109 research outputs found
In the eyes of others : the role of honor concerns in explaining and preventing insult-elicited aggression
Much of the previous work investigating the impact of honor on conflict management has focused on how people endorsing honor values respond to possibly offensive interactions. Despite the accumulation of this research, it is yet unclear why people endorsing the ideal of honor respond more fiercely after being offended. Moreover, hardly any systematic attempts have been undertaken to identify ways in which these negative ramifications of offensive encounters can be prevented or reduced. The discoveries made in the context of this dissertation paint a more balanced picture of the effect of honor concern on conflict management and inform us on possible avenues of effective conflict intervention.NWOSocial decision makin
PENGARUH SHOPPING ORIENTATION DAN TRUST TO SOCIAL MEDIA TERHADAP ONLINE PURCHASE INTENTION: Survei pada Produk Jam Tangan Fossil dengan Jangkauan Followers Instagram Fossil Indonesia
Milacika Shafa Sabila Supriyadi (1807251) “Pengaruh Shopping Orientation dan Trust To Social Media terhadap Online Purchase Intention (Survei pada Produk Jam
Tangan Fossil dengan Jangkauan Followers Instagram Fossil Indonesia)” di bawah bimbingan Dr. Bambang Widjajanta, MM dan Dr. Lisnawati, SP.d,. MM.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran dan pengaruh online shopping orientation dan trust to social media terhadap online purchase intention pada followers
Instagram Fossil Indonesia. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif verifikatif. Metode yang digunakan purposive sampling dengan ukuran sampel sebanyak 398 responden. Teknik analisis penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dan uji hipotesis, dengan menggunakan program SPSS for Windows versi 26. Hasil temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa gambaran online shopping orientation, trust to social media dan online purchase intention berada pada kategori baik, berpengaruh secara positif dan signifikan. Temuan pada penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa keberadaan shopping orientation dan trust to social media mampu meningkatkanonline purchase intention pada followers Instagram Fossil Indonesia.
Milacika Shafa Sabila Supriyadi (1807251)” The Influence of Shopping Orientation and Trust To Social Media on Online Purchase Intention (Survey on Fossil Watch Products
with the Reach of Fossil Indonesia Instagram Followers)” under the guidance of Dr. Bambang Widjajanta, MM dan Dr. Lisnawati, SP.d,. MM.
This research aims to obtain an overview and influence of shopping orientation andtrust to social media on online purchase intention among Fossil Indonesia Instagram followers. The type of research used is descriptive verification. The method used was purposive sampling with a sample size of 398 respondents. The research analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing, using the SPSS for Windows version 26 program. The findings of this research show that the description of online shopping orientation, trust to social media and online purchase intention is in the good category, has a positive and significant influence. The findingsin this research confirm that the existence of online shopping orientation and trust in social media can increase online purchase intention among Fossil Indonesia Instagram followers
Effect of Family Environment on Student Academic Performance and Adjustment Problems In School.
The study investigates the effect of family environment on student’s academic performance and adjustment problems among year one students of school of health Technology Keffi, Nasarawa State. The study included 168 students made up of 77 males and 91 females from four Departments in the School, ranging between the age of 16 – 20 years. The results revealed that family environment has no effect on Academic performance of the student; also there is no gender difference in school adjustment and academic performance of the participants. However, in cons tract, family environment has effect on school adjustment. This finding suggests the need for parents to pay attention on their relationship with children while in school as it may has effect on them negatively
Penelitian ini berjudul Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Giving Present dalam
Pembelajaran PPKn di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Pasundan 3 Bandung. Tujuan
penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi model
pembelajaran Giving Present (GP), kendala dan cara mengatasi kendala dalam
pelaksanaan model pembelajaran GP ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : 1) Implementasi proses
pembelajaran model giving present ini dalam pembelajaran PPKn di SMK
Pasundan 3 Bandung menunjukkan proses yang sangat baik, guru menggunakan
model GP secara adil terhadap seluruh peserta didik di kelas termasuk yang tidak
berpartisipasi aktif; 2)Kendala dalam model GP dalam pembelajaran PPKn di SMK
Pasundan 3 Bandung adalah ketika peserta didik kehilangan konsentrasi dalam
pembelajaran mengingat waktu pembelajaran dilaksanakan pada pukul 12.30 WIB
dan jumlah hadiah yang diberikan pada peserta didik; dan 3) Untuk mengatasi
kendala yang dihadapi dalam proses pembelajaran GP dalam pembelajaran PPKn
di SMK Pasundan 3 Bandung dapat diatasi dengan melakukan recalling
(pengaktifan kembali konsentrasi) dan memberikan giving present dalam bentuk
pujian , penghargaan dan tambahan nilai bagi peserta didik.
