1,738 research outputs found

    Iglesia, Estado y educación. Antagonismos y confluencias en tiempos de institucionalización e inestabilidad (España, 1857-1931)

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    Durante el siglo XIX, España se configura como un Estado moderno y el sistema educativo estuvo llamado a ser uno de los elementos de esta configuración. Sin embargo, no se partía de la nada ni de una revolución sino que se lleva a cabo en un constante forcejeo donde, una vez más, “lo nuevo no acaba de nacer y lo viejo no termina de morir”. Era indiscutible la importancia de la educación para el Estado que se conformaba pero también se trataba de un campo secularmente gestionado por la Iglesia, donde tenía grandes intereses y al que no quería renunciar pues lo consideraba sustancial para su propia supervivencia. La debilidad del incipiente Estado y la confluencia de intereses con los grupos conservadores le permitirían, no sin tensiones, mantener una situación de privilegio que terminaría por conducir a un cambio radical con la llegada de la II República.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Proyecto I+D+I EDU2014-53679-

    Los motivos políticos de la depuración franquista del magisterio

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    Se analizan las dificultades de todo tipo a que tuvo que hacer frente la II República y cómo a los ideales republicanos de modernización y extensión de la educación, se enfrentan a concepciones autoritarias caracterizadas por su negatividad (anti-modernismo, intelectualismo, liberalismo, etc). Se plantean los medios implementados para el control de la educación por parte del franquismo y sus consecuencias.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Constitution, Religion and Education. Reflections on the Constitution of 1812

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    La Constitución de 1812 está considerada como un mito. Las circunstancias en las que se redactó y su esfuerzo por establecer un Estado contemporáneo le han proporcionado una imagen de lucha por la modernidad y la libertad. Frente a esta imagen destaca su enfoque de la religión. Su cerrada confesionalidad pone en cuestión su apuesta por la libertad. Asimismo dedica todo un título a la educación y en él señala la obligación del Estado de crear instituciones escolares y regularlas. Incluso pretende que las instituciones educativas sean agentes de una socialización política constitucional. Sin embargo, esa socialización se realiza dentro de la enseñanza de la religión católica en los centros educativos con lo que resulta evidente la mezcla de Antiguo Régimen y Estado constitucional. Todo ello nos lleva a considerar la dificultad que tuvo la superación del Antiguo Régimen en España y la insuficiencia de una Constitución para conseguirlo.The Constitution of 1812 is considered a myth. The conditions under which the Constitution was written and the efforts to use this document as a source to establish the contemporary state triggered this image of modernity and struggle for freedom. In opposition to this image, religion was of relevance in this document. This Constitution commitment to freedom was challenged by its narrow definition of confessionalism. Also, an entire title focused on education. In this title, state’s responsibility to create and regulate educational institutions was prescribed. In addition to this educational institutions´ responsibility as agents of a constitutional political socialization. However, this socialization took place within the teaching of the Roman Catholic religion in schools, what made the convergence of the Old Regimen and the Constitutional State evident. This situation leads us to reflect on the challenges that Spain has faced to overcome the Old Regimen and the inadequacies of a Constitution to accomplish this

    La educación en los ODM y en los ODS. Una estrategia de Naciones Unidas a favor de los derechos humanos

