3,288 research outputs found

    Characterizing the rate of spread of large wildfires in emerging fire environments of northwestern Europe using visible infrared imaging radiometer suite active fire data

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    In recent years fires of greater magnitude have been documented throughout northwest Europe. With several climate projections indicating future increases in fire activity in this temperate area, it is imperative to identify the status of fire in this region. This study unravels unknowns about the state of the fire regime in northwest Europe by characterizing one of the key aspects of fire behavior, the rate of spread (ROS). Using an innovative approach to cluster Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) hotspots into fire perimeter isochrones to derive ROS, we identify the effects of land cover and season on the rate of spread of 102 landscape fires that occurred between 2012 and 2022. Results reveal significant differences between land cover types, and there is a clear peak of ROS and burned area in the months of March and April. Median ROS within these peak months is approximately 0.09 km h−1 during a 12 h overpass, and 66 % of the burned area occurs in this spring period. Heightened ROS and burned area values persist in the bordering months of February and May, suggesting that these months may present the extent of the main fire season in northwest Europe. Accurate data on ROS among the represented land cover types, as well as periods of peak activity, are essential for determining periods of elevated fire risk, the effectiveness of available suppression techniques, and appropriate mitigation strategies (land and fuel management).This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 860787 (PyroLife Innovative Training Network; https://pyrolife.lessonsonfire.eu/, last access: January 2023), a project in which a new generation of experts is trained in integrated fire manageme

    High-resolution spectroscopic study of massive blue and red supergiants in Perseus OB1 - I. Definition of the sample, membership, and kinematics

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    Context. The Perseus OB1 association, including the h and χ Persei double cluster, is an interesting laboratory for the investigation of massive star evolution as it hosts one of the most populous groupings of blue and red supergiants (Sgs) in the Galaxy at a moderate distance and extinction. Aims. We discuss whether the massive O-type, and blue and red Sg stars located in the Per OB1 region are members of the same population, and examine their binary and runaway status. Methods. We gathered a total of 405 high-resolution spectra for 88 suitable candidates around 4.5 deg from the center of the association, and compiled astrometric information from Gaia DR2 for all of them. This was used to investigate membership and identify runaway stars. By obtaining high-precision radial velocity (RV) estimates for all available spectra, we investigated the RV distribution of the global sample (as well as different subsamples) and identified spectroscopic binaries (SBs). Results. Most of the investigated stars belong to a physically linked population located at d = 2.5 ± 0.4 kpc. We identify 79 confirmed or likely members, and 5 member candidates. No important differences are detected in the distribution of parallaxes when stars in h and χ Persei or the full sample are considered. In contrast, most O-type stars seem to be part of a differentiated population in terms of kinematical properties. In particular, the percentage of runaways among them (45%) is considerable higher than for the more evolved targets (which is lower than ∼5% in all cases). A similar tendency is also found for the percentage of clearly detected SBs, which already decreases from 15% to 10% when the O star and B Sg samples are compared, respectively, and practically vanishes in the cooler Sgs. Concerning this latter result, our study illustrates the importance of taking the effect of the ubiquitous presence of intrinsic variability in the blue-to-red Sg domain into account to avoid the spurious identification of pulsating stars as SBs. Conclusions. All but 4 stars in our working sample (including 10 O giants/Sgs, 36 B Sgs, 9 B giants, 11 A/F Sgs, and 18 red Sgs) can be considered as part of the same (interrelated) population. However, any further attempt to describe the empirical properties of this sample of massive stars in an evolutionary context must take into account that an important fraction of the O stars is or likely has been part of a binary/multiple system. In addition, some of the other more evolved targets may have also been affected by binary evolution. In this line of argument, it is also interesting to note that the percentage of spectroscopic binaries within the evolved population of massive stars in Per OB1 is lower by a factor 4−5 than in the case of dedicated surveys of O-type stars in other environments that include a much younger population of massive stars.We acknowledge funding from the Spanish Government Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through grants PGC-2018-091 3741-B-C211/C22, SEV 2015-0548, and CEX2019-000920-S and from the Canarian Agency for Research, Innovation and Information Society (ACIISI), of the Canary Islands Government, and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), under grant with reference ProID2017010115

    Climate teleconnections modulate global burned area

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    Climate teleconnections (CT) remotely influence weather conditions in many regions on Earth, entailing changes in primary drivers of fire activity such as vegetation biomass accumulation and moisture. We reveal significant relationships between the main global CTs and burned area that vary across and within continents and biomes according to both synchronous and lagged signals, and marked regional patterns. Overall, CTs modulate 52.9% of global burned area, the Tropical North Atlantic mode being the most relevant CT. Here, we summarized the CT-fire relationships into a set of six global CT domains that are discussed by continent, considering the underlying mechanisms relating weather patterns and vegetation types with burned area across the different world's biomes. Our findings highlight the regional CT-fire relationships worldwide, aiming to further support fire management and policy-making.We thank Lorea Garcia for her insights and useful suggestions in the interpretation of CT-fire relationships during the review process of the manuscript. This project received funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, project FIREPATHS (PID2020-116556RA-I00) (authors receiving funding: A.C. and M.R.) and the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme MSCA-ITN-2019— Innovative Training Networks under grant agreement No. 860787 (PyroLife) (authors receiving funding: A.C., M.T. and C.S.), and the European Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101037419 (FIRE-RES) (authors receiving funding: A.C., J.R., C.S. and S.d.M.)