Kata Kunci : Analisis, Giving Present, PPK
Problematika Siswa Difabel Rungu dalam Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Inklusi
Manusia adalah mahluk ciptaan Tuhan yang paling sepesial begitupun Tuli karena pada hakekatnya manusia pada umumnya dan tuli khususnya merupakan mahluk yang penuh dengan dinamika. Pada dasarnya individu Tuli atau Difabel rungu sama dengan individu berpendengaran normal pada umumnya, di mana mereka juga memerlukan kebutuhan akan kasih sayang, adanya rasa aman, pengakuan akan harga diri, serta kebutuhan akan pendidikan. Penelitian ini membahas tentang problematika Difabel rungu dalam masyarakat serta dalam pendidikan terutama dalam mata pelajaran matematika di sekolah inklusi. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan metode pengambilan data berupa wawancara terhadap Siswa dan Guru mata pelajaran. Kehilangan pendengaran akan menyebabkan miskinnya kebahasaan yang dimiliki oleh individu tuli sehingga akan menghambat komunikasi individu difabel secara nyata. Akibatnya individu ini akan kesulitan dalam berkomunikasi dengan lingkungannya, terutama dalam hal menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi yang belum lazim dialaminya. Dalam bersosial mereka agak malu dan kadang sering diam menyendiri. Mereka berbahasa dengan bahasa isyarat yang menggunakan gerakan tangan dan mimik wajah. Difabel rungu mengalami kesulitan dalam pembelajaran matematika seperti halnya banyaknya bilangan. Hal itu dikatakan wajar karena yang normalpun tetap merasa kesulitan
Point Mutations on Mitochondrial DNA in Iranian Patients with Friedreich’s Ataxia
ObjectiveMitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is considered a candidate modifier factor for neuro-degenerative disorders. The most common type of ataxia is Friedreich's ataxia (FA). The aim of this study was to investigate different parts of mtDNA in 20 Iranian FA patients and 80 age-matched controls by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and automated DNA sequencing methods to find any probable point mutations involved in the pathogenesis of FA.Materials and MethodsWe identified 13 nucleotide substitutions including A3505G, T3335C, G3421A, G8251A, A8563G, A8563G, G8584A, T8614C, T8598C, C8684T, A8701G, G8994A and A9024G.ResultsTwelve of 13 nucleotide substitutions had already been reported as polymorphism. One of the nucleotide substitutions (A9024G) had not been reported before. The A9024G nucleotide substitution does not change its amino acid. The controls were also investigated for this polymorphism which was found in two of them (2.5%).ConclusionNone of the mutations found in this study can affect the clinical manifestations of FA. This survey also provides evidence that the mtDNA A9024G allele is a new nonpathogenic polymorphism. We suggest follow-up studies for this polymorphism in different populations.
Left ventricular pseudo-aneurysm: Do not make the same mistake
The differentiation between left ventricular pseudo-aneurysm and true aneurysm is sometimes difficult and there are some pitfalls in the process of making the right diagnosis. Correct diagnosis has considerable effect on the outcome and management of the patients. We report the case of 59-year-old man who referred to the emergency department with complaints of lower extremity edema and dyspnea on exertion. In his past medical history, he had been diagnosed with post-myocardial infarction and apical true aneurysm four months before his arrival at the emergency ward. The patient was under strict medical follow-up for his condition. Echocardiography was conducted in the emergency ward, and it revealed a huge apical pseudo-aneurysm, which had been miss-diagnosed in the past echocardiographic examination. We herein seek to address this issue and underscore the pitfalls in making the correct and necessary distinction between these two not so uncommon entities
Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat di sekolah merupakan sebuah perilaku yang dilakukan guru, murid dan masyarakat lingkungan sekolah. Hal tersebut dilakukan agar mampu mencegah penyakit, meningkatkan kesehatannya, serta berperan aktif dalam mewujudkan lingkungan yang sehat. Adapun manfaat PHBS yaitu guna meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat sehingga masyarakat mau dan mampu menjalankan hidup bersih dan sehat. Tujuan dilakukannya penyuluhan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan pengetahuan siswa agar mengetahui dan mampu mempraktikkan PHBS serta dapat berperan aktif dalam mewujudkan sekolah sehat pada pelajar kelas V di SDN 2 Sukabumi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyuluhan ini yaitu dengan desain quasi eksperimen dengan pendekatan One group pre test dan post test. Setelah mengisi pre test dan post test hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan menurun dari 8,35% menjadi 8,13% untuk tingkat sikap terjadi kenaikan dari 30,96% menjadi 34,00% dan untuk tingkat perilaku terdapat kenaikan dari 17,47% menjadi 18,78% dengan total populasi 23 siswa/i kelas V. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penyuluhan ini yaitu hasil analisis t dependen tidak berdampak pada pengetahuan siswa/siswi. Hal ini dibuktikan berdasarkan terdapatnya nilai rata-rata pre test sebesar 8,35 dan post test 8,13 pada uji t dependen
