499 research outputs found

    Existence of Atoms and Molecules in the Mean-Field Approximation of No-Photon Quantum Electrodynamics

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    The Bogoliubov-Dirac-Fock (BDF) model is the mean-field approximation of no-photon Quantum Electrodynamics. The present paper is devoted to the study of the minimization of the BDF energy functional under a charge constraint. An associated minimizer, if it exists, will usually represent the ground state of a system of NN electrons interacting with the Dirac sea, in an external electrostatic field generated by one or several fixed nuclei. We prove that such a minimizer exists when a binding (HVZ-type) condition holds. We also derive, study and interpret the equation satisfied by such a minimizer. Finally, we provide two regimes in which the binding condition is fulfilled, obtaining the existence of a minimizer in these cases. The first is the weak coupling regime for which the coupling constant α\alpha is small whereas αZ\alpha Z and the particle number NN are fixed. The second is the non-relativistic regime in which the speed of light tends to infinity (or equivalently α\alpha tends to zero) and ZZ, NN are fixed. We also prove that the electronic solution converges in the non-relativistic limit towards a Hartree-Fock ground state.Comment: Final version, to appear in Arch. Rat. Mech. Ana


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    Penelitianinidilatarbelakangidarisurvei yang dilakukanUNICEF tahun 2015 di Provinsi Papuaterdapatsebesar49,88% atausecara rata-rata terdapatsekitar 50% siswa di Tanah Papua yang tidakdapatmembaca. Hal inimenunjukkanbahwakemampuanmembacasiswarendah, sehinggaakanberdampakbagi masa depanmereka. Fokuspenelitianiniadalahbagaimanapelaksanaan program literasiyang dilaksanakanmulaidariperencanaan, implementasi, danevaluasisebagaiupayauntukmeningkatkankemampuanmembacasiswakelasawalsekolahdasar di KabupatenMimika. Dengandemikian, Yayasan Pembangunan PendidikandanKesehatan Papua (YP2KP) merupakanlembaga donor sebagaipelaksana program literasiyang bekerjasamadengan UNICEF, sertadidukungPemerintah Australia danDinasPendidikanKabupatenMimikauntukmenjalankan program literasi (bacatulis) di kelasawalsekolahdasar. Tujuanpenelitianiniadalahuntukmengetahuidampak program literasi yangtelahdilaksanakanselamatigatahundi sekolahintervensi model A dansekolahintervensi model B. Penelitianinimenggunakanpendekatankuantitatifdenganmetodeex post facto karenapenelitihanyamelakukanpengamatanterhadaphasilmaupundampakdaripelaksanaan program literasiyaitukemampuanmembacasiswa. Teknikpengumpulaan data yang digunakanadalahkuesioner, wawancara, danstudidokumentasi. Hasilpenelitianyang diperolahmenunjukkanbahwa: 1)perencanaan, implementasi, danevaluasiprogram literasiyang dilaksanakan disekolahintervensi model A dansekolahintervensi model B sudahberjalandenganbaik,walaupunadahambatan-hambatankecil di tengahpelaksanaan program; 2) kemampuanmembacasiswa di sekolahintervensi model A dansekolahintervensi model B lebihbaikdarikemampuanmembacasiswa di sekolah non-intervensisebagaisekolahpembanding.Berdasarkanhasilpenelitianmenunjukkanbahwapelaksanaan program literasisangatberkontribusiterhadappendidikan di KabupatenMimikasebagaisalahsatukabupaten yangmelaksanakan program literasi. Dengandemikianharapanbesardaripelaksanaan program literasibahwabutaaksara di Provinsi Papua khususnyaKabupatenMimikamenurundariangka-angkasebelumnya, sehinggamutupendidikandasartetapterjagadanmenunjukkanprestasi yang membanggakan. --------------------------------- This research was motivated by a survey conducted byUNICEF in 2015 in Papua Provincewhichfoundthatthere were around 49.88% or on average of50% of students in Papua could not read. It showed that student’s reading ability was low and ithas an impact on theirfuture. The focus of this research is todescribe the implementation of literacy programs included planning, implementation, and evaluation as an effort to improve the reading ability of thelowergrades students in the primary schoolsin Mimika Regency. The Papua Education and Health Development Foundation (YP2KP) is a donor institution whoimplement the literacy program in collaboration with UNICEF, supported by the Australian Government andMimika District Education Office to run literacy (reading and writing) programs for the lowergradesstudents in primary schools. The purpose of this study is to measure the effectiveness of literacy programs that have been implemented for three years in the model A and model B intervention schools. This study used a quantitative approach with ex-post facto method because researchers only observed the result and impact of the literacy programs implementation, namely student reading skills. Data collection techniques used were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation studies. The results of the study showed that: 1) the planning, implementation and evaluation of literacy programs carried out in model A intervention schools and model B intervention schools were going well, although there were minor obstacles in the midst of program implementation; 2) student’s reading ability in model A and model B intervention schools is better than the student’s reading ability in non-intervention schools. Based on the results of the research, the implementation of the literacy program greatly contributes to education in Mimika Regency as one of the districts that carry out literacy programs. Therefore, the highest expectation of the literacy program implementation in Papua Province, especially in Mimika Regency decreased from the previous findings so that the quality of basic education canbe maintained and shows a proud achievement