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    L’any 2000, Nacions Unides va plantejar els Objectius de Desenvolupament del Mil•lenni com una estratègia per escurçar la distància entre els valors reconeguts en la Declaració Universal dels Drets Humans i la realitat de milions de persones. L’escolarització primària universal apareixia com el segon objectiu per la seva gran importància i per la seva relació amb altres objectius prioritaris. S’ha aconseguit un gran avenç però no totalment, per la qual cosa es van plantejar els Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible per al període 2015-2030. En aquest nous objectius, l’educació torna a ocupar un lloc destacat, ja no circumscrita a l’escolarització primària sinó apuntant a un aprenentatge permanent i holístic.Malgrat tot, és poc probable que s’aconsegueixin mentre no s’eradiqui la pobresa, el desgovern o mal govern, la insuficient ajuda internacional i la capacitat d’influència dels païsosmés poderosos juntament amb els nuclis del poder financer per imposar els seus interessos.In the year 2000, the United Nations presented the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a strategy for reducing the huge gap between the values recognized in the Universal Declarationof Human Rights and the reality of millions of people. Universal primary education figures as the second of these goals in view of both its enormous importance in its own right and its direct relation to other priority objectives. Some progress has been made in this area, but much remains to be done, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2015-2030 were drawn up to address the deficit. These goals once again stress the crucial importance of education, and no longer limit it to primary schooling but aim instead for lifelong learning and a more holistic approach.Nevertheless, it is still highly unlikely that these goals can be achieved without the eradication of poverty, misgovernment and bad governance and insufficient international aid, together with the influence exercised by the most powerful countriesin conjunction with the nuclei of financial power to ensure the imposition of their interests.En el año 2000, Naciones Unidas planteó los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio como una estrategia para acortar la distancia entre los valores reconocidos en la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y la realidad de millones de personas. La escolarización primaria universal aparecía como el segundo objetivo por su gran importancia y por su relacióncon otros objetivos prioritarios. Se ha logrado un gran avance pero no en su totalidad por lo que se plantearon los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible para el período 2015-2030. En ellos, la educación vuelve a ocupar un lugar destacado, ya no circunscrita a la escolarización primaria sino apuntando a un aprendizaje permanente y holístico. A pesar de todo, es poco probable que se logren mientras no se erradique la pobreza, el desgobierno o mal gobierno, la insuficiente ayuda internacionaly la capacidad de influencia de los países más poderosos junto a los núcleos del poder financiero para imponer sus intereses

    Present and Future of Parkinson's Disease in Spain: PARKINSON-2030 Delphi Project

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    This project was funded by Zambon S.A.U.D.S.G., M.B.-E., J.K., F.P.-E., F.V., M.-R.L. and J.P. declare no conflict of interest. M.C. has received honoraria for lecturing or advisory boards from AbbVie, Bial and Zambon. F.E.-S. has received honoraria as a speaker, support to attend scientific meetings and grants for conducting studies from Abbvie, Bial, Boston Scientifice, Medtronic, Merz Pharma, Teva, UCB Pharma and Zambon. E.F. has received advisory, consulting and lectures fees from Abbvie, Teva, Bial, Zambon and Neuraxpharm. For P.J.G.R., no specific funding was received for this study. The author reports no conflicts of interest. In the previous 12 months, this author received research support from Aller gan and UCB, personal compensation as a consultant/scientific advisory boards from Italfarmaco, Britannia, Bial and Zambon and speaking honoraria from Italfarmaco, Zambon, Allergan and Abbvie. F.G. received grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III and from the European Commission (Horizon 2020). He received consulting honoraria from Exeltis and for lecturing from Zambon and TEVA. L.L.-M. has received compensated advisory services, consulting, research grant support, or speaker honoraria from AbbVie, Acorda, Bial, Intec Pharma, Italfarmaco, Pfizer, Roche, Teva, UCB and Zambon. J.C.M.C. has received honoraria as a speaker from Abbvie, Allergan, Bial, Boehringer Ingelheim, GSK, Krka Farmaceutica, Merz Pharma, Ipsen, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, Medtronic, TEVA, UCB and Zambon; research grants from Abbvie, Allergan, Merz Pharma, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, UCB and Zambon; and participated in the advisory boards of Abbvie, Allergan, GSK, Bial, Merz Pharma, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Ipsen, Italfarmaco, Lundbeck, Orion, UCB and Zambon. P.M. has received support for attending meetings and/or honorarium for lecturing from Abbott, Allergan, Abbvie, Bial, Britannia, Italfarmaco, Merz, UCB, Roche, Teva and Zambon. J.M.S. has participated in advisory boards and pharmaceutical industry-sponsored symposia for Zambon, UCB, Bial, Italfarmaco, Eisai España and Abbvie Spain. B.T.: speaking fees, AbbVie, and travel expenses, Italfarmaco. R.Y. has received honoraria as a speaker for Bial, Italfarmaco, Teva and Zambon, support to attend scientific meetings from Alter, for consultancy from Bial, and sponsored for conducting studies from Zambon and Lundbeck. A.A. is employed and receives personal fees from Zambon.Parkinson's disease (PD) is a chronic progressive and irreversible disease and the second most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide. In Spain, it affects around 120.000-150.000 individuals, and its prevalence is estimated to increase in the future. PD has a great impact on patients' and caregivers' lives and also entails a substantial socioeconomic burden. The aim of the present study was to examine the current situation and the 10-year PD forecast for Spain in order to optimize and design future management strategies. This study was performed using the modified Delphi method to try to obtain a consensus among a panel of movement disorders experts. According to the panel, future PD management will improve diagnostic capacity and follow-up, it will include multidisciplinary teams, and innovative treatments will be developed. The expansion of new technologies and studies on biomarkers will have an impact on future PD management, leading to more accurate diagnoses, prognoses, and individualized therapies. However, the socio-economic impact of the disease will continue to be significant by 2030, especially for patients in advanced stages. This study highlighted the unmet needs in diagnosis and treatment and how crucial it is to establish recommendations for future diagnostic and therapeutic management of PD.PfizerRocheTeva Pharmaceutical IndustriesUCBEuropean CommissionInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIHorizon 202

