53 research outputs found

    Parallel processing for nonlinear dynamics simulations of structures including rotating bladed-disk assemblies

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    The principal objective of this research is to develop, test, and implement coarse-grained, parallel-processing strategies for nonlinear dynamic simulations of practical structural problems. There are contributions to four main areas: finite element modeling and analysis of rotational dynamics, numerical algorithms for parallel nonlinear solutions, automatic partitioning techniques to effect load-balancing among processors, and an integrated parallel analysis system

    Design of Partial Scoring Assessment System for Reinforcement Concrete Design Course : Development of Partial Scoring Assessment System for Reinforcement Concrete Design Course

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    In the field of Civil Engineering, the content of reinforcement concrete design course (RC course) has complicated design procedures and many difficult specifications to recognize, so most of the students regard the RC course a tough course, and teachers very often find the class time insufficient. Also, teachers of the RC course usually spend a lot of time in organizing the examinations for handling tedious calculations and complicated logical reasoning. Furthermore, correcting examination papers with partial scoring takes even more time of the teacher’s. Therefore, the objective of this research is to design and develop a partial scoring assessment system to meet the needs in engineering design courses, such as the RC course. This assessment system can generate test items with variable parameters. It also supports inference diagnosis on the examinee’s misconceptions and gives partial scores in grading the examination. In this research, the example test subject is the analysis of rectangular reinforced concrete beam with single layer steel bars

    An UML-XML-RDB Model Mapping Solution for Facilitating Information Standardization and Sharing

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    Abstract: To facilitate information standardization and sharing in Construction Industry, this paper presents a simple but effective approach that maps the UML (Unified Modeling Language) object-oriented information model related to a construction project to an XML schema, then to a Relational DataBase (RDB) schema. First of all, the mapping between UML model and XML schema is discussed since UML has been a popular tool to model the static structure and dynamic behaviors of the information and processes in a construction project, while XML has become a de-facto standard for information sharing and exchange. Then, a set of consistent rules for mapping from XML schema to RDB's Entity-Relational (E-R) model are studied and established since RDB has been the most popular choice for information management. The present study focuses on making the set of rules simple and easy-to-implement for most applications in construction industry. Finally, a mapping tool for automatically generating RDB schemas from XML Schemas is developed

    On Computer-Aided Instruction Tools for Teaching College Engineering Mechanics Related Courses

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    In this research, questionnaires are designed to survey among teachers and students the current situation of applying Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) tools to teaching and learning of college engineering mechanics related courses in Taiwan. The needs for CAI tools for teaching these mechanics related courses are investigated in the survey. Several prototypes of interactive multimedia tools are designed and implemented using information technologies. The applicability and effectiveness of these tools on assisting teaching of engineering mechanics related courses are discussed and evaluated. Moreover, a website for managing and sharing collected and developed CAI resources is constructed

    The Needs and Trends of Urban Simulation Platforms- A Review

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    The measurement factor of employee participation for Knowledge Management System in engineering consulting firms

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    Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) is a fundamental tool in the implementation process of Knowledge Management (KM), which is used to manage knowledge of information technology systems in an organization. However, a well-developed KMS should not only take advantage of information technology function, but also require the development of a complete measurement system for KMS. The purpose of this research is to develop an employee participation framework to describe the cause-effect relationship of KMS. Three case studies were interviewed for building measurement factors of KMS used by engineering consulting firms. Two questionnaires were sent to managers of engineering consulting firms for establishing main factors and sub factors in the measurement system in which four primary objectives were identified as “Activity in forum”, “Statistic of knowledge system”, “Participation of KM activity”, and “Number of documents”. The cause-effect relationship among four objectives was shown by path analysis. First published online: 27 Aug 201

    On Computer-Aided Instruction Tools for Teaching College Engineering Mechanics Related Courses

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    [[abstract]]In this research, questionnaires are designed to survey among teachers and students the current situation of applying Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) tools to teaching and learning of college engineering mechanics related courses in Taiwan. The needs for CAI tools for teaching these mechanics related courses are investigated in the survey. Several prototypes of interactive multimedia tools are designed and implemented using information technologies. The applicability and effectiveness of these tools on assisting teaching of engineering mechanics related courses are discussed and evaluated. Moreover, a website for managing and sharing collected and developed CAI resources is constructed.[[abstract]]Germany[[conferencetype]]ĺś‹éš›[[conferencedate]]20040602~2004060

    Transformation from IFC data model to GML data model: Methodology and tool development Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 30(6): 1085-1090. DRAFT VERSION of the paper

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    ABSTRACT To facilitate the incorporation of 3D CAD objects into the 3D-GIS environment, this paper proposes a feasible approach to transform the 3D geometric information of CAD objects expressed by the IFC model into geometric objects for the GML model. The discussions include not only the proposed model transformation methodology but also the development of a software tool that implements the proposed methodology. In addition, a simple model transformation example is provided to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed methodology and the functionalities of the developed tool
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