Hypomethylation of MB-COMT promoter is a major risk factor for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
The variability in phenotypic presentations and the lack of consistency of genetic associations in mental illnesses remain a major challenge in molecular psychiatry. Recently, it has become increasingly clear that altered promoter DNA methylation could play a critical role in mediating differential regulation of genes and in facilitating short-term adaptation in response to the environment. Here, we report the investigation of the differential activity of membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase (MB - COMT) due to altered promoter methylation and the nature of the contribution of COMT Val158Met polymorphism as risk factors for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder by analyzing 115 post-mortem brain samples from the frontal lobe. These studies are the first to reveal that the MB - COMT promoter DNA is frequently hypomethylated in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients, compared with the controls (methylation rate: 26 and 29 versus 60; P = 0.004 and 0.008, respectively), particularly in the left frontal lobes (methylation rate: 29 and 30 versus 81; P = 0.003 and 0.002, respectively). Quantitative gene-expression analyses showed a corresponding increase in transcript levels of MB - COMT in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder patients compared with the controls (P = 0.02) with an accompanying inverse correlation between MB - COMT and DRD1 expression. Furthermore, there was a tendency for the enrichment of the Val allele of the COMT Val158Met polymorphism with MB - COMT hypomethylation in the patients. These findings suggest that MB - COMT over-expression due to promoter hypomethylation and/or hyperactive allele of COMT may increase dopamine degradation in the frontal lobe providing a molecular basis for the shared symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. © Copyright 2006 Oxford University Press
Hypermethylation of the reelin (RELN) promoter in the brain of schizophrenic patients: A preliminary report
DNA methylation changes could provide a mechanism for DNA plasticity and dynamism for short-term adaptation, enabling a type of cell memory to register cellular history under different environmental conditions. Some environmental insults may also result in pathological methylation with corresponding alteration of gene expression patterns. Evidence from several studies has suggested that in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, mRNA of the reelin gene (RELN), which encodes a protein necessary for neuronal migration, axonal branching, synaptogenesis, and cell signaling, is severely reduced in post-mortem brains. Therefore, we investigated the methylation status of the RELN promoter region in schizophrenic patients and normal controls as a potential mechanism for down regulation of its expression. Ten post-mortem frontal lobe brain samples from male schizophrenic patients and normal controls were obtained from the Harvard Brain Tissue Resources Center. DNA was extracted using a standard phenol-chloroform DNA extraction protocol. To evaluate differences between patients and controls, we applied methylation specific PCR (MSP) using primers localized to CpG islands flanking a potential cyclic AMP response element (CRE) and a stimulating protein-1 (SP1) binding site located in the promoter region. For each sample, DNA extraction, bisulfite treatment, and MSP were independently repeated at least four times to accurately determine the methylation status of the target region. Forty-three PCR trials were performed on the test and control samples. MSP analysis of the RELN promoter revealed an unmethylated signal in all reactions (43 of 43) using DNA from the frontal brain tissue, derived from either the schizophrenic patients or normal controls indicating that this region of the RELN promoter is predominantly unmethylated. However, we observed a distinct methylated signal in 73 of the trials (16 of 22) in schizophrenic patients compared with 24 (5 of 21) of controls. Thus, the hypermethylation of the CpG islands flanking a CRE and SP1 binding site observed at a significantly higher level (t = -5.07, P = 0.001) may provide a mechanism for the decreased RELN expression, frequently observed in post-mortem brains of schizophrenic patients. We also found an inverse relationship between the level of DNA methylation using MSP analysis and the expression of the RELN gene using semi-quantitative RT-PCR. Despite the small sample size, these studies indicate that promoter hypermethylation of the RELN gene could be a significant contributor in effecting epigenetic alterations and provides a molecular basis for the RELN gene hypoactivity in schizophrenia. Further studies with a larger sample set would be required to validate these preliminary observations. © 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc
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