334 research outputs found

    The effects caused by the replacement of native riparian forest with Eucalyptus sp. on the benthic macro-invertebrate community.

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    The replacement of native riparian forests with exotic plants, especially Eucalyptus sp. can cause changes in ecological processes of small orders rivers. The leaves of Eucalyptus sp. have lower nutrients concentration, higher hardness and secondary metabolites which inhibit the decomposing micro-organisms and benthic macro-invertebrate colonization, which are the connection between the dead organic matter and the rest of the food chain. Thus the aim of the study was to test the following hypothesis: leaf decomposition rate will be lower in the substrate composed of Eucalyptus sp. leaves, when compared to the substrate composed of native tree species leaves; the benthic macro-invertebrates diversity will be lower in the substrate composed of Eucalyptus sp. leaves than the one composed of native tree species leaves. Sixty litter bags were used in the experiment, 30 of them were filled with 5 g of Eucalyptus sp leaves and the other 30 with a mixture of native trees leaves. From the results it was concluded that leaf decomposition rates were similar for both substrates, substrate composed of native trees leaves and substrate composed of Eucalyptus sp. leaves; the benthic macroinvertebrates diversity was lower in the substrate composed of Eucalyptus sp. leaves when compared to the substrate composed of native tree species leaves

    Fundação Escola Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha: da construção física à constituição de um mito de excelência (1957-1967)

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    Este estudo tem viés historiográfico e o objeto de análise é a Fundação Escola Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha localizada no município de Novo Hamburgo/RS. Tem o objetivo de explicitar as escolhas metodológicas que viabilizam a produção historiográfica vinculada à temática da História das Instituições de Ensino. Ao se investigar a gênese do processo de implantação de uma escola técnica, em determinado tempo e lugar, foi possível compreender a construção de um discurso de excelência de ensino em tal instituição e o envolvimento desse discurso com as políticas públicas de educação vigentes no período estudado, articuladas às características regionais do espaço geográfico em que a escola está localizada.Palavras chave: Metodologia de Pesquisa. Ensino Técnico Profissionalizante. História da Educação. História das Instituições de Ensino.Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha Technical School: from the physical construction to the constitution of a myth of excellence (1957-1967)ABSTRACTThis historiographical study relates to the History of Educational Institutions, and its object of analysis is the Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha Technical School, located in the city of Novo Hamburgo/RS. It aims at revealing the methodological choices that enable historiographical production in past times. Investigating the genesis of the process of implantation of a technical school, in a certain time and place, enabled understanding about the construction of a discourse of educational excellence in this institution, as well as the involvement of this discourse with educational public policies in effect in the period studied, articulated to the regional characteristics of the geographic space in which the school is located.Keywords: Research Methodology. Technical Professional Secondary Education. History of Education. History of Educational Institutions.Fundación Escuela Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha:  de la construcción física hasta la constitución de un mito de excelencia (1957 - 1967)RESUMENEste estudio tiene un carácter historiográfico y el objeto del análisis es la Fundación Escuela Técnica Liberato Salzano Vieira da Cunha, situada en la ciudad de Novo Hamburgo/RS. Tiene el objetivo de explicitar las opciones metodológicas que hacen posible la producción historiográfica vinculada a la temática de la Historia de las Instituciones de Educación. Investigando el origen del proceso de implantación de una escuela técnica, en determinado tiempo y lugar, fue posible entender la construcción de un discurso de excelencia de enseñanza en tal institución y el envolvimiento de ese discurso con las políticas públicas de educación vigentes en el período estudiado, articuladas a las características regionales del espacio geográfico donde se localiza la escuela.Palabras clave: Metodología de investigación. Enseñanza técnica profesional. Historia de la Educación. Historia de las Instituciones de Educación

    Memórias evocadas: imagens recompondo as aulas isoladas em Novo Hamburgo/RS (1913 a 1952)

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    A investigação desenvolvida objetiva compreender os primórdios da implantação das “Aulas” no espaço rural em Novo Hamburgo/RS, a partir das memórias da professora Maria Gersy Höher Thiesen; principalmente àquelas que remetem à ocupação da antiga Casa Pastoral de Lomba Grande. Nos vilarejos que foram fundados pelos colonos alemães a escola figurava o cenário indispensável ao lado da Igreja e Cemitério, sendo, nestes casos, o professor oriundo da própria comunidade. A pesquisa desenvolvida sob a perspectiva da História Cultural utiliza a metodologia da História Oral, valendo-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, tendo as narrativas e imagens como documentos. Analisa memórias de práticas que possibilitaram recompor cenários do contexto do ensino rural que identificam marcas das políticas educacionais de uma época. A leitura e a escrita representou um dos elementos culturais mais importantes neste contexto. O arraigamento à cultura local também representou um conjunto de significados partilhados e construídos para conhecer um pouco sobre a contribuição das Aulas Isoladas que originaram as Escolas Municipais de Ensino Fundamental

