95 research outputs found

    Area Development Model Based on Mangrove Wetland Essential Ecosystem, in Pangpang Bay Banyuwangi Indonesia

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    Pangpang bay is one of the potential fisheries in Banyuwangi adjacent to the Strait of Bali, surrounded by mangroves, and currently becomes a concern of many parties, including the international one. For that reason, this research aims to know the condition of fisheries and mangrove areas in Pangpang Bay in terms of legal and institutional aspects, determine the potential of mangrove forests, the optimal number of sustainable fishing gear and determine the model of development of the Pangpang Bay. This research used descriptive method, the method of analysis used the legal and institutional aspects through an in-depth study and SWOT analysis. The results show that the policy (laws and regulations) for the development of the Pangpang Bay area needs to be coordinated together between the stakeholders involved, the institutions involved in the management of the Pangpang Bay area.  Therefore, the development model of the Pangpang Bay Banyuwangi is model focusing on improving the welfare of fishermen and coastal communities, the sustainability of mangrove resources and surrounding areas, and regulation of fishing activities. Keywords: Mangrove, Ecosistem Essensial, Teluk Pangpang

    Purse Seine Utilization in Fishery Development of Muncar Coastal Area, Banyuwangi (Bali Strait), Indonesia

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    Lemuru (Sardinella lemuru) is a major fishery resources in the Strait of Bali with a base in the Port of of Muncar, Banyuwangi. Since 2000 there has been a large number of fishing activity, especially for catching Lemuru. It is due to an increase in the number of vessels and purse seine. The objective of this study are as follows: to determine the condition of fishery by using Purse Seine, to know  the condition of fishery in coastal areas of Muncar in terms of legal and institutional aspects and to determine what the appropriate strategy for developing sustainable fisheries in of Muncar Banyuwangi. A descriptive method is used in this study. While the analysis of the data uses Description Analysis Method and SWOT analysis. The results showed that the rate of Lemuru exploitation in fish port (PPI) of Muncar compared with the Total Allowable Catch (JTB) in the Strait of Bali is exceeding the JTB value or in a state of over fishing. In the case of marine and coastal resource management, Muncar is currently not using the principle of Integrated Coastal Management (ICM). Making the marine and fisheries development policy haveto be established with a multidisciplinary rational scientific approach aims to improve the welfare of fishermen and maintaining optimum utilization of fishery resources to be sustainable. Based on the SWOT analysis, recommendations that can made by policy makers, among others: optimizing the function and role of the port in increasing the production of fisheries, fishing gear optimization, standardization, the selectivity of fishing gear, fishing effort enforcement on 20 miles offshore – 200 mile EEZ and restrictions on the number of vessels and catches. Key Words: Keywords: Fishing, Purse Seine, Lemuru

    Optimization of Pelagic Fishing Efforts in Muncar Area Indonesia

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    Marine fisheries production in Banyuwangi is dominated by the Muncar contribution, about 94,03% of total fishing effort production. The catch fishes were dominated by species of the pelagic fishes which are catched by the Purse seine, Gillnets, and Liftnets. This study was conducted to analyze the optimum amount of catching devices in sustainable fishing efforts biologically, technically, social and economically, and environmental friendly. A descriptive-analytic study involved the Multiple Goal Programming method with the objective constraints of covering aspects of ecology, biology, technical aspects, social and economic aspects. Data were collected with the survey method and direct observations in the field, involving 63 fisherman of Purseseine, 51 fishermen of Gillnet and 20 fishermen of Liftnet. Results showed that the sustainability scenario, technical scenario and social scenario recommends a reduction in the number of Purse seine as many as four units, while the Gillnet plus 5 units, and Liftnet plus 27 units. Economical profit scenario recommends a reduction in Purse seine as much as three units, the addition of Gillnet as many as 15 unit and the addition of Liftnet as much as 16 units. Besides the addition of a total fishing efforts, the things that need to be done is to expand the fishing ground and improvement of the fishing business through the continuous improvement of human resources competencies. Keyword: fishing effort, pelagic fishes, Purse seine, Gill net, Lift ne


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    The flow of information is currently spreading very quickly, and massively, so critical thinking skills are needed to obtain valid information. Based on the 2015-2019 Ministry of Education and Culture Strategic Plan, learning activities in Indonesia have not yet facilitated the development of students' critical thinking skills. One of the lessons that are thought to be able to improve student's critical thinking skills is blended learning (BL). Therefore, this experimental study aims to determine the effectiveness of BL in terms of students' critical thinking skills. Data were collected through written tests and interviews. This study involved 68 eighth-grade junior high school students. The main instrument in this study is a mathematics test (pre-test and post-test) which consists of five essay questions. The independent sample t-test was used to compare the difference in average scores between the experimental class and the control class, followed by using the normalized gain (n-gain) score from the pretest and posttest to test the effectiveness of BL in terms of students' critical thinking skills. Based on the independent sample t-test, there is a significant difference in the average value of critical thinking skills between the BL class and the conventional class. The average n-gain score for the experimental class (BL) is categorized as less effective. The average n-gain score for the control class (conventional) is included in the ineffective category. So in conclusion, the application of BL in mathematics learning is categorized as less effective in terms of critical thinking skills

    van Hiele instructional package for vocational school students’ spatial reasoning