    Analysis of fluid soil-structure interaction problems with the particle finite element method (PFEM)

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    We present some developments in the Particle Finite Element Method (PFEM) for analysis of coupled problems in mechanics involving fluid-soil-structure interaction (FSSI). The PFEM uses an updated Lagrangian description to model the motion of material points in both the fluid and the solid domains (the later including soil/rocks and structures). A mesh connects the particles (nodes) defining the discretized domain where the governing equations for each of the constituent materials are solved as in the standard FEM. The procedure to model frictional contact conditions and material erosion at fluid-solid and solid-solid interfaces is described. We present several examples of application of the PFEM to solve FSSI problems such as the motion of rocks by water streams, the erosion of river beds, the stability of breakwaters and constructions under sea waves, the falling of landslides on houses and into a reservoir and the failure of rockfill dams in overspill situations.Preprin

    Fire behavior modeling for operational decision-making

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    Simulation frameworks are necessary to facilitate decision-making to many fire agencies. An accurate estimation of fire behavior is required to analyze potential impact and risk. Applied research and technology together have improved the implementation of fire modeling, and decision-making in operational environments.Dr Cardil acknowledges the support of Technosylva USA and Wageningen University in his research stays in the USA and the Netherlands to develop this work. The authors of this paper acknowledges the support of the EUfunded PYROLIFE project (Reference: 860787; https://pyrolife.lessonsonfire.eu/), a project in which a new generation of experts will be trained in integrated wildfire management

    Summer truffle in the Iberian Peninsula: current status and crop potential

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    La trufa de verano (Tuber aestivum, incluyendo Tuber uncinatum) es una especie de un gran valor económico y social, que se produce de modo silvestre en toda Europa, norte de África y parte de Oriente medio. Los esfuerzos de cultivo de esta especie en la península ibérica han permanecido en un segundo plano debido a las condiciones adecuadas de ciertos terrenos para cultivar especies de mayor valor económico, como la trufa negra (Tuber melanosporum). Sin embargo, la trufa de verano es una alternativa viable y muy productiva para zonas de dudosa aptitud para T. melanosporum. En este trabajo, mediante revisión bibliográfica, se ponen de manifiesto los siguientes aspectos: la distribución y ecología de T. aestivum, la situación actual del cultivo, así como las perspectivas de futuro propias de esta especie en la península ibérica. En rasgos generales, se ha constatado su mayor amplitud ecológica y geográfica en relación a la trufa negra y se ha observado que es un cultivo incipiente pero en crecimiento. Sin embargo, se ha deducido que aún es necesario realizar un gran esfuerzo para dar a conocer este producto tanto a cultivadores como a consumidores potenciales en España así como divulgar aspectos técnicos sobre la gestión de su cultivo.Summer truffle (Tuber aestivum, including Tuber uncinatum) is a species of great economic and social value. Wild summer truffles are produced all over Europe, North Africa and part of the Middle East. This species has been underutilized in the Iberian Peninsula due to ability of certain areas to cultivate species of greater economic value, such as the black truffle (Tuber melanosporum). However, the summer truffle is an alternative species for areas where the black truffle is not well adapted. In this paper, the distribution and ecology of T. aestivum, the current situation and the future prospects of this crop in the Iberian Peninsula is reviewed. Summer truffle is a growing crop, well adapted in greater ecological and geographical areas than black truffle. However, it is still necessary to carry out further efforts to publicize it to both growers and consumers in Spain and to spread technical aspects of its managementPublishe

    A New Distance to The Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/39) Based on the Type Ia Supernova 2007sr

