926 research outputs found

    Acute exposure of peripheral nerve to neomycin and nerve conduction.

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    by Yeung, Sai-mo, Simon.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1989.Bibliography: leaves 189-207

    Atreverse a hablar: la formación de la subjetividad homosexual moderna

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    Cada vez se va haciendo más difícil contar el número de textos que tienen esta famosa cita del primer volumen de la "Historia de la sexualidad" de Foucault como punto de partida para sus reflexiones en torno a la historia de la homosexualidad; incluso, el mismo texto aparece con frecuencia en las discusiones contemporáneas sobre género y sexualidad, siendo cita obligada en muchos de ellos. La obra misma de Foucault es piedra fundacional de las teorías que se cobijan bajo el manto del llamado "constructivismo", de los estudios culturales y en más de un reader sobre estos temas se le dedican capítulos particulares. La importancia de tal planteamiento de Foucault sobre la creación de la "homosexualidad" a fines del siglo XIX está, no tanto en su cuestionamiento a la idea de una cierta Homosexualidad transhistórica y transcultural que se remontaría al mundo griego y recorrería toda la historia de occidente e incluso de otras culturas, sino en la búsqueda de una genealogía del discurso -como hizo con otros temas como la locura y la clínica- para determinar la condiciones de su construcción cultural. En este ejercicio, Foucault señala el paso de los discursos canónicos y civiles centrados en la noción medieval de "sodomía" como un conjunto particular de actos, hacia la noción moderna y contemporánea de la “homosexualidad" con el surgimiento de la sexología y su pulsión por clasificar y especificar individuos, con "naturalezas" propias a tales condiciones. Este texto es un ensayo de historia cultural que tiene por objeto a hondar en lo señalado por Foucault en el citado planteamiento mediante una indagación por los procesos a través de los cuales se fue conformando lo que podríamos llamar una “subjetividad homosexual moderna" desde finales d ligio XIX y a lo largo de buena parte del siglo XX; para ello centraré mi análisis en un conjunto de obras y discursos en apariencia dispares -medicina, literatura, fotografía- surgidos principalmente en los últimos años del siglo XIX y los primeros del XX con miras a determinar las tensiones que conforman tal subjetividad

    Incorporation of form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies

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    Comunicación presentada a MESIC 2019 8th Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference (Madrid, 19-21 de Junio de 2019)Mathematical models for tolerance representation are used to assess how the geometrical variation of a specific component feature propagates along the assembly, so that tolerance analysis in assemblies can be carried out using a specific tolerance propagation method. Several methods for tolerance analysis have been proposed in the literature, being some of them implemented in CAD systems. All these methods require modelling the geometrical variations of the component surfaces: parametric models, variational models, DoF models, etc. One of the most commonly used models is the DoF model, which is employed in a number of tolerance analysis methods: Small Displacement Torsor (SDT), Technologically and Topologically Related Surfaces (TTRS), Matrix Transformation, Unified Jacobian–Torsor model. However, none of the DoF-based tolerance analysis methods incorporates the effect of form deviations. Among the non DoF-based methods, there are two that include form tolerances: the Vector Loop or Kinematic method and the Tolerance Map (T-Map) model, although the latter is still under development. In this work, a proposal to incorporate form deviations into the matrix transformation method for tolerance analysis in assemblies is developed using a geometrical variation model based on the DoF model. The proposal is evaluated applying it to a 2D case study with components that only have flat surfaces, but the proposal can be extrapolated to 3D cases

    Determinants of interest margins in Spanish credit institutions before and after the 2008 financial crash

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    As interest margins of credit institutions affect economic performance of countries, finding out which are the main determinants of their evolution is a research task of great interest at current times. This is the purpose of the present paper as regards to the Spanish case over the period 2004-2012. Based on the econometric contributions by Ho and Saunders (1981) and some of its extensions, the authors develop a model that includes as explanatory variables the factors usually examined in the literature and other singular variables that might be relevant. Particularly, the rate of leverage, the quality of their assets measured according to their risk, and the profit obtained from the selling of assets, including real estate ones. The research also provides an analysis of differences between banks and savings banks

    Assesing the usefulness of the ACM/IEEE-CS Computing Curricula for the design of Computer-Related Engineering Curricula, an experience in Telematics

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    This paper presents the rationale to build up a Telematics Engineering curriculum. Telematics is a strongly computing oriented area; then, the authors have initially intended to apply the common requirements described in the computing curricula elaborated by the ACM/EEEE-CS Joint Curriculum Task Force. This experience has revealed some problematic aspects in the ACM/IEEE-CS proposal. From the analysis of these problems, a model to guide the selection and specially the approach of the Telematics curriculum contents is proposed. This model can be easily generalized to other strongly computing oriented curricula, whose number is growing everyda

