27 research outputs found

    Quality of Electronic Identity Card Service by Demographic and Civil Registration Service in Indonesia

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    This research describes the quality of electronic-identity card service provided by the Demographic and Civil Registration Service from a customer perspective. This study surveyed 100 respondents.  The responseswere analysed using Importance Performance Analysis and Cartesian chart. The results showed that the service quality in Demographic and Civil Registration Serviceof Sragen Regency was sufficiently high in quality.  To improve the e-identity card service, this study recommends the introduction of continuing professional development of the officers (personnel) as the providers of the service, and a public awareness campaign for the community on the availability of the e-ID card service

    Kinerja Keuangan Daerah Kabupaten Sukoharjo Ditinjau dari Perspektif Otonomi Daerah

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    Regional finance has a pivotal role in regional autonomy because regional finance reflects the ability of regions in running the local government. One of the tools to analyze local government financial performance is ratio analysis. The purpose of this study was to determine how the regional financial performance of Sukoharjo Regency in terms of regional autonomy perspective. This research uses descriptive quantitative method. The data used in this research is secondary in the form of financial report data Sukoharjo regency in 2015-2019 were obtained using the time series technique. The analysis results show that the financial performance of Sukoharjo regency is still not optimal. This is indicated by lack of ability to extract local revenue known from the low of DDF ratio, DOF ratio, Fiscal capacity and fiscal effort. Other than that, low independence ratio indicates that the regional dependence on central financial is still high

    Health Service Quality of Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo District

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    The research purpose was determined the health services quality in the Dekai General Hospital (RSUD) Yahukimo District. The research was used quantitative descriptive approach by described and explained the relation between one constraint with other constraints about the health service quality and external communication to the health service quality at Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo Papua Province. The data type are including of primary and secondary data. The research population is all of patients in the Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo District for one month period of 5-30 January 2017. The sampling method was used insidental sampling method. Sampling technique was used Lemeshow formula from 96 peoples. Data collection methods were used literature study and questionnaire. Data analysis technique was used performance analysis of Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) measured the performance and used Cartesian diagram analysis determined the service indicators that are satisfactory or unsatisfactory patient. Research result was proven that the health service quality in Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo Districy is high in accordance to the patient expectation that is 4 items included in B quadrant of Cartesian diagram. Proven that health service quality in Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo District is low whereas the high patient expectation where 4 items included in A quadrant of Cartesian diagram. It is proved that there is low service expectation but high health service quality in Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo District is 5 items included in D quadran of Cartesian diagram. There is proven that low patient expectation and low health service quality at the Dekai General Hospital of Yahukimo District are 5 items included in C quadrant of Cartesian diagram. Keywords: service qualit

    Traditional Markets Community Empowerment Model in Good Governance Approach (Studies of the Bunder Market Merchants Empowerment in Healthy Markets Program in Sragen Regency of Indonesia)

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    This research on model of traditional markets community empowerment in good governance approach of Bunder Healthy Market Program in Sragen City is aimed to analyze, interpret and describe several objectives, which are: 1). the implementation of a Healthy Market Program; 2). the role of local government, private, and market community through Healthy Markets Program; and 3). develop an alternative model of market community empowerment in good governance perspective. This study used qualitative research method in which data were collected through observations, in-depth interviews, documentation and focused group discussion techniques. Qualitative data analysis was chosen as the technique of data analysis. The Bunder Market Community Empowerment Program is a partnership program among the three parties namely: Sragen Regency Local Government, private sector which was Yayasan Danamon Peduli (YDP) through its CSR, and the merchants of Bunder traditional market community by participating in the program. The findings showed that the process of market community empowerment through Healthy Market Program has been established successfully in governance perspective. It can be witnessed from the habitual changes of the market community, with in particular, has been heading toward health behaviors such as hygienic awareness and waste management. Keywords: community empowerment, governance, healthy market

