279 research outputs found

    Formación de la interacción social competencia de futuros especialistas del ámbito gerencial

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    Trends in the economic situation development in the Russian Federation determine the basic requirements for graduates of Russian universities in the direction of “management” training, whose professional competence depends directly on the level of mastering communication skills and social interaction skills. The social interaction competence for managers is the key one in the formation of professional competencies and affects the decision-making of many professional tasks. The social interaction competence plays an important role in the management personnel training because they have a need for constant interaction with people, staff and clients. Lack of social interaction competence can lead to failures in professional activities. Thus, the bachelor of management should have not only knowledge in the professional sphere, but also be able to interact with various specialists, clients, and partners, carrying out high-level social communication that can affect effectively the result of professional activity.Las tendencias en el desarrollo de la situación económica en la Federación de Rusia determinan los requisitos básicos para los graduados de las universidades rusas en la dirección de la formación de “gestión”, cuya competencia profesional depende directamente del nivel de dominio de las habilidades de comunicación y de interacción social. La competencia de interacción social para los gerentes es la clave en la formación de competencias profesionales y afecta la toma de decisiones de muchas tareas profesionales. La competencia de interacción social juega un papel importante en la capacitación del personal de gestión, ya que tienen una necesidad de interacción constante con las personas, el personal y los clientes. La falta de competencia de interacción social puede conducir a fallas en las actividades profesionales. Por lo tanto, el licenciado en administración debe tener no solo conocimiento en el ámbito profesional, sino también poder interactuar con varios especialistas, clientes y socios, llevando a cabo una comunicación social de alto nivel que pueda afectar de manera efectiva el resultado de la actividad profesional

    Impact of hydrotechnical construction on aquatic ecosystems of the Kiliia branch of the Danube Delta

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    Resumption of shipping in the Bystryi branch in the Ukrainian part of the Danube Delta, one of the largest aquatic-wetland areas of Europe and the world, has made it necessary to control the anthropogenic impact on the neighboring water areas of the Danube Biosphere Reserve. The objective of the study was comparing the compositions and structure of phytoplankton, microphytobenthos, macrophytes, benthic invertebrates and ichthyofauna of the mouth area of the Bystryi branch with such communities of the mouths of the branches Vostochnyi, Tsyhanka and Starostambulskyi, which are situated in the protected zone and characterized by limited anthropogenic activity. We also determined the correspondence of the descriptors of biotic groups to the categories of the ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive of the EU. The studies were performed in the autumn and summer periods in 2020–2021. We recorded 367 species of animals and plants, the richest biodiversity was seen for the biota of the Bystryi branch – 250 species, and 180–231 species of hydrobionts were found in the undisturbed mouths. We determined 25.3% of shared species for the water areas, and therefore high values of similarity of the species compositions according to Bray-Curtis (47.5% to 81.5%). We determined no significant differences between the groups of the mouths of the examined branches according to most indicators of taxonomic and ecological structure. As the descriptors of ecological status, we chose assemblage indices of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos, which are based on ratios of biomass of functional groups of algae, and also the Macrophyte Biological Index for Rivers, saprobic index of Zelinka & Marvan and Biological Monitoring Working Party Index of Benthic Invertebrates and Representation of Species of Ichthyfauna according to vulnerability to actions of environmental factors. We determined that the range of descriptors of phytoplankton and microphytobenthos corresponded to the “high” ecological status category, such of macrophytes and benthic invertebrates to “good”, and such of ichthyofauna varied “high” to “good”. In general, all the mouth areas were characterized by “good” ecological status. Similarities of the species composition and the structure of biotic communities of the mouths of the studied branches of the delta indicate the absence of negative impact of the deepwater shipping on adjacent ecosystems, which may be related to the peculiarities of reactions of groups in the water areas with natural stress, as well as local impact of the hydrotechnical construction

    Biochemical markers of vital biodestruction in common oak (Quercus robur)

