907 research outputs found

    What’s missing in desire?

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    Tanto el proceso metafórico como el interpretativo consisten en tomar algo extraño como algo familiar en función de la perspectiva que la fuerza del deseo propone. Partiendo de este supuesto intentaremos mostrar en este trabajo que lo que falta en el deseo, más que el objeto, es una relación interactiva, es decir, el vínculo por el que ese supuesto objeto faltante se podría abrir a la experiencia hermenéutica de tomar algo como algo. Y para ello seguiremos las consecuencias que se derivan de la pregunta por la relación imposible que formuló Leclaire en su artículo sobre la realidad del deseo. Si se pueden concebir dos elementos sin que exista entre ellos ninguna relación posible, lo que falta, entonces, no será ninguno de estos elementos sino el nexo hermenéutico que los podría conectar, y ahí es justamente el lugar en donde se instala el deseo.Both the metaphorical process and the interpretative one consist of taking something strange as something familiar depending on the perspective that the force of desire proposes. Starting from this supposition we will try to show in this work that what is missing in desire, more than the object, is an interactive relation, that is to say, the link which might open this supposed missing object for the hermeneutic experience of taking something as something. And to this purpose we will follow the consequences that stem from the question about the impossible relation that Leclaire formulated in his paper about the reality of desire. If one can conceive two elements that do not have between them any possible relation, what is missing at the time will not be any of these elements but the hermeneutic link that might connect them, and this is exactly the place where one installs the desire

    Song Diversity Predicts the Viability of Fragmented Bird Populations

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    In the global scenario of increasing habitat fragmentation, finding appropriate indicators of population viability is a priority for conservation. We explored the potential of learned behaviours, specifically acoustic signals, to predict the persistence over time of fragmented bird populations. We found an association between male song diversity and the annual rate of population change, population productivity and population size, resulting in birds singing poor repertoires in populations more prone to extinction. This is the first demonstration that population viability can be predicted by a cultural trait (acquired via social learning). Our results emphasise that cultural attributes can reflect not only individual-level characteristics, but also the emergent population-level properties. This opens the way to the study of animal cultural diversity in the increasingly common human-altered landscapes

    A theoretical insight into the photophysics of psoralen

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    Psoralen photophysics has been studied on quantum chemistry grounds using the multiconfigurational second-order perturbation method CASPT2. Absorption and emission spectra of the system have been rationalized by computing the energies and properties of the low-lying singlet and triplet excited states. The S1 ππ* state has been determined to be responsible of the lowest absorption and fluorescence bands and to initially carry the population in the photophysical processes related to the phototherapeutic properties of psoralen derivatives. The low-lying T1 ππ* state is, on the other hand, protagonist of the phosphorescence, and its prevalent role in the reactivity of psoralen is suggested to be related to the elongation of the pyrone ring C3–C4 bond, where the spin density is distributed on both carbon atoms. Analysis of energy gaps and spin-orbit coupling elements indicates that the efficient photophysical process leading to the population of the lowest triplet state does not take place at the Franck-Condon region but along the S1 relaxation [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    La tramoya del lenguaje, o la palabra interior: la fuerza hermenéutica de la metáfora

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    El propósito general de este trabajo, aparte de prestar atención a la tramoya del lenguaje para habilitar la relevancia hermenéutica del lenguaje interior, —que es como la parte sumergida de un iceberg—, es mostrar que las metáforas, en este sentido, funcionan como un medio eminente de interpretación y, por lo tanto, como una manera más de poner en evidencia el aspecto universal que presenta la hermenéutica, que no es otro que el deseo que insiste en el verbum interius: querer decir y querer comprender. Examinando la distinción entre la palabra interior y la exterior, pretendemos extraer algunas consideraciones interesantes que nos puedan servir para entender mejor el valor y el sentido de las experiencias que suscitan las metáforas, como fenómenos originarios de apropiación

    ¿Qué falta en el deseo?