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Praktek Insider Trading Dalam Pasar Modal Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a development country which has improvement in many departments. The development in entrepreneurship is one factor concerned to development succeed. Through investing in capital market, business can improve continuously because it can accept fund from the investors. The implementation of openness principle is needed to keep capital market stable. Infraction to openness principle causes practice of insider trading. Prohibition to insider trading has deal with the improvement of capital market because it depends to the investors beliefs who invest in stock which issued by public corporate. The beliefs of the investors can be influenced by conspiracy of insiders to achieve advantages. Laws No.8 by 1995 about Capital Market in chapter 95-98 has arranged the prohibition insider trading practice. But in fact it still happened in public company which impact financial lost to investors, public corporate, even capital market. This research purpose to analyze normatively how characterized insider trading, and how the protection issue to the investors in the case of insider trading practice.Through this problem research, I have found two main points concluded. First, arrangement of characterized insider trading in Capital Market Laws does not appropriate and not capable to deceive doer so that this practice might happen to public corporate. Second, the prohibition to insider trading which in Capital Market Laws is still not able to give a complete protection to the investors because insider trading can be maximized.I suggest, first, we need a specific law about insider trading in Indonesia, for instance the arrangement of insider trading which owned by United States of America. This arrangement works to deceive doer and to keep investors trust in capital market. Second, to protect the investors from insider trading practice, it is needed to form a specific court in capital market to solve insider trading practice and also to give education about capital market to maintenance the law institution so that can make an easier way in maintenance the laws because by the effective law maintenance is a kind of protection to the investors.Keywords: observation- insider trading-capital marke

    Strategic Airlift En Route Analysis and Considerations to Support the Global War on Terrorism

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    The Global War on Terrorism has mandated the need for additional global en route airfields. En route airfields consist of bases that are strategically located at intermediate locations between the Continental United States and the intended theater of operations. These airfields serve as refueling, crew staging, or maintenance stops for strategic airlift aircraft flying transoceanic routes. The focus of this study is to examine concepts to meet this need and to address important aspects that should be considered in devising new en route strategies. Based on various important factors associated with potential en route airfields, a goal programming methodology was used to develop an Excel based tool to aid the decision process for selecting the best future en route airfields and potential infrastructure improvements at those airfields. The factors included in this tool consist of 1)the distance from various origins to the en route of interest and the distance from the en route to various destinations, 2) the amount of parking capacity available at potential en route airfields, 3) the fuel capability present at these airfields to support strategic aircraft flow, 4) diplomatic relations with the en route host countries, 5) airfield distance from coastal seaports, and 6) the number of strategic aircraft capable airfields within a predetermined range of the potential en route. Using the developed goal program tool, 25 potential en route airfields used to transit to eight global destinations from ten different origins were studied. With the above factors assessed and examined, conclusions relating to which potential en route airfields would be the most beneficial in fighting the Global War on Terrorism are delineated

    Kombongan Masallo' sebagai pemaknaan hakikat gereja dalam konteks bergereja Toraja

