4,644 research outputs found

    On the Centenary of Yekaterinburg Opera House and Music School n. a. Piotr Tchaikovsky: Archival Researches and Publications

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    Освещается история архивных изысканий и подготовки к изданию двух монографий: "Живая жизнь театра: вековая панорама, премьеры, мастера", посвященная 100-летию театра оперы и балета, и "Первое музыкальное училище Урала", посвященное 100-летию музыкального училища имени П. И. Чайковского.There is exposed the history of archival researches and sub-editing of two monographs — “The Vivid Life of Theatre: Panorama of the Century, First Nights, Masters” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Opera House and “The First Music School” dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Music School n. a. Piotr Tchaikovsky

    Development of electrochemical sensor based on aptamer specific to lung cancer tumor marker

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    Electrochemical aptasensor is a sensor based on an indicator electrode covered with a layer of an aptamer that is able to bind target molecules with high specificity. In this work, DNA-aptamer LC-2108 specific to lung cancer tumor marker was immobilized onto the surface of golden screen-printed and disc electrodes. The electrodes were studied by conventional electrochemical methods–cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The current increase and electron transfer resistance decrease were registered. It seems as if the aptamer presence facilitated the electron transfer through the electrode-solution boundary. As the possible reasons of such an unusual electrochemical behavior we proposed the unordinary or irregular structure of the aptamer layer on the Au surface or the specific electrochemical properties of the aptamer itself

    Analysis of Russian market of foodstuffs and agricultural raw materials in modern conditions of managing

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    The paper analyzes the characteristics and trends in the product structure and geographical flows of Russia’s trade. A significant influence of TNCs on the Russian market of food and agricultural raw materials was detected. The developmental problems, place and prospects of Russia on the global food market in terms of import substitution policy were identified.У статті проаналізовано особливості та тенденції товарної структури та географічних потоків торгівлі Росії. Виявлено істотний вплив ТНК на російський ринок продовольства та сільськогосподарської сировини. Визначено проблеми розвитку, місце та перспективи Росії на світовому ринку продовольства в умовах політики імпортозаміщення.В статье проанализированы особенности и тенденции в товарной структуре и географических потоках торговли России. Выявлено существенное влияние ТНК на российский рынок продовольствия и сельскохозяйственного сырья. Определены проблемы развития, место и перспективы России на мировом рынке продовольствия в условиях политики импортозамещения

    World experience of the electric power industry restructuring

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    The article reveals the factors affecting the electricity consumption in the world. Based on the study of the world experience in the restructuring of the electric power industry, five groups of methods are identified to improve its efficiency: organizational, consolidation of markets, financial, tax and environmental.У статті виявлено фактори, що впливають на споживання електроенергії в світі. На основі вивчення світової досвіду реструктуризації електроенергетичної галузі виділено п'ять груп методів щодо підвищення її ефективності: організаційний, консолідації ринків, фінансовий, податковий та екологічний.В статье выявлены факторы, влияющие на потребление электроэнергии в мире. На основе мирового опыта реструктуризации электроэнергетической отрасли выделены пять групп методов повышения ее эффективности: организационный, консолидации рынков, финансовый, налоговый и экологический

    Main tendencies of the global pharmaceutical market

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    Analysis of the global pharmaceutical market was conducted in the article as well as the main factors influencing its development, such as the research factor and the sickness rate of population. It was revealed that the market leaders are companies that have invested a significant amount of its funds in R&D. Accordingly, their drugs are more effective in treating the most common diseases, such as oncology.У статті проведено аналіз світового фармацевтичного ринку, визначено, що основними факторами, які на нього впливають, є науково-дослідна робота та захворюваності населення. Виявлено, що лідерами на фармацевтичному ринку є компанії, що вкладають значні кошти в розвиток НДДКР, внаслідок чого їх ліки є більш ефективними в лікуванні онкологічних захворювань.В статье проведен анализ мирового фармацевтического рынка, определено, что основными факторами, которые на него влияют, является научно-исследовательская работа и заболеваемости населения. Выявлено, что лидерами на фармацевтическом рынке являются компании, вкладывающие значительные средства в развитие НИОКР, вследствие чего их препараты являются более эффективными в лечении онкологических заболеваний


