323 research outputs found


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    KajianiniditujukanuntukmenjelaskaninterferensidariBahasaJawakeBahasaInggris, lebihkhususpada area fonologi.Interferensipada area fonologiterjadijikaadaaspekdaribahasa lain padaucapanseseorang (Dulay di Rochmawati,2007:8). TujuandarikajianiniadalahuntukmemberikangambarandarifenomenainterferensidariBahasaJawakeproduksiucapanBahasaInggris.Cara pegungkapanparamurid di SMP AL – MANAH terutamaparasiswinyadapat di analisisdan di interpretasikansecaramendetailmelaluiteoriphonologi.Untukmemperoleh data, penelitimengunakanduametode; observasidan interview.Dalamobservasi, penelitimendekatiparasiswi yang sedangbercakap – cakapdanmerekampembicaraanmereka.Sementaraitu, penelitijugamenginterviewmerekadanlembar interview jugatermasukmenjadi instrument penelitian.Padaakhirnya, hasildaripenelitianmenunjukanbahwauntukbeberapakonsonandalambahasainggrisdan vowels Kata kunci:Interferensi, BahasaJawa, EjaanBahasaInggris   Abstract This research is to reveal the interference of Javanese to English, especially in the area of phonology. Interference in phonology occurs if there are aspects of another language in one’s utterances (Dulay in Rochmawati, 2007, p.8). The aims of this research are to give an overview of the phenomena of the Javanese interference towards English production. The utterances of the students in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, especially the female students are analyzed and interpreted descriptively through the theory of Phonological rules. To collect the data, the researcher use two methods; observation and interview. In observation, the researcher come nearer to the students who having a conversation and record their utterances. While, the interview is also conducted and an interview sheet also considered as research instrument. Finally, the result of this research shows that there are some English consonants and vowels are interfered by the Javanese. The English consonants that interfere by the Javanese are: /ð/, /θ/, /z/, /v/, /d/, /k/, /ʤ/, and /ʃ/. The students are difficult to produce the sound /ð/, /θ/ and /ʤ/. Then, the students also change some diphthong into a vowel; /æ/ into /e/, /au/ into /É”/, /ai/ into /e/, and /au/ into /É”/. Key Terms: Interference, Javanese, English Pronunciatio

    Implementasi Pembacaan Asmaul Husna dalam Pembentukan Kecerdasan Emosi dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Peserta Didik Kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang Implementasi Pembacaan Asmaul Husna Dalam Pembentukan Kecerdasan Emosi Dan Kecerdasan Spiritual Peserta Didik Kelas VIII Di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012, dengan rumusan masalah: 1) Bagaimana pelaksanaan pembacaan Asmaul Husna oleh peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang ? 2) Apa kontribusi implemetasi pembacaan Asmaul Husna dalam pembentukan kecerdasan emosi dan kecerdasan spiritual peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang ? Tujuan penelitian, yaitu Untuk mengetahui: 1) Pelaksanaan pembacaan Asmaul Husna oleh peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang. 2) Kontribusi implementasi pembacaan Asmaul Husna dalam pembentukan Kecerdasan Emosi dan Kecerdasan Spiritual peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan. Data dikumpulkan dengan observasi, wawancara dan studi dokumentasi secara langsung di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang. Data penelitian yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan cara berfikir induktif, yaitu dengan cara penarikan kesimpulan yang dimulai dari pernyataan yang bersifat khusus menuju pada kenyataan yang bersifat umum. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pembacaan Asmaul Husna yang dilakukan oleh peserta didik kelas VIII di SMP Negeri 31 Semarang dilaksanakan setiap hari pukul 06.55-07.10 WIB sebelum pelajaran dimulai. Pembacaan Asmaul Husna dipandu secara sentral oleh seorang Guru pembimbing di ruang Guru yang di ikuti oleh peserta didik dan para Guru di masing-masing kelas. Adapun media pendukung yang digunakan dalam pembacaan Asmaul Husna di sekolah ini diantaranya yaitu teks Asmaul Husna, microphone dan pengeras suara dimasing-masing kelas. Sedangkan kontribusi pembacaan Asmaul Husna dalam pembentukan kecerdasan emosi dan kecerdasan spiritual peserta didik kelas VIII adalah mengasah kecerdasan emosi dan kecerdasan spiritual siswa, pendukung visi dan misi sekolah serta mencetak generasi penerus yang militan atau tangguh

    Analisis Tingkat Partisipasi Wanita Dalam Angkatan Kerja Di Jawa Tengah Periode Tahun 1982-2000

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    At industrialization phase, women will be shifted by men because the increasing of unemployment. When economic development reaches a certain stage, the trend of development turned with increasing women employment. Purpose of the research that will be reached is to estimate influence of women unemployment, women resident that managing household, and women residents that still school on the level of women participation in the labor force in Central Java (1982-2000). This study clarifies the factors that influence the level of participation of women in the labor force and improve the existence theory of the labor force participation rate. One way to analyze the effect of short-run and long run is to use a dynamic model. In this research model used is the Engle Granger Error Correction Models (EG-ECM) which based on "granger representation theorem". The result knows the variable having influence which significance in short-run are women resident that managing household and women resident that still school

    Merencanakan Sumber Belajar Berbasis Keterampilan Berperspektif Islami Untuk Pendidikan Keanekaragaman Hayati

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    Educators are beginning to recognize the importance and benefits of introducing pupils to biodiversity and associated issues. Generic criteria for successfully planning and developing a skills-based resource for Islamic perspective biodiversity education are described. The criteria presented here are general to be applied to any biodiversity education and they form a useful framework to construct a resource. Without such a framework there is danger that the biodiversity concept could be misrepresented

