10 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulation of the implantation profile of

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    The process of implantation and diffusion of positron in nanochanneled silicon crystals has been simulated in detail through the Monte Carlo technique. Our implantation simulations evidenced the fraction of empty volume inside the sample to be the decisive factor in the determination of the shape of the implantation profile, with the specific shape of the nanoscopic structure playing a marginal role for implantation processes with an energy above 3 keV. Moreover we observed that, due to the high density of surfaces inside of the silicon sample, the subsequent diffusion process is highly suppressed and that thermalized positrons reach the surface of a nanoscopic channel close to their implantation depth. Due to this suppression of the diffusion process, 60–80% of the positrons implanted at an energy comprised between 4 and 13 keV will reach, at thermal energy, the surface of a channel without escaping the sample or undergoing annihilation

    A fiber detector to monitor ortho-Ps formation and decay

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    We describe a novel method to use a scintillating fiber detector similar to the Fast Annihilation Cryogenic Tracking (FACT) used at the antimatter experiment AEḡIS to monitor the presence of ortho-positronium. A single scintillating fiber was coupled to a photomultiplier tube and irradiated by flashes of about 6 × 106 gamma quanta with 511keV energy, produced by approximately 10ns long positron pulses. The results were used to demonstrate the ability to track the creation and annihilation of ortho-positronium atoms over time in cryogenic and highly magnetic environments by using the FACT detector as a “digital calorimeter”.We describe a novel method to use a scintillating fiber detector similar to the Fast Annihilation Cryogenic Tracking (FACT) used at the antimatter experiment AEgˉ\bar{g}IS to monitor the presence of ortho-positronium. A single scintillating fiber was coupled to a photomultiplier tube and irradiated by flashes of about 6 x 106^{6} 511 keV γ\gamma-rays produced by 10ns\approx10\,\text{ns} long positron pulses. The results were used to demonstrate the ability to track the creation and annihilation of ortho-positronium atoms over time in cryogenic and highly magnetic environments by using the FACT detector as a "digital calorimeter"

    Multifunctionality of Reduced Graphene Oxide in Bioderived Polylactide/Poly(Dodecylene Furanoate) Nanocomposite Films

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    This work reports on the first attempt to prepare bioderived polymer films by blending polylactic acid (PLA) and poly(dodecylene furanoate) (PDoF). This blend, containing 10 wt% PDoF, was filled with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) in variable weight fractions (from 0.25 to 2 phr), and the resulting nanocomposites were characterized to assess their microstructural, thermal, mechanical, optical, electrical, and gas barrier properties. The PLA/PDoF blend resulted as immiscible, and the addition of rGO, which preferentially segregated in the PDoF phase, resulted in smaller (from 2.6 to 1.6 µm) and more irregularly shaped PDoF domains and in a higher PLA/PDoF interfacial interaction, which suggests the role of rGO as a blend compatibilizer. rGO also increased PLA crystallinity, and this phenomenon was more pronounced when PDoF was also present, thus evidencing a synergism between PDoF and rGO in accelerating the crystallization kinetics of PLA. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA) showed that the glass transition of PDoF, observed at approx. 5 °C, shifted to a higher temperature upon rGO addition. The addition of 10 wt% PDoF in PLA increased the strain at break from 5.3% to 13.0% (+145%), and the addition of 0.25 phr of rGO increased the tensile strength from 35.6 MPa to 40.2 MPa (+13%), without significantly modifying the strain at break. Moreover, rGO decreased the electrical resistivity of the films, and the relatively high percolation threshold (between 1 and 2 phr) was probably linked to the low aspect ratio of rGO nanosheets and their preferential distribution inside PDoF domains. PDoF and rGO also modified the optical transparency of PLA, resulting in a continuous decrease in transmittance in the visible/NIR range. Finally, rGO strongly modified the gas barrier properties, with a remarkable decrease in diffusivity and permeability to gases such as O2, N2, and CO2. Overall, the presented results highlighted the positive and sometimes synergistic role of PDoF and rGO in tuning the thermomechanical and functional properties of PLA, with simultaneous enhancement of ductility, crystallization kinetics, and gas barrier performance, and these novel polymer nanocomposites could thus be promising for packaging applications

    Depth profiling and morphological characterization of AlN thin films deposited on Si substrates using a reactive sputter magnetron

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    It is well-known that the characteristics of aluminum nitride thin films mainly depend on their morphologies, the quality of the film-substrate interfaces and the open volume defects. A study of the depth profiling and morphological characterization of AlN thin films deposited on two types of Si substrates is presented. Thin films of thicknesses between 200 and 400 nm were deposited during two deposition times using a reactive sputter magnetron. These films were characterized by means of X-ray diffraction and imaging techniques (SEM and TEM). To analyze the composition of the films, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was applied. Positron annihilation spectroscopy, specifically Doppler broadening spectroscopy, was used to gather information on the depth profiling of open volume defects inside the films and the AlN films-Si substrate interfaces. The results are interpreted in terms of the structural changes induced in the films as a consequence of changes in the deposition time (i.e., thicknesses) and of the orientation of the substrates

