659 research outputs found

    A matéria do património

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    Este texto é formado pelas notas tomadas no decurso da preparação de uma aula, ou melhor, de um conjunto de aulas. Não se trata de um ensaio, mas de materiais seleccionados pelo docente em função de um ponto do programa: comentários à bibliografia recomendada, apontamentos de natureza explicativa, reflexões destinadas a suscitar e informar o debate intelectual. O tema da aula é a atitude patrimonial e seus significados. Em sociedades que se caracterizam pela predação da natureza e, portanto, da história, a patrimonialização funciona num contexto contraditório: legitima-se num dever de preservação de manifestações do passado numa sociedade de generalizada velocidade que perdeu o sentido da história, sobretudo da história dos tempos longos. O património é convocado pelos processos de afirmação de identidade e até por estratégias de turismo e animação, mas a descontextualização a que é submetido oculta o seu significado original e sublinha a sua reificação

    Equity research - Iberdrola S.A.

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    Mestrado Bolonha em FinançasThis report consists of an Equity Research on Iberdrola S.A. (IBE), one of the biggest renewable energy companies in the world. With a rich history spanning over 170 years, Iberdrola has evolved into a prominent global energy leader. As one of the largest utility companies in the world, it holds a significant presence in the industry and demonstrates its expertise through a substantial market capitalization. In this report, we present a HOLD recommendation for IBE, along with a price target of €12.02 per share for the end of 2023. The valuation methodology incorporates the use of the DCF (Discounted Cash Flow), DDM (Dividend Discount Model), and APV (Adjusted Present Value). Through this approach, the price target was estimated through different processes, mitigating the limitations of each valuation method. The valuation analysis indicates a potential upside of 3.07% from the closing price of €11.66 as of June 26th, 2022. This assessment considers a medium level of risk associated with the investment. To further evaluate the risk of the investment, we conducted a sensitivity analysis, addressing potential factors that could impact the valuation and the overall investment decision. Based on the analysis, it is recommended a cautious approach towards the investment due to the limited upside potential and the associated risk factors.O presente relatório consiste numa Equity Research realizada sobre a Iberdrola S.A. (IBE), uma das maiores empresas de energia renovável do mundo. Com uma história que abrange mais de 170 anos, a Iberdrola tornou-se uma líder global proeminente do setor de energia renovável. Sendo uma das maiores empresas de eletricidade em todo o mundo, possui uma presença significativa na indústria e demonstra sua dimensão por meio de uma capitalização de mercado substancial. Neste relatório, apresentamos uma recomendação NEUTRA, juntamente com uma Preço Alvo de €12.02 por ação para o final de 2023. A metodologia de avaliação incorpora o uso dos métodos de DCF (Discounted Cash Flow), DDM (Dividend Discount Model) e APV (Adjusted Present Value). Através desta abordagem, o Preço Alvo foi estimado através de diferentes processos, mitigando assim as limitações de cada método de avaliação. A análise de avaliação indica um potencial de valorização de 3.07% em relação ao preço de fecho de €11.66 a 26 de junho de 2023. Esta avaliação considera um nível médio de risco associado ao investimento. De forma a avaliar o risco associado ao investimento, foi realizada uma análise de sensibilidade, abordando potenciais fatores que podem impactar a avaliação e a perspetiva geral de investimento. Com base na análise realizada, é recomendada uma abordagem cautelosa em relação ao investimento devido ao potencial de valorização ser reduzido e aos riscos associados.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The international entrepreneurial firms' social networks

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    ABSTRACT This paper investigates theoretically the importance and impact of the international entrepreneurial firms? (IEFs) social networks on selected firms? strategies. We focus specifically on some core attributes of IEFs and the impact of social networks on such strategies as the choice of the foreign markets to operate and the foreign entry modes. The social networks are a major driver of the internationalization from inception and help in overcoming a variety of physical and social resource limitations as well as transactional hazards. We conclude that it is likely that both some fundamental characteristics of the IEFs and those of the foreign markets entered account for these firms reliance on their social networks.entrepreneurship, international entrepreneurial firms, social networks, internationalization

    Nota sobre a constituição da taipa romana da Ilha do Pessegueiro

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    Dos estudos rea lizados, ressa ltam duas conc lusões: 1- a origem do material utilizado nas estruturas de taipa é regional, tendo certamente sido recolhido na zona fronteira à ilha, em local onde os xistos, profundamente alterados, deram origem a material com características plásticas adequadas à construção de blocos de taipa. 2- demonstrou-se que o fab rico de taipa se fazia, como em épocas subsequentes, com a adição de cal, a qual, pelas propriedades hidrófilas, melhorava as características da mistura. Cremos que o elevado teor de carbonatos encontrado (21,5 % ) só poderá ter esta explicação, embora em parte seja também devido à prática da caiação das paredes, evitando infiltrações de água e promovendo a conservação das estruturas de taipa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The impact of Bologna Process in the portuguese labour market