    Instituciones y personas : la Sociedad Española de Educación Comparada 2002-2006

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    Professor Ferran Ferrer’s presidency lasted from the 22th of November 2002 until the 8th of August 2006. During this period, life within the society was conditioned by his great abilities, which allowed him to direct the society with remarkable efficiency and help to improve teaching and research regards all its members within this field. Among the actions undertaken during this period, especially worth of mentioning are the publication of the Spanish Journal of Comparative Education also in digital format, the celebration of two National Congresses dealing with the studying of the Convergences in Higher Education and the Right to Education in a Globalized World, the participation of the members of the Society in European and World Congresses, the quality and the communicative strength of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education Journal, which was published by Joan María Senet Sanchez and María Jesús Martínez Usarralde and the putting in operation of the Pedro Roselló price.  La Presidencia del Profesor Ferran Ferrer se extendió del 22.11.2002 al 08.09.2006. En estos años, la vida de la Sociedad estuvo marcada por sus grandes capacidades que le permitieron dirigirla con notable eficacia y ayudar a mejorar en todos sus miembros la docencia y la investigación en esta materia. Entre otras acciones de este período, merecen destacarse la publicación de la Revista Española de Educación Comparada también en formato electrónico, la celebración de dos Congresos Nacionales, dedicados al estudio de las Convergencias en la Educación Superior y al Derecho a la Educación en un mundo globalizado, la participación de los miembros de la Sociedad en Congresos europeos y mundiales, la calidad y fuerza comunicativa del Boletín de la SEEC, editado por Joan María Senent Sánchez y María Jesús Martínez Usarralde, y la puesta en marcha del Premio Pedro Rosselló.Professor Ferran Ferrer’s presidency lasted from the 22th of November 2002 until the 8th of August 2006. During this period, life within the society was conditioned by his great abilities, which allowed him to direct the society with remarkable efficiency and help to improve teaching and research regards all its members within this field. Among the actions undertaken during this period, especially worth of mentioning are the publication of the Spanish Journal of Comparative Education also in digital format, the celebration of two National Congresses dealing with the studying of the Convergences in Higher Education and the Right to Education in a Globalized World, the participation of the members of the Society in European and World Congresses, the quality and the communicative strength of the Spanish Society of Comparative Education Journal, which was published by Joan María Senet Sanchez and María Jesús Martínez Usarralde and the putting in operation of the Pedro Roselló price

    Pupillary Dynamics Reveal Computational Cost in Sentence Planning

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    This study investigated the computational cost associated with grammatical planning in sentence production. We measured people's pupillary responses as they produced spoken descriptions of depicted events. We manipulated the syntactic structure of the target by training subjects to use different types of sentences following a colour cue. The results showed higher increase in pupil size for the production of passive and object dislocated sentences than for active canonical subject–verb–object sentences, indicating that more cognitive effort is associated with more complex noncanonical thematic order. We also manipulated the time at which the cue that triggered structure-building processes was presented. Differential increase in pupil diameter for more complex sentences was shown to rise earlier as the colour cue was presented earlier, suggesting that the observed pupillary changes are due to differential demands in relatively independent structure-building processes during grammatical planning. Task-evoked pupillary responses provide a reliable measure to study the cognitive processes involved in sentence production.Fil: Sevilla, Yamila Alejandra. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Lingüística; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Maldonado, Mora. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Instituto de Lingüística; ArgentinaFil: Shalóm, Diego Edgar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Física. Laboratorio de Neurociencia Integrativa; Argentin