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    Kombongan Masallo' is a translation into the context of the Toraja church, which shows the Toraja Church's awareness of its culture as a gift and a tool used by God to reveal himself to him. However, the term "Kombongan Masallo" is suspected to be prone to swallowing, even misleading, in the appreciation of the nature of the church if it is not based on the right meaning. Therefore, this study aims to explore the concept of kombongan as an indigenous Toraja term and evaluate it in the light of biblical truth, according to the tradition of the Toraja Church itself, to offer a reconstruction of a new Christian meaning. For this effort, a theoretical approach to the theology of the Bevans-style translation model is used within the framework of developing contextual theology. By using a qualitative descriptive method that explores information sourced from written documents, information from church leaders, and traditional Toraja leaders, it is found that on the one hand, the term Kombongan Masalo' greatly enriches and deepens the theological meaning of the church; however, on the other hand, the meaning of the term needs to be constructively transcended theologically based on the truth of the Bible. This will greatly help the Toraja church members to appreciate the church as a meeting, fellowship, and entity that continues to grow, where each member is subject to prevailing values and norms, lives in a relationship based on sincerity and spaciousness of heart, and is bound to one another by guidance. The Holy Spirit. AbstrakKombongan Masallo’ merupakan salah satu terjemahan ke dalam konteks bergereja Toraja, yang menunjukkan kesadaran Gereja Toraja akan budayanya sebagai anugerah dan alat yang dipakai Allah untuk menyatakan diri kepadanya. Namun, istilah Kombongan Masallo’  diduga rentan mendangkalkan, bahkan menyesatkan, dalam penghayatan hakikat bergereja jika tidak didasarkan pada pemaknaan yang tepat. Sebab itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mengeksplorasi konsep kombongan sebagai term indigenous Toraja, mengevaluasinya dalam terang kebenaran Alkitab, menurut tradisi Gereja Toraja sendiri, guna menawarkan sebuah rekonstruksi pemaknaan baru yang kristiani. Untuk upaya itu, digunakan pendekatan teoretis berteologi model terjemahan ala Bevans dalam kerangka pengembangan teologi kontekstual. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif yang menggali informasi bersumber pada dokumen tertulis, informasi dari tokoh gereja, maupun tokoh adat Toraja, didapatkan bahwa pada satu sisi, term Kombongan Masalo’ sangat memperkaya dan memperdalam makna teologis gereja; namun, di sisi lain makna istilah tersebut perlu ditransendensi secara konstruktif teologis berlandaskan kebenaran Injil. Hal tersebut akan sangat menolong warga gereja Toraja menghayati gereja sebagai pertemuan, persekutuan, dan entitas yang terus bertumbuh, di mana setiap anggotanya tunduk pada nilai dan norma yang berlaku, hidup dalam relasi yang dilandasi ketulusan dan kelapangan hati, serta terikat satu sama lain oleh tuntunan Roh Kudus

    PDCAT - On checking the compatibility of web services\u27 policies

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    This paper discusses the compatibility issue between policies of Web services, which could refrain the automatic composition of these Web services from smoothly progressing. Policies regulate/constrain the functioning of Web services at three levels identified by business, behavior, and privacy. Because independent Web services collaborate with one another in order to satisfy users\u27 needs, their respective policies could be in contradiction. This could lead to conflicts and exceptions at run-time unless these contradictions are as a first step, detected and then, fixed. In this paper, WSPL is the language to specify policies of Web services

    Characteristics of Coastal and Estuarine Sediment in the Upper Gulf of Thailand

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Pengaruh Perilaku Kepemimpinan, Motivasi Kerja, dan Pendidikan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Leadership Behavior variable (X1), Work Motivation (X2) and Education Level (X3) which had a dominant effect on Employee Performance (Y) at the Mulawarman University Teacher Training and Education Faculty. The results of the study showed that based on the results of the research and analysis of the variables that affect the Leadership variable (X1) it has a significant effect on the Performance (Y) of the Teachers and Education Faculty employees of Mulawarman University. The partial test results show that the t test for Work Motivation variable (X2) on Performance (Y) with t count value of 1.668 is smaller than t table 0.260 or significance t = 1.668 smaller than 5%. This means that the Work Motivation variable (X2) has a significant influence on the Performance (Y) of the Teachers' School and Mulawarman University Education staff so that the hypothesis in this study is rejected. This indicates that work motivation is one of the ways used by a leader to exercise control. Based on the results of statistical analysis showing work motivation variables on the performance productivity of the Mulawarman University Teaching and Education Faculty employees, it was pointed out that motivation had a significant and significant effect on the performance productivity of the Mulawarman University Teaching and Education Faculty employees, this shows that the higher motivation of employees to work, the the high level of performance productivity of the Mulawarman University Teacher Training and Education Faculty employees. Based on the results of statistical analysis, the educational variables have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive relationship between education and the performance of the staff of the Teaching and Education Faculty of Mulawarman University so that the hypothesis in this study is universally universal

    The Representation of African Cultural Identity in Black Panther Film by Ryan Coogler

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    This study focuses on the analysis of The Representation of African Cultural Identity in Black Panther.  This study aims to reveal the portrayal of African cultural identity in real life. In analyzing the data the writer used both library and media research related to this study, the writer applied a qualitative descriptive study as the method of this study. The source of data in this study Black Panther movie which is directed by Ryan Coogler and it was released in 2018. The data were collected through process of watching, pausing and interpreting then the writer analyses those data by using theory of Representation by Stuart Hall through constructionist approach. Black Panther movie became a medium to change the audience perspective about Africa. This movie shows the depiction of various kinds of cultural identity in Africa that can open the audience's thoughts about Africa. The results of this study indicate that the Black Panther movie has become a medium to provide a better perspective through the description of several elements related to African identity:Representation of African civilization through a symbol of vibranium, cultural ritual, traditional costume, African images through the character those elements are used by Ryan Coogler as director to develop a different perspective of Africa. &nbsp
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