539 research outputs found

    Expert evaluation of aspects related to virtual reality systems and suggestions for future studies

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    Abstract. In this bachelor’s thesis, we review existing quantitative and qualitative research on virtual reality systems. We then present suggestions for performing a future study to combine the objective and subjective measurements of virtual reality experience. Additionally, we adapted an existing heuristics-based expert evaluation method to suit evaluating virtual reality systems. Using our method, we performed the expert evaluation on a selection of five modern consumer virtual reality systems to understand the connections between the subjective experience and the physical variables related to the virtual reality system. From this evaluation, we present findings that are used to construct discussion and to draw conclusions on these said connections. We found the most prominent conclusion to be that the experience of virtual reality is highly subjective and dependent on the content being viewed in virtual reality. Additionally, we concluded that some of the most important aspects in need of improvement are display resolution, lens design, user ergonomics, and lack of wirelessness. Finally, we state that two optimization problems are present; the first one being the optimization required to design a virtual reality system and the second one being the act of choosing a system to match a consumer’s preferred content.Tiivistelmä. Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa käymme läpi aiempaa kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tutkimusta virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmistä. Esitämme myös ehdotuksia myöhempää tutkimusta varten virtuaalitodellisuuteen liittyvien objektiivisten ja subjektiivisten mittausten yhdistämiseksi. Tämän lisäksi adaptoimme aiemman heuristiikkapohjaisen asiantuntija-arvioinnin sopimaan virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmien arviointiin. Käyttäen metodiamme toteutimme asiantuntija-arvioinnin viidellä modernilla kuluttajakäyttöön tarkoitetulla virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmällä ymmärtääksemme yhteyksiä subjektiivisen kokemuksen ja niiden fysikaalisten muuttujien välillä, jotka liittyvät virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmiin. Esitämme tämän asiantuntija-arvioinnin löydöksiä, ja luomme niiden avulla keskustelua, jonka avulla teemme mainittuihin yhteyksiin liittyviä johtopäätöksiä. Tärkein johtopäätöksemme oli se, että virtuaalitodellisuuden kokemus on erittäin subjektiivinen ja riippuvainen siitä sisällöstä, jota virtuaalitodellisuudessa koetaan. Aiemman lisäksi toteamme, että merkittävimpiä kehitystä kaipaavia osa-alueita ovat näytön resoluutio, linssien suunnittelu, käyttäjäergonomia ja langattomuuden puute. Viimeisenä totesimme, että virtuaalitodellisuusjärjestelmiin liittyy kaksi optimointiongelmaa; ensimmäinen liittyy järjestelmän suunnittelussa tapahtuvaan optimointiin, ja toinen liittyy sellaisen järjestelmän valitsemiseen, joka sopii kunkin kuluttajan suosimaan tarkoitukseen

    The Paradox of Fiction Revisited—Improvised Fictional and Real-Life Social Rejections Evoke Associated and Relatively Similar Psychophysiological Responses

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    Theatre-based practices, such as improvisation, are frequently applied to simulate everyday social interactions. Although the improvisational context is acknowledged as fictional, realistic emotions may emerge, a phenomenon labelled the ‘paradox of fiction’. This study investigated how manipulating the context (real-life versus fictional) modulates psychophysiological reactivity to social rejection during dyadic interactions. We measured psychophysiological responses elicited during real-life (interview) and fictional (improvisation exercises) social rejections. We analysed the heart rate (HR), skin conductance, facial muscle activity, and electrocortical activity (electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha asymmetry) of student teachers (N = 39) during various social rejections (devaluing, interrupting, nonverbal rejection). All social rejections evoked negative EEG alpha asymmetry, a measure reflecting behavioural withdrawal motivation. Psychophysiological responses during real-life and fictional rejections correlated, and rejection type modified the responses. When comparing responses across all rejection types, facial muscle activity and EEG alpha asymmetry did not differ between real-life and fictional rejections, whereas HR decelerated and skin conductance increased during fictional rejections. These findings demonstrate that regardless of cognitive awareness of fictionality, relatively subtle social rejections elicited psychophysiological reactivity indicating emotional arousal and negative valence. These findings provide novel, biological evidence for the application of theatre-based improvisation to studying experientially everyday social encounters

    Risk of donor-site lymphatic vessel dysfunction after microvascular lymph node transfer

