122 research outputs found

    Interdependence between Interleukin-1 and Tumor Necrosis Factor Regulates TNF-Dependent Control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection

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    SummaryThe interleukin-1 receptor I (IL-1RI) is critical for host resistance to Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), yet the mechanisms of IL-1RI-mediated pathogen control remain unclear. Here, we show that without IL-1RI, Mtb-infected newly recruited Ly6Ghi myeloid cells failed to upregulate tumor necrosis factor receptor I (TNF-RI) and to produce reactive oxygen species, resulting in compromised pathogen control. Furthermore, simultaneous ablation of IL-1RI and TNF-RI signaling on either stroma or hematopoietic cells led to early lethality, indicating non-redundant and synergistic roles of IL-1 and TNF in mediating macrophage-stroma cross-talk that was critical for optimal control of Mtb infection. Finally, we show that even in the presence of functional Mtb-specific adaptive immunity, the lack of IL-1α and not IL-1β led to an exuberant intracellular pathogen replication and progressive non-resolving inflammation. Our study reveals functional interdependence between IL-1 and TNF in enabling Mtb control mechanisms that are critical for host survival

    IFN-γ– and IL-10–expressing virus epitope-specific Foxp3+ T reg cells in the central nervous system during encephalomyelitis

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    Pathogen-specific Foxp3+ T reg cells can be identified on the basis of cytokine production, are detected in naive T cell populations, and exhibit suppressive ability toward effector T cells with the same antigen specificity

    Los 30 primeros años de la aviación en Sabadell : inicios, Segunda República e importancia durante la Guerra Civil (1909-1939)

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    La tradició aèria de Sabadell, una de les primeres ciutats espanyoles en interessar-se per aquesta afició, és la temàtica principal d'aquest treball. L'objectiu és el de recuperar, estructurar i ordenar la informació existent sobre els primers 30 anys d'aviació a la ciutat, entre 1909 i 1939. Conèixer què va passar abans, durant i després de la construcció de l'aeròdrom local és el fil conductor d'aquest text, que posa especial atenció en el que va ocórrer a la ciutat durant la Guerra Civil.La tradición aérea de Sabadell, una de las primeras ciudades españolas en interesarse por esta afición, es la temática principal de este trabajo. El objetivo es el de recuperar, estructurar y ordenar la información existente sobre los primeros 30 años de aviación en la ciudad, entre 1909 y 1939. Conocer qué pasó antes, durante y después de la construcción del aeródromo local es el hilo conductor de este texto, que pone especial atención en lo que ocurrió en la ciudad durante la Guerra Civil.Aerial tradition of Sabadell, one of the first Spanish cities in interest in this hobby, is the main theme of this work. The goal is to retrieve, organize and sort the existing information on the first 30 years of aviation in the city between 1909 and 1939. Know what happened before, during and after the construction of the local airfield is the theme of this text, which pays special attention to what happened in the city during the Spanish Civil War

    Dynamics of interferon-gamma release assay and cytokine profiles in blood and respiratory tract specimens from mice with tuberculosis and the effect of therapy

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    There are limitations on diagnostic methods to differentiate between active and latent tuberculosis (TB), and the prediction of latent progression to TB disease is yet complex. Traditionally, tuberculosis-specific host immune response was visualized using the tuberculin skin test. Nowadays, IFN-γ release assays (IGRA) provide a more specific and sensitive tool, by which exposure to Mtb could be determined. However, the merit of IGRA aids in diagnosing active TB is yet unclear. We adapted IGRA for use in mice, and quantifying bead-based flow cytometry techniques were used to assess cytokine profiles during the course of untreated infection and to investigate the value of IGRA and cytokines as biomarkers for therapy response. High variability of IGRA results during progression of active TB infection related to various phases of infection was obtained. However, a significant decrease in IGRA results and in levels of IFN-γ, IL-17, IP-10 or MIG was observed and appeared to be associated with successful therapy. This outcome does not support the value of IGRA to accurately diagnose active TB or to monitor infection progression. However, IGRA proved to be a useful biomarker to monitor therapy success. In addition, different cytokines might serve as biomarkers

    T Cells from Programmed Death-1 Deficient Mice Respond Poorly to Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection