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    Tanto el proceso metafórico como el interpretativo consisten en tomar algo extraño como algo familiar en función de la perspectiva que la fuerza del deseo propone. Partiendo de este supuesto intentaremos mostrar en este trabajo que lo que falta en el deseo, más que el objeto, es una relación interactiva, es decir, el vínculo por el que ese supuesto objeto faltante se podría abrir a la experiencia hermenéutica de tomar algo como algo. Y para ello seguiremos las consecuencias que se derivan de la pregunta por la relación imposible que formuló Leclaire en su artículo sobre la realidad del deseo. Si se pueden concebir dos elementos sin que exista entre ellos ninguna relación posible, lo que falta, entonces, no será ninguno de estos elementos sino el nexo hermenéutico que los podría conectar, y ahí es justamente el lugar en donde se instala el deseo.</p

    Rhodium and Iridium complexes with a new scorpionate phosphane ligand

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    A straightforward synthesis of a new hybrid scorpionate ligand [(allyl)2B(CH2PPh2)(Pz)]− ([A2BPN]−) is reported. Coordination to rhodium resulted in square-planar complexes [Rh(κ2-A2BPN)(L)(L′)] [L = L′ = 1/2cod (1,5-cyclooctadiene), CNtBu, CO (6); L = CO, L′ = NH3, pyridine, PPh3, PMe3] for which spectroscopic data and the molecular structure of [Rh(κ2-A2BPN)(CO)PPh3] (11) indicate the ligand to be κN,κP-bound to rhodium with two dangling free allyl groups. Studies in solution point out that the six-membered Rh–N–N–B–C–P metallacycle undergoes a fast inversion in all of them. The bis(carbonyl) complex 6 easily loses a CO group to give [{Rh(A2BPN)(CO)}2], a dinuclear compound in which two mononuclear subunits are brought together by two bridging allyl groups. Coordination to iridium is dominated by a tripodal κN,κP,η2-C═C binding mode in the TBPY-5 complexes [Ir(κ3-A2BPN)(L)(L′)] [L = L′ = 1/2cod (3), CNtBu (5), CO (7); L = CO, L′ = PPh3 (13), PMe3 (14), H2C═CH2, (17), MeO2CC≡CCO2Me (dmad, 18)], as confirmed by the single-crystal structure determination of complexes 3 and 18. A fast exchange between the two allyl arms is observed for complexes having L = L′ (3, 5, and 7), while those having CO and L ligands (14, 17, and 18) were found to be nonfluxional species. An exception is complex 13, which establishes an equilibrium with the SP-4 configuration. Protonation reactions on complexes 13 and 14 with HCl yielded the hydride complex [Ir(κ2-A2BPN)(CO)(Cl)(H)PPh3] (15) and the C-alkyl compound [Ir{κ3-(allyl)B(CH2CHCH3)(CH2PPh2)(Pz)}(Cl)(CO)PMe3] (16), respectively. The bis(isocyanide) complex 5 reacts with dmad to form [Ir(κ2-A2BPN)(CNtBu)2(dmad)]. On the whole, the electronic density provided to the metal by the [A2BPN]− ligand is very sensitive to the coordination mode. The basicity of the new ligand is similar to that of the TpMe2 ligand in the κN,κP mode but comparable to Tp if coordinated in the κN,κP,η2-C═C mode.This research was supported by the MICINN/FEDER (Project CTQ2011-22516, Spain), Gobierno de Aragón (GA)/FSE (E70), and GA-La Caixa (Grant 2012/GA LC 057). A.L.S. thanks MICINN/FEDER for a fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    How to Evaluate Supply Chain Risks, including Sustainable Aspects? A Case Study from the German Industry

