50 research outputs found

    Planeación y gestión estratégica

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    Este documento presenta las actividades realizada en el simulador de negocios Capstone. El trabajo se divide en siete capítulos; en el primero se establece el marco teórico de la estrategia. En el segundo se hace una descripción general de la industria en la que se desenvuelve la competencia y las características de Andrews, donde se narra la estrategia que se ejecutó durante el ciclo de competencia. Los capítulos del tres al seis, describen las decisiones tomadas y los resultados obtenidos dentro del simulador, se detalla el panorama de la competencia resumido por medio de la herramienta Balanced Scorecard, análisis del mercado y productos, desempeño financiero, operaciones, calidad y recursos humanos, y finalmente, se cierra con conclusiones del bienio. En el último capítulo se presentan conclusiones generales tanto del simulador como de la maestría en general

    Revista Temas Socio-Jurídicos Volumen 17 No. 36 Junio 1999

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    La revista Temas Socio-Jurídicos, en su edición número 36 que corresponde al año 17, entrega a sus lectores el producto del trabajo realizado por profesores y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho en el primer semestre de 1999. Publicamos la primera parte de un ensayo sobre Institutos Jurídicos Básicos, que pretende exponer los vínculos entre las expresiones conceptuales del Derecho y el sustrato material de las mismas, las relaciones sociales de producción. Se divulga la entrevista realizada al doctor Roberto Serpa Flórez, profesor emérito de la Universidad, así como su trabajo sobre las funciones de garantías sociales a cargo del Estado. La tarea de auscultar la vida y obra del psiquiatra santandereano, fue encomendada al profesor Heriberto Sánchez Bayona. El profesor Antonio Bohórquez Orduz, realizó un estudio sobre las implicaciones jurídicas del desbordamiento de los presupuestos de cálculo de las Unidades de Poder Adquisitivo Constante (UPAC), al ser vinculadas a las operaciones especulativas del mercado financiero. La Dirección de la revista agradece a sus habituales colaboradores, e invita a todos los profesores y estudiantes a remitir Sus ensayos para las próximas ediciones.The Socio-Legal Issues magazine, in its 36th edition corresponding to year 17, delivers to its readers the product of the work carried out by professors and students of the Faculty of Law in the first semester of 1999. We publish the first part of an essay on Basic Legal Institutes, which aims to expose the links between the conceptual expressions of Law and their material substrate, the social relations of production. The interview with Dr. Roberto Serpa Flórez, professor emeritus at the University, is disclosed, as well as his work on the functions of social guarantees in charge of the State. The task of examining the life and work of the Santanderean psychiatrist was entrusted to Professor Heriberto Sánchez Bayona. Professor Antonio Bohórquez Orduz, carried out a study on the legal implications of the overflow of the calculation budgets of the Constant Purchasing Power Units (UPAC), as they are linked to the speculative operations of the financial market. The Directorate of the magazine thanks its usual collaborators, and invites all teachers and students to submit their essays for future editions

    Temas Socio-Jurídicos. Volumen 17 No. 36 Junio 1999

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    La revista Temas Socio-jurídicos, en su edición número 36 que corresponde al año 17, entrega a sus lectores el producto del trabajo realizado por profesores y estudiantes de la Facultad de Derecho en el primer semestre de 1999.The magazine Temas Socio-jurídicos, in its 36th edition that corresponds to the year 17, delivers to its readers the product of the work carried out by professors and students of the Faculty of Law in the first semester of 1999

    Técnica legislativa penal

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    El ejercicio legislativo debe contener estudios de diversa índole desde teóricos hasta prácticos. Esto le corresponde al Poder Legislativo, el único que puede crear, modificar y derogar normas. La problemática surge con la jurisprudencia que emiten los tribunales federales, los cuales omiten algunos principios constitucionales y del ejercicio legislativo. El hecho se da por la incorrecta e incompleta redacción de los tipos penales, al carecer de ciertos elementos estructurales, por lo que se deben completar y llenar las deficiencias. Este artículo proporciona una clasificación de los tipos penales: cerrado, en blanco y abierto –de los cuales, los dos últimos se deben evitar con reglas específicas de la técnica legislativa–. Por otro lado, se analizan los elementos para que la norma penal sea única, además de aquellos que lleven a una buena redacción, a la claridad de la norma y a su interacción con el sistema jurídico

