172 research outputs found

    Informing educators by examining the features of Russian-Tatar relation coverage by Tatar historians

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    A special place belongs to the historical thought of the late 19th - early 20th centuries in the spiritual heritage of the Tatar people. In a short time, Tatar historians have achieved significant results in the reconstruction and study of the national past. Their successes were appreciated by Russian and European scholars and orientalists, and their unconditional leadership among other Turkic Muslims was generally recognized. The works by Sh. Mardzhani, R. Fakhrutdinov, G. Akhmarov, H. Atlasi, G. Gubaidullin are being republished today and are returned to the reader. Their work is being successfully studied, but there are no works where the formation and development of Tatar historical science at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries would be considered specifically. A systematized study of the historical thought of the Tatars during the Jadid period, the determination of the characteristics, trends, and the directions of its development remains an urgent task of modern science. This scientific article examines the features of Russian-Tatar relation coverage by Tatar historians of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, reveals the information and analytical activities of censorship and its special attention to historical writings, contains an overview of little-known sources - popular editions and publications in time-based press, dated to the centenary of The Patriotic War of 1812 and the 300th anniversary of the House of Romanov, the authors of which, showing the commonality of the historical fate of Russians and Tatars, substantiated the thesis of "equal rights in a common Fatherland".  The obtained analytical results are very effective in increasing the level of education of educators in this field

    Submillimeter EPR spectroscopy of Van Vleck paramagnets holmium nicotinate dihydrate and KY3F10:Ho

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    Results of EPR measurements of the Van Vleck paramagnets (monoclinic holmium nicotinate dihydrate and activated cubic complex fluoride KY3F10:Ho3+) are presented. Spectra were taken with a wide-band spectrometer operating in the frequency range 65-535 GHz at liquid helium temperature for magnetic fields up to 1 T. Transformations of the hyperfine structure of the EPR spectra with the frequency of the radiation and the directions of the constant and alternating magnetic fields have been studied and compared with results of calculations based on a diagonalization of the complete electronic-nuclear Hamiltonian. Crystal field splittings between the ground and first excited singlets of 7.3 cm-1 in holmium nicotinate and 5.8 cm-1 in KY3F10:Ho have been estimated using extrapolations of the resonance frequency dependences on magnetic field to zero field strength

    Interdenominational consent as the stylobate for sustainable development tatarstan's experience

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    The relevance of the problem is based on the need to study and share the best practices in interdenominational relations against a backdrop of the global competitive environment on ethno-religious field. This article is aimed to disclosure the strength of interfaith consent in gaining sustainable development, and steps to set up traditions of peaceful coexistence between nations with due regard for national historical memory. The structural and functional approach and historical methods were adopted as key methods to review the given social phenomenon to reveal the stages to set up interdenominational complementary relations. The nature of scaling in interfaith relations is open as well as the significance of complementary intelligibility and social group behavior on the back of religion rebirth. The experience in creation of tolerant communities, ethno-confessional and mental environment is exhibited during post-Soviet period facing global changes in the Euro-Asia domain. This information might be useful for governmental and social institutes as well as become the basis of scientific methods and educational practices

    Interdenominational consent as the stylobate for sustainable development tatarstan's experience

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    The relevance of the problem is based on the need to study and share the best practices in interdenominational relations against a backdrop of the global competitive environment on ethno-religious field. This article is aimed to disclosure the strength of interfaith consent in gaining sustainable development, and steps to set up traditions of peaceful coexistence between nations with due regard for national historical memory. The structural and functional approach and historical methods were adopted as key methods to review the given social phenomenon to reveal the stages to set up interdenominational complementary relations. The nature of scaling in interfaith relations is open as well as the significance of complementary intelligibility and social group behavior on the back of religion rebirth. The experience in creation of tolerant communities, ethno-confessional and mental environment is exhibited during post-Soviet period facing global changes in the Euro-Asia domain. This information might be useful for governmental and social institutes as well as become the basis of scientific methods and educational practices

    Распространенность инфекций, передаваемых половым путем, среди лиц, потребляющих психоактивные вещества

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    Our goal was to study the epidemiological situation among drug addicts in the Samara region, the impact of drugs on sexual behavior and determination of the risk of STD infection. There was an anonymous STD questionnaire survey among drug addicts to achieve the goal. According to the study results, the STD morbidity among drug addicts is high, and they also demonstrate a risky sexual behavior, which makes it possible to assign them to an individual, the most dangerous risk group because they are out of control of medical care institutions and pose the maximum threat from the epidemiological point of view.Целью работы было изучение эпидемиологической ситуации среди наркологических больных в Самарской области, влияния употребления наркотиков и алкоголя на половое поведение, определение степени риска заражения инфекциями, передаваемыми половым путем (ИППП). Проведено анонимное анкетирование и обследование на выявление ИППП у наркологических больных. Показана высокая частота заболеваемости ИППП среди пациентов наркологического профиля. Также установлено рискованное сексуальное поведение данного контингента больных, что позволяет выделять их в отдельную наиболее опасную группу риска, так как они находятся вне зоны контроля лечебных учреждений, а значит, представляют наибольшую угрозу с эпидемиологической точки зрения