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    The wood of the common oak (Quercus robur L.) has high mechanical strength, elasticity and resistance to fracture. However, constitutional stability is not always able to provide the plants with reliable protection from wood-decay fungi, and the initial stages of biodegradation are difficult to determine. Therefore, this study concerns research on appropriate biochemical markers for early diagnostics of wood defects. The total content of phenolic compounds in leaves and wood was determined by a spectrophotometer Optizen Pop using Folin & Ciocalteu’s phenol reagent; the flavonoid content in leaves – by adding solutions of aluminum chloride and sodium acetate to methanolic extracts; catechins content – by the reaction with vanillin reagent; the concentration of phenolic antioxidants – by Brand Williams; chlorophyll and carotenoids’ contents in leaves – by the formula for methanol extracts; the qualitative composition of phenolic compounds – by high performance liquid chromatography and highly effective thin-layer chromatography. During the planned felling of oak trees on the territory of the Boyar Forest Research Station, trees were found with signs of brown streak and biodestruction of wood. Brown streak in wood is caused by a polycondensation of phenolic compounds, which are deposited on the internal surfaces of tracheal elements. In cases of an increase in the total amount of oxidized polyphenols, the cell walls are also stained. Active oxidation processes in wood have a systemic nature for the plants and affect the physiological state of the assimilation apparatus. We determined that in leaves of the trees with signs of brown streak the total phenol content increases in comparison with the control by 1.6 times, as well as flavonoid and catechin content. Our research has shown that the complex of plastid pigments in common oak leaves does not significantly change in the early stages of destructive processes. Increase of brown streak and appearance of rot in wood are associated with slight increase in chlorophyll a to b ratio in leaves. Chromatographic profiling of the leaves showed that the presence of brown streak changes the content of individual phenolic compounds. The trees with brown rot have more substances with UV spectrum characteristic for kaempferol glycosides compared to the control. The results have shown that the biochemical profiles of the trees with signs of brown streak and brown rot differ from the control by the composition of low and medium polar compounds. The absence or presence of some individual phenolic components and their ratio in the leaves are considered as biochemical markers of hidden wood defects

    Projectile fragmentation at Fermi energies with transport simulations

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    Projectile fragmentation at Fermi energies is an important method to produce radioactive beams for the study of isospin asymmetric nuclear matter. Fragmentation is usually parametrized successfully by empirical phase space models. In this contribution we apply a microscopical method, semiclassical transport theory, to study in detail the reaction mechanism of the fragmentation process. We apply it to experimental data of 18O on 181Ta at E/A = 35 MeV measured in Dubna. We calculate consistently the excitation energy of the primary fragments and take into account their decay by a statistical model. It is found that the dissipative part of the fragment spectra is well described by transport theory. However, there are in addition important direct and collective contributions

    Reduced adipose tissue oxygenation in human obesity evidence for rarefaction, macrophage chemotaxis, and inflammation without an angiogenic response

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    OBJECTIVE-Based on rodent studies, we examined the hypothesis that increased adipose tissue (AT) mass in obesity without an adequate support of vascularization might lead to hypoxia, macrophage infiltration, and inflammation. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Oxygen partial pressure (AT pO 2) and AT temperature in abdominal AT (9 lean and 12 overweight/obese men and women) was measured by direct insertion of a polarographic Clark electrode. Body composition was measured by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, and insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp. Abdominal subcutaneous tissue was used for staining, quantitative RT-PCR, and chemokine secretion assay. RESULTS-AT pO 2 was lower in overweight/obese subjects than lean subjects (47 ± 10.6 vs. 55 ± 9.1 mmHg); however, this level of pO 2 did not activate the classic hypoxia targets (pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase and vascular endothelial growth factor [VEGF]). AT pO 2 was negatively correlated with percent body fat (R =-0.50, P \u3c 0.05). Compared with lean subjects, overweight/ obese subjects had 44% lower capillary density and 58% lower VEGF, suggesting AT rarefaction (capillary drop out). This might be due to lower peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ1 and higher collagen VI mRNA expression, which correlated with AT pO 2 (P \u3c 0.05). Of clinical importance, AT pO 2 negatively correlated with CD68 mRNA and macrophage inflammatory protein 1α secretion (R =-0.58, R =-0.79, P \u3c 0.05), suggesting that lower AT pO 2 could drive AT inflammation in obesity. CONCLUSIONS-Adipose tissue rarefaction might lie upstream of both low AT pO 2 and inflammation in obesity. These results suggest novel approaches to treat the dysfunctional AT found in obesity. © 2009 by the American Diabetes Association

    Ketogenic diet uncovers differential metabolic plasticity of brain cells

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    To maintain homeostasis, the body, including the brain, reprograms its metabolism in response to altered nutrition or disease. However, the consequences of these challenges for the energy metabolism of the different brain cell types remain unknown. Here, we generated a proteome atlas of the major central nervous system (CNS) cell types from young and adult mice, after feeding the therapeutically relevant low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet (KD) and during neuroinflammation. Under steady-state conditions, CNS cell types prefer distinct modes of energy metabolism. Unexpectedly, the comparison with KD revealed distinct cell type–specific strategies to manage the altered availability of energy metabolites. Astrocytes and neurons but not oligodendrocytes demonstrated metabolic plasticity. Moreover, inflammatory demyelinating disease changed the neuronal metabolic signature in a similar direction as KD. Together, these findings highlight the importance of the metabolic cross-talk between CNS cells and between the periphery and the brain to manage altered nutrition and neurological disease