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    [Bahasa]: Artikel ini membahas kepraktisan dan keefektifan perangkat pembelajaran matematika sekolah menengah kejuruan (SMK) berbasis teori van Hiele dan berorientasi pada penalaran spasial. Perangkat pembelajaran berupa rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP) dan lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS). Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Instrumen pengumpulan data terdiri dari lembar observasi keterlaksanaaan pembelajaran, lembar penilaian kepraktisan dari guru dan siswa, dan tes penalaran spasial. Subjek uji coba perangkat pembelajaran adalah 106 siswa dari tiga kelas di SMKN 2 Ngawi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran matematika SMK menggunakan teori van Hiele berorientasi pada penalaran spasial praktis. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari respon guru dan siswa yang menyatakan bahwa perangkat dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran di kelas. Selain itu, perangkat yang dikembangkan juga efektif dilihat dari persentase ketuntasan kemampuan penalaran spasial siswa mencapai 82% setelah menggunakan perangkat pembejalaran yang dikembangkan. Perangkat ini dapat menunjang kemampuan penalaran siswa karena menyediakan ilustrasi gambar dan bidang kartesius untuk memfasilitasi siswa berpikir spasial. Kata kunci: Perangkat Pembelajaran; van Hiele; Penalaran Spasial [English]: This paper discusses the practicality and effectiveness of mathematics instructional package for vocational school based on van Hiele theory and oriented to spatial reasoning. The learning package was developed using ADDIE’s model. The research instruments consisted of observation sheet, practicality assessment sheets from teachers and students, and spatial reasoning test. The tryout involved 106 students from three classes in SMKN 2 Ngawi. The result of research showed that instructional package of vocational school based on van Hiele theory is practical to use as can be seen from the teacher's and students’ responses. The instructional package was also considered to be effective because 82% of students passed the spatial reasoning test. The package provided figures illustration and Cartesian model that could support students’ spatial thinking. Keywords: Instructional Package; van Hiele; Spatial Reasonin

    Praktik Pembelajaran Ekoliterasi Berorientasi Pendidikan untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Kota Surabaya Bagian Barat

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran praktik pembelajaran ekoliterasi berorientasi pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan di sekolah dasar negeri Kota Surabaya bagian barat. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan metode survei. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Kota Surabaya bagian barat dengan total populasi 1.070 guru. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Teknik Two Stage Cluster Sampling, dan sampel penelitian berjumlah 63 guru. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan statistik deskriptif dengan menghitung persentase variabel pembelajaran ekoliterasi, yang meliputi kondisi pembelajaran, metode pembelajaran, dan hasil pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan dilakukan tabulasi dan persentase dengan hasil praktik pembelajaran ekoliterasi berorientasi pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan di sekolah dasar negeri yaitu pada kategori cukup baik.Kata Kunci: Ekoliterasi, pendidikan untuk pembangunan berkelanjutan

    E-Learning Readiness In Indonesia: A Case Study In Junior High School Yogyakarta

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    This paper discusses data from a study examining the e-readiness of Junior High School in Yogyakarta to implement e-learning. The study explores the e-learning readiness including eight components of readiness: psychological readiness, sociological readiness, environmental readiness, human resource readiness, technological skill readiness, financial readiness, equipment readiness and content readiness. It is a quantitative study; the data was collected using questionnaire developed based on the ELR Chapnick model. Analysed using ELR Chapnick model, the data indicate that all participant schools have fairly high score of e-learning readiness in all component of readiness except sociological component which have high score. This implies that these schools are to some extend ready to implement e-learning in teaching and learning processes. The findings of this study contribute to the ongoing work of improving education quality by integrating traditional teaching and learning process and ICT that is done by Ministry of educatio

    Learning Mathematics Through Videos Lines and Angles: How to Analyze Students' Understanding of Mathematical Concepts?

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    The use of technology through learning videos has a high-quality impact on students' understanding of mathematical concepts. However, the facts show that the use of learning videos has not been fully utilized, especially in the lines and angles material. The purpose of this research is to determine and describe students' understanding on lines and angles concepts through the use of instructional videos. This study is a qualitative descriptive approach which employed interviews of students' conceptual understanding after their taking a test. This research involved two seventh-grade students of a junior high schools in Tulungagung, namely AL and YL. Both research subjects have studied the material of lines and angles in mathematics learning through the use of mathematics learning videos. The two students in this study were also students with high learning achievement categories. The results obtained from this study stated that the average ability of students to understand mathematical concepts was 80 out of a maximum score of 100 which can be categorized a good level of conceptual understanding. This implies that mathematics learning videos can be used as an alternative for teachers and other researchers in conveying material, and training students' abilities in understanding mathematical concepts, especially lines and angles material. As for further research, students' ability to understand mathematical concepts can be supported by using worksheets, media, or other learning approaches on lines and angles material.
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