38 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan (Studi Kasus : Kita Market Tegal)

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada KITA Market Tegal. Judul yang diambil dalam laporan ini adaalah “Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Penjualan (Studi Kasus : KITA Market Tegal)”. Metode penelitian pada kasus ini adalah menggunakan metode SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) atau sering disebut juga denganSiklus Hidup Pengembangan Sistem. SDLC merupakan metodologi klasik yang digunakan untuk mengembangkan, memelihara, dan menggunakan sistem informasi. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk menghasilkan sistem informasi penjualan pada KITA Market - Tegal yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja para karyawan dan juga untuk membangun sistem kerja yang hasil kerjanya dapat dipertanggung jawabkan dengan data yang tercatat dengan baik. Hasil dari penelitian ini berupa Sistem Informasi Penjualan yang dibangun dengan Visual Basic .Net 2008, dan basis datanya adalah SQLServer 2005. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Sistem Informasi Penjualan, yang digunakan untuk melakukan transaksi penjualan, pembelian dan pendistribusian barang yang ada pada KITA Market Tegal

    Perlindungan Jamsostek Terhadap Pekerja Waktu Tertentu Pada PT. Tri Tunggal Permai Di Kota Dumai

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    Program Jamsostek mandated by the Indonesian Government Regulation No.14 Year 1993 on the Implementation of the program Jamsostek, consisting of AccidentInsurance, Death Benefit, Old Age Security, and Health Insurance, in which the programmust be implemented for each company. PT. Tri Tunggal Permai is one company thatalso runs the program. To find out the program implementation JamsostekWorkers in Certain Time PT. Tri Tunggal Permai, the authors intend to conductresearch. The formulation of the problem, namely: (1) Knowing the setting procedurekepersertaan Jamsostek Workers at the specific time PT. Tri Tunggal Permai (2)Knowing the program implementation Jamsostek Workers at the specific time PT. TriTunggal Permai (3) Knowing what legal efforts of workers PT. Tri TunggalPermai if the participant dues deduction Jamsostek not with a predetermined. Researchobjectives are:(1) To determine the arrangements and procedures forparticipation of workers at any given time PT. Tri Tunggal Permai in the fieldJamsostek (2) To determine the implementation of the program Jamsostek at anygiven time by the workers PT. Tri Tunggal Permai (3) To know the legal remedyof an employee PT. Tri Tunggal Permai.This study took location in PT. Tri Tunggal Pemai in the town of Dumaithe methods used in evaluating and sampling is purposive sampling method,which sets out a number of samples existing population, the sample categoriesdefined by the author. This type of research is sociological, materials researchcarried out by conducting field surveys to conduct observation and data collectiontools observation, interviews, and literature review.From the results of this study concluded that the Arrangement and theprocedures of participation Jamsostek of workers at any given time PT. TriTunggal Permai in accordance with the Government Regulation of the Republicof Indonesia Number. 14 of 1993 on the Implementation Program Jamsostek,known that certain time workers PT. Tri Tunggal Permai against membership inthe Health Insurance Program, Old Age Security, Employment Insuranceaccident, the answer enrolled Security Death of 20 (twenty) with a percentage of100% (one hundred percent).In the implementation of the program Jamsostek inPT. Tri Tunggal Permai concerning the amount of Social Security contributionspieces running less well with the discovery of two (2) people working who paydues deduction exceeds the social security provisions established. This is becauseemployers mistake when cutting dues Jamsostek workers. Employers acting in good faith to resolve this matter. Settlement of this problem is through themediation and reached an agreement that employers change their loss against thedues deduction Jamsostek workers that exceed provisions

    Uji Fitokimia Dan Aktivitas Antijamur Ekstrak Teripang Keling (Holoturia Atra) Dari Pantai Bandengan Jepara Terhadap Jamur Candida Albicans