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    Mestrado em EconomiaThe Bologna Process appears with the aim to build the, so called, European Higher Education Area (EHEA) where it's possible to promote comparable graduate degrees among European countries, employability and mobility of students, graduates and higher education sta , as well as contribute to a lifelong learning of the European citizens. In this sense, the Bologna reform brought a new structural paradigm into the European higher education system and might have generated a di erent behaviour pattern of the main agents involved (students, national governments and schools). Several empirical analyses have tested/estimated the impacts of the Bologna reform in the Higher Education system. However, the number of analyses committed to evaluate the e ects of the bologna reform on labour markets are still low and regarded with some reluctance, since the reform is recent and data is quite scarce. So that, the main goal of this work is to nd evidence of the impact of the Bologna Process in the Portuguese labour market. Our main ndings which followed a di erence-in-di erences strategy (DD) show a statistical signi cance of the DD estimator, but only in the female model. Nevertheless, these results must consider, in future analyses, structural variables such as (un)employment rates, in order to re ne the model in an aggregated supply/demand equilibrium view.O Processo de Bolonha aparece com o objetivo de criar, o chamado, Espaço Europeu de Ensino Superior (EHEA), onde é possível existirem cursos superiores compar aveis entre os pa íses europeus, empregabilidade e mobilidade de estudantes, graduados e professores, assim como contribuir para uma aprendizagem ao longo da vida dos cidadãos europeus. Neste sentido, a reforma de Bolonha veio trazer um novo paradigma estrutural ao sistema de ensino superior Europeu e pode ter originado um diferente padrão de comportamento dos principais agentes envolvidos (estudantes, governos e escolas). V áias anáalises emp iricas têm testado/estimado os impactos da reforma de Bolonha no sistema de ensino superior. No entanto, o n úmero de aá alises dedicadas em avaliar os efeitos da reforma de Bolonha no mercado de trabalho são ainda poucas e encaradas com alguma relutância, uma vez que a reforma e recente e os dados são escassos. Assim, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é encontrar evidência do impacto do Processo de Bolonha no mercado de trabalho Português. As nossas principais conclusões seguiram uma estratégia de diferenças-emdiferenças (DD) e mostram uma significância estat ística do estimador DD, mas apenas no modelo feminino. Contudo, futuras an alises deverão considerar variáveis estruturais, como as taxas de (des)emprego, de forma a re nar o modelo numa visão agregada de equil íbrio entre a oferta e a procura

    Site selection and dynamic modelling of Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, in the Tagus Estuary

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    This thesis assesses the viability of shellfish aquaculture in the Tagus Estuary of the species Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum), by means of a GIS-based site selection and the application of a dynamic modelling software at farm-scale, in order to evaluate the potential production, environmental effects, and economic feasibility. The site selection for shellfish aquaculture is based on the application of a Multi-Criteria Evaluation in a GIS software. Both are useful tools for site selection, as when combined they help decision-makers to identify the existing spatial constraints and take into consideration key variables, such as (i) the external environmental conditions that regulate shellfish growth, (ii) existing infrastructures and socioeconomic variables that are relevant for production, and (iii) contaminated areas that may reduce the shellfish quality as a food product. The dynamic modelling software used, FARM (Farm Aquaculture Resource Management), was applied in accordance with the best areas identified as being suitable for shellfish aquaculture, where the production and profit of two different locations are estimated and compared at a farm-scale level, and further extrapolated to larger areas

    March madness prediction using machine learning techniques

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    Project Work presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Knowledge Management and Business IntelligenceMarch Madness describes the final tournament of the college basketball championship, considered by many as the biggest sporting event in the United States - moving every year tons of dollars in both bets and television. Besides that, there are 60 million Americans who fill out their tournament bracket every year, and anything is more likely than hit all 68 games. After collecting and transforming data from Sports-Reference.com, the experimental part consists of preprocess the data, evaluate the features to consider in the models and train the data. In this study, based on tournament data over the last 20 years, Machine Learning algorithms like Decision Trees Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbors Classifier, Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifier and others were applied to measure the accuracy of the predictions and to be compared with some benchmarks. Despite of the most important variables seemed to be those related to seeds, shooting and the number of participations in the tournament, it was not possible to define exactly which ones should be used in the modeling and all ended up being used. Regarding the results, when training the entire dataset, the accuracy ranges from 65 to 70%, where Support Vector Classification yields the best results. When compared with picking the highest seed, these results are slightly lower. On the other hand, when predicting the Tournament of 2017, the Support Vector Classification and the Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier reach 85 and 79% of accuracy, respectively. In this sense, they surpass the previous benchmark and the most respected websites and statistics in the field. Given some existing constraints, it is quite possible that these results could be improved and deepened in other ways. Meanwhile, this project can be referenced and serve as a basis for the future work

    Unveiling the protective role of acetate in the toxicity of food contaminants in human colon

