26 research outputs found

    The Problems of Proving Electronic Evidence

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    The purpose of writing this article is to present the results of research on the problems in the existence of electronic evidence in proving civil cases, criminal cases, and state administrative cases, as well as finding solutions to these problems. This article was written using a normative legal research method with a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study determine that there is a need for synchronization of rules regarding electronic evidence as regulated in Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions as amended by Law Number 19 of 2016, and rules of procedural law, both legal criminal procedure, civil procedural law and state administrative procedural law. Keywords: Electronic Evidence, Synchronization, Procedure La


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    Korupsi sebagai extra-ordinary crime memerlukan penanganan yang luar biasa untuk dapat mewujudkan pemberantasan korupsi yang optimal. Penindakan korupsi secara represif perlu mempertimbangkan 2 (dua) hal yakni aspek penjeraan bagi pelaku korupsi, dan pengembalian kerugian negara akibat korupsi. Upaya pemberantasan korupsi di Indonesia selama ini baru menyentuh aspek penjeraan bagi pelakunya, dengan memberikan sanksi pidana yang berat bagi siapapun yang terbukti melakukan korupsi. Semestinya penindakan terhadap korupsi tidak lagi difokuskan pada pelaku (follow the suspect), akan tetapi difokuskan pada pengembalian asset korupsi (follow the money). Indonesia telah meratifikasi Konvensi Anti Korupsi PBB (UNCAC) yang di dalamnya terdapat suatu norma yang mendukung mengenai pengembalian asset korupsi yakni illicit enrichment (peningkatan harta kekayaan secara tidak sah). Berdasarkan norma tersebut, memungkinkan dilakukannya perampasan asset tanpa adanya putusan hakim yang menyatakan kesalahan terdakwa. Mekanisme ini menarik untuk dikaji, karena akan lebih efektif untuk memberantas korupsi, oleh karena tanpa harus membuktikan bahwa terdakwa melakukan korupsi. Ketika terdakwa memiliki harta yang tidak sesuai dengan pendapatannya yang sah, dan ia tidak dapat menjelaskan sumber penambahan harta kekayaannya, illicit enrichment dapat diterapkan. Penerapan illicit enrichment ini didukung dengan mekanisme pembalikan beban pembuktian. Permasalahannya adalah apakah penerapan pembalikan beban pembuktian ini bertentangan dengan Hak Asasi Manusia? Artikel ini akan menjawab permasalahan tersebut dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan konseptual dan pendekatan perundang-undangan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah illicit enrichment mesti diterapkan sekalipun bertentangan dengan asas non-self incrimination oleh karena ada kepentingan yang lebih prioritas yakni pengembalian kerugian negara


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    This article discusses legal issues related to the history and process of the formation of the principle of legality which is a fundamental principle in criminal law in various countries, including Indonesia. Tracing the history and development of the principle of legality shows that the principle of legality is much influenced by the thoughts of philosophers from various countries. The purpose of the principle of legality is to provide guarantees and protection of human rights for citizens from the arbitrariness of the authorities in applying the provisions of criminal law. This research is a normative legal research using a conceptual approach that is grounded in theories / doctrines of legal experts used to answer legal issues / issues in this article. The analysis technique used in the writing of this article is a deductive analysis technique, and uses legal material collection techniques in the form of library research (library research) and internet search (cyber-research). The results of this study are a common thread among philosophers' thoughts which form the basis of the formation of the principle of legality, including in Indonesia which is still valid today in Article 1 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code


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    The public's reaction to the act of social deviation, gathering together often reaps various negative responses and tends to be vigilante (eigenrichting). Based on this, it is necessary that the act of gathering together is categorized as a crime through a criminalization policy. The Draft Criminal Code has listed this act as a crime of decency, but in its formulation it needs to be re-examined regarding its impact on society. This study aims to provide an analysis of the extent to which the criminalization of gathering kebo brings social impacts to the community. This research is a normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The data collection technique was carried out by literature study, namely studying primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. The analysis used in this research is prescriptive, to find out what should be done to answer the legal issues raised in this paper. The result of this research is that the criminalization of the act of gathering together needs to consider the social aspects of society

    Opportunities to Implement Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Law Enforcement in Indonesia

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    Studies on Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) in various countries around the world have been carried out. However, for Indonesia, this is a new thing. So this article aims to examine Mutual Legal Assistance from the perspective of law and social contracts. This study explores methods for obtaining witness statements of foreign nationals. The writing of this article uses a normative legal research method, with a conceptual and statutory approach. The technique of analyzing legal materials used in writing this article is literature study. The results of this study are that it can be seen that foreign nationals have the right to refuse to give their statements before an Indonesian court, and there are no legal consequences whatsoever. Based on this phenomenon, it causes a lack of evidence that is very important in the examination of criminal cases, namely witness statements

    Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Partai Politik dalam Tindak Pidana Korupsi

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaturan mengenai pertanggungjawaban pidana korporasi bagi partai politik dalam hal terjadinya tindak pidana korupsi, dan formulasi pertanggungjawaban pidana tersebut serta bentuk sanksi yang akan dijatuhkan kepada partai politik selaku korporasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi untuk penerapan pertanggungjawaban pidana koporasi bagi partai politik dan jenis-jenis sanksi yang dapat diterapkan kepada partai politik selaku korporasiKata Kunci: partai politik, pertanggungjawaban pidana. korporasi ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the arrangements regarding corporate criminal liability for political parties in the event of criminal acts of corruption, and the formulation of these criminal liabilities and the form of sanctions to be imposed on political parties as corporations. The results of this study are recommendations for the application of corporate criminal liability for political parties and types of sanctions that can be applied to political parties as corporationsKeywords: political parties, criminal liability. corporatio