    Long-Term Oral Administration of Theaphenon-E Improves Cardiomyocyte Mechanics and Calcium Dynamics by Affecting Phospholamban Phosphorylation and ATP Production

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    Background/Aims: Dietary polyphenols from green tea have been shown to possess cardio-protective activities in different experimental models of heart diseases and age-related ventricular dysfunction. The present study was aimed at evaluating whether long term in vivo administration of green tea extracts (GTE), can exert positive effects on the normal heart, with focus on the underlying mechanisms. Methods: The study population consisted of 20 male adult Wistar rats. Ten animals were given 40 mL/day tap water solution of GTE (concentration 0.3%) for 4 weeks (GTE group). The same volume of water was administered to the 10 remaining control rats (CTRL). Then, in vivo and ex vivo measurements of cardiac function were performed in the same animal, at the organ (hemodynamics) and cellular (cardiomyocyte mechanical properties and intracellular calcium dynamics) levels. On cardiomyocytes and myocardial tissue samples collected from the same in vivo studied animals, we evaluated: (1) the intracellular content of ATP, (2) the endogenous mitochondrial respiration, (3) the expression levels of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-dependent ATPase 2a (SERCA2), the Phospholamban (PLB) and the phosphorylated form of PLB, the L-type Ca2+ channel, the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger, and the ryanodine receptor 2. Results: GTE cardiomyocytes exhibited a hyperdynamic contractility compared with CTRL (the rate of shortening and re-lengthening, the fraction of shortening, the amplitude of calcium transient, and the rate of cytosolic calcium removal were significantly increased). A faster isovolumic relaxation was also observed at the organ level. Consistent with functional data, we measured a significant increase in the intracellular ATP content supported by enhanced endogenous mitochondrial respiration in GTE cardiomyocytes, as well as higher values of the ratios phosphorylated-PLB/PLB and SERCA2/PLB. Conclusions: Long-term in vivo administration of GTE improves cell mechanical properties and intracellular calcium dynamics in normal cardiomyocytes, by increasing energy availability and removing the inhibitory effect of PLB on SERCA2

    A Lei da Aprendizagem: Uma Solução Possível para a Questão do Trabalho Infanto-Juvenil*

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    The main objective of this paper has been to identify and to analyze the social and historical context that led to the drafting of the Learning Law, becoming part of a dissertation presented to the Post-Graduate Master of Regional Development and Environment of Centro Universitário de Araraquara-UNIARA. A literature search allowed us to understand the significance of childhood, adolescence and work, and it has also been demonstrated that in Brazil, child labor has always been and is still directly linked to the socioeconomic condition of the concerned individual's family. As a consequence, the law, that was issued on the basis of public policy, aiming at opening opportunities for adolescents who are born into poor families, if not applied properly, has its scope limited in order to become an instrument of legitimizing the ideology that considers early work normal and encourages the maintenance and reproduction of the current domination.Este artigo tem como principal objetivo identificar e analisar o contexto social, histórico e jurídico que determinou a elaboração da Lei da Aprendizagem, constituindo-se parte de uma dissertação apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mestrado em Desenvolvimento Regional e Meio Ambiente do Centro Universitário de Araraquara. Através de uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi possível compreender a significação da infância, da adolescência e do trabalho, tendo, ainda, ficado demonstrado que, no Brasil, o trabalho infanto-juvenil sempre esteve e ainda está diretamente ligado à condição socioeconômica da família do indivíduo em questão. Daí decorre que, a lei que foi editada com base numa política pública destinada a abrir possibilidades aos adolescentes que nascem em famílias pobres, se não for aplicada de forma adequada, tem seu alcance limitado de forma a tornar-se um instrumento de legitimação da ideologia que naturaliza o trabalho precoce e favorece a manutenção e reprodução da dominação vigente


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    É na esteira das pesquisas que se ocupam em compreender a sociabilidade, a civilidade e as formas de agir no ambiente privado que pesquisamos uma coleção de impressos de cunho civilizatório, denominado “Pensando em Casar”. O objetivo foi atentar para as imagens relacionadas à família, no sentido de compreender as representações sobre a condição feminina nesse contexto. Foram analisadas 22 revistas publicadas originalmente da França (1954) e traduzidas quase que simultaneamente no Brasil (1955). Na análise dos documentos, destacamos duas categorias: “Representações de casamento e família” e “Comportamento feminino: entre a espera e a conquista”. Nesse conjunto, as representações sobre o comportamento feminino evidenciam que as mulheres a quem se destinava a revista eram favorecidas economicamente. As imagens indicam que as leitoras deveriam estar sempre preparadas para conquistar um marido, formar uma família e permanecer no matrimônio

    Sampling effort and information quality provided by rare and common species in estimating assemblage structure

