2,402 research outputs found

    Family evolution and contemporary social transformations

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    In the first place, this paper intends to analyze the kind of relationships existing inside the family. In order to do that, the author makes an effort to reconsider its historical forming process applying the classical anthropological texts. At this stage, the analysis proposes two different types of relationships between human beings, the primal, which arose from the most elementary feelings of love, protection, accompaniment, and the strictly social, risen from the needs of cooperation and collective work. The family is the expression of both kinds of relationships. In the second place, this work analyzes the nuclear family as a result of a historical process associated to the development of capital and the social conditions that make possible its consolidation. And in the third place, the author proposes the discussion on the crisis of the nuclear family under the perspective of the contemporary global transformation of the accumulation of capital. As a conclusion: some reflections on the perspectives that these transformations offer to the role of the family.Family; Family structure; Origin of family; Historic origin of family; family and society; social transformation and family

    Civil society, welfare and transformations in the Costa Rican State

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    Several theoretical and methodological perspectives have been used to understand the trans-formations occurred during the last 20 years in the Costa Rican State. This work aims to de-fine a coherent approach of such transformations in order to understand them and be able to offer possible solutions to the social problems therefore originated. With that purpose, we formulate, in the first part, a theoretic-methodological proposal that will allow us to place those transformations and their associated social events in a consistent interpretative frame. In the second part, we order the main transformations and events accordingly to such frame. And in the third part, we suggest a general proposal to reorient those transformations in order to make them consistent with what appears to be the fate of our epoch.Sociedad civil, Bienestar, Estado de Bienestar, Costa Rica, Familia, Régimen de Acumulación de Capital, Estructura de Regulación

    The property of labor and production’s means, a key for real solutions to the actual economic crisis

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    In this paper we propose to understand the present economic crisis looking to the disequilibria created by the capital accumulation in deregulated conditions. The concentration and centralization of value, produced by this process, establish a misbalanced development of society, disabling its capacity to optimize the common wealth with the existing resources. The proposed solutions from the conventional economics do not pose a revision of the conditions that are generating the high degrees of capital and income’s concentration; rather, some, are oriented to its accretion, while others ignoring it, cause inefficient solutions. We present the two main thrusts of solution to the crisis’ proposals made from the Economy perspective, and we discuss it from the point of view offered by the Political Economy; so we are able to suggest a new direction on this proposal that considers the revision and modification of the balance between private and public property, communal property, small and medium ownership as a means to fully address the present economic crisis.Economía política; Soluciones; Crisis económica; Acumulación de capital; Concentración de capital; centralización del capital

    Evaluación preliminar de emisiones de plomo en automóviles

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    El presente trabajo reporta emisiones de plomo contenido en el material particulado emitido por el escape. de una muestra típica de automóviles a gasolina, mediame muestreo isocinético a volumen constante según normas de la Environmental Protection Agency de USA. Los resultados obtenidos muestran ww emisión promedio de 7.4 ± 0.68 (mg Pb · km- 1) obtenido al aplicar un ciclo de conducción representativo de la A 1·enida Bemardo O'Higgins en el área de restricción vehicular. simulado en dinamómetro de rodillos y a través de dilución variable de gases de escape. Este valor sugiere que la información utilizada en la evaluación de los inventarios de emisiones en Santiago, sobredimensiona la contribución del material particulado proveniente de vehículos livianos a gasolina

    Distribución espacial de los quetognatos y cómo la portación de huevos afecta la distribución vertical de Sagitta tasmanica en el sur de Chile

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    Six chaetognath species were determined, all for the first time, in the inner waters between Reloncaví Fjord and Boca del Guafo, Chile. Sagitta tasmanica (85.3%) and Eukrohnia hamata (5.8%) were dominant. Sagitta minima was collected for the first time in the southern channel and fjord region. The largest chaetognath aggregations were found around the Desertores Islands, which create a geographic barrier between two microbasins (north and south) with different oceanographic characteristics. S. decipiens was distributed mostly in the surface layer (0-50 m), whereas E. hamata, S. chilensis, S. minima, and S. enflata were found in deeper waters (50-200 m). The vertical distribution of S. tasmanica was homogeneous; mature, egg-carrying individuals were found at greater depths than those without eggs.Se determinó la presencia de seis especies de quetognatos, todas ellas registradas por primera vez en aguas interiores comprendidas entre el fiordo Reloncaví y la boca del Guafo, Chile. Las especies dominantes fueron Sagitta tasmanica (85,3%) y Eukrohnia hamata (5,8%), mientras que S. minima se colectó por primera vez en el ecosistema de canales y fiordos australes. Las mayores agregaciones de quetognatos se determinaron alrededor de las islas Desertores, que constituyen una barrera geográfica entre dos microcuencas de diferentes condiciones oceanográficas. La distribución vertical de S. decipiens presentó una preferencia por el estrato superficial, mientras que E. hamata, S. chilensis, S. minima y S. enflata se capturaron preferentemente a mayor profundidad. En cambio, S. tasmanica se distribuyó homogéneamente en la columna de agua, pero los individuos maduros con huevos se encontraron a mayor profundidad que los que no transportaban huevos

