of rhyolite by hydrothermal condensates while the vapor‐dominated center of the vent is less altered.The lake surface and AUV magnetic data were acquired under National Park Service research permit YELL‐2016‐SCI‐7018 and the 2016 aeromagnetic data under research permit YELL‐2016‐SCI‐7056. We thank Sarah Haas, Stacey Gunther, Erik Oberg, Annie Carlson, and Patricia Bigelow at the Yellowstone Center for Resources for assistance with permitting and logistics, Ranger Jackie Sene for assistance with logistics and safety at Bridge Bay, Bob Gresswell for providing us with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) boat Alamar, the boat pilot Nick Heredia, and Robert Harris and Shaul Hurwitz for fruitful discussions. We are very thankful to Ocean Floor Geophysics (Brian Claus and Steve Bloomer) who provided the magnetometer for the AUV survey and preprocessed the data, and to the REMUS 600 team (Greg Packard and Greg Kurras) for operating and optimizing the AUV during lake operations. Data from the Newport and Boulder observatories were used to process the survey data. We thank the USGS Geomagnetism Program for supporting their operation and INTERMAGNET for promoting high standards of magnetic observatory practice (www.intermagnet.org). This research was funded by the National Science Foundation's Integrated Earth Systems program EAR‐1516361 (HD‐YLAKE project), USGS Mineral Resource and Volcano Hazard Programs, and benefited from major in‐kind support from the USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory. Maurice Tivey was supported under National Science Foundation Grant OCE‐1557455. During the course of this study, Claire Bouligand was a visiting scientist at the USGS in Menlo Park, California, USA, benefited from a delegation to Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and received funding from CNRS‐INSU program SYSTER. ISTerre is part of Labex OSUG@2020 (ANR10 LABX56). Any use of trade, firm, or product names is for descriptive purposes and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.2021-01-2

    Frameless Image-Guided Radiosurgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia

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    Background: Frameless image-guided radiosurgery (IGRS) is a safe and effective noninvasive treatment for trigeminal neuralgia (TN). This study evaluates the use of frameless IGRS to treat patients with refractory TN. Methods: We reviewed the records of 20 patients diagnosed with TN who underwent frameless IGRS treatments between March 2012 and December 2013. Facial pain was graded using the Barrow Neurological Institute (BNI) scoring system. The initial setup uncertainty from simulation to treatment and the patient intrafraction uncertainty were measured. The median follow-up was 32 months. Results: All patients\u27 pain was BNI Grade IV or V before the frameless IGRS treatment. The mean intrafraction shift was 0.43 mm (0.28-0.76 mm), and the maximum intrafraction shift was 0.95 mm (0.53-1.99 mm). At last follow-up, 8 (40%) patients no longer required medications (BNI 1 or 2), 11 (55%) patients were pain free but required medication (BNI 3), and 1 (5%) patient had no pain relief (BNI 5). Patients who did not have prior surgery had a higher odds ratio for pain relief compared to patients who had prior surgery (14.9, P = 0.0408). Conclusions: Frameless IGRS provides comparable dosimetric and clinical outcomes to frame-based SRS in a noninvasive fashion for patients with medically refractory TN

    Multi-proxy record of Holocene paleoenvironmental conditions from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, USA

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    A composite 11.82 m-long (9876e-67 cal yr BP) sediment record from Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming was analyzed using a robust set of biological and geochemical proxies to investigate the paleoenvironmental evolution of the lake and its catchment in response to long-term climate forcing. Oxygen isotopes from diatom frustules were analyzed to reconstruct Holocene climate changes, and pollen, charcoal, diatom assemblages, and biogenic silica provided information on terrestrial and limnological responses. The long-term trends recorded in the terrestrial and limnic ecosystems over the last 9800 years reflect the influence of changes in the amplification of the seasonal cycle of insolation on regional climate. The early Holocene (9880e6700 cal yr BP) summer insolation maximum and strengthening of the northeastern Pacific subtropical high-pressure system created warm dry conditions and decreasing summer insolation in the middle (6700e3000 cal yr BP) and late (3000e-67 cal yr BP) Holocene resulted in progressively cooler, wetter conditions. Submillenial climate variation is also apparent, with a wetter/cooler interval between 7000 and 6800 cal yr BP and warmer and/or drier conditions from 4500 to 3000 cal yr BP and at ca. 1100 cal yr BP. These data show that the Yellowstone Lake basin had a climate history typical of a summer-dry region, which helps to better define the spatial variability of Holocene climate in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem

    A large proportion of asymptomatic Plasmodium infections with low and sub-microscopic parasite densities in the low transmission setting of Temotu Province, Solomon Islands: challenges for malaria diagnostics in an elimination setting

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    Background: Many countries are scaling up malaria interventions towards elimination. This transition changes demands on malaria diagnostics from diagnosing ill patients to detecting parasites in all carriers including asymptomatic infections and infections with low parasite densities. Detection methods suitable to local malaria epidemiology must be selected prior to transitioning a malaria control programme to elimination. A baseline malaria survey conducted in Temotu Province, Solomon Islands in late 2008, as the first step in a provincial malaria elimination programme, provided malaria epidemiology data and an opportunity to assess how well different diagnostic methods performed in this setting

    The Floor of Yellowstone Lake is Anything but Quiet—New Discoveries from High-Resolution Sonar Imaging, Seismic- Reflection Profiling, and Submersible Studies