    Numerical adiabatic potentials of orthorhombic Jahn-Teller effects retrieved from ultrasound attenuation experiments. Application to the SrF2:Cr crystal

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    A methodology is worked out to retrieve the numerical values of all the main parameters of the six-dimensional adiabatic potential energy surface (APES) of a polyatomic system with a quadratic T-term Jahn-Teller effect (JTE) from ultrasound experiments. The method is based on a verified assumption that ultrasound attenuation and speed encounter anomalies when the direction of propa- gation and polarization of its wave of strain coincides with the characteristic directions of symmetry breaking in the JTE. For the SrF2:Cr crystal, employed as a basic example, we observed anomaly peaks in the temperature dependence of attenuation of ultrasound at frequencies of 50-160 MHz in the temperature interval of 40-60 K for the wave propagating along the [110] direction, for both the longitudinal and shear modes, the latter with two polarizations along the [001] and [110] axes, respectively. We show that these anomalies are due to the ultrasound relaxation by the system of non-interacting Cr2+ JT centers with orthorhombic local distortions. The interpretation of the ex- perimental findings is based on the T2g (eg +t2g) JTE problem including the linear and quadratic terms of vibronic interactions in the Hamiltonian and the same-symmetry modes reduced to one interaction mode. Combining the experimental results with a theoretical analysis we show that on the complicated six-dimensional APES of this system with three tetragonal, four trigonal, and six orthorhombic extrema points, the latter are global minima, while the former are saddle points, and we estimate numerically all the main parameters of this surface, including the linear and quadratic vibronic coupling constants, the primary force constants, the coordinates of all the extrema points and their energies, the energy barrier between the orthorhombic minima, and the tunneling splitting of the ground vibrational states.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Cross-relaxation and phonon bottleneck effects on magnetization dynamics in LiYF4:Ho3+

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    Frequency and dc magnetic field dependences of dynamic susceptibility in diluted paramagnets LiYF4_4:Ho3+^{3+} have been measured at liquid helium temperatures in the ac and dc magnetic fields parallel to the symmetry axis of a tetragonal crystal lattice. Experimental data are analyzed in the framework of microscopic theory of relaxation rates in the manifold of 24 electron-nuclear sublevels of the lowest non-Kramers doublet and the first excited singlet in the Ho3+^{3+} ground multiplet 5I8^5I_8 split by the crystal field of S4_4 symmetry. The one-phonon transition probabilities were computed using electron-phonon coupling constants calculated in the framework of exchange charge model and were checked by optical piezospectroscopic measurements. The specific features observed in field dependences of the in- and out-of-phase susceptibilities (humps and dips, respectively) at the crossings (anti-crossings) of the electron-nuclear sublevels are well reproduced by simulations when the phonon bottleneck effect and the cross-spin relaxation are taken into account

    Submillimeter EPR spectroscopy of lanthanide compounds: Pair centers of Ho3+ in CsCdBr3

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    High-frequency EPR spectra corresponding to magnetic dipole transitions between the doublet-singlet-doublet group of the lowest crystal field levels of the trigonal single ion and the symmetric dimer centers in CsCdBr3 have been studied. For the dimer center, the absorption spectra in the manifold of the lowest 1024 electron-nuclear states are simulated by successive diagonalization of the electron-nuclear Hamiltonian which includes the crystal field, the electronic Zeeman energies, the magnetic and quadrupole hyperfine interactions, and the dipole-dipole interactions between the paramagnetic ions. The crystal field parameters of Ho3+ ions in the symmetric dimer are determined. © 1998 Elsevier Science S.A

    Submillimeter electron-nuclear excitation spectra in CsCdBr3:Ln3+ (Ln=Tm, Ho) crystals

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    The ESR spectra of single and pair impurity centers of thulium and holmium ions in CsCdBr3:Tm3+ and CsCdBr3:Ho3+ crystals are measured in the frequency range 160-400 GHz. Analysis of the characteristic features of the hyperfine structure of the ESR lines and analysis of the variations in the spectra as a function of the temperature and external magnetic field shows that the Ln3+ ions substitute for Cd2+ ions and predominantly form symmetric pair centers of the type Ln3+-(vacancy at a neighboring Cd2+ site)-Ln3+. The ESR spectra of CsCdBr3:Ln3+ crystals are used to make a positive identification of the optical spectra of selective laser excitation. © 1997 American Institute of Physics