    Manufacturing variation models in multi-station machining systems

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    In product design and quality improvement fields, the development of reliable 3D machining variation models for multi-station machining processes is a key issue to estimate the resulting geometrical and dimensional quality of manufactured parts, generate robust process plans, eliminate downstream manufacturing problems, and reduce ramp-up times. In the literature, two main 3D machining variation models have been studied: the stream of variation model, oriented to product quality improvement (fault diagnosis, process planning evaluation and selection, etc.), and the model of the manufactured part, oriented to product and manufacturing design activities (manufacturing and product tolerance analysis and synthesis). This paper reviews the fundamentals of each model and describes step by step how to derive them using a simple case study. The paper analyzes both models and compares their main characteristics and applications. A discussion about the drawbacks and limitations of each model and some potential research lines in this field are also presented

    Evolución de las deformaciones alpinas en el borde suroriental del Sistema Central Español (Zona de Tamajón, Guadalajara)

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    Los resultados del análisis estructural y del análisis de fallas (métodos de los diedros rectos Etchecopar, y modelo de deslizamiento), en el borde suroriental del Sistema Central Español, permiten establecer la siguiente sucesión de eventos deformativos: una primera etapa compresiva, con escasa incidencia macroestructural, que responde a una dirección de compresión N 55º-70º E, relacionada con la estructuración de la Cordillera Ibérica; una segunda etapa compresiva, con dirección de compresión próxima a N 150º E, durante la cual se originan las principales macroestructuras de la región (cabalgamientos de dirección ENE-OSO y desgarres N 10º-20º E y N 130º-140º E); y una última etapa, de carácter extensional, con extensión máxima según E-O, con la que se asocia la fracturación que controla el depósito de las series miocenas. Se ha encontrado una notable concordancia entre los resultados obtenidos con los diferentes métodos de análisis poblacional de fallas

    Spectral Relative Attenuation of Solar Radiation through a Skylight Focused on Preventive Conservation: Museo De L'almoina in Valencia (Spain) Case Study

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    [EN] The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relative attenuation of VIS, UV and NIR solar radiation through a large pond skylight into the interior of the l'Almoina Archaeological Museum (Valencia, Spain), and to determine how relative attenuation varied throughout the year and time of day. Measurements were taken at 9:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. during July 2019 and January 2020. Relative attenuation values were obtained from the measurement of spectral irradiance in the exterior and at different points in the interior by means of two Ocean Optics spectrometers: HR4000CG-UV-NIR for VIS (400-700 nm) and NIR (700-1000 nm) bands, and FLAME-S-UV-VIS for UV-A (280-315 nm) and UV-A (315-400 nm) bands. The central points of the skylight had relative attenuation at 520 nm, reaching a value of 50% in summer at noon and 38% in the afternoon. At noon in winter, there were two relative attenuation peaks above 33% at 520 nm and at 900 nm. For mean relative attenuation, in the UVB range, the highest relative attenuation (20%) was inside the ruins in the morning in both summer and winter, and the UVA band relative attenuation was quite constant throughout the museum, but lower than that of the UVB band, in the range 0-3%.Serrano, M.; Baró Zarzo, JL.; Moreno, J.; García Diego, FJ. (2021). Spectral Relative Attenuation of Solar Radiation through a Skylight Focused on Preventive Conservation: Museo De L'almoina in Valencia (Spain) Case Study. Sensors. 21(14):1-21. https://doi.org/10.3390/s21144651S121211

    Las sepulturas del Cerro de la Virgen (Orce, Granada). Diferencias cronológicas y sociales.

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    Se presenta en este trabajo un análisis cronoespacial de las sepulturas argáricas del Cerro de la Virgen. Se valorarán las posibilidades para el estudio de la diferenciación social atendiendo a la forma y contenidos de las tumbas. Se tiene en cuenta además la variable temporal a partir de las dataciones de C-14 realizadas sobre muestras óseas humanas y la situación espacial para explorar la existencia de posibles asociaciones entre ellas. A pesar de lo exiguo de la muestra y su concentración espacial, que apenas permite apreciar diferencias entre diversas áreas del yacimiento, los resultados sugieren que la diferenciación social en el Cerro de la Virgen es bastante acusada desde inicios de la Edad del Bronce como corresponde a un centro político de primer nivel.A cronoespacial analysis of argaric graves from Cerro de la Virgen is presented in this paper. The possibilities for the study of social differentiation based on graves shape and content will be evaluated. It also will take into account, both the temporal variable got from the C-14 dating made on human bone samples and the spatial location to explore the existence of possible associations amongst them. Despite the small size of the sample and its spatial concentration, which only allows us to appreciate differences between different areas of the site, the results suggest that social differentiation in the Cerro de la Virgen is quite sharply since the beginning of the Bronze Age as correponds to a high level political center