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    Traditionally, the distance to NGC 4038/39 has been derived from the systemic recession velocity, yielding about 20 Mpc for H_0 = 72 km/s/Mpc. Recently, this widely adopted distance has been challenged based on photometry of the presumed tip of the red giant branch (TRGB), which seems to yield a shorter distance of 13.3+-1.0 Mpc and, with it, nearly 1 mag lower luminosities and smaller radii for objects in this prototypical merger. Here we present a new distance estimate based on observations of the Type Ia supernova (SN) 2007sr in the southern tail, made at Las Campanas Observatory as part of the Carnegie Supernova Project. The resulting distance of D(SN Ia) = 22.3+-2.8 Mpc [(m-M)_0 = 31.74+-0.27 mag] is in good agreement with a refined distance estimate based on the recession velocity and the large-scale flow model developed by Tonry and collaborators, D(flow) = 22.5+-2.8 Mpc. We point out three serious problems that a short distance of 13.3 Mpc would entail, and trace the claimed short distance to a likely misidentification of the TRGB. Reanalyzing Hubble Space Telescope (HST) data in the Archive with an improved method, we find a TRGB fainter by 0.9 mag and derive from it a preliminary new TRGB distance of D(TRGB) = 20.0+-1.6 Mpc. Finally, assessing our three distance estimates we recommend using a conservative, rounded value of D = 22+-3 Mpc as the best currently available distance to The Antennae.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 1 table (emulateapj; uses amsmath package). Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal, Vol. 136. Figs. 1 & 2 degraded to reduce file size

    Expressão e análise antigênica da proteína RTP36 recombinante da amostra São Paulo de Ehrlichia canis para testes sorológicos

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    Ehrlichia canis is the main etiological agent of canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME), a globally canine infectious disease. In Brazil, CME is considered to be endemic, and its prevalence can reach 65% in some states. The diagnosis of ehrlichiosis is important for treatment and epidemiological purposes. The E. canis TRP36 (Tandem Repeat Protein) protein elicits the earliest acute-phase antibody response observed during the course of the disease. This study aimed to generate the recombinant TRP36 protein from E. canis São Paulo strain and to evaluate its potential as a tool for the serologic diagnosis of CME. The E. canis São Paulo isolate was cultivated in DH82 lineage cells, and its genomic DNA was obtained. The bacterial DNA fragment encoding the entire ORF of TRP36 was cloned into the pBAD/Thio-TOPO vector and transformed into Escherichia coli DH10B competent cells with the trp36-bearing plasmid for protein expression. To evaluate the protein antigenicity, 16 canine serum samples were previously tested (by PCR and the commercial SNAP4Dx serological test). The results were in accordance with the SNAP4Dx test. Experiments using this recombinant protein as an antigen, targeting the development of a serologic test based on ELISA methodology, are the next step to produce a reliable, affordable and useful diagnostic tool for CME in Brazil.Ehrlichia canis é o principal agente etiológico da erliquiose monocítica canina (EMC), uma doença infecciosa canina globalmente dispersa. No Brasil, a EMC é considerada endêmica, e a infecção pode atingir 65% em cães em alguns estados. O diagnóstico de erliquiose é importante para fins de tratamento e epidemiológicos. A proteína TRP36 de E. canis leva a uma resposta humoral com produção de anticorpos em fase aguda, encontrada durante o curso da doença. O objetivo deste estudo foi obter a proteína TRP36 recombinante da amostra São Paulo de E. canis e avaliar seu potencial como ferramenta para o diagnóstico sorológico da CME. O isolado de E. canis São Paulo foi cultivado em células da linhagem DH82 e o DNA genômico foi obtido. O fragmento de DNA bacteriano que codifica toda a ORF de TRP36 foi clonado no vetor pBAD / Thio-TOPO e transformado em células competentes Escherichia coli DH10B, com o plasmídeo portador de trp36 para expressão de proteínas. Para avaliar a antigenicidade da proteína, 16 amostras de soro canino foram previamente analisadas (por PCR e teste sorológico comercial SNAP4Dx). Os resultados estavam de acordo com o teste SNAP4Dx. Os experimentos que utilizam essa proteína recombinante como antígeno, visando ao desenvolvimento de um teste sorológico baseado no ELISA, são o próximo passo para produzir um teste de diagnóstico confiável, acessível e útil para o diagnóstico da EMC no Brasil

    Evolutionary and functional history of the Escherichia coli K1 capsule

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    Escherichia coli is a leading cause of invasive bacterial infections in humans. Capsule polysaccharide has an important role in bacterial pathogenesis, and the K1 capsule has been firmly established as one of the most potent capsule types in E. coli through its association with severe infections. However, little is known about its distribution, evolution and functions across the E. coli phylogeny, which is fundamental to elucidating its role in the expansion of successful lineages. Using systematic surveys of invasive E. coli isolates, we show that the K1-cps locus is present in a quarter of bloodstream infection isolates and has emerged in at least four different extraintestinal pathogenic E. coli (ExPEC) phylogroups independently in the last 500 years. Phenotypic assessment demonstrates that K1 capsule synthesis enhances E. coli survival in human serum independent of genetic background, and that therapeutic targeting of the K1 capsule re-sensitizes E. coli from distinct genetic backgrounds to human serum. Our study highlights that assessing the evolutionary and functional properties of bacterial virulence factors at population levels is important to better monitor and predict the emergence of virulent clones, and to also inform therapies and preventive medicine to effectively control bacterial infections whilst significantly lowering antibiotic usage