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica Aplicada (especialização em Biotecnologia)O cólon humano possui diferentes espécies de microrganismos, capazes de modular o ecossistema intestinal, dado que desempenham um papel em vários processos fisiológicos essenciais para a homeostasia humana. Entre esses processos, a produção de ácidos gordos de cadeia curta (AGCC), nomeadamente o acetato, propionato e butirato, atraíram muito interesse principalmente devido às suas propriedades antineoplásicas, especialmente contra o cancro colorretal (CCR). O acetato, o AGCC mais abundante no cólon humano, tem sido associado a efeitos protetores em células CCR e o nosso grupo de investigação já reportou que esse metabolito inibe a proliferação e autofagia das células CCR, induz apoptose, promove permeabilização da membrana lisossomal e altera o fenótipo glicolítico. Distúrbios na microbiota do cólon podem ser causados por uma ampla gama de xenobióticos, sendo os pesticidas um dos mais frequentes. Esses produtos químicos são introduzidos diariamente na nossa dieta e sabe-se que a exposição crónica alimentar a níveis inseguros de pesticidas está relacionada a uma vasta gama de disfunções, distúrbios e promoção de certos tipos de cancro, como o CCR. O tebuconazol, um dos fungicidas mais utilizados na agricultura, tem sido relatado como um possível agente cancerígeno. Sendo o cólon um dos principais alvos desse fungicida, o nosso grupo demonstrou que em células normais do cólon, este inibe o crescimento celular, induz morte celular por produção de espécies reativas de oxigénio (ERO) associada à apoptose numa linha celular de cólon normal. Dessa forma, o objetivo desta tese de mestrado foi entender se o acetato é capaz de proteger contra os efeitos do tebuconazol nas células normais do cólon. Os nossos resultados sugerem uma possível tendência para um papel protetor do acetato através do aumento da proliferação, viabilidade celular e atividade mitocondrial. Este é o primeiro estudo a investigar um papel protetor do acetato na toxicidade de contaminantes alimentares no cólon humano, o que pode ajudar na descoberta de novas abordagens na prevenção do CCR.The human colon harbours different species of microorganisms, which are capable of modulate the intestinal ecosystem since they play a role in several physiologic processes essential for the human homeostasis. Between these processes, the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), namely acetate, propionate and butyrate, have attracted a lot of interest mainly due to their antineoplastic capabilities especially against colorectal cancer (CRC). Acetate, the most abundant SCFA in the human colon, have been associated with protective effects against CRC cells and our research group have already reported that this metabolite inhibits CRC cell proliferation and autophagy, induces apoptosis, promotes lysosomal membrane permeabilization and changes the glycolytic phenotype. Disruptions in colon microbiota can be caused by a wide range of xenobiotics, being pesticides one of the most frequent. These chemicals are daily introduced into our diet and chronic dietary exposure to unsafe levels of pesticides is known to be related with a wide range of organs dysfunctions, disorders and the promotion of certain types of cancer, such as CRC. Tebuconazole, is one of the most used fungicides in agriculture and has been pointed as a possible carcinogen. Being the colon one of the main targets of this fungicide, our group proved that in normal colon cells it inhibits cell growth, induce cellular death through apoptosis associated ROS production in normal colon cell line. The aim of this master thesis was to understand if acetate is able to protect against tebuconazole effects in normal colon cells. Our results suggest a possible tendency for a protective role of acetate through the increasing of the cell proliferation, viability and mitochondrial activity. This is the first study uncovering a protective role of acetate in the toxicity of food contaminants in human colon, which may help in the finding new approaches in CRC prevention.This work was financed by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT) within the scope of project PTDC/QUIQIN/28662/2017 and by the strategic programme UID/BIA/04050/2019 funded by national funds through the FCT I.P.This work was also financed by the project EcoAgriFood NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-00009, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Determination of benzoic acid and sorbic acid in foodstuffs by high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection

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    Publicado em artigo no Livro de atas do congresso - XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, pp. 107-111.Introduction: In recent decades, there has been a change in the dietary pattern of the population towards an increase in consumption of more industrialized foods. With this, food industry has faced many challenges on maintaining the quality and nutritional value of the products and at the same time increasing the shelf life. Benzoic Acid (BA) and Sorbic Acid (SA), and its salts, are food preservatives responsible for inhibiting microorganism growth and thus, protecting food products from spoilage. Although these preseratives are recognized by the EFSA and FDA as being safe, there are concerns arising from their wide occurrence in food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, that can lead to an increase of the daily intake and possible risks of exceeding the acceptable daily intake (ADI). Therefore, occurrence data are essential to ensure consumer safety through exposure assessment studies. Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the presence of benzoic and sorbic acids in 23 samples of food products commercially available in the market, using a validated HPLC method with UV detection based on European Standard 12856, and compare their levels with the respective allowable limits.Study supported by Project MONITADITIVOS (INSA), Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio