51 research outputs found

    Genome-wide genetic aberrations of thymoma using cDNA microarray based comparative genomic hybridization

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    BACKGROUND: Thymoma is a heterogeneous group of tumors in biology and clinical behavior. Even though thymoma is divided into five subgroups following the World Health Organization classification, the nature of the disease is mixed within the subgroups. RESULTS: We investigated the molecular characteristics of genetic changes variation of thymoma using cDNA microarray based-comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) with a 17 K cDNA microarray in an indirect, sex-matched design. Genomic DNA from the paraffin embedded 39 thymoma tissues (A 6, AB 11, B1 7, B2 7, B3 8) labeled with Cy-3 was co-hybridized with the reference placenta gDNA labeled with Cy-5. Using the CAMVS software, we investigated the deletions on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13 and 18 throughout the thymoma. Then, we evaluated the genetic variations of thymoma based on the subgroups and the clinical behavior. First, the 36 significant genes differentiating five subgroups were selected by Significance Analysis of Microarray. Based on these genes, type AB was suggested to be heterogeneous at the molecular level as well as histologically. Next, we observed that the thymoma was divided into A, B (1, 2) and B3 subgroups with 33 significant genes. In addition, we selected 70 genes differentiating types A and B3, which differ largely in clinical behaviors. Finally, the 11 heterogeneous AB subtypes were able to correctly assign into A and B (1, 2) types based on their genetic characteristics. CONCLUSION: In our study, we observed the genome-wide chromosomal aberrations of thymoma and identified significant gene sets with genetic variations related to thymoma subgroups, which might provide useful information for thymoma pathobiology.ope

    Laparoscopic splenectomy for sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation of the spleen

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    Primary splenic tumors are rare and mainly found incidentally on radiologic studies. Among them, sclerosing angiomatoid nodular transformation (SANT) of the spleen is a new entity defined as a benign pathologic lesion. Most SANTs have no clinical symptoms and are occasionally accompanied by other splenic diseases such as malignancies. So, the exact diagnosis of the nature of the splenic tumor is mandatory for further treatment. But, preoperative diagnosis is not easy since it is difficult to obtain the tissue from the spleen for pathological study. Recently, laparoscopic splenectomy has become the more standard procedure for the spleen for diagnosis and treatment. Here, we report a rare case of SANT diagnosed following laparoscopic splenectomy

    Isolated primary schwannoma arising on the colon: report of two cases and review of the literature

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    Primary schwannoma of the large intestine is an extremely rare neoplasm. Here, we report two cases of colonic schwannoma confirmed pathologically after laparoscopic resection. A 52-year-old female and a 59-year-old female were referred by their general practitioners to our coloproctologic clinic for further evaluation and management of colonic submucosal masses. Colonoscopies performed in our institution revealed round submucosal tumors with a smooth and intact mucosa in the mid-ascending and descending colon, respectively. Computed tomography (CT) scans showed an enhancing soft tissue mass measuring 2 × 2 cm in the right colon and well-defined soft tissue nodule measuring 1.5 × 1.7 cm in the proximal descending colon, respectively. We performed laparoscopic right hemicolectomy and segmental left colectomy under the preoperative impression of gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Two cases were both diagnosed to be benign schwannoma of the colon after immunohistochemical stains (S-100 (+), smooth muscle actin (-), CD117 (-), and CD34 (-))

    Associations between Oxidized LDL to LDL Ratio, HDL and Vascular Calcification in the Feet of Hemodialysis Patients

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    Cardiovascular mortality is associated with vascular calcification (VC) in hemodialysis (HD) patients. The present study was designed to find factors related with medial artery calcification on the plain radiography of feet by comparing C-reactive protein (CRP), plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 (PAI-1) and lipid profile including oxidized low density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) and to elucidate associations among these factors in HD patients. Forty-eight HD patients were recruited for this study. VC in the feet was detected in 18 patients (37.5%) among total patients and 12 patients (85.7%) among diabetic patients. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), pulse pressure, ox-LDL/LDL were higher and high density lipoprotein (HDL) was lower in patients with VC than in patients without VC. Negative associations were found between HDL and CRP, PAI-1. PAI-1 had positive association with ox-LDL/LDL. History of CVD was the only determinant of vascular calcification on the plain radiography of feet. Ox-LDL/LDL, HDL, CRP, and PAI-1 were closely related with one another in HD patients. History of CVD is the most important factor associated with the presence of VC and low HDL and relatively high oxidized LDL/LDL ratio may affect VC formation on the plain radiography in the feet of HD patients

