3,053 research outputs found

    A tale of two movements: parallels between labor and piqueteros in Argentina

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    In the early 1900s, Argentina witnessed the emergence of the labor movement, whose eventual incorporation transformed the political landscape. By the end of the century, another watershed event, neoliberal reform, resulted in the emergence of a new social actor: piqueteros. This study outlines the parallels between the origins of the two movements and examines piqueteros' use of roadblocks, identity formation, linkage to the Peronist party, and relation with labor. This project contributes primary data gathered through interviews with individuals close to the movement and conducts theoretically grounded analyses of secondary data. Piqueteros and organized labor are found to adhere to the same historical pattern of emergence and incorporation. The logic of roadblocks is traced to functional similarities to strikes and access to non-material benefits. These non-material benefits, in turn, became identity forming elements at very local levels in homogeneous communities. The organizational structure of these piquetero groups, coupled Kirchner's need for political support led to clientelistic linkages. Lastly, the experience of labor unions and piquetero groups within an umbrella organization point to a rather collaborative relationship and suggest that inter-movement ties can be stronger than intra-movement ones

    Analysis of post-tensioned structures by means of a constitutive serial-parallel rule of mixtures

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    The main purpose is to test a reliable method based on a three-dimensional (3D) finite-element (FE) model to simulate the constitutive behavior of reinforced concrete structures strengthened with post-tensioned tendons. Large scale 3D FE models will be used, where the nonlinear material behavior and geometrical analysis based on incremental iterative load methods will be adopted

    Thresholds of Change in Children's Literature: The Symbol of the Mirror

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    This article approaches the study of children's literature as a threshold of change that allows readers to explore the reality around them, imagine other worlds and understand other perspectives. Based on the notion of the child's cognitive development organized into four stages ―pre-reading, fantastic stage, fantastic-realistic stage and aesthetics stage― reading becomes a resource to combine fantasy and experience where the mirror is a highly suggestive element and prone to hundreds of interpretations and applications as can be seen in the plots of well-known books such as the brother Grimm's Snow White, Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass, Michael Ende's The Neverending story and J.K. Rowling's The Philosopher's Stone, among others. As a result, as young readers go from one stage to another, the mirror gains greater symbolic complexity and they face the discovery of the self and the other as well as the confrontation between the so-called primary and secondary worlds, reality and the marvelous

    Circovirus porcino: un virus pequeño que genera un gran problema

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    Porcine circoviruses type 1 and type 2 (PCV-1 and PCV-2) are very small (17 nm), nonenveloped, icosahedral viruses (Tisher y col., 1982), with circular, single stranded DNA genomes of approximately 1,700 nucleotides length, encoding 2 major ambisense open reading frames (Mankertz y col., 1998; Hamel y col., 1998). Together with a number of avian viruses with similar molecular characteristics, the porcine circoviruses are classified in the genus Circovirus within the family Circoviridae. Although PCV-1 persists in the pig population, the presence of PCV-1 has not been associated with any recognised clinical signs or pathology. In contrast, PCV-2 has been implicated as the mayor causative agent of Postweaning Multisystemic Wasting Syndrome (PMWS). It is characterized mainly by loose of weight, general wasting, and severe immunosuppressive effects with premature death of piglets. PCV-2 effects are generated by inhibition of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pdc) so called natural interferon-α producing cells (NIPCs) unlinking the innate and acquired immune systems, and renderinga host susceptible to secondary or concomitant microbial infections. Therefore, PCV-2 additionally is associated with other porcine diseases and syndromes, such as reproductive failure, respiratory disease complex, congenital tremor, porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome, nectrotizing tracheitis and exudative epidermitis, together with other viral and bacterial agents, including Parvovirus, PRRSV (Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome virus), Influenza, Aujeszky and Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus suis and Pastereulla multocida. Nowadays, these diseases are known as PCVAD or PCV-2-associated diseases, in order to group all the diseases attributed to porcine circovirus type 2. The PCV-2-associated diseases, mainly PMWS, at present are considered to be the greatest economic problem associated with the pig industry world-wide

    Effects of institutional quality and the development of the banking system on corporate debt