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    Discoveries from multibeam sonar mapping and seis-mic-reflection surveys of Yellowstone Lake provide new insight into the recent geologic forces that have shaped a large lake at the active front of the Yellowstone hot spot, a region strongly affected by young (\u3c2 \u3em.y.), large-volume (\u3e100–1,000s km3) silicic volcanism, active tectonism, and accompanying uplift. Specifically, our mapping has identified the extent of postcaldera-collapse volcanism and active hydrothermal processes occurring above a large magma chamber beneath the lake floor. Multiple advances and recessions of thick glacial ice have overlapped volcanic and hydrothermal activity leaving a lake basin that has been shaped predominantly by fire and ice. Yellowstone Lake has an irregular bottom covered with dozens of features directly related to hydrothermal, tectonic, volcanic,and sedimentary processes. Detailed bathymetric, seismic-reflection, and magnetic evidence reveals that rhyolitic lava flows underlie much of Yellowstone Lake and exert fundamental control on lake morphology and localization of hydrothermal activity in the northern, West Thumb, and central basins. Many previously unknown features have been identified and include more than 660 hydrothermal vents, several very large (\u3e500-m diameter) hydrothermal-explosion craters, many small hydrothermal-vent craters (~1-to 200-m diameter), domed lacustrine sediments related to hydrothermal activity, elongate fissures cutting postglacial sediments, siliceous hydrothermal-spire structures, sublacustrine landslide deposits, submerged former shorelines, large glacial melting features, incipient faulting along the trace of the Eagle Bay fault zone, and a recently active graben. Sampling and observations with a submersible remotely operated vehicle confirm and extend our understanding of the identified features. Faults, fissures, hydrothermally inflated domal structures, hydrothermal-explosion craters, and sublacustrine landslides constitute potentially significant geologic hazards. Toxic elements derived from hydrothermal processes also may significantly affect the Yellowstone ecosystem

    The Floor of Yellowstone Lake is Anything but Quiet—New Discoveries from High-Resolution Sonar Imaging, Seismic- Reflection Profiling, and Submersible Studies

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    Discoveries from multibeam sonar mapping and seis-mic-reflection surveys of Yellowstone Lake provide new insight into the recent geologic forces that have shaped a large lake at the active front of the Yellowstone hot spot, a region strongly affected by young (\u3c2 \u3em.y.), large-volume (\u3e100–1,000s km3) silicic volcanism, active tectonism, and accompanying uplift. Specifically, our mapping has identified the extent of postcaldera-collapse volcanism and active hydrothermal processes occurring above a large magma chamber beneath the lake floor. Multiple advances and recessions of thick glacial ice have overlapped volcanic and hydrothermal activity leaving a lake basin that has been shaped predominantly by fire and ice. Yellowstone Lake has an irregular bottom covered with dozens of features directly related to hydrothermal, tectonic, volcanic,and sedimentary processes. Detailed bathymetric, seismic-reflection, and magnetic evidence reveals that rhyolitic lava flows underlie much of Yellowstone Lake and exert fundamental control on lake morphology and localization of hydrothermal activity in the northern, West Thumb, and central basins. Many previously unknown features have been identified and include more than 660 hydrothermal vents, several very large (\u3e500-m diameter) hydrothermal-explosion craters, many small hydrothermal-vent craters (~1-to 200-m diameter), domed lacustrine sediments related to hydrothermal activity, elongate fissures cutting postglacial sediments, siliceous hydrothermal-spire structures, sublacustrine landslide deposits, submerged former shorelines, large glacial melting features, incipient faulting along the trace of the Eagle Bay fault zone, and a recently active graben. Sampling and observations with a submersible remotely operated vehicle confirm and extend our understanding of the identified features. Faults, fissures, hydrothermally inflated domal structures, hydrothermal-explosion craters, and sublacustrine landslides constitute potentially significant geologic hazards. Toxic elements derived from hydrothermal processes also may significantly affect the Yellowstone ecosystem

    A possible dose–response association between distance to farmers’ markets and roadside produce stands, frequency of shopping, fruit and vegetable consumption, and body mass index among customers in the Southern United States

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    Background: The association between farmers’ market characteristics and consumer shopping habits remains unclear. Our objective was to examine associations among distance to farmers’ markets, amenities within farmers’ markets, frequency of farmers’ market shopping, fruit and vegetable consumption, and body mass index (BMI). We hypothesized that the relationship between frequency of farmers’ market shopping and BMI would be mediated by fruit and vegetable consumption. Methods: In 15 farmers’ markets in northeastern North Carolina, July–September 2015, we conducted a crosssectional survey among 263 farmers’ market customers (199 provided complete address data) and conducted farmers’ market audits. To participate, customers had to be over 18 years of age, and English speaking. Dependent variables included farmers’ market shopping frequency, fruit and vegetable consumption, and BMI. Analysis of variance, adjusted multinomial logistic regression, Poisson regression, and linear regression models, adjusted for age, race, sex, and education, were used to examine associations between distance to farmers’ markets, amenities within farmers’ markets, frequency of farmers’ market shopping, fruit and vegetable consumption, and BMI. Results: Those who reported shopping at farmers’ markets a few times per year or less reported consuming 4.4 (standard deviation = 1.7) daily servings of fruits and vegetables, and those who reported shopping 2 or more times per week reported consuming 5.5 (2.2) daily servings. There was no association between farmers’ market amenities, and shopping frequency or fruit and vegetable consumption. Those who shopped 2 or more times per week had a statistically significantly lower BMI than those who shopped less frequently. There was no evidence of mediation of the relationship between frequency of shopping and BMI by fruit and vegetable consumption. Conclusions: More work should be done to understand factors within farmers’ markets that encourage fruit and vegetable purchases.ECU Open Access Publishing Support Fun