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    BACKGROUND: Microvascular lymph node transfer has been used to improve lymphatic function in patients with lymphoedema. We previously reported changes in the lymphatic function of the donor limb after lymph node transfer. For this reason, we modified our surgical method to be more conservative. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Microvascular lymph node transfer was performed in 13 patients using the previously reported original method. Sixteen patients were operated upon using the more conservative modified method. Lymphatic function in the donor limb was evaluated using volumetry, lymphoscintigraphy and tissue water percentage. RESULTS: In the original method group, the donor-limb volume was on average greater (199 ± 540 ml) than in the non-operated control limb. The volume difference between the limbs was smaller (151 ± 463 ml) in the modified method group. Two patients in the original method group had abnormal transport index (Ti) values in lymphoscintigraphy indicating decreased lymphatic function of the donor limb. In the modified method group, the Ti-values remained normal. The tissue water percentage of the donor limb was on average 40% ± 4% in the original method group and 40% ± 3% in the modified method group. Importantly, none of the patients in either group developed clinical lymphoedema in the donor limb during the 11-84-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Even with the more conservative lymph node transfer method, we can observe slight, subclinical signs of lymphatic dysfunction in the donor limb. These results highlight the importance of minimizing the surgical exploration in the inguinal area and avoiding damage to the lymphatic vessels or sentinel nodes draining the lower limb.</p

    Effects of Improvisation Training on Student Teachers’ Behavioral, Neuroendocrine, and Psychophysiological Responses during the Trier Social Stress Test

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    Objectives Teaching involves multiple performance situations, potentially causing psychosocial stress. Since the theater-based improvisation method is associated with diminished social stress, we investigated whether improvisation lessened student teachers’ stress responses using the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST; preparatory phase, public speech, and math task). Moreover, we studied the influence of interpersonal confidence (IC) – the belief regarding one’s capability related to effective social interactions – on stress responses. Methods The intervention group (n = 19) received a 7-week (17.5 h) improvisation training, preceded and followed by the TSST. We evaluated experienced stress using a self-report scale, while physiological stress was assessed before (silent 30-s waiting period) and during the TSST tasks using cardiovascular measures (heart rate, heart rate variability [HRV]), electrodermal activation, facial electromyography (f-EMG), and EEG asymmetry. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA-axis) reactivity was assessed through repeated salivary cortisol sampling. Results Compared to the control group (n = 16), the intervention group exhibited less f-EMG activity before a public speech and higher HRV before the math task. The low IC intervention subgroup reported significantly less stress during the math task. The controls showed a decreased heart rate before the math task, and controls with a low IC exhibited higher HRV during the speech. Self-reported stress and cortisol levels were positively correlated during the post-TSST preparatory phase. Conclusions These findings suggest that improvisation training might diminish stress levels, specifically before a performance. In addition, interpersonal confidence appears to reduce stress responses. The decreased stress responses in the control group suggest adaptation through repetition. Keywords: Improvisation; Anticipatory anxiety; Interpersonal confidence; Psychophysiology; Teacher education; Trier Social Stress TestPeer reviewe

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    Electronic structure and chemical bonding in Ti2AlC investigated by soft x-ray emission spectroscopy

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    The electronic structure of the nanolaminated transition metal carbide Ti2AlC has been investigated by bulk-sensitive soft x-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured Ti L, C K and Al L emission spectra are compared with calculated spectra using ab initio density-functional theory including dipole matrix elements. The detailed investigation of the electronic structure and chemical bonding provides increased understanding of the physical properties of this type of nanolaminates. Three different types of bond regions are identified; the relatively weak Ti 3d - Al 3p hybridization 1 eV below the Fermi level, and the Ti 3d - C 2p and Ti 3d - C 2s hybridizations which are stronger and deeper in energy are observed around 2.5 eV and 10 eV below the Fermi level, respectively. A strongly modified spectral shape of the 3s final states in comparison to pure Al is detected for the buried Al monolayers indirectly reflecting the Ti 3d - Al 3p hybridization. The differences between the electronic and crystal structures of Ti2AlC, Ti3AlC2 and TiC are discussed in relation to the number of Al layers per Ti layer in the two former systems and the corresponding change of the unusual materials properties.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures; PACS:78.70.En, 71.15.Mb, 71.20.-

    Electronic structure investigation of Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2, and Ti3GeC2 by soft-X-ray emission spectroscopy

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    The electronic structures of epitaxially grown films of Ti3AlC2, Ti3SiC2 and Ti3GeC2 have been investigated by bulk-sensitive soft X-ray emission spectroscopy. The measured high-resolution Ti L, C K, Al L, Si L and Ge M emission spectra are compared with ab initio density-functional theory including core-to-valence dipole matrix elements. A qualitative agreement between experiment and theory is obtained. A weak covalent Ti-Al bond is manifested by a pronounced shoulder in the Ti L-emission of Ti3AlC2. As Al is replaced with Si or Ge, the shoulder disappears. For the buried Al and Si-layers, strongly hybridized spectral shapes are detected in Ti3AlC2 and Ti3SiC2, respectively. As a result of relaxation of the crystal structure and the increased charge-transfer from Ti to C, the Ti-C bonding is strengthened. The differences between the electronic structures are discussed in relation to the bonding in the nanolaminates and the corresponding change of materials properties.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure