11 research outputs found

    Vuorovaikutteisen suunnittelun haasteet ja mahdollisuudet metsÀtalouden vesiensuojelussa

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    Rapport de l'expertise scientifique collectiveLes animaux peuvent-ils Ă©prouver des Ă©motions, peuvent-ils penser, ont-ils une histoire de vie ? Depuis l’AntiquitĂ©, les philosophes ont proposĂ© des rĂ©ponses contrastĂ©es Ă  ces questions. Du XIXĂšme siĂšcle Ă  nos jours, la rĂ©flexion sur ce que sont les animaux s’est enrichie d’apports scientifiques : thĂ©orie de l’évolution, Ă©thologie, neurophysiologie, sciences cognitives. Mais la conscience animale reste toujours l’objet de dĂ©bats importants dans la communautĂ© scientifique. Ainsi en 2012 un groupe de scientifiques de premier plan a Ă©prouvĂ© la nĂ©cessitĂ© de publier un manifeste intitulĂ© « DĂ©claration de Cambridge sur la Conscience », qui Ă©nonce qu’« une convergence de preuves indique que les animaux non humains disposent des substrats neuro-anatomiques, neurochimiques et neurophysiologiques des Ă©tats conscients ainsi que la capacitĂ© d’exprimer des comportements intentionnels...».Les connaissances actuelles, dont cette expertise collective propose une synthĂšse, montrent que les animaux possĂšdent un large Ă©ventail de capacitĂ©s cognitives associĂ©es Ă  des comportements plus ou moins complexes. Les formes de conscience Ă©tudiĂ©es chez les humains supposent des capacitĂ©s cognitives distinctes que l’on retrouve chez certains animaux. Peut-on en postuler que ceux-ci ont des formes de consciences Ă©quivalentes Ă  celles de l’homme, sans ĂȘtre forcĂ©ment identiques ?L’étude des niveaux et des contenus de la conscience chez les animaux est en passe de devenir un enjeu scientifique important en raison de la complexitĂ© du sujet et des controverses qu’il ne manquera pas de susciter. Enfin, les acquis scientifiques dans ce domaine invitent Ă  reprendre les rĂ©flexions morales concernant les relations que les hommes entretiennent avec les animaux (et particuliĂšrement avec les animaux domestiques

    Isofrequency labelling revealed by a combined [14C]‐2‐deoxyglucose, electrophysiological, and horseradish peroxidase study of the inferior colliculus of the cat

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    Tonotopic sequences of single units were recorded in the central nucleus (ICC) of the inferior colliculus of cats. The sites of units with a particular characteristic frequency (CF) were marked histologically. After injection with [C]‐2‐deoxyglucose (2‐DG), each animal was stimulated with tone bursts, which corresponded to the CFs of the selected units. The position of a selected unit was found to correspond with the position of a band of discrete 2‐DG labelling. In some animals, multiple penetrations revealed that more than one unit with the same CF was located on the same band, indicating that the 2‐DG bands represent isofrequency contours. Single units were recorded in the pars lateralis (LV) of the medial geniculate body of cats and areas of consistent CF were found, which contained the same frequencies as some of those employed with 2‐DG. Horseradish peroxidase(HRP) Was Ejected into these selected areas and labelled cells were identified in ICC after retrograde transport. The labelled cells were found to lie in a band which had a similar orientation to the 2‐DG bands produced by the same frequencies. Both sets of data indicate that ICC is organized into three‐dimensional isofrequency sheets, the orientation of which do not match the concentric model of frequency organization inferred from some Golgi studies. The isofrequency sheets slope from medial to lateral throughout ICC with high‐frequency contours found more medially and caudally and low‐frequency contours more laterally and rostrally. The organization of the isofrequency contours is largely in agreement with a recent Golgi model of the laminations in ICC put forward by Oliver and Morest ('84). The 2‐DG contours do not agree with the orientation of laminae in the lateral part of ICC as described by this model. The 2‐DG contours also extend further into the dorsal cortex than previous degeneration evidence would suggest. The functional isofrequency contours are often quite narrow and could represent two or three overlapping cellular laminae. The results show clearly that there is only one tonotopic organization extending throughout ICC and the dorsal cortex

    Porter un autre regard sur l'exploitation, le projet de l'éleveur et son environnement avec la notion de "durabilité sociale"

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    International audienceCe livrable du projet Cas Dar SOCIEL illustre, par un exemple concret, comment l’analyse systĂ©mique d’un entretien avec l’éleveur permet d’évaluer la durabilitĂ© sociale en Ă©levage. Cette approche vise Ă  comprendre, Ă  travers des tĂ©moignages spontanĂ©s, et les attitudes et expĂ©riences qu’ils rĂ©vĂšlent, les cohĂ©rences mais aussi les tensions et les arrangements, ou les combinaisons, entre les objectifs de l’éleveur et ce qu’il a entrepris, ses projets

    Porter un autre regard sur l'exploitation, le projet de l'éleveur et son environnement avec la notion de "durabilité sociale"

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    International audienceCe livrable du projet Cas Dar SOCIEL illustre, par un exemple concret, comment l’analyse systĂ©mique d’un entretien avec l’éleveur permet d’évaluer la durabilitĂ© sociale en Ă©levage. Cette approche vise Ă  comprendre, Ă  travers des tĂ©moignages spontanĂ©s, et les attitudes et expĂ©riences qu’ils rĂ©vĂšlent, les cohĂ©rences mais aussi les tensions et les arrangements, ou les combinaisons, entre les objectifs de l’éleveur et ce qu’il a entrepris, ses projets