    Tipologi Inovasi Pelayanan Pajak Daerah Melalui EPPSON di BPPKAD Kota Surakarta

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    Tax is the main source of financing for state expenditures in order to improve people's welfare. Given the important role of taxes in the country's economy, in fact, there are still many problems and obstacles that must be faced in collecting local taxes in Indonesia. One of the efforts of the Surakarta City government to overcome this problem is through innovative technology-based local tax services in the form of the Electronic Solo Destination Tax Payment (EPPSON) feature. This study aims to determine the typology of local tax service innovation through EPPSON by using the typology dimension of innovation according to Perry, which consists of product innovation, service innovation, process innovation, conceptual innovation, policy innovation, and systemic innovation. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that in its implementation, EPPSON innovation had met the criteria of product innovation, service innovation, process innovation, and systemic innovation. In addition, the EPPSON innovation has helped overcome local tax problems before the creation of this innovation

    Service Innovation for Route Permits and Public Transport Operations Permits through Si Pintar Solo at the Surakarta City Department of Transportation

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    Innovation is one way to restructure public services that are integrated with information technology. Starting from the existence of public transportation in the city of Surakarta that is no longer extending due to the revitalization of public transportation, the lack of network and route permits optimization and manual public transport permit services seem convoluted, slow and take a lot of time. The Surakarta City Department of Transportation created ‘Si Pintar Solo’ innovation, which is the the Solo Route and Operation Licensing Information System. This study aims to identify and understand the implementation of the Si Pintar Solo innovation by using the innovation theory according to Rogers (2003). This is a descriptive qualitative research, with primary data, such as interviews and secondary data from related documents. The sample selected by purposive sampling.  The data validity used source triangulation. The data analyzed using interactive analysis. The results showed that the implementation of the Si Pintar Solo innovation described in each of the innovation attribute criteria, such as simplifying and accelerating services because it is supported by adequate facilities and infrastructure, according to community needs. Licensing is conducted online which does not require coming to the Surakarta City Department of Transportation office and is integrated with the e-Uji service. In addition, it could monitor the licensing process and the result of licensing data is stored in the database. However, there are obstacles, such as signal limitedness and the users’ quandary about innovations involving technology

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Perdesaan dalam Perspektif Good Governance

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    Pembangunan masyarakat perdesaan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah merupakan upaya untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat kehidupan masyarakat perdesaan. Untuk bisa mewujudkannya perlu adanya upaya intervensi pemberdayaan. Tujuan pemberdayaan masyarakat perdesaan adalah untuk mengembangkan partisipasi, sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan, sehingga mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemandirian. Melalui skema pemberdayaan masyarakat dalam perspektif good governance, yang merupakan proses pemberdayaan melalui kemitraan yang melibatkan peran tiga aktor, yaitu Pemerintah sebagai fasilitator dan policy maker, Pihak Swasta melalui program CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)nya dan Peran Masyarakat dalam bentuk partisipasi dan menbangun trust, serta mendasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip good governance, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan dan kemandirian masyarakat desa

    Collaboration after Conflict: A Lesson from Collaborative Action in Customary Land Tenure Conflicts in Lombok, Indonesia

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    Land tenure conflicts in Lombok occured due to social interactions between community and state institutions. These were triggered by the unilateral claims of some of the villagers of Bebidas who acted on behalf of indigenous communities to take back what they believed to be their ancestral land in the Mount Rinjani National Park area. This paper analyzes how stakeholders generated conflict resolution efforts that emphasized inclusive efforts by collaborative action through dialogue based on collaborative governance theory. Data were obtained from interviews with several key informants from various levels of government, as well as members of the Bebidas village community and NGO representatives. Documentation and observation were also carried out to obtain data validity over sustained data collection and analysis process. Findings show that conflict resolution resulted from a long-term process that built up from dialogues involving various stakeholders, which encouraged the emergence of Mutual Agreements and Memorandum of Understanding as milestones to end conflicts. This helped to initiate peaceful relations. Findings suggest that capacity building, promoting awareness, and technical training to support rights and livelihoods on an ongoing basis help to address conflicts rooted in knowledge imbalances. In addition, expanding conservation partnership through community empowerment and ecosystem restoration programs assist in maintaining resources and supporting economic benefits underpin ideals of sustainable longer term uses of the Rinjani