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    The paper declares that modern higher professional education is aimed at building the vast professional expertise of graduates. That is why higher institutions are interested in training competitive specialists for the modern labor market. The article reveals the fact that graduates are to develop the new professional skills while being trained; job training is one of the most prominent components in training students in higher institutions. Job training provides combination of theoretical training and its practical applying. It allows students gaining professional knowledge and skills as well as the experience of applied training. Job training is aimed at upgrading students’ training taking into account the employers’ recommendations. The employers determine the peculiarities of students’ training in frames of job training and real industry. Nowadays, there is a serious gap between theoretical training of young lawyers and employers' requirements to the level of their readiness to solve the real professional problems. Therefore, higher education should be targeted at interaction with prospective employers for efficient implementation of students’ job training in order to build the professional competence of prospective lawyers. The main goal of job training is to apply the knowledge gained when studying theoretical subjects. The tasks and goals mentioned above are achieved by means of training in the regular courts and the Court of Arbitration in Novosibirsk region. As a result of practical training, students acquire practical skills, abilities and professional competence.Современное высшее профессиональное образование выдвигает задачи по формированию широкого спектра профессиональных компетенций выпускников, поэтому вузы страны заинтересованы готовить конкурентоспособных специалистов, востребованных на современном рынке труда. Выпускники вузов за время учебы должны развить в себе новые профессионально значимые качества. Производственная практика является одной из важнейших составных частей процесса обучения студентов в высших учебных заведениях. Организация производственной практики обеспечивает соединение теоретической подготовки студентов с их практической деятельностью на протяжении всего обучения. Она позволяет студенту полнее овладеть профессиональными умениями и навыками, опытом практической работы. Главной целью производственной практики является повышение качества подготовки студентов как будущих специалистов с учетом рекомендаций работодателей. Именно работодатели определяют особенности подготовки в условиях производственной практики и реального производства. В настоящее время наблюдается серьезный разрыв между теоретической подготовкой молодых специалистов - юристов и требованиями работодателя к уровню их готовности решать реальные профессиональные задачи. Поэтому особую значимость приобретает ориентация высшего образования на взаимодействие с потенциальными работодателями по рациональной организации производственной практики студентов - будущих юристов для формирования их профессиональной компетентности. Основная задача производственных практик - применение на практике знаний, полученных при изучении дисциплин профессионального цикла. Задачи реализуются в ходе прохождения производственной практики в судах общей юрисдикции и в Арбитражном суде Новосибирской области. В результате прохождения производственной практики студент приобретает практические навыки, умения, профессиональные компетенции

    Student Attitude to Internet Search Engines: Navigation and Optimization Problems

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    The article relevance. Currently, the world is rapidly undergoing the process of Informatization of all aspects of society, the development and introduction of new information technologies. This highlights the need for further reflection and research on the development of the Internet and its opening opportunities for people. The aim of the research is to study the peculiarities of the attitude of students to search and recommendation services on the Internet. Research methods: as a research method, we used a questionnaire survey as a method of collecting primary information, which allows us to identify various aspects related to the attitude of students to search and recommendation systems on the Internet. Research results: the article examines the specifics of Russian search and recommendation systems, students' attitude to these services, and their place in their lives. The novelty and originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time the search and recommendation services of the Internet space were studied. It is shown that these services were initially developed in the sphere of culture and gradually began to spread to other spheres of people's life, which attracted e-Commerce figures. It is revealed that those students who discovered search and recommendation services a few years ago still use them to choose leisure activities. It is shown that students still identify some disadvantages of these systems: inaccurate recommendations, a large number of questions to determine preferences. There is some distrust to new Internet technologies among those who are used to relying on their intuition when choosing. It is determined that students often use search and recommendation services, since in most cases gadgets help them spend their free time, have fun: read a book, watch a movie, listen to music. It is revealed that the majority of students trust Internet services, although they are not always satisfied with the recommendations. It is shown that the level of student-user confidence in traditional advertising and marketing decreases simultaneously. It is determined that from the point of view of students, today not only printed versions of Newspapers, traditional radio, but even mass broadcast television are losing ground before the Internet as the most promising communication channel. Practical significance: the data Obtained in this work can be used in marketing research, economic Sciences, advertising psychology, as well as for further theoretical development of this issue

    ARTag, AprilTag and CALTag fiducial marker systems: Comparison in a presence of partial marker occlusion and rotation

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    © 2017 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All Rights Reserved. Fiducial marker systems consist of patterns that are placed in environment and are automatically detected with a camera using appropriate for the marker detection algorithm. Marker systems are useful for many modern visual applications such as augmented reality, robot navigation and collaboration, industrial and space robotics, and human-robot interaction. A variety of applications demands certain quality assurance for marker properties. Among the most common criteria are resistance to partial occlusion and rotation, sensitivity to lightning conditions, marker size, false positive and false negative rates. This paper compares three types of markers for their resistance to partial occlusion in various types of occlusion and resistance to normal, lateral, and longitudinal rotations. Intensive experimental comparison of tags is presented with analysis. Detection of markers was performed with a common Web camera. Based on our experimental results, we have selected a marker system, which should be preferred for real world applications when only simple inexpensive hardware is available and appearance of rotation and occlusion disturbances are expected in the environment. Our long term goal is to calibrate humanoid robot manipulators in real-world environment applying a pre-calibrated camera of the robot, while the presented in this paper results help selecting a most suitable marker system for further calibration procedures