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    Programmed Death-1 (PD-1; CD279) receptor molecule is widely believed to be a negative regulator predominantly expressed by exhausted/activated mouse T cells. Upon interaction with its ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, PD-1 inhibits activation of T cells and cytokine production, which has been documented in various viral and fungal infections as well as in vitro studies. Therefore, inhibition of T cell responses by PD-1 resulted in disease resistance in a variety of mouse infection models studied heretofore.Here, we report that PD-1 deficient (PD-1(-/-)) mice infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb) H37Rv by the aerosol route have increased susceptibility as compared with their wild type littermates. Surprisingly, M. tb antigen-specific T cell proliferation was dramatically reduced in PD-1 deficient animals compared with wild-type littermates, and this was due to increased numbers of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and recruitment of mesenchymal stem cells. Furthermore, PD-1(-/-) mice exhibited decreases in the autophagy-induced LC3-B marker protein in macrophages.Our findings suggest that PD-1 does not play an inhibitory role during M. tb infection and instead promotes mycobacterial clearance in mice

    Increased Virulence of an Epidemic Strain of Mycobacterium massiliense in Mice

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    Chronic pulmonary disease and skin/soft tissue infections due to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) of the Mycobacterium chelonae-abscessus-massiliense group is an emerging health problem worldwide. Moreover, the cure rate for the infections this group causes is low despite aggressive treatment. Post-surgical outbreaks that reached epidemic proportions in Brazil recently were caused by M. massiliense isolates resistant to high-level disinfection with glutaraldehyde (GTA). Understanding the differences in the virulence and host immune responses induced by NTM differing in their sensitivity to disinfectants, and therefore their relative threat of causing outbreaks in hospitals, is an important issue.We compared the replication and survival inside macrophages of a GTA-susceptible reference Mycobacterium massiliense clinical isolate CIP 108297 and an epidemic strain from Brazil, CRM-0019, and characterized the immune responses of IFNγ knockout mice exposed to a high dose aerosol with these two isolates. CRM-0019 replicated more efficiently than CIP 108297 inside mouse bone marrow macrophages. Moreover, the animals infected with CRM-0019 showed a progressive lung infection characterized by a delayed influx of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, culminating in extensive lung consolidation and demonstrated increased numbers of pulmonary CD4+ Foxp3+ regulatory T cells compared to those infected with the reference strain. Immunosuppressive activity of regulatory T cells may contribute to the progression and worsening of NTM disease by preventing the induction of specific protective immune responses.These results provide the first direct evidence of the increased virulence in macrophages and mice and pathogenicity in vivo of the Brazilian epidemic isolate and the first observation that NTM infections can be associated with variable levels of regulatory T cells which may impact on their virulence and ability to persist in the host

    Suboptimal Activation of Antigen-Specific CD4+ Effector Cells Enables Persistence of M. tuberculosis In Vivo

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    Adaptive immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis controls progressive bacterial growth and disease but does not eradicate infection. Among CD4+ T cells in the lungs of M. tuberculosis-infected mice, we observed that few produced IFN-γ without ex vivo restimulation. Therefore, we hypothesized that one mechanism whereby M. tuberculosis avoids elimination is by limiting activation of CD4+ effector T cells at the site of infection in the lungs. To test this hypothesis, we adoptively transferred Th1-polarized CD4+ effector T cells specific for M. tuberculosis Ag85B peptide 25 (P25TCRTh1 cells), which trafficked to the lungs of infected mice and exhibited antigen-dependent IFN-γ production. During the early phase of infection, ∼10% of P25TCRTh1 cells produced IFN-γ in vivo; this declined to <1% as infection progressed to chronic phase. Bacterial downregulation of fbpB (encoding Ag85B) contributed to the decrease in effector T cell activation in the lungs, as a strain of M. tuberculosis engineered to express fbpB in the chronic phase stimulated P25TCRTh1 effector cells at higher frequencies in vivo, and this resulted in CD4+ T cell-dependent reduction of lung bacterial burdens and prolonged survival of mice. Administration of synthetic peptide 25 alone also increased activation of endogenous antigen-specific effector cells and reduced the bacterial burden in the lungs without apparent host toxicity. These results indicate that CD4+ effector T cells are activated at suboptimal frequencies in tuberculosis, and that increasing effector T cell activation in the lungs by providing one or more epitope peptides may be a successful strategy for TB therapy
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