    A Vertical Axis Wave Turbine With Hydrofoil Blades

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    This work discusses a new wave energy converter (WEC) design that, when deployed in waves, performs unidirectional rotation about a vertical shaft. The uniqueness of this new WEC design is on utilizing omnidirectional water flow generated by waves to drive a rotor to perform unidirectional rotation about a vertical axis. This unique feature circumvents the frequency-dependent issue of common WECs, and eliminate realignment needs to cope with dynamically changing wave propagation directions. The key component of the WEC is a rotor, which has a vertical shaft with a number of blades mounted to it. Each blade has a hydrofoil-shaped cross section and is in a bent shape along its span. The spanwise bending of the blades makes the rotor capable of gaining a unidirectional driving torque about the vertical shaft no matter in which spatial direction the local water is passing by. For validating the WEC design and gaining preliminary understanding, a very first rotor model without any parametric optimization was built. Two types of experiments were then carried out by employing this model. In the first type, the model was translated (with the shaft vertically aligned all the time) in still water along a horizontal direction (back and forth), a vertical direction (up and down), and a circular orbit in a vertical plane. In the second type, the model was exposed in waves generated in a wave flume. In all the experiments, well-established unidirectional rotation of the rotor about its vertical shaft has been observed. The hydrodynamic performance of the rotor in waves was further characterized through systematic experiments under various conditions

    Nuevas estrategias terapéuticas en el tratamiento de la enfermedad de Wilson

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    74 p.La enfermedad de Wilson es de carácter genética autosómica recesiva, que resulta de la mutación del gen ATP7B, que codifica para el transportador de cobre en el hepatocito, provocando la acumulación de este metal en el organismo, afectando principalmente al hígado y el sistema nervioso central. Es importante que el diagnóstico sea oportuno para proveer de un buen pronóstico al paciente. El tratamiento consta principalmente de quelantes de cobre, los cuales tienen la desventaja de causar daños neurológicos. Además, existen una serie de nuevas terapias en estudio. Actualmente, la búsqueda del mejor enfoque terapéutico, para cada presentación específica de la enfermedad, sigue siendo polémico y no hay indicaciones claras sobre cómo tratar a los pacientes, considerando el riesgo de deterioro neurológico progresivo después de la iniciación de la terapia de quelación. En el presente trabajo, se abordan generalidades de la patología, las actuales y futuras estrategias terapéuticas para esta enfermedad, con énfasis en las más novedosas y prometedoras, tales como el tetramolibdato de amonio,la terapia celular, terapia génica, estimulación cerebral profunda y la microscopia de fluorescencia de rayos X esta última técnica está actualmente en desarrollo y es utilizada tanto para el diagnóstico como para el monitoreo del tratamiento de la enfermedad de Wilso

    Comparación de efectos de un aditivo comercial y un encendido por descarga continua sobre las emisiones primarias de un motor de automóvil

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    El presente trabajo muestra un estudio comparativo de las emisiones de S02 , NOx, HCHO, CO y HC producidas por un motor Datsun 1 .5 L acoplado a un dinanómetro hidráulico. En un caso, se usó un sistema de encendido por "descarga continua" y en el otro, se usó un aditivo comercial "For Gas" marca Wynn' s. En las condiciones analizadas, el aditivo comercial mostró una mayor eficiencia en la reducción de contaminames, que el encendido electrónico. En particular, las emisiones de S02 se redujeron hasta un 20% comparativas al sistema convencional

    El yoga en la mujer. Manual ilustrado.

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    [ES] El proyecto consiste en la producción gráfica y arte finalización de tres fanzines ilustrados con el tema principal de la mujer y el yoga y los beneficios que esta práctica aporta en las distintas etapas de su vida. El contenido trata tres temas que están presentes cotidianamente en la vida de la mujer; la aceptación de nuestro cuerpo, el dolor menstrual y la importancia de mantener el suelo pélvico fortalecido. Cada fanzine incluye un personaje que cuenta sus vivencias personales y cómo el yoga ha contribuido en los temas que se tratan y así influir positivamente de manera lúdica e informativa a mujeres que pudieran estar viviendo lo mismo. Se combinarán principalmente la ilustración acompañada de pequeños textos, diversas texturas y papeles, los sistemas de impresión se adecuarán a la producción gráfica y a los diferentes materiales, empleando la impresión digital y la risografía. La finalidad del proyecto es ofrecer un punto de vista diferente mediante una experiencia sensorial a través de los materiales, gráfica y colores utilizados. El estilo de ilustración es expresiva y orgánica. Asimismo, se quiere dar visibilidad a aquellas inquietudes de la mujer que han sido siempre infravaloradas y crear un espacio donde se sientan identificadas.[EN] The project consists of the graphic production and art completion of three fanzines illustrated with the main theme of women and yoga and the benefits that this practice brings in the different stages of their lives. The content deals with three topics that are present daily in the life of the woman; the acceptance of our body, menstrual pain and the importance of keeping the pelvic floor strengthened. Each fanzine includes a character who recounts her personal experiences and how yoga has contributed to the topics discussed and thus positively influence in a playful and informative way women who might be living the same way. Illustration accompanied by small texts, different textures and papers will be combined, printing systems will be adapted to graphic production and different materials, using digital printing and risography. The aim of the project is to offer a different point of view through a sensory experience through the materials, graphics and colors used. The style of illustration is expressive and organic. It is also intended to give visibility to those concerns of women that have always been undervalued and to create a space where they feel identified.Sergio Soto, O. (2020). El yoga en la mujer. Manual ilustrado. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/158974TFG