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    Reliable biological assessments are essential to answer ecological and management questions but require well-designed studies and representative sample sizes. However, large sampling effort is rarely possible, because it demands large financial resources and time, restricting the number of sites sampled, the duration of the study and the sampling effort at each site. In this context, we need methods and protocols allowing cost-effective surveys that would, consequently, increase the knowledge about how biodiversity is distributed in space and time. Here, we assessed the minimal sampling effort required to correctly estimate the assemblage structure of stream insects sampled in near-pristine boreal and subtropical regions. We used five methods grouped into two different approaches. The first approach consisted of the removal of individuals 1) randomly or 2) based on a count threshold. The second approach consisted of simplification in terms of 1) sequential removal from rare to common species; 2) sequential removal from common to rare species; and 3) random species removal. The reliability of the methods was assessed using Procrustes analysis, which indicated the correlation between a reduced matrix (after removal of individuals or species) and the complete matrix. In many cases, we found a strong relationship between ordination patterns derived from presence/absence data (the extreme count threshold of a single individual) and those patterns derived from abundance data. Also, major multivariate patterns derived from the complete data matrices were retained even after the random removal of more than half of the individuals. Procrustes correlation was generally high ( > 0.8), even with the removal of 50% of the species. Removal of common species produced lower correlation than removal of rare species, indicating higher importance of the former to estimate resemblance between assemblages. Thus, we conclude that sampling designs can be optimized by reducing the sampling effort at a site. We recommend that such efforts saved should be redirected to increase the number of sites studied and the duration of the studies, which is essential to encompass larger spatial, temporal and environmental extents, and increase our knowledge of biodiversity.peerReviewe

    Preservar para lembrar: vestígios da cultura material da escola no Museu Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo (1905-1940)

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    Objetos, mobiliários e fotografias, enquanto documentos, contam-nos histórias e nos permitem refletir sobre o que se passou, reverberando um tempo por vezes distante e respondendo a questionamentos a eles feitos. Partindo desse pressuposto, buscamos, neste estudo, analisar os processos educativos que se passaram na cidade de São Leopoldo/RS, no início do século XX, particularmente entre os anos de 1905 e 1940. Para isso, tomamos como documento os mobiliários escolares, especialmente no que tange a fotografias e objetos escolares em exposição salvaguardados no Museu Histórico Visconde São Leopoldo. Os objetos foram registrados por meio fotográfico, catalogados e analisados a partir de sua materialidade. A análise realizada tem como temática a cultura material da escola à luz dos estudos realizados por Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007) e Hernández Díaz (2002). Entendemos que o conjunto de objetos aqui analisados apresenta uma cultura escolar de práticas locais, em consonância com uma cultura nacional e, até mesmo, internacional. Dessa forma, as considerações finais apresentam contribuições para a História da Educação local e geral.Palavras-chave: Objetos escolares. História da Educação. São Leopoldo/RS.Preserving to remember: vestiges of the school material culture in the Visconde de São Leopoldo Historical Museum (1905-1940)ABSTRACTObjects, furniture, and photographs, as documents, tell stories and allow us to reflect on what happened, reverberating a distant time, and answering the questions we ask them. Under this assumption, we seek, in this study, to analyze the educational processes that occurred in the city of São Leopoldo/RS, at the beginning of the 20th century, particularly between the years 1905 and 1940. In this regard, we consider as documents the school furnishings, especially concerning exposed photographs and school objects safeguarded in the Visconde de São Leopoldo Historical Museum. The objects were photographed, catalogued, and analyzed from their materiality. The conducted analysis approaches the material culture of schools considering the studies undertaken by Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007), and Hernández Díaz (2002). We understand that the set of objects analyzed here presents a school culture of local practices, in accord with a national culture, and even with an international one. Therefore, the final remarks present contributions to the local and general History of Education.Keywords: School objects. History of Education. São Leopoldo/RS.Preservar para recordar: vestigios de la cultura material de la escuela en el Museo Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo (1905-1940)RESUMENObjetos, muebles y fotografías, mientras que documentos, nos cuentan historias y nos permiten reflexionar sobre lo que pasó, reverberando un tiempo distante y contestando a preguntas hechas a ellos. Sobre esta base, buscamos, en esta investigación, analizar los procesos educativos que se han pasado en la ciudad de São Leopoldo/RS, en el siglo XX, particularmente entre los años de 1905 y 1940. Para esto, tomamos como documento los muebles escolares, especialmente en lo que refiere a fotografías y a objetos escolares expuestos y preservados en el Museo Histórico Visconde de São Leopoldo. Los objetos fueron fotografiados, catalogados y analizados en su materialidad. El análisis tiene como temática la cultura material de la escuela desde el punto de vista de las investigaciones realizadas por Antonio Viñao Frago (1995, 2006), Rosa Fátima de Souza (2007) y Hernández Díaz (2002). Entendemos que el conjunto de objetos analizados presenta una cultura escolar de prácticas locales, de acuerdo con una cultura nacional, e incluso de una cultura internacional. De esta forma, las consideraciones finales presentan las contribuciones para la Historia de la Educación local y general.Palabras clave: Objetos escolares. Historia de la Educación. São Leopoldo/RS