18 research outputs found

    PERAN GEREJA DALAM MEMBANGUN RELIGIUSITAS REMAJA GEREJA (Studi Kasus: Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna GPIB Gibeon Jakarta)

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    Abstrak Joseph Fischer Sentono, Peran Gereja Dalam Membangun Religiusitas Remaja Gereja (Studi Kasus: Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna GPIB Gibeon Jakarta). Skripsi. Jakarta Program Studi Pendidikan Sosiologi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2023 Penelitian ini memiliki tiga tujuan utama. Pertama, mendeskripsikan dampak modernisasi terhadap perkembangan remaja gereja GPIB Gibeon Jakarta. Kedua, mendeskripsikan peran gereja GPIB Gibeon Jakarta dalam membangun religiusitas remaja gereja. Ketiga, mendeskripsikan upaya gereja dalam menjangkau remaja melalui pelkat persekutuan teruna. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian berupa studi kasus. Peneliti mengambil data primer dan sekunder dengan memakai metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian ini adalah satu orang pendeta, tiga orang guru pengajar Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna, satu orang Pengurus gereja yakni Majelis Jemaat GPIB Gibeon Jakarta, dan tujuh orang remaja anggota Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna GPIB Gibeon Jakarta. Penelitian dimulai dari bulan Oktober hingga bulan Desember 2022. Triangulasi pada penelitian ini adalah orang tua remaja dan pemuda gereja yang dulunya mengikuti Persekutuan Teruna saat masih remaja. Hasil temuan dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa gereja memiliki peran dalam proses membangun religiusitas remaja di tengah modernisasi. Gereja memiliki peran melakukan pengajaran seperti pelayanan yang Yesus lakukan kepada murid-murid-Nya dan banyak tersebar ke tempat lain. Gereja harus melakukan pengajaran secara terus menerus melalui program-program yang dilakukan di Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna. Penanaman religiusitas remaja tersebut dilakukan dengan kegiatan yang dilakukan oleh Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna seperti program-progam Ibadah Minggu Persekutuan Teruna, Kelompok Kecil, dan Ibadah Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna Gabungan Se-Mupel Jakarta Selatan. Secara singkat, kegiatan pendidikan keagamaan yang dilakukan di GPIB Gibeon Jakarta memiliki peran penting dalam membangun religiusitas remaja melalui pengajaran keagamaan dalam program Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna. GPIB Gibeon beradaptasi di era modern ini melalui berbagai cara dalam beribadah begitupun dengan Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna dalam membangun religiusitas remaja, dalam prosesnya gereja menitikberatkan proses penanaman reigiusitas remaja kepada Pelkat Persekutuan Teruna, maka tidak tersampaikannya peran gereja secara utuh. Peran gereja dalam membangun religiusitas menurut teori structural fungsional sesuai dengan konsep AGIL yang dikemukakan Talcott Parsons yaitu Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, dan Latency. Kata Kunci: Agama, Religiusitas, Persekutuan Teruna, Remaja, GPIB Gibeon ************** Abstract Joseph Fischer Sentono, The Role Of The Church In Building Religiusity Of Church Youth (Case Study: Teenagers Fellowship Categorical Services of GPIB Gibeon Jakarta). Thesis. Jakarta Sociology Education Study Program, Faculty of Social Sciences, Jakarta State University, 2023 This research has three main objectives. First, describing the impact of modernization on adolescent development. Second, it describes the role of the GPIB Gibeon Jakarta church in building the religiosity of church youth. Third, describes the church's efforts to reach youth through youth fellowship. The research used a qualitative approach with a case study type of research. Researchers took primary and secondary data with data collection methods through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The subjects of this study were one priest, three teaching teachers of the Youth Fellowship Boarding School, one church administrator namely the GPIB Gibeon Jakarta Congregational Council, and two youth members of the GPIB Gibeon Jakarta Youth Fellowship Boarding School. The research started from October to December 2022. The triangulation in this study was the parents of teenagers and church youth who used to attend the Youth Fellowship when they were teenagers. The findings from the research show that the church has a role in the process of building youth religiosity amidst modernization. The church has the role of carrying out teaching like the ministry that Jesus did teaching His disciples and spread to many other places. The church must carry out teaching continuously through programs carried out at the Youth Fellowship Pelkat. The inculcation of youth religiosity is carried out with activities carried out by the Intermediate Fellowship Pelkats such as the Youth Fellowship Sunday Worship Program, Small Groups, and the South Jakarta Mupel Joint Intermediate Fellowship Service. In short, the religious education activities carried out at GPIB Gibeon Jakarta have an important role in building youth religiosity through religious teaching in the Youth Fellowship Pelkat program. GPIB Gibeon adapts in this modern era through various ways of worship as well as the Youth Fellowship Pelkat in building youth religiosity. The role of the church in building religiosity according to structural-functional theory is in accordance with the AGIL concept put forward by Talcott Parsons namely Adaptation, Goal Attainment, Integration, and Latency. Keywords: Religion, Religiosity, Youth Fellowship, Youth, GPIB Gibeo

    Medición y análisis estadístico para la caracterización de RF-MEMS

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    En este trabajo muestra la metodología empleada en la medición y caracterización de micro llaves MEMS para microondas, desarrollada en el laboratorio de caracterización de microdispositivos de la UNSAM.Centro de Técnicas Analógico-Digitale

    On orthogonal realizations for adaptive IIR filters

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    Convergence speed is one of the main concerns in adaptive IIR filters. Fast convergence can be closely related to adaptive filter realization. However, with the exception of the lattice realization that is based on the nice properties of Szëgo orthonormal polynomials, no other adaptive IIR filter realization using orthonormal characteristics seems to be extensively studied in the literature. Furthermore, many orthogonal realizations for adaptive FIR filters, that are particularly suitable for rational modelling, have been proposed in the past years. Since rational orthogonal basis functions are a powerful tool for efficient system representation they seem attractive for adaptive IIR filters. In this paper, we present some theoretical results related to the properties of a generalized orthonormal realization when used for mean‐square output error minimization in a system identification application. One result is related to the low computational complexity of the updating gradient algorithm when some properties of the orthonormal realization are used. An additional result establishes conditions for the stationary points of the proposed updating algorithm. In order to confirm the expected performance of the new realization, some simulations and comparisons with competing realizations in terms of computational complexity and convergence speed are presented.Fil: Cousseau, Juan Edmundo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Diniz, P. S. R.. Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; BrasilFil: Sentoni, G.. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; ArgentinaFil: Agamennoni, Osvaldo Enrique. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y de Computadoras; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca; Argentin