9 research outputs found

    Investigating the Motivational Teaching Strategies of an English Native Speaker Lecturer

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    In Indonesia, English is learned as a foreign language. One of the most important factors that can influence the students‟ achievement learning a foreign language is motivation. Motivational teaching strategies are effective ways an English lecturer can use to influence students‟ motivation in foreign language learning. The aims of this research are to investigate the motivational teaching strategies used by an English native speaker lecturer and to know the students‟ responses toward the motivational teaching strategies used by an English native speaker lecturer. The type of this study is a qualitative research. The subjects of this study are an English native speaker lecturer and 23 students of the third semester of English Education Department, Ahmad Dahlan University in the academic year of 2019/2020. The researcher uses observation, interview, survey and document for collecting the data. Then, the researcher uses three instruments namely: observation checklist, interview guideline, and questionnaire. To analyze the data, the researcher uses qualitative descriptive as the main analysis and quantitative one as the back up. Using Dornyei‟s framework of teaching motivational strategies, the result of this study showed that the English native speaker lecturer used 34 of 48 strategies of motivational teaching strategies by Dornyei (2001). Of the first category i.e. creating the basic motivational conditions, the English native speaker lecturer applied 9 of 12 strategies, 5 of 11 of the second category (generating initial motivation strategies), 6 of 18 strategies the third category (maintaining and protecting motivation), and 4 of 7 strategies in the fourth category (encouraging positive retrospective self-evaluation). Moreover, the English native speaker lecturer did not apply only few strategies during the teaching because of some considerations. In terms of students‟ responses, the students mostly gave “Often” response toward the motivational teaching strategies used by the English native speaker lecturer. Keywords: EFL, Teaching Strategies, Motivational Teaching Strategie

    Ideal-p kiri utama dalam semiring inversive regular-p=The principal left p-ideals in an inversive p-regular semirings

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    An inversive semiring S is called p-regular if for each a E S, there exists some b E S such that a + aba = 2a. Ideal I in an inversive semiring S is called p-ideal if for some x E S, x + a = 2x for some a E I then x E I. In this paper we discuss characterizations of the principal left p-ideal in an inversive semiring S. Keyword : Inversive semiring, p-regular semiring, p-idea

    Relasi Kekuasaan Stakeholder dalam Pembangunan Proyek Pengembangan Gas Jawa (PPGJ) milik PT Pertamina EP Asset 4 di Desa Sumber Kecamatan Kradenan Kabupaten Blora

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    Penelitian ini berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana relasi kuasa yang terbentuk dalam hubungan stakeholder ( masyarakat, perusahaan, pemerintah) dalam pembangunan Proyek Pengembangan Gas Jawa (PPGJ) di Desa Sumber, Kecamatan Kradenan, Kabupaten Blora. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keberadaan proyek migas yang ada di wilayah blok Cepu. Salah satunya yang ada di Desa Sumber ini. Selama proses pembangunan sejak tahun 2007 hingga tahun 2013, banyak terjadi peristiwa-peristiwa yang mengakibatkan gejolak di wilayah ini. Tahun 2007 sampai dengan tahun 2010, keadaan masih kondusif. Sayangnya karena beberapa kebijakan perusahaan seperti pengeboran air, pemutusan pekerja lokal, dan pembangunan infrastruktur yang tidak maksimal, menyebabkan masyarakat melakukan demonstrasi. Selama tiga tahun, hingga tahun 2013, demonstrasi akhirnya berhasil diselesaikan melalui proses negosiasi yang panjang. Dengan dukungan pemerintah akhirnya perusahaan memenangkan keputusan. Akan tetapi, permasalahannya adalah masyarakat berubah menjadi diam dan pasif setelah proses negosiasi tersebut. Karenanya penelitian ini berusaha mendeskripsikan bagaimana sifat relasi kekuasaan antar stakeholder tersebut dalam proses pembangunan Proyek PPGJ. Penelitian ini menggunakan konsep kekuasaan Michel Foucault sebagai kerangka analisisnya. Menurut Foucault kekuasaan selalu ada dalam hubunganhubungan yang bersifat teratur dan dikoordinasikan. Hubungan kekuasaan sendiri terlihat dalam tindakan yang mendorong pihak lain melalui rangsangan, persuasi atau paksaan dan larangan untuk mewujudkan suatu tujuan. Kekuasaan itu tersebar dimana-mana baik pada individu, organisasi maupun institusi serta terus diproduksi dan direproduksi. Foucault juga menggunakan konsep Governmentality, adalah dimana ketika suatu pihak menginternalisasikan suatu kebenaran atau kekuasaan kepada pihak lain agar mereka menjadi tunduk. Proses ini dinamakan mekanisme normalisasi relasi dominasi. Hasil dari penelitian yang didapatkan adalah kekuasaan tidak hanya dimiliki oleh perusahaan, tetapi juga pemerintah dan masyarakat. perusahaan dan pemerintah bersama memberikan kebijakan kepada masyarakat berupa kekuasaan tentang PPGJ, akan tetapi masyarakat juga berkuasa dalam membuat kekuasaan baru dan melawan kekuasaan dominan yang dibentuk oleh perusahaan dan pemerintah. Kekuasaan dari pihak pemerintah dan perusahaan, dan seluruh proses dan tahapan tersebut merupakan mekanisme normalisasi relasi dominasi. Relasi yang terbentuk antara masyarakat, perusahaan dan pemerintah menjadi tidak seimbang dan masyarakat pada akhirnya menjadi diam karena kekuasaan yang dibentuk oleh perusahaan memenangkan pertarungan kekuasaan. Hal tersebutlah yang pada akhirnya menyebabkan masyarakat diam dan pasif