    Pilihan Rasional Nelayan Desa Bendar, Pati, Jawa Tengah: Studi Etnografi Permasalahan Kenelayanan

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    Nelayan Desa Bendar, Pati, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia tidak berbeda seperti nelayan pada umumnya yang memanfaatkan hasil laut serta memiliki pemikiran yang rasional dalam menghadapi kebijakan yang ditetapkan, misalnya pada penggunaan alat tangkap, wilayah penangkapan, dan kebijakan lain yang harus dipenuhi. Karena dipicu dengan fenomena konsumtif berupa kepemilikan rumah dan mobil mewah oleh nelayan Desa Bendar, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana rasionalitas nelayan tersebut dalam menyikapi kebijakan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah. Metode kualitatif dengan analisis studi etnografi digunakan untuk menggali pandangan komunitas purse seine dan jaring tarik berkantung (JTB). Teknik wawancara secara mendalam digunakan untuk pengumpulan data dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menyajikan rasionalitas nelayan dalam berhubungan dengan aktor pemangku kepentingan, seperti pemerintah, investor, tengkulak, dan bank sebagai sumber pendukung jalannya industri perikanan. Peningkatan advokasi oleh KKP kepada nelayan menjadi rekomendasi kebijakan utama yang disarankan. Selain pelibatan dan partisipasi nelayan dalam perumusan kebijakan selanjutnya, penyebaran informasi yang edukatif menjadi alternatif rekomendasi dalam kajian ini.Title: Rational Choice of Bendar Village Fishers, Pati, Central Java: An Ethnographic Study of Fisheries ProblemsBendar Village Fishers, Pati, Central Java, Indonesia, are not different from fishers in general who use marine products and have rational thoughts in dealing with established policies, for example in the use of fishing gear, fishing areas, and other policies that must be met. Triggered by a consumer phenomenon in the form of Bendar Village fishers owning houses and luxury cars, this study aims to compare the fishers rationality in addressing government policies. Qualitative methods with ethnographic study analysis are used to explore the views of the purse seine community and pocket tensile nets (JTB). In-depth interview techniques were used to collect data toward achieving the objectives of this study. The results of the study present the rationality of fishers in dealing with stakeholder actors, such as the government, investors, middlemen, and banks, as a source of supporting the course of the fisheries industry. The increase in advocacy by the MMAF for fishers is the main recommendation for the policy maker. In addition to the involvement and participation of fishers in the formulation of further policies, the dissemination of educational information is an alternative recommendation in this study. 

    Public Transport City Bus In Surakarta: A Servqual Inside-Out

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    Urban public transport has a very important role in serving city need for transportation and provides public convenience to carry out their activities. The purpose of this research is to know and to analyze service quality of city bus public transport in Surakarta. To determine the quality of transportation service, several dimensions were used such as reliability, accessibility, comfortable, tangible, and assurance. The method used was descriptive statistics. The data were collected through a survey of 150 city bus passengers from 5 bus companies. Quality measurement of the Importance and Performance Analysis (IPA) which compares the user's perception of the interests of the user views the passenger's perception on service performance. The results from using the Cartesian Diagram are 7 attributes in quadrant A which means performance is lower than the interest / expectations of consumers and 2 attributes in quadrant B which means that the performance of services relevant to the interests / expectations of consumers. Whereas in Quadrant C there is only 1 attribute, where the interests of the service and performance are equally low, and in quadrant D there are 4 attributes, which in this quadrant mentions that high performance yet is considered less important attribute for the user. With regard to the outcome of the Cartesian Diagram, where most of the attributes are in quadrant A (attributes to improve); it is recommended for these attributes should be a top priority and should be carried out to solve in order to meet the expectations of consumers / users of public transport buses. Keyword: urban transport, quality of service, service dimension