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    Holothuria atra is one of the marine lifes that lives at the bottom of the substrate, and able to adapt to its environment. Several previous studies showed that extracts of H. atra from different waters have activity as an antifungal. Fungus Candida albicans is one of human pathogens that attack on the mucosa of the mouth, skin and vagina. The purpose of this study were to identify the compounds contained in the extracts of H.atra and examine the effect of extracts concentration against C. albicans. The process of extraction was done by maceration with solvent n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. Testing of secondary metabolites was carried out using phytochemical screening methods while testing antifungal activity was using agar diffusion test. The results showed that the extracts of H.atra contained saponins, alkaloids, steroids and triterpenoids. Antifungal activity assays showed that the n-hexane extract did not show any inhibition zone, while the ethyl acetate and methanol extracts showed inhibition zone at a concentration of 1 mg / disk with a large zone of inhibition of 8.27 ± 0.06 and 8.07 ± 0 , 12 mm, respectively based on these results it can be concluded that the extract of ethyl acetate solvent H.atra has strong potential as antifungal

    Pengendalian Biaya dan Waktu Proyek dengan Metode Konsep Nilai Hasil (Earned Value)

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    Dalam suatu proyek konstruksi faktor yang menjadi indikator keberhasilan suatu proyek adalah harus tepat biaya, waktu dan mutu. Untuk mencapai target tersebut perlu dilakukan perencanaan, penjadwalan, dan pengendalian pelaksanannya secara tepat. Konsep Nilai Hasil (Earned Value) merupakan salah satu metode pengendalian yang digunakan untuk mengendalikan biaya dan waktu proyek secara terpadu. Metode ini digunakan untuk menganalisis kinerja pelaksanaan dan membuat perkiraan penyelesaian proyek yang memberikan informasi kinerja proyek pada suatu periode pelaporan dan menghasilkan estimasi biaya dan waktu untuk penyelesaian seluruh pekerjaan proyek. Proyek Pembangunan Jembatan Pethuk 1 Ruas Jalan Kota Kupang mengalami keterlambatan karena adanya Perubahan metode pelaksanaan erection girder. Dalam paper ini disajikan hasil analisa Konsep Nilai Hasil untuk mengevaluasi kinerja, mengestimasi keterlambatan proyek, dan pembengkakan biaya secara keseluruhan Dari hasil analisis didapat hasil bahwa Proyek Pembangunan Jembatan Petuk 1 Ruas Jalan Lingkar Kota Kupang mengalami keterlambatan 30 minggu. Dampak keterlambatan tersebut adalah biaya yang membengkak sebesar 206 juta. Penyebab keterlambatan pekerjaan proyek karena adanya Perubahan metode pelaksanaan portal gantry diganti menjadi launcher dan pembengkakan biaya diakibatkan karena biaya sewa alat yang idle. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan metode pelaksanaan yang tidak direncanakan dengan mantap menyebabkan kerugian yang signifikan pada proyek

    Interest in Islamicpreneur: Family Environment Factors and Religiosity Analysis (The Research of Islamic Economics Students at University in Bandung)

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the occupation that has a noble in the view of Islam. In addition, Entrepreneurship is also has an important role for the welfore of a state. Howover, the entrepreneurship ratio in Indonesia is still in low rate compared to another countries. For the reason, this research will discuss student’s interest toward Islamicpreneur. It is because students’ interest in islamicpreneur is the source for the birth of Islamic entrepreneurs in the future. Based on the previous research, entrepreneurial interest is influenced by among others, family enviroment and religiousity level. Therefore this research aims to analyze and predict the influence of family enviroment and religiousity toward students interests in islamicpreneur. The population of this research is the student of Islamic economics at university in Bandung. The study use non-probability-accidental sampling as sampling technique with 280 people as the subjects of the research. Then the research was using causality method with quantitative approach. The data was analyzed using Partial Least SquaresStructural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM). The results showed that the family environment has a positive and significant effect on the interest of Islamicpreneur, while the level of religiosity does not affect the interest of Islamic scholars. This research is expected to be able to provide benefits to various parties in increasing the interest of Islamic scholarship in students, especially Islamic economics students at University in Bandung.     Keywords: Family Enviroment, Religiosity, Student Interest in Islamicpreneu