    Context is key : Maternal immune responses to pig allogeneic embryos

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    Successful establishment of pregnancy includes the achievement of a state of immune tolerance toward the embryos (and placenta), where the well-coordinated maternal immune system is capable of recognizing conceptus antigens while maintaining maternal defense against pathogens. In physiological pregnancies, following natural mating or artificial insemination (AI), the maternal immune system is exposed to the presence of hemi-allogeneic embryos, that is, embryos containing maternal self-antigens and foreign antigens from the paternal side. In this scenario, the hemi-allogeneic embryo is recognized by the mother, but the immune system is locally modified to facilitate embryo implantation and pregnancy progression. Pig allogeneic pregnancies (with embryos containing both paternal and maternal material foreign to the recipient female), occur during embryo transfer (ET), with conspicuously high rates of embryonic death. Mortality mainly occurs during the peri-attachment phase, suggesting that immune responses to allogeneic embryos are more complex and less efficient, hindering the conceptuses to survive to term. Reaching a similar maternal tolerance as in conventional breeding would render ET successful. The present review critically summarizes mechanisms of maternal immune recognition of pregnancy and factors associated with impaired maternal immune response to the presence of allogeneic embryos in the porcine species.Funding Agencies|Svenska Forskningsradet Formas; H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions</p

    Visión de "desarrollo" en las comunidades kichwas de Otavalo.

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    El presente trabajo analiza y describe la visión de desarrollo de las familias de 4 comunidades indígenas kichwas: Muenala, Agualongo de Quichinche, Perugachi de la parroquia Quichinche y Gualapuro de la parroquia de San Luis del Cantón Otavalo. El primer capítulo describe el escenario del trabajo. La decadencia de la relación con las haciendas y el florecimiento de la migración dentro y fuera del País. La estructura política fuertemente consolidada y representada por el cabildo y/o sus líderes. Las principales actividades son la agropecuaria, artesanal, venta de mano de obra. En el aspecto espiritual tiene su propia manifestación influenciada por las iglesias cristianas, católicas y evangélicas. El nivel de escolaridad es bajo en comparación con los promedios del País. El segundo capítulo, expone y confronta la visión desarrollo que promueven los agentes de desarrollo externo, ganancia, ahorro e inversión; ejecutada, en sus proyectos. A su vez contrastamos con la visión local cuya base son los valores y el encuentro con el otro, sin encerrarnos, porque la influencia que tiene el mercado y el capital es fuerte. Incluye un breve análisis de la sostenibilidad y el “allí Kawsay” vigente con una lógica propia de las comunidades. En esta escena aparece la dicotomía la comunidad con sus ritos, celebraciones, trabajos comunitarios, entre otros y el segundo con sus planes, programas, cuantificadas y cualificadas analíticamente e individualizada

    A decreased expression of interferon stimulated genes in peri-implantation endometrium of embryo transfer recipient sows could contribute to embryo death

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    Pig pregnancy succeeds thanks to a well-coordinated system ruling both maternal immune activation and embryonic antigen tolerance. In physiological pregnancies, the maternal immune system should tolerate the presence of hemi-allogeneic conceptuses from the pre-implantation phase to term, while maintaining maternal defence against pathogens. Allogeneic pregnancies, as after embryo transfer (ET), depict high embryo mortality during the attachment phase, calling for studies of the dynamic modifications in immune processes occurring at the maternal-foetal interface, for instance, of interferon (IFN)-stimulated genes (ISGs). These ISGs are generally activated by IFN secreted by the conceptus during the process of maternal recognition of pregnancy (MRP) and responsible for recruiting immune cells to the site of embryo attachment, thus facilitating cell-antigen presentation and angiogenesis. We performed RNA-Seq analysis in peri-implantation (days 18 and 24) endometrial samples retrieved from artificially inseminated sows (hemi-allogeneic embryos (HAL) group) or sows subjected to ET (allogeneic embryos (AL) group) to monitor alterations of gene expression that could be jeopardising early pregnancy. Our results showed that endometrial gene expression patterns related to immune responses differed between hemi- or allogeneic embryo presence, with allogeneic embryos apparently inducing conspicuous modifications of immune-related genes and pathways. A decreased expression (P &amp;lt; 0.05; FC &amp;lt; -2) of several interferon ISGs, such as CXCL8, CXCL10, IRF1, IRF9, STAT1, and B2M, among others was detected in the endometrium of sows carrying allogeneic embryos on day 24 of pregnancy. This severe downregulation of ISGs in allogeneic pregnancies could represent a failure of ET-embryos to signal IFN to the endometrium to warrant the development of adequate immunotolerance mechanisms to facilitate embryo development, thus contributing to elevated embryo death. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium.Funding Agencies|Swedish Research Council FORMAS, Stockholm, Sweden [2019-00288]; European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the MSCA [891663]</p

