525 research outputs found

    The Development Of Optimization Methods For Knowledge Base Enrichment Processes

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    The paper presents the concept of approach to the research and evaluation of the processes of intellectual activity associated with the enrichment of the knowledge base. A feature of the research of the process dynamics is the need of simultaneous consideration of such diverse factors as the complexity of information perception, the presence of the deviations of the response from the standard in the process of reproduction and accounting of the test time.A significant influence on the methods of optimization of the knowledge base enrichment process is exerted by a considerable duration of the task learning process. This causes the use of the multifactor experimental design theory to accelerate the progress towards the optimum.The research results can be used in the development of technologies for efficient knowledge assimilation, automation of skills, and also in the development of expert systems for diagnostics of the processes of intellectual activity


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    Search for new informative markers and methods of prognosis prediction glaucomatous optic neuropathy (GON) in primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) is an urgent task. We have established efficiency surgical treatment of POAG, but the progression of GON is observed in 10–15 % patients. It is known that the main mechanism of GON is apoptotic death retinal ganglion cells, a marker of which is recognized as tumour necrosis factor-α (TNFα), Fas-ligand (FasL) and a soluble form of the Fas-receptor (sFas/APO-1). The aim of the study: to find out the possibility of using apoptosis factors (TNFα, FasL and sFas/APO-1) to predict postoperative progression of GON at POAG. Methods. 69 patients (69 eyes) with POAG stage I–III were examined, who underwent trabeculectomy with implantation of an Ex-Press shunt. In intraocular fluid (IOF) markers of apoptosis was determined by the method enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Repeated ophthalmological examination was performed in 1 year. The control group consisted of 25 patients who were operated on about phacoemulsification of cataracts. For statistical and regression analysis used software package GLZ (Statistica 10, StatSoft, Inc. USA) and module of analysis of operational characteristics of regression models – ROC-diagrams (MedCalc 18.9.1, MedCalc Software, Belgium). Results. Multivariate regression analysis showed that the progression of GON determine the content in IOF of TNFα and sFas/Apo-1 before surgery and intraocular pressure after three months. Based on these indicators, it is calculated satisfactory model of GON progression prediction with 95.4 % accuracy. One-factor logistic regression analysis proved the influence of the content of TNFα, FasL and sFas/Apo-1 for the presence or absence of progression of GON during the year after operations: direct dependence took place for TNFα and FasL and inverse – for sFas/Apo-1. The critical limits of the content in the IOF markers are calculated apoptosis, in which the progression of GON is unmistakably predicted during year after surgery. Conclusions. The obtained results prove the significant influence of the studied markers apoptosis on the progression of GON after surgery. Direct pathogenetic influence belongs to TNFα and FasL


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    Research connected with studying of efficiency assessment possibility of system operation simple model using its general model parameters and establishing of operation general model objects as efficiency formula`s formal signs is presented in the article. To conduct research, model of controlled system was created, structure of which is implemented as software product. Peculiarity of this model is possibility of carrying out experimental study, as result of which it is possible to detect changes in parameters of number of system operations under different control regimes. As result of research, it was established that it is impossible to make comparative assessment between operations, which conducted in different control regimes, applying quantitative characteristics of input and output operational process parameters. During creation of converting class system model structure, concept of operation reduction to its simple general model has been used. Model of program designer provides integration of cost parameters of input and output products by means of which, opportunity for efficiency determination of operations, functioning at different control modes is investigated. Analysis of operational process estimation results has shown that operation general model objects are formal signs of operations efficiency formula. Different modes of optimum control to which have pointed extrema of several indicators have revealed absence problem systemically reasonable verification method of applied estimated indicators regarding their use as optimization criterion. Practical importance of this research is that using presented program designer of controlled system and cybernetic approach allow apply results of research on all types of controlled systems. It promotes the optimization issue solution in finding of optimum mode of executive systems functioning and obtaining maximum economic effect of enterprise


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    The paper presents the concept of approach to the research and evaluation of the processes of intellectual activity associated with the enrichment of the knowledge base. A feature of the research of the process dynamics is the need of simultaneous consideration of such diverse factors as the complexity of information perception, the presence of the deviations of the response from the standard in the process of reproduction and accounting of the test time. A significant influence on the methods of optimization of the knowledge base enrichment process is exerted by a considerable duration of the task learning process. This causes the use of the multifactor experimental design theory to accelerate the progress towards the optimum. The research results can be used in the development of technologies for efficient knowledge assimilation, automation of skills, and also in the development of expert systems for diagnostics of the processes of intellectual activity

    Розробка критерію для порівнювальної оцінки функціональної діяльності об’єктів виконавчих систем

