273 research outputs found

    Selective decline in the prevalence of slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptors during development

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    Merkel nerve endings are identified physiologically as slowly adapting type I mechanoreceptor units. They are important for fine acuity tactile perception. We examined the effect of age on the electrophysiological availability of different types of slowly adapting mechanoreceptor units. Using 6 - 50 week old rats, we observed an obvious decline with age in the probability of recording from St I units of the deep vibrissal nerve. The precipitous decline occurred between ages 6 – 14 weeks and then stabilized. By contrast, the prevalence of St II units, the other type of slowly adapting mechanoreceptor, remained constant over the age range studied. These observations correlate with anatomical findings reported elsewhere

    Can we evaluate population screening strategies in UK general practice? A pilot randomised controlled trial comparing postal and opportunistic screening for genital chlamydial infection

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    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To assess whether opportunistic and postal screening strategies for Chlamydia trachomatis can be compared with usual care in a randomised trial in general practice DESIGN: Feasibility study for a randomised controlled trial. SETTING: Three West of Scotland general medical practices: one rural, one urban/deprived and one urban/affluent. PARTICIPANTS: 600 women aged 16-30 years, 200 from each of three participating practices selected at random from a sample of West of Scotland practices that had expressed interest in the study. The women could opt out of the study. Those who did not were randomly assigned to one of three groups: postal screening, opportunistic screening or usual care. MAIN RESULTS: 38% (85/221) of the approached practices expressed interest in the study. Data were collected successfully from the 3 participating practices, although intensive support was required. There were considerable workload implications for staff, both in relation to implementing the screening strategies and managing the research process. 124 of the 600 women opted out of the study. During the four-month study period, 55% (81/146) of the control group attended their practice but none was offered screening. 59% (80/136) women in the opportunistic group attended their practice of whom 55% (44/80) were offered screening. Of those, 64% (28/44) accepted, representing 21% of the opportunistic group. 48% (59/124) of the postal group returned samples. CONCLUSION: A randomised controlled trial comparing postal and opportunistic screening for chlamydial infection in general practice is feasible, though resource intensive. There may be problems with generalising from screening trials in which patients may opt out from the offer of screening

    Probiotics: facts and myths

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    ABSTRACTIn recent years there has been a significant upsurge in research on the characterisation and verification of the potential health benefits associated with the use of probiotics. In addition, the market for probiotics continues to expand exponentially as consumers (mostly healthy individuals) rely on health claims made by manufacturers to make their choices. This review appraises the available evidence for and against the health claims associated with probiotics. The use of probiotics in promoting gastrointestinal health and immunity, and their use in the prevention of urogenital infections, allergies and cancer are reviewed. Furthermore, issues surrounding the use of probiotics in healthy individuals, the safety of probiotics and regulatory concerns are addressed. There is scientific evidence that specific strains of probiotic microorganisms confer health benefits on the host and are safe for human use. However, this evidence cannot be extrapolated to other strains, as these effects are strain-specific. Probiotics have potential health benefits for conditions such as gastrointestinal infections, genitourinary infections, allergies and certain bowel disorders, all of which afflict a considerable proportion of the global population. However, considerable work is still needed to confirm these potential health benefits

    The prevalence of novel periodontal pathogens and bacterial complexes in Stage II generalized periodontitis based on 16S rRNA next generation sequencing

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    Objective: To define the subgingival microbial profile associated with Stage II generalized periodontitis using next-generation sequencing and to determine the relative abundance of novel periodontal pathogens and bacterial complexes. Methodology: Subgingival biofilm samples were collected from 80 subjects diagnosed with Stage II generalized periodontitis. Bacterial DNA was extracted, and 16S rRNA-based bacterial profiling via next-generation sequencing was carried out. The bacterial composition and diversity of microbial communities based on the age and sex of the patients were analyzed. The bacterial species were organized into groups: bacterial complexes (red, orange, purple, yellow, and green), novel periodontal pathogens, periodontal health-related species, and unclassified periodontal species. The results were analyzed and statistically evaluated. Results: The highest number of bacteria belonged to the phylum Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes. In terms of relative abundance, the orange complex represented 18.99%, novel bacterial species (Fretibacterium spp. and Saccharibacteria spp.) comprised 17.34%, periodontal health-related species accounted for 16.75% and unclassified periodontal species represented (Leptotrichia spp. and Selenomonas spp.) 15.61%. Novel periodontal pathogens had outweighed the periodontal disease-related red complex (5.3%). The one-sample z-test performed was statistically significant at p<0.05. The Beta diversity based on the unweighted UniFrac distance at the species level demonstrated a total variance of 15.77% based on age and 39.19% on sex, which was not statistically significant. Conclusion: The bacterial species corresponding to the disease-related orange complex and novel periodontal pathogens are predominant in Stage II generalized periodontitis

    Comparison of Molecular and Phenotypic Methods for the Detection and Characterization of Carbapenem Resistant Enterobacteriaceae