    Pengaruh Keterlibatan Kerja terhadap Kinerja dengan Pemediasi Komitmen Organisasional

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    This study examined the effect of job involvement on job performance and organizational commitment as mediation. This study involved 135 respondents and using saturated sample which take all employee become a respondents. Likert Scale is used as a balanced assessment questionnaires and using validity and reliability for testing questionaires. The analysis tool in the research is Structural Equation Model (SEM) which using a variance-based approach with Partial Least Square (PLS) as well as to test the mediating variable VAF to testing. Result of study found that job involvement has a positive effect on organizational commitment and job performance at Defense of Ministry. Organizational commitment has positive influence on job performance at Pusat Keuangan and organizational commitment as Partial mediation proved directly affect the relationship between job involvement and job performance. can be given to the Defense of Ministry is increasing attention to the dimensions of salary, normative commitment, and discipline work as dimensions that have bad perceptio

    Glyco-functionalized dinuclear rhenium(i) complexes for cell imaging

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    The design, synthesis and photophysical characterization of four new luminescent glycosylated luminophores based on dinuclear rhenium complexes, namely Glyco-Re, are described. The derivatives have the general formula [Re2(\u3bc-Cl)2(CO)6(\u3bc-pydz-R)] (R-pydz = functionalized 1,2-pyridazine), where a sugar residue (R) is covalently bound to the pyridazine ligand in the \u3b2 position. Different synthetic pathways have been investigated including the so-called neo-glycorandomization procedure, affording stereoselectively glyco-conjugates containing glucose and maltose in a \u3b2 anomeric configuration. A multivalent dinuclear rhenium glycodendron bearing three glucose units is also synthesized. All the Glyco-Re conjugates are comprehensively characterized and their photophysical properties and cellular internalization experiments on human cervical adenocarcinoma (HeLa) cells are reported. The results show that such Glyco-Re complexes display interesting bio-imaging properties, i.e. high cell permeability, organelle selectivity, low cytotoxicity and fast internalization. These findings make the presented Glyco-Re derivatives efficient phosphorescent probes suitable for cell imaging applicatio

    Polydopamine nanoparticle doped nanofluid for solar thermal energy collector efficiency increase

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    Polydopamine can form black nanoparticles and has recently been gaining attention due to its extraordinary heating properties upon excitation with light. Herein, polydopamine hybrid nanoparticles are synthesized in different sizes and subsequently added to a solar fluid to analyze heating ability. The solar fluids with the differently sized hybrid polydopamine particles are compared to a solar fluid containing food coloring (i.e., micrometer‐sized soot particles, similar to India Ink) and silver nanoparticles. The hybrid polydopamine nanoparticles are found to heat more efficiently than silver nanoparticles or food coloring, respectively. In addition, no hybrid polydopamine nanoparticle deposits are found in the direct absorption solar collector in comparison to the solar fluids doped with silver nanoparticles or food coloring. Thus, this work shows that hybrid polydopamine nanoparticles are promising candidates to increase the efficiency of solar fluids

    Neutral N^C^N terdentate luminescent Pt(ii) complexes: their synthesis, photophysical properties, and bio-imaging applications

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    An emerging field regarding N^C^N terdentate Pt(II) complexes is their application as luminescent labels for bio-imaging. In fact, phosphorescent Pt complexes possess many advantages such as a wide emission color tunability, a better stability towards photo- and chemical degradation, a very large Stokes shift, and long-lived luminescent excited states with lifetimes typically two to three orders of magnitude longer than those of classic organic fluorophores. Here, we describe the synthesis and photophysical characterization of three new neutral N^C^N terdentate cyclometallated Pt complexes as long-lived bio-imaging probes. The novel molecular probes bear hydrophilic (oligo-)ethyleneglycol chains of various lengths to increase their water solubility and bio-compatibility and to impart amphiphilic nature to the molecules. The complexes are characterized by a high cell permeability and a low cytotoxicity, with an internalization kinetics that depends on both the length of the ethyleneglycol chain and the ancillary ligand