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    Purpose: Outsourcing transactions have been arisen and evolved in the last years and purchase managers want to know if a Failure Mode Effects and Analysis (FMEA) is an effective qualitative technique to analyze supply chain risks (SCR) in a proper way. The aim of this study is to address this question developing a practicable risk management process based on the guidelines of the ISO 31000 for upstream Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) linking risk assessment, risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, risk treatment and validate the process empirically through a case study. Design/methodology/approach: After a review of the literature on Sustainable Supply Chain Risk Management (SSCRM), a case study based on a leading manufacturer of electrical products, collects evidences of SSCRM implementation. Findings: Supply chain disruptions are one of the most critical issues which can negatively influence on firm’s performance. Avoiding and mitigating disruptions in the supply chain is one of the main challenges for supply chain managers. Originality/value: This paper identifies the ISO 31000, the ISO 9001 and the use of an FMEA to analyze supply chain risks in a structured manner and to outline future research opportunities in the field of SCRM

    Strategic Sourcing: Developing a Progressive Framework for Make-Or-Buy Decisions

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    Purpose: Make-or-buy decisions represent a critical dilemma faced by many firms. The appropriate decision between designing and manufacturing parts or services in-house, buying them from external providers or combining both is a fundamental firm process. This paper seeks to address this question by updating the traditional make-or-buy literature with new academic insights, developing a make-or-buy framework with a tool for its operationalisation to help managers evaluate sourcing decisions. Design/methodology/approach: First, a literature review of the principal theories and approaches about make-or-buy decisions is discussed. Second, the development of the make-or-buy framework is described and explained based on the results of qualitative interviews with practitioners and a set of interviews of an in-firm case study. Third, the results and the implementation of the framework are outlined. Findings: Our study not only validates the proposed framework through a set of in-firm make-or-buy decisions, but also provides a structure for its implementation and design a decision matrix with a pairwise comparison tool for helping practitioners to put the framework into practice. Research limitations/implications: This paper aims to contribute to the study of the make-or-buy literature in supply chain management through the graphical representation of why and how make-or-buy decisions are made. Interestingly, the paper presents relevant dimensions and factors to be studied and evaluates possible outcomes when approaching make-or-buy decisions. Originality/value: Our results suggest that practitioners should combine this framework with a pairwise comparison matrix and a multi-criteria decision analysis based on the TOPSIS methodology to assess strategic sourcing decisions

    Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Secure the Supply Chain? – A Case Study

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    Supply chain global dependency has been arisen in the last years and supply chain managers want to know if the manufacturing purchasing managers’ index and export/import dependency rate data are effective qualitative key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor possible supply chain risk effects in a proper way. The aim of this study is to address this question performing an analysis of the current KPIs in the main affected countries in Europe (Italy) and Asia (China). After a review of the literature on Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) and published official statistics in China, Italy and Germany, a case study focused on a set of interviews with practitioners based on a firm located in Germany was used to generate uncaptured insights in previous research of the area. Official KPIs and firms’ supplier specific KPIs like delivery performance are key to monitor possible Supply chain disruptions. Moreover, increasing regular bidirectional communication with firms’ suppliers generates trust and it is one of the most critical issues which can positively influence on firm’s performance. A regular follow-up of authorities’ updates in terms of restrictions at local, national and international level should be considered too. This paper identifies manufacturing purchasing managers’ index and export/import dependency rate data as effective qualitative KPIs to monitor possible supply chain risk effects and disruptions in a structured manner and to outline future research opportunities in the field of SCRM

    Do risk events increase supply chain uncertainty? A case study

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    Supply chain uncertainty has become an important area of research, and it is crucial for many firms, and especially so for global firms. Decision makers find it difficult to make decisions due to lack of transparency in the supply chain and the impact of possible risk events. This paper aims to approach this topic by developing a conceptual model to assist logistics and supply chain managers to improve supply chain effectiveness by analysing risk events. To this end we use a case study based on a set of interviews with agents of a German firm and some of its suppliers from India, China and Europe, which generates insights uncaptured in previous research in the area. The main findings answer questions such as: 1. How to build an agile supply chain strategy with rapid planning and integrated execution in different stages?; 2. How to identify and avoid risk events as they increase the supply chain uncertainty and are multiplied when interrelated risk events occur simultaneously; 3. Can supply chain uncertainty be reduced by determining the degree of flexibility required to mitigate risk effects, reducing supply chain uncertainty and increasing the firm’s dynamic capabilities?