    The Transition Of Legal Modernism Paradigm To Legal Postmodernism In The Digital Era

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    Abstract: Legal construction in Indonesia, which is largely influenced by the influence of the Continental European legal system, the Dutch heritage is identical with the nuances of legal positivism. The flow of legal positivism is in legal modernism, which is included in the form of written rules. The development of human civilization in modern times is so fast and gives birth to a modern digital civilization. The power of legal positivism is strong enough to solve legal problems that develop following the civilization of its people. The new paradigm that can be a solution to problems in this digital era is the post-modernism paradigm. Post-modernism opens up opportunities for diversity in the meaning of law. Rigid written law can be interpreted more flexibly with the context, so that within the framework of that meaning it becomes more flexible in solving problems that occur in society.Keywords: Modernism, Post-Modernism, Digital Era.Ă‚


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    This study aims to determine the existence of customary law specifically related to customary offenses in national criminal law and its implementation that has been applied so far, and to find out the prospects for its application after the HP bills have been implemented. The results of this research are to provide an overview of present and future

    Pemenuhan Asas Persidangan Terbuka Untuk Umum dalam Persidangan Secara Elektronik

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    Writing this article will discuss the problems related to the implementation of electronic trials in the answer-and-responsibility agenda (oral-debate) and the agenda for reading decisions that do not realize the principle of an open trial. These problems make it difficult for the public to know the course of criminal case investigations in court. The research and writing of this article aims to understand the holding of electronic trials that are open to the public, and to find out the problems in the form of barriers to public access to obtaining information about court decisions. The writing of this article uses a normative research method, with a conceptual and statutory approach. The legal materials used in writing this article are primary legal materials and secondary legal materials. Keywords: Electronic Trial, Trial Open to the Public, Court Verdict.Penulisan artikel ini akan membahas terkait problematika dalam implementasi persidangan secara elektronik dalam agenda jawab-jinawab (secara oral-debate) dan agenda pembacaan putusan yang kurang mewujudkan asas persidangan terbuka untuk umum. Problematika ini membuat masyarakat menjadi kesulitan untuk mengetahui jalannya pemeriksaan perkara pidana di pengadilan. Penelitian dan penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami dilangsungkannya persidangan elektronik yang terbuka  untuk umum, dan mengetahui problematika berupa hambatan akses masyaakat terhadap didapatkannya informasi mengenai putusan pengadilan. Penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif, dengan pendekatan konseptual dan perundang-undangan. Bahan hukum yang digunakan di dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder. Kata Kunci: Persidangan Elektronik, Persidangan Terbuka untuk Umum, Putusan Pengadilan.   &nbsp

    Automatic Text Summarization Berdasarkan Pendekatan Statistika pada Dokumen Berbahasa Indonesia

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    Abstract—Propelled by the modern technological innovations data and text will be more abundant throughout the year. With this much text, automatic text summarization is needed now more than ever to help summarize a text. Automatic text summarization is defined as the creation of a shortened version of a text by a computer program, the product of this procedure still contains the most important points of the original text. Statistical approaches is one of automatic text summarization method. There is 5 statistical approaches that being used namely aggregation similarity method, frequency method, location method, title method (if text has a title), dan tf-based query method (if text doesn’t have a title). Cosine similarity is used to calculate title method, aggregation similarity method, and tf- based query method. There is two type of validation, user validation and system validation. For system validation compare the similarity between human summary and summary generated by program, which result in accuracy of 76.7647% for summary with 30% length of the original journal. For user validation result in 82% accuracy. The conclusion based on user validation and system validation is statistical approaches is suitable for automatic text summarization.Keywords: automatic text summarization, statistical approaches, Indonesian document, cosine similarity Abstrak— Dengan kemajuan teknologi jumlah data dan teks akan semakin melimpah sepanjang tahun. Dengan banyaknya teks ini dibutuhkan bantuan automatic text summarization untuk merangkum teks tersebut. Automatic text summarization didefinisikan sebagai versi singkat dari suatu teks menggunakan program komputer yang hasilnya masih memiliki informasi penting berupa gagasan dasar dan kata atau kalimat yang dapat merepresentasikan keseluruhan teks original. Salah satu metode dalam automatic text summarization adalah pendekatan statistika. Pendekatan statistika yang digunakan ada 5 yaitu aggregation similarity method, frequency method, location method, title method (bila teks memiliki judul), dan tf-based query method (bila teks tidak memiliki judul). Cosine similarity dipakai untuk perhitungan title method, tf-based query method, dan aggregation similarity method. Validasi dilakukan dengan dua macam validasi. Pertama adalah validasi sistem dengan membandingkan similaritas antara rangkuman program dan rangkuman manusia, yang menghasilkan akurasi 76.7647% untuk rangkuman dengan panjang 30% dari jurnal original. Kedua adalah validasi user yang menghasilkan akurasi 81%. Kesimpulannya berdasarkan validasi user dan validasi sistem yang cukup baik maka pendekatan statistika cocok dipakai dalam kasus automatic text summarization.Kata kunci: automatic text summarization, pendekatan statistika, cosine similarity, dokumen berbahasa Indonesi