    Bien-ĂȘtre et Ă©levage des palmipĂšdes

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    DiffĂ©rentes espĂšces et gĂ©notypes d’oie et de canards domestiques sont Ă©levĂ©s en France Ă  des fins de production de foie gras et/ou de viande. La production d’oie est marginale et les espĂšces les plus concernĂ©es sont respectivement le canard de barbarie (canard Ă  rĂŽtir) et le canard mulard mĂąle (production de foie gras et de viande). Les conditions d’élevage des palmipĂšdes ont beaucoup Ă©voluĂ© et une grande diversitĂ© de systĂšmes de production coexiste. Les soucis de « bien-ĂȘtre » associĂ©s Ă  l’élevage des canards sont, pour l’essentiel, liĂ©s aux conditions d’élevage (claustration, cage, densitĂ©, sol, accĂšs Ă  l’eau) et au recours Ă  l’épointage et au dĂ©griffage pour prĂ©venir les blessures et les consĂ©quences du picage. La production de foie gras focalise toutefois la majoritĂ© des critiques. Pourtant, les donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature et les rĂ©sultats des travaux conduits, avec des approches expĂ©rimentales variĂ©es, ne valident pas les arguments permettant d’affirmer que cette pratique nuit gravement au bien-ĂȘtre des palmipĂšdes, au sens oĂč elle serait source de pathologies, lĂ©sions, stress et de douleur. L’élevage en cage individuelle empĂȘche les canards d’adopter certaines postures et d’exprimer certains comportements considĂ©rĂ©s comme des prioritĂ©s comportementales, mais l’hĂ©bergement collectif idĂ©al reste Ă  mettre au point. Dans ce but, des investigations complĂ©mentaires sont entreprises et devraient contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de l’état de bien-ĂȘtre des palmipĂšdes.In France, different species and genotypes of waterfowl are reared for the production of foie gras and/or meat. Goose farming is very limited at present and the species reared are Muscovy ducks for meat and male mule ducks (Muscovy and Pekin duck hybrids) for foie gras and meat. Welfare issues in ducks relate mainly to varied rearing conditions (confinement, cage, density, floor, access to water), and the practice of beak and nail trimming to prevent pecking and cannibalism. At present however, it is foie gras production that raises the most controversy, despite the lack of scientific evidence to validate criticisms that force-feeding is detrimental to birds, causing pathology, stress and pain. Rearing in individual cages prevents ducks expressing certain behaviours considered as behavioural priorities. Conditions for multiple cage rearing are still to be defined. With this aim, a number of research programmes are in progress and should contribute to improving the overall conditions of foie gras production

    Animal consciousness. Summary of the multidisciplinary assesment: Summary

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    Summary of the multidisciplinary assesmentDo animals experience emotions? Think? Have a life story? Since antiquity, philosophers have contrasting answers to those questions. From the Nineteenth century onwards, thoughts on the nature of animals were enriched by scientific insights from evolutionary theory, ethology, neurophysiology and cognitive sciences. Meanwhile, animal consciousness remains controversial within the scientific community. In 2012, a group of leading scientists felt the need to publish a manifesto entitled the “Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness” it states that “convergent evidence indicates that nonhuman animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviours”.Current knowledge, including the outcome of this multidisciplinary scientific assessment, shows that animals possess a wide range of cognitive abilities associated with behaviours of varying complexity. The forms of consciousness observed in humans presuppose distinct cognitive abilities which are found in certain animals. Could it be concluded that animals possess some sort of consciousness similar, albeit not identical, to that of humans?Research on levels and contents of consciousness in animals is emerging as a scientific topic of major interest due to its high level of complexity and associated controversies. Current scientific advances invite us to revisit ethical considerations regarding the relationships between humans and animals (domestic animals in particular)

    La conscience animale. Résumé de l'expertise scientifique collective

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    Les animaux peuvent-ils Ă©prouver des Ă©motions ? Ont-ils une histoire de vie ? L’Inra (DĂ©lĂ©gation Ă  l'Expertise scientifique collective, Ă  la Prospective et aux Etudes) s’est saisi de ces questions en rĂ©alisant une expertise scientifique collective sur la conscience animale, Ă  la demande de l’AutoritĂ© europĂ©enne de sĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire (EFSA). Les rĂ©sultats ont Ă©tĂ© prĂ©sentĂ©s aux reprĂ©sentants des pays membres du rĂ©seau europĂ©en sur le Bien-Etre animal et de l’EFSA le 11 mai 2017 Ă  Parme (Italie)

    Animal consciousness. Summary of the multidisciplinary assesment: Summary

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    Summary of the multidisciplinary assesmentDo animals experience emotions? Think? Have a life story? Since antiquity, philosophers have contrasting answers to those questions. From the Nineteenth century onwards, thoughts on the nature of animals were enriched by scientific insights from evolutionary theory, ethology, neurophysiology and cognitive sciences. Meanwhile, animal consciousness remains controversial within the scientific community. In 2012, a group of leading scientists felt the need to publish a manifesto entitled the “Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness” it states that “convergent evidence indicates that nonhuman animals have the neuroanatomical, neurochemical, and neurophysiological substrates of conscious states along with the capacity to exhibit intentional behaviours”.Current knowledge, including the outcome of this multidisciplinary scientific assessment, shows that animals possess a wide range of cognitive abilities associated with behaviours of varying complexity. The forms of consciousness observed in humans presuppose distinct cognitive abilities which are found in certain animals. Could it be concluded that animals possess some sort of consciousness similar, albeit not identical, to that of humans?Research on levels and contents of consciousness in animals is emerging as a scientific topic of major interest due to its high level of complexity and associated controversies. Current scientific advances invite us to revisit ethical considerations regarding the relationships between humans and animals (domestic animals in particular)