    Ideal-p dalam semiring regular-p

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    The Role of Andrographolide in Andrographis paniculata as a Potential Analgesic for Herbal Medicine based Drug Development

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    Background: Andrographis paniculata is a herbaceous plant in the Acanthaceae family, that is widely used as a traditional medicine in Asian countries and known to exhibit a wide range of pharmacological effects. Recent studies have provided an overview of the great potential of A. paniculata as an analgesic. The ethanol extract and ethyl acetate (EA) fraction of A.paniculata were shown to contain diterpene lactone compounds, which may be useful as a potential active ingredient in analgesic drugs. The development of a herbal medicine based drug requires an effective and high quality active ingredient. Therefore, this research was aimed to compare the analgesic activity of ethanol extract and EA fraction based on their andrographolide content and further to determine the more viable active substance for analgesic herbal medicine based drug development. Method: The andrographolide content in the ethanol extract and EA fraction was determined by High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Measurement of analgesic activity was performed by writhing test. The experimental animals were randomly divided into eight groups consisting of 5 mice in each. Group 1 (negative control) received 1% Tween-80 in normal saline. Group 2 (positive control) received a standard analgesic drug (diclofenac sodium) at a dose of 40?mg/kg body weight. Group 3, 4, and 5 received ethanol extract while Group 6, 7, and 8 received EA fraction, each at a dose of 12.5, 25, and 50 mg andrographolide/kg body weight, respectively. Each mouse was injected intraperitoneally with 1% acetic acid at a dose of 10?ml/kg body weight 30 minutes after oral administration of the treatments. The number of writhes were counted 5 min after acetic acid injection over a period of 45 min. Results: Andrographolide content in ethanol extract and EA fraction was 15.66±0.28 and 21.25±1.08 % w/w, respectively. Ethanol extract and EA fraction displayed analgesic activity of 67.68% and 70.91% respectively, at a dose of 50 mg andrographolide/kg body weight. The positive control at a dose of 40 mg/kg body weight showed an analgesic activity of 74.33%. Statistical analysis showed no significant differences between EA fraction at a dose of 50 mg andrographolide/kg body weight and ethanol extract at the same dose as well as the positive control (P> 0.05). The effective dose 50% (ED50) of the ethanol extract and EA fraction was determined to be 29.49 and 25.55 mg/kg body weight, respectively. Conclusion: It was possible to use andrographolide content as an indicator for the analgesic activity of A.paniculata. Ethanol extract and EA fraction of A. paniculata at the same dose of andrographolide showed similar analgesic activity. The amount of ethanol extract which needed to reach similar analgesic activity was higher than EA fraction. Therefore, EA fraction likely has greater potential as an analgesic active substance due to its higher content of andrographolide; however further study is needed to develop it as a dosage form

    The relationship between fear of missing out, impulsivity toward stress, anxiety, and depression among crypto asset traders in Indonesia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on every aspect of human life, from health issues to economic problems, where high unemployment rates and many businesses experience stagnation. When someone experiences financial anxiety, it will certainly affect their financial behavior. In this case, trading crypto assets is very attractive to investors because asset value increases can be achieved quickly, but asset value decreases can also occur just as quickly. The mental impact that occurs from this phenomenon needs to be known. Analytical observational research with a cross-sectional study design on 207 subjects who have crypto accounts and are trading crypto assets. The sample was obtained through voluntary sampling via social media and crypto communities throughout Indonesia. Out of 207 research subjects, there were 88.4% of crypto asset traders experienced FoMO, 90.33% experienced impulsivity, and there was a relationship between FoMO and impulsivity (p=0.001, cc=0.228), FoMO and stress (p=0.000, cc=0.289), FoMO and anxiety (p=0.040, cc=0.143), FoMO and depression (p=0.000, cc=0.218), impulsivity and stress (p=0.000, cc=0.303), impulsivity and anxiety (p=0.000, cc=0.352), and impulsivity and depression (p=0.000, cc=0.360). The reliability test of the FoMO questionnaire was (? cronbach=0.504), validity test (KMO=0.599, commonalities of each question item >0.50).

    A Chronicle of Indonesia’s Forest Management: A Long Step towards Environmental Sustainability and Community Welfare

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    Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world, with 17,000 islands of varying sizes and elevations, from lowlands to very high mountains, stretching more than 5000 km eastward from Sabang in Aceh to Merauke in Papua. Although occupying only 1.3% of the world’s land area, Indonesia possesses the third-largest rainforest and the second-highest level of biodiversity, with very high species diversity and endemism. However, during the last two decades, Indonesia has been known as a country with a high level of deforestation, a producer of smoke from burning forests and land, and a producer of carbon emissions. The aim of this paper is to review the environmental history and the long process of Indonesian forest management towards achieving environmental sustainability and community welfare. To do this, we analyze the milestones of Indonesian forest management history, present and future challenges, and provide strategic recommendations toward a viable Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) system. Our review showed that the history of forestry management in Indonesia has evolved through a long process, especially related to contestation over the control of natural resources and supporting policies and regulations. During the process, many efforts have been applied to reduce the deforestation rate, such as a moratorium on permitting primary natural forest and peat land, land rehabilitation and soil conservation, environmental protection, and other significant regulations. Therefore, these efforts should be maintained and improved continuously in the future due to their significant positive impacts on a variety of forest areas toward the achievement of viable SFM. Finally, we conclude that the Indonesian government has struggled to formulate sustainable forest management policies that balance economic, ecological, and social needs, among others, through developing and implementing social forestry instruments, developing and implementing human resource capacity, increasing community literacy, strengthening forest governance by eliminating ambiguity and overlapping regulations, simplification of bureaucracy, revitalization of traditional wisdom, and fair law enforcement