    Stroke awareness decreases prehospital delay after acute ischemic stroke in korea

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    BACKGROUND: Delayed arrival at hospital is one of the major obstacles in enhancing the rate of thrombolysis therapy in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Our study aimed to investigate factors associated with prehospital delay after acute ischemic stroke in Korea. METHODS: A prospective, multicenter study was conducted at 14 tertiary hospitals in Korea from March 2009 to July 2009. We interviewed 500 consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke who arrived within 48 hours. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to evaluate factors influencing prehospital delay. RESULTS: Among the 500 patients (median 67 years, 62% men), the median time interval from symptom onset to arrival was 474 minutes (interquartile range, 170-1313). Early arrival within 3 hours of symptom onset was significantly associated with the following factors: high National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score, previous stroke, atrial fibrillation, use of ambulance, knowledge about thrombolysis and awareness of the patient/bystander that the initial symptom was a stroke. Multivariable logistic regression analysis indicated that awareness of the patient/bystander that the initial symptom was a stroke (OR 4.438, 95% CI 2.669-7.381), knowledge about thrombolysis (OR 2.002, 95% CI 1.104-3.633) and use of ambulance (OR 1.961, 95% CI 1.176-3.270) were significantly associated with early arrival. CONCLUSIONS: In Korea, stroke awareness not only on the part of patients, but also of bystanders, had a great impact on early arrival at hospital. To increase the rate of thrombolysis therapy and the incidence of favorable outcomes, extensive general public education including how to recognize stroke symptoms would be important.ope

    U kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym mięsak gładkokomórkowy macicy może imitować zwyrodnienie torbielowate mięśniaka macicy – opis dwóch przypadków i przegląd literatury

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    Uterine leiomyosarcoma is an uncommon malignancy accounting for approximately 1% of gynecologic oncology cases. Most uterine leiomyosarcomas occur in menopausal women and they are notorious for their aggressive character, early dissemination, and poor prognosis. It is difficult to accurately differentiate uterine leiomyosarcoma from leiomyomas, especially when leiomyomas undergo degenerative changes. We treated two menopausal women with a uterine mass showing cystic change. Clinical work-up included needle aspiration, sonography, computed tomography, and serum tumor markers to differentiate uterine leiomyosarcoma from leiomyoma. All results were negative for malignancy, but uterine leiomyosarcoma was ultimately diagnosed by pathological examination. Until an accurate preoperative diagnostic method is available, menopausal women diagnosed with a degenerating cystic uterine fibroid should be considered to have a malignancy intraoperatively in order to prevent tumor cells from intraperitoneal spreading.Mięsak gładkokomórkowy macicy to rzadki nowotwór złośliwy odpowiadający za około 1% przypadków nowotworów narządów rodnych. Nowotwór ten występuje głównie u kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym i jest znany z agresywnego przebiegu, wczesnego rozsiewu oraz złego rokowania. Przeprowadzenie dokładnej diagnostyki różnicującej mięsaka gładkokomórkowego i mięśniaków jest trudne, zwłaszcza w przypadku zmian degeneracyjnych tych drugich. W pracy przedstawiono przypadki dwóch kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym, u których w macicy stwierdzono obecność masy wykazującej zmianę torbielowatą. W ramach diagnostyki klinicznej wykonano biopsję aspiracyjną, badanie ultrasonograficzne, tomografię komputerową oraz oznaczono stężenia markerów nowotworowych w surowicy krwi w celu zróżnicowania mięsaka gładkokomórkowego i mięśniaka. Chociaż wszystkie badania dały wynik ujemny dla nowotworu złośliwego, badanie histopatologiczne potwierdziło rozpoznanie mięsaka gładkokomórkowego macicy. Dopóki nie będzie dostępna dokładna metoda diagnozowania przedoperacyjnego, w przypadku kobiet w okresie pomenopauzalnym z rozpoznaniem zwyrodnienia torbielowatego mięśniaka macicy należy śródoperacyjne założyć obecność nowotworu złośliwego w celu uniknięcia dootrzewnowego rozsiewu komórek nowotworowych