    MicroRNA expression in specific segments of the pig periovulatory internal genital tract is differentially regulated by semen or by seminal plasma

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    microRNAs play pivotal roles during mammalian reproduction, including the cross-talk between gametes, embryos and the maternal genital tract. Mating induces changes in the expression of mRNA transcripts in the female, but whether miRNAs are involved remains to be elucidated. In the current study, we mapped 181 miRNAs in the porcine peri-ovulatory female reproductive tract: Cervix (Cvx), distal and proximal uterus (Dist-Ut, ProxUt), Utero-tubal-junction (UTJ), isthmus (Isth), ampulla (Amp), and infundibulum (Inf) when exposed to semen (natural mating (NM) or artificial insemination (AI-P1)) or to infusions of sperm-free seminal plasma (SP): the first 10 mL of the sperm rich fraction (SP-P1) or the entire ejaculate (SP-E). Among the most interesting findings, NM decreased mir-671, implicated in uterine development and pregnancy loss prior to embryo implantation, in Cvx, Dist-UT, Prox-UT, Isth, and Inf, while it increased in Amp. NM and SP-E induced the downregulation of miRlet7A-1 (Dist-UT, Prox-UT), a regulator of immunity during pregnancy. miR-34C-1, a regulator of endometrial receptivity gene expression, was increased in Dist-UT, UTJ and Amp (NM), in Prox-UT (AI-P1), and in Amp (SPP1). miR-296, a modulator of the inflammatory response and apoptosis, was upregulated in the UTJ (all treatments). NM elicited the highest miRNA activity in the sperm reservoir (UTJ), suggesting that key-regulators such as miR-34c or miR-296 may modulate the metabolic processes linked to the adequate preparation for gamete encounter in the oviduct. Our results suggest that SP should be maintained in AI to warrant miRNA regulation within the female genital tract for reproductive success.This research was funded by the Research Council FORMAS, Stockholm (Project 2017-00946 and Project 2019-00288) and by the Grant RyC2020-028715-I, PID2019-108320RJ-I00, IJCI-2015-24380 and PID2022-136561OB-I00, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Spain) and FEDER funds (EU).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    mRNA expression of oxidative-reductive proteins in boars with documented different fertility can identify relevant prognostic biomarkers

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    Oxidative stress unbalance is a major factor causing impairment of sperm function and, ultimately, sperm death. In this study, we identified transcriptomic and proteomic markers for oxidative-related protectors from the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in spermatozoa from breeding boars with documented high- or lowfertility. Particular attention was paid to glutathione peroxidases, and to transcripts related to DNA stabilization and compaction, as protamine and transition proteins. mRNA cargo analysis was performed using porcinespecific micro-arrays (GeneChip (R) miRNA 4.0 and GeneChip (R) Porcine Gene 1.0 ST) and qPCR validation. Differences between fertility-classed boars were ample among biomarkers; some upregulated only at protein level (catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) and glutathione proteins), or only at the mRNA level (ATOX1, Antioxidant Protein 1). In addition, protamines 2 and 3, essential for sperm DNA condensation and also transition proteins 1 and 2 (TNP1 and TNP2), required during histone-to-protamine replacement, were overexpressed in spermatozoa from high-fertile boars. This up-regulation seems concerted to reduce DNA accessibility to ROS attack, protecting the DNA. The upregulated intracellular phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase (GPx4), in high-fertile boars at mRNA level, can be considered a most relevant biomarker for fertility disclosure during sperm evaluation.Funding Agencies|Research Council FORMAS, Stockholm [2017-00946, 2019-00288]; FEDER funds (EU)European Commission; European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the MSCA [891663]; [AGL2015-69738-R]; [PID2019-108320RJ-100]; [IJCI-2015-24380]; [MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033]</p