    Pengaruh NPL, LDR, BOPO dan Nim Terhadap Roa Pada PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk Tahun 2013-2021

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji besarnya pengaruh variabel Non Performing Loan (NPL), Loan to Depoite Ratio (LDR), Beban Operasional pada Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) dan Net Interest Margin (NIM) terhadap Return On Assets (ROA) PT. Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia periode tahun 2013-2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain penelitian menggunakan analisis regresi linier berganda dengan bantuan program Eviews 10. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel NPL, LDR, BOPO dan NIM secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap ROA. Berdasarkan hasil uji t dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara parsial variabel NPL dan LDR tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA, sedangkan  variabel BOPO dan NIM  berpengaruh signifikan terhadap ROA. Hasil perhitungan koefisien determinasi menunjukkan pengaruh yang diberikan oleh variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen sebesar 95,54% sedangkan sisanya 4,46% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini

    Analysis Of The Influence Of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Inflation And Interest Rates On Economic Growth In Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the development of foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation, interest rates, economic growth and per capita income in Indonesia, as well as the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation and interest rates on economic growth and per capita income in Indonesia. Indonesia in the period from 2000 to 2019. The type of data used in this study is secondary in the form of time series, with the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) research model. The research results show that simultaneously, foreign direct investment (FDI), inflation and interest rates have no significant effect on economic growth and per capita income in Indonesia. Keywords: Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Inflation, Interest Rates, Economic Growt

    Analisis Pengaruh Jumlah Penduduk, Pendidikan, Upah Minimum, Dan PDRB Terhadap Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka Di Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of Population, Education, Minimum Wage, and GRDP on the Open Unemployment Rate in West Java Province with 26 Regencies/Cities in West Java Province in 2018-2020. This study uses the panel data method using software eviews 10. From the results of the study it can be concluded that partially Education, Minimum Wage and Gross Regional Domestic Product have a negative and significant effect on the Open Unemployment Rate, while the Population Number variable has no effect on the Open Unemployment Rate variable.  The simultaneous influence of the variables of Education, Minimum Wage and Gross Regional Domestic Product is significant at 92.51% and the remaining 7.49% is influenced by other factors that are not included in the model. Unemployment rate is open in every Regency/City in West Java Province


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    The research aims to determine the effect of GRDP, District/City Minimum Wage (UMK), Open Unemployment Rate (TPT), Human Development Index (IPM), on Labor Absorption in East Java Province in 2017-2021. The dependent variable data is employment, while UMK, TPT, HDI are independent variables sourced from the Central Bureau of Statistics of East Java Province. This study uses panel data, namely 38 district/city sectors in East Java. The estimation used is the Fixed Effect Model with analysis used to find the effect of several dependent variables on the independent variable. The results of the study show that partially GRDP has a negative and insignificant effect on employment in East Java Province, the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) has a negative and significant effect on employment absorption in East Java Province, UMK has a negative and insignificant effect on employment working in East Java Province. Meanwhile, the HDI has a positive and significant effect on employment in East Java Province.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh  PDRB, Upah Minimum Kabupaten/Kota (UMK), Tingkat Pengangguran Terbuka (TPT), Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM), terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur tahun 2017-2021. Data variabel dependen adalah penyerapan tenaga kerja, sedangkan UMK, TPT, IPM merupakan variabel independent yang bersumber dari Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Jawa Timur. Penelitian ini menggunakan data panel yaitu 38 sektor kabupaten/kota yang ada di Jawa Timur. Estimasi yang digunakan adalah Fixed Effect Model dengan analisis yang digunakan untuk mencari pengaruh dari beberapa variabel dependen terhadap variabel independent. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial PDRB berpengaruh negative dan tidak signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Tingkat pengangguran Terbuka (TPT) berpengaruh negative dan signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur, UMK berpengaruh negative dan tidak signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Sementara itu, IPM berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja di Provinsi Jawa Timur

    Factors that affect the Amaount of Catfish Farming Production in the Catfish Village Boyolali Regency

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of capital, land area, and labor on catfish farming production in Catfish Village, Palm Oil District, Boyolali Regency. Primary data was collected from 29 respondents over a period of one harvest quarter. The study results indicate that capital has a significant impact on catfish farming production, while land area and labor do not have a significant effect. These findings have important implications for catfish farmers and policymakers. It emphasizes the need for sufficient capital investment to enhance production capabilities. Policymakers can support farmers through financial programs and credit access to facilitate investment in modern technologies and infrastructure. It is important to note that this study focuses on the specific context of Catfish Village in Boyolali Regency. Further research is needed to validate these results and explore additional factors that may influence catfish farming production

    The Pindang Fish Quality is Based on Physical, Chemical, and Biological Parameters

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    Processing of fish products is mostly done by refining. However, spinning also has drawbacks, namely low durability and ease to rot. The purpose of the research was to test the quality of pindang fish physically, chemically, and biologically in the city of Tulungagung. The research method used is descriptive qualitative by testing the quality of pindang fish physically, chemically, and biologically. The results showed that physically pindang fish samples A and B were suitable for consumption with a value of more than 7. Chemical tests showed that samples A and B were safe for consumption when viewed from the content of salt, formalin, lead (Pb), tin (Sn), chromium (Cr), and mercury (Hg) which are all below the SNI standard. However, it should be noted that the content of water, cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As) exceeds SNI. Biological tests showed the content of Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp. Staphylococcus aureus and Vibrio cholerae are all under the SNI, but there is one indicator, namely the Total Plate Number (ALT) which exceeds the SNI standard. Pindang fish found in the city of Tulungagung is suitable for consumption based on the results of physical, chemical, and biological tests
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