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    Purpose – This study aims to determine if the quality of national institutions and banking development condition the maturity of debt depending on the horizon of short or long term. Design/methodology/approach – Analysis is performed on a sample of 116 nonfinancial companies from Peru and Brazil. The measures of quality of national institutions and banking development were obtained from World Bank data and included factorial analysis for dynamic considerations. Findings – The findings, through the treatment of pointed indicators, the factor analysis and the subsequent estimation of a dynamic econometric model, called GMM-SYS, show that institutional quality fosters the maturity of long-term debt and banking development boots short-term financial relations. Research limitations/implications – Evaluating different measures of the quality of national institutions and banking development is necessary to demonstrate the robustness of the results beyond the sample evaluated in Latin America. Practical implications – The research allows to understand the interaction between national institutions and system banking through debt maturity, and this is useful for establishing common target between both groups. Social implications – It is important for corporate finance to understand the mechanisms of the interaction between national institutions and system banking, because this affects internal decisions of firms regarding financial implications. Originality/value – The treatment of measures of national institutions and banking development include dynamic considerations, and the application of this study in Latin America provides new findings regarding these kind of indexes and their interaction with firms¨ features such as debt maturity.Propósito – Este estudio tiene como objetivo determinar si la calidad de las instituciones nacionales y el desarrollo bancario condicionan el vencimiento de la deuda en función del horizonte de corto o largo plazo. Diseño / metodología / enfoque – El análisis se realiza en una muestra de 116 empresas no financieras de Perú y Brasil. Las medidas de calidad de las instituciones nacionales y el desarrollo bancario se obtuvieron de datos del Banco Mundial e incluyeron análisis factoriales para consideraciones dinámicas. Recomendaciones – Los hallazgos, a través del tratamiento de indicadores apuntados, el análisis factorial y la posterior estimación de un modelo econométrico dinámico, denominado GMM-SYS, muestran que la calidad institucional fomenta la madurez de la deuda de largo plazo y el desarrollo bancario da arranque a las relaciones financieras de corto plazo. Limitaciones / implicaciones de la investigación – Es necesario evaluar diferentes medidas de la calidad de las instituciones nacionales y el desarrollo bancario para demostrar la solidez de los resultados más allá de la muestra evaluada en América Latina. Implicaciones prácticas – La investigación permite comprender la interacción entre las instituciones nacionales y el sistema bancario a través del vencimiento de la deuda, y esto es útil para establecer un objetivo común entre ambos grupos. Implicaciones sociales – Es importante que las finanzas corporativas comprendan los mecanismos de interacción entre las instituciones nacionales y el sistema bancario, porque esto afecta las decisiones internas de las empresas con respecto a las implicaciones financieras. Originalidad / valor – El tratamiento de las medidas de las instituciones nacionales y el desarrollo bancario incluye consideraciones dinámicas, y la aplicación de este estudio en América Latina aporta nuevos hallazgos sobre este tipo de índices y su interacción con características de las empresas como el vencimiento de la deuda

    Combustion of avocado crop residues: effect of crop variety and nature of nutrients

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    The thermal behaviour of avocado crop residues was studied. The seeds and the pruning remains from Hass and Bacon varieties were analysed to know their fuel properties. The influence of the fertiliser nature was also studied thorough the application of cow manure and inorganic products. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out under 10, 20 and 40 °C/min heating rates. Kinetics was also estimated according to the Friedman, Flynn-Wall-Ozawa (FWO) and Kissinger-Akahira-Sunose (KAS) methods. Results indicated the good fuel performance of the samples. Higher heating values (HHV) were higher for pruning remains (19.43 MJ/kg) when compared to seeds (18.74 MJ/kg). Cow manure improved the behaviour of all avocado samples regardless of the varieties. Average action energy was lower for wood (143.89–211.04 kJ/mol) than seeds (174.05–279.99 kJ/mol). Regarding TGA, this analysis showed three different mass loss associated to hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin release. TGA profiles were so different for the analysed biomass sources according to the fertiliser employed. Hence, the heating rate influenced the thermal behaviour of the samples, highlighting the fast release of the SBC and WHM for the 10 and 20 °C/min ramps respectively

    Desescolarización en el municipio de Soacha

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    El motivo de analizar el tema surge del hecho que este municipio tiene uno de los índices de nivel educativo, más bajos del departamento de Cundinamarca y del país, ubicándolos por debajo de la media nacional, que ya es bastante baja con respecto a los países desarrollados. Por esto, se van a describir factores como el desplazamiento forzado y la pobreza, junto con todo lo que llevan consigo, como la violencia, los embarazos a temprana edad, el abuso de sustancias psicoactivas, entre otras. Posteriormente se va a revisar el plan de desarrollo del municipio para ver si busca atacar la problemática expuesta

    Efectividad de las técnicas de integración cerebral en el estrés académico de estudiantes de ingeniería agrícola de una universidad nacional de Trujillo.

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo determinar la efectividad de la Técnica de Integración Cerebral: Un Ojo por Vez en el nivel de estrés académico en estudiantes de Ingeniería Agrícola de una Universidad Nacional de Trujillo, la cual contó con una población de 37 estudiantes entre el segundo y tercer año, ambos sexos, entre los 20 y 26 años de edad, pertenecientes al curso de Cálculo II, de donde se obtuvo una muestra de veinte (20) estudiantes, subdivididos en el Grupo Experimental y Grupo Control, cada uno compuesto por diez (10) estudiantes que participaron de la Investigación. Se realizó un estudio experimental con pre test y post test empleando como instrumento de medición el Inventario SISCO de Estrés Académico. Los resultados obtenidos indican que existe una diferencia altamente significativa (p<0.01) en la disminución del nivel de Estrés Académico a favor del Grupo Experimental por sobre el Grupo Control luego de la aplicación de la Técnica de Integración Cerebral: Un Ojo por vez.The present research had as objective to demonstrate the effects of the Brain Integration Techniques: One Eye at a time in the level of academic stress in students of Agricultural Engineering of an University, that counted on a population of 37 students between the second and third year, both (20) students, subdivided into the Experimental Group and Control Group, each composed of ten (10) students, who were Participated in the Investigation. An experimental study was carried out with pre-test and post-test using the SISCO Academic Stress Inventory as a measurement instrument. The results indicate that there is a highly significant difference (p <0.01) in the decrease in the level of Academic Stress in favor of the Experimental Group over the Control Group after the application of the Brain Inegration Technique: One Eye at a time.Tesi
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