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    In recent years, there has been a rapid dissemination of carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE). This study aimed to compare phenotypic and molecular methods for detection and characterization of CRE isolates at a large tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia. This study was carried out between January 2011 and November 2013 at the King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH) in Saudi Arabia. Determination of presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases (ESBL) and carbapenem resistance was in accordance with Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Phenotypic classification was done by the MASTDISCSTM ID inhibitor combination disk method. Genotypic characterization of ESBL and carbapenemase genes was performed by the Check-MDR CT102. Diversilab rep-PCR was used for the determination of clonal relationship. Of the 883 ESBL-positive Enterobacteriaceae detected during the study period, 14 (1.6%) isolates were carbapenem resistant. Both the molecular genotypic characterization and phenotypic testing were in agreement in the detection of all 8 metalo-beta-lactamases (MBL) producing isolates. Of these 8 MBL-producers, 5 were positive for blaNDM gene and 3 were positive for blaVIM gene. Molecular method identified additional blaOXA gene isolates while MASTDISCSTM ID detected one AmpC producer isolate. Both methods agreed in identifying 2 carbapenem resistant isolates which were negative for carbapenemase genes. Diversilab rep-PCR analysis of the 9 Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates revealed polyclonal distribution into eight clusters. MASTDISCSTM ID is a reliable simple cheap phenotypic method for detection of majority of carbapenemase genes with the exception of the blaOXA gene. We recommend to use such method in the clinical laboratory

    Phytic acid demonstrates rapid antibiofilm activity and inhibits biofilm formation when used as a surface conditioning agent

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    Root canal infections are associated with biofilms and are treated with chemical irrigants with a high success rate. However, treatment failure does arise, which is attributed primarily to resistance exhibited by biofilms. Currently used irrigants in root canal treatment have disadvantages, and there is therefore a need for more biocompatible alternatives with antibiofilm properties to reduce root canal treatment failure and complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the in vitro antibiofilm properties of phytic acid (IP6), which is a potential alternative treatment agent. Single- and dual-species biofilms of Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans were developed on the well surfaces of 12-well plates and on hydroxyapatite (HA) coupons, and then exposed to IP6. In addition, selected HA coupons were preconditioned with IP6 before biofilm development. IP6 demonstrated bactericidal effects and altered the metabolic activity of biofilm cells. Confocal laser-scanning microscopy showed that IP6 caused significant and rapid reduction in live biofilm cells. At sublethal concentrations, IP6 did not alter the expression of tested virulence genes except for C. albicans hwp1, the expression of which was upregulated but not reflected by a change in hyphal transformation. IP6-preconditioned HA coupons led to extensive inhibition of dual-species biofilm formation. The results of this study highlight for the first time the antibiofilm inhibitory properties of IP6 and the potential for its exploitation in several clinical applications

    The Effect of Chlorhexidine on Bacterial Contamination of Hall Technique Elastomeric Orthodontic Separators and Gingival Health: A Pilot Study

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    Objective: To study the effect of chlorhexidine on elastomeric orthodontic separators (EOS) bacterial-colonisation and gingival-health in Hall technique (HT) patients. Material and Methods: Prospective in-vivo pilot clinical study of EOS bacterial colonisation and primary-molar gingival health assessment in 20 patients (mean age 5.45±1.27 years) requiring bilateral HT crowns (40 teeth). One side received 1-minute 0.12% chlorhexidine-soaked-EOSs (Chx-EOSs), and the other side dry-EOSs (NoChx-EOSs). The EOSs were removed five-days later and underwent a bacterial enumeration technique. Plaque (PI) and Gingival (GI) indices were assessed pre-, five-days and three-months post-treatment. Wilcoxon-Signed-Rank/McNemar-Chi-square statistics were used (p<0.05). Results: Baseline unused/packaged EOSs’ sterility check yielded zero colony-forming-units (CFU) per millilitre, but 100% of the used EOSs became colonised by oral-microorganisms. An overall trend of lower mean CFU count in Chx-EOSs (3.415± 0.78 x105 CFU/ml) compared to NoChx-EOSs (6.157±1.48 x105 CFU/ml) was observed (p=0.009). Both NoChx-EOSs and Chx-EOSs insertion sites showed evidence of gingivitis with no difference between PI and GI indices by site over time. Conclusion:There was a lower trend of bacterial colonization in chlorhexidine treated EOSs and an occurrence of gingivitis pre/post HT-treatment regardless of EOS type. The lack of difference in the gingival health may be inconclusive due to this pilot’s low power suggesting the need for robust large scale studies

    ACE2 polymorphisms impact COVID-19 severity in obese patients

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    A strong association between obesity and COVID-19 complications and a lack of prognostic factors that explain the unpredictable severity among these patients still exist despite the various vaccination programs. The expression of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), the main receptor for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), is enhanced in obese individuals. The occurrence of frequent genetic single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ACE2 is suggested to increase COVID-19 severity. Accordingly, we hypothesize that obesity-associated ACE2 polymorphisms increase the severity of COVID-19. In this study, we profiled eight frequently reported ACE2 SNPs in a cohort of lean and obese COVID-19 patients (n = 82). We highlight the significant association of rs2285666, rs2048683, rs879922, and rs4240157 with increased severity in obese COVID-19 patients as compared to lean counterparts. These co-morbid-associated SNPs tend to positively correlate, hence proposing possible functional cooperation to ACE2 regulation. In obese COVID-19 patients, rs2285666, rs879922, and rs4240157 are significantly associated with increased blood nitrogen urea and creatinine levels. In conclusion, we highlight the contribution of ACE2 SNPs in enhancing COVID-19 severity in obese individuals. The results from this study provide a basis for further investigations required to shed light on the underlying mechanisms of COVID-19 associated SNPs in COVID-19 obese patients