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    In this paper, the general principles of the comparative assessment of the results of procedural activity for objects of executive systems are developed.The system of determining the baseline, relying on that provides accounting of all influencing factors and the possibility of developing a common assessment criterion are proved.An assessment indicator that takes into account all the relevant input and output parameters, and allows comparative assessment of procedural activities of objects of executive systems is developed.Versatility of developed indicator is demonstrated by the comparative assessment of the professional abilities of the subjects and in the decision of selecting the best variant of equipment.Also it is developed a method that compensates for the inequality of expert assessments of input products when assessing the functionality of ES objects.The proposed approach gives the possibility of using common assessment criteria and a common method of reducing the baseline to identify the results of operations of the technical facilities (equipment) and the staff.Разработан единый оценочный критерий для сравнительной оценки результатов функционирования объектов исполнительных систем. Универсальность критерия продемонстрирована на примерах моделей операций, отображающих профессиональные способности субъектов, а также в решении задач выбора оптимального варианта оборудования.Разработан метод, который обеспечивает компенсацию неравенства величин экспертных оценок входных продуктов при оценке результатов функциональных возможностей объектов исполнительных систем.Розроблено єдиний оціночний критерій для порівняльної оцінки результатів функціонування об'єктів виконавчих систем. Універсальність критерію продемонстрована на прикладах моделей операцій, що відображають професійні здібності суб'єктів, а також у вирішенні завдань вибору оптимального варіанту обладнання.Розроблено метод, що забезпечує компенсацію нерівності величин експертних оцінок вхідних продуктів при оцінці результатів функціональних можливостей об'єктів виконавчих систем


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    Research connected with studying of efficiency assessment possibility of system operation simple model using its general model parameters and establishing of operation general model objects as efficiency formula`s formal signs is presented in the article. To conduct research, model of controlled system was created, structure of which is implemented as software product. Peculiarity of this model is possibility of carrying out experimental study, as result of which it is possible to detect changes in parameters of number of system operations under different control regimes. As result of research, it was established that it is impossible to make comparative assessment between operations, which conducted in different control regimes, applying quantitative characteristics of input and output operational process parameters. During creation of converting class system model structure, concept of operation reduction to its simple general model has been used. Model of program designer provides integration of cost parameters of input and output products by means of which, opportunity for efficiency determination of operations, functioning at different control modes is investigated. Analysis of operational process estimation results has shown that operation general model objects are formal signs of operations efficiency formula. Different modes of optimum control to which have pointed extrema of several indicators have revealed absence problem systemically reasonable verification method of applied estimated indicators regarding their use as optimization criterion. Practical importance of this research is that using presented program designer of controlled system and cybernetic approach allow apply results of research on all types of controlled systems. It promotes the optimization issue solution in finding of optimum mode of executive systems functioning and obtaining maximum economic effect of enterprise

    Лексикографічний аналіз концептів кішка та собака в англійській мові

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    У статті розглядаються спроби виявити ознаки, що формують стереотипні образи тварин в англійській мові на основі функціонально-семантичного аналізу зоонімів КІШКА та СОБАКА з використанням лексикографічних джерел. Дослідження концептів – важливий напрямок сучасної лінгвістики, оскільки саме цей ракурс дозволяє розглядати слово в контексті культури, пізнання і комунікації. (The article deals with the attempts to find out the features, making stereotyped images of animals in the English language on the base of the functional-semantic analysis of CAT and DOG’s zoonyms with the use of lexicographical sources. The investigation of the concepts is the most important direction in modern linguistics, as exactly this aspect lets us examine the word in the context of culture, perception and communication. The research of the concepts with animalistic elements of CAT and DOG is very important and interesting because it can help to address to ethnical and cultural aspects of nation’s worldview. The work is a substantial investigation which aim is to describe the specific language representation of the concept CAT and DOG in English and Ukrainian paintings of the world as from the language point of view as well as from a cultural one. Together with a wide range of theoretical developments, it is appeared a large number of works, which comprise specific descriptions of certain concepts. The urgency of this work is to show that these concepts are in consciousness not only as a living beings, but also as the images of the specific characters. Names of animals are included into the lexical system of the language, some elements are redefined by the native speakers and got a figurative meaning, naming some qualities of a person, some type of character and behavior. This research is actual enough and such kind of analysis gives valuable material, that allows to interpret the national and cultural specific of world language community.

    Рефлексія під час педагогічної практики як один із чинників формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземної мови

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    Стаття присвячена проблемі педагогічної рефлексії майбутніх учителів іноземної мови під час їх педагогічної практики в школі. Визначено роль рефлексії під час практики у процесі формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів іноземної мови. Виявлено першочергові та основні кроки педагогічної рефлексії студента-практиканта; запропоновано засоби, якими ці кроки можуть бути реалізовані. (The article deals with the problem of the future foreign language teachers’ pedagogical reflection during a teaching practice at school. The role of such reflection in the process of the foreign language teachers’ professional competence formation was analized. The prior and basic steps in the practice-teacher’s pedagogical reflection were identified; the means for realizing of these steps were proposed in the article.

    Сharacteristics of self-determination of students with disabilities

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    У статті розглядаються психологічні особливості студентів що мають інвалідність. Виявлені їхні індивідуально-психологічні особливості, свідчать про переважаючу сформованість у даної категорії осіб ефективних моделей взаємодії із соціальним оточенням, адекватного самоприйняття, достатньо активну суб’єктну життєву позицію. Визначено, що найбільше значення на розвиток складових самодетермінації студентів з інвалідністю мають такі особистісні утворення як життєві цілі, особистісна автономія, прагнення до особистісного зростання, впевненість в собі.The article describes the psychological characteristics of students with disabilities. Their individual psychological characteristics are identified and they indicate existence at such students of effective models of interactions with their social environment, adequate self-acceptance, enough active life philosophy. The article determines that such personality formations as life goals, personal autonomy, desire for personal growth, self-confidence are the most important for development of self-determination of students with disabilities