    Experiments with mid-heavy antiprotonic atoms in AEgIS

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    ments which provide the most precise data on the strong interaction between protons and antiprotons and of the neutron skin of many nuclei thanks to the clean annihilation signal. In most of these experiments, the capture process of low energy antiprotons was done in a dense target leading to a significant suppression of specific transitions between deeply bound levels that are of particular interest. In particular, precise measurements of specific transitions in antiprotonic atoms with Z>2 are sparse. We propose to use the pulsed production scheme developed for antihydrogen and protonium for the formation of cold antiprotonic atoms. This technique has been recently achieved experimentally for the production of antihydrogen at AEg\overline{\rm g}IS. The proposed experiments will have sub-ns synchronization thanks to an improved control and acquisition system. The formation in vacuum guarantees the absence of Stark mixing or annihilation from high n states and together with the sub-ns synchronization would resolve the previous experimental limitations. It will be possible to access the whole chain of the evolution of the system from its formation until annihilation with significantly improved signal-to-background ratio

    Rydberg-positronium velocity and self-ionization studies in a 1T magnetic field and cryogenic environment

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    We characterized the pulsed Rydberg-positronium production inside the Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy (AE¯gIS) apparatus in view of antihydrogen formation by means of a charge exchange reaction between cold antiprotons and slow Rydberg-positronium atoms. Velocity measurements on the positronium along two axes in a cryogenic environment (≈10K) and in 1T magnetic field were performed. The velocimetry was done by microchannel-plate (MCP) imaging of a photoionized positronium previously excited to the n=3 state. One direction of velocity was measured via Doppler scan of this n=3 line, another direction perpendicular to the former by delaying the exciting laser pulses in a time-of-flight measurement. Self-ionization in the magnetic field due to the motional Stark effect was also quantified by using the same MCP-imaging technique for Rydberg positronium with an effective principal quantum number neff ranging between 14 and 22. We conclude with a discussion about the optimization of our experimental parameters for creating Rydberg positronium in preparation for an efficient pulsed production of antihydrogen

    Pulsed production of antihydrogen

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    Antihydrogen atoms with K or sub-K temperature are a powerful tool to precisely probe the validity of fundamental physics laws and the design of highly sensitive experiments needs antihydrogen with controllable and well defined conditions. We present here experimental results on the production of antihydrogen in a pulsed mode in which the time when 90% of the atoms are produced is known with an uncertainty of ~250 ns. The pulsed source is generated by the charge-exchange reaction between Rydberg positronium atoms\u2014produced via the injection of a pulsed positron beam into a nanochanneled Si target, and excited by laser pulses\u2014and antiprotons, trapped, cooled and manipulated in electromagnetic traps. The pulsed production enables the control of the antihydrogen temperature, the tunability of the Rydberg states, their de-excitation by pulsed lasers and the manipulation through electric field gradients. The production of pulsed antihydrogen is a major landmark in the AEgIS experiment to perform direct measurements of the validity of the Weak Equivalence Principle for antimatter

    Towards the first measurement of matter-antimatter gravitational interaction

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    The AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is a CERN based experiment with the central aim to measure directly the gravitational acceleration of antihydrogen. Antihydrogen atoms will be produced via charge exchange reactions which will consist of Rydberg-excited positronium atoms sent to cooled antiprotons within an electromagnetic trap. The resulting Rydberg antihydrogen atoms will then be horizontally accelerated by an electric field gradient (Stark effect), they will then pass through a moiré deflectometer. The vertical deflection caused by the Earth's gravitational field will test for the first time the Weak Equivalence Principle for antimatter. Detection will be undertaken via a position sensitive detector. Around 103 antihydrogen atoms are needed for the gravitational measurement to be completed. The present status, current achievements and results will be presented, with special attention toward the laser excitation of positronium (Ps) to the n=3 state and the production of Ps atoms in the transmission geometry

    Towards the first measurement of matter-antimatter gravitational interaction

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    The AEgIS (Antimatter Experiment: Gravity, Interferometry, Spectroscopy) is a CERN based experiment with the central aim to measure directly the gravitational acceleration of antihydrogen. Antihydrogen atoms will be produced via charge exchange reactions which will consist of Rydberg-excited positronium atoms sent to cooled antiprotons within an electromagnetic trap. The resulting Rydberg antihydrogen atoms will then be horizontally accelerated by an electric field gradient (Stark effect), they will then pass through a moiré deflectometer. The vertical deflection caused by the Earth's gravitational field will test for the first time the Weak Equivalence Principle for antimatter. Detection will be undertaken via a position sensitive detector. Around 103 antihydrogen atoms are needed for the gravitational measurement to be completed. The present status, current achievements and results will be presented, with special attention toward the laser excitation of positronium (Ps) to the n=3 state and the production of Ps atoms in the transmission geometry

    Producing long-lived 2 3S positronium via 3 3P laser excitation in magnetic and electric fields

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    Producing positronium (Ps) in the metastable 2 3 S state is of interest for various applications in fundamental physics. We report here on an experiment in which Ps atoms are produced in this long-lived state by spontaneous radiative decay of Ps excited to the 3 3 P level manifold. The Ps cloud excitation is obtained with a UV laser pulse in an experimental vacuum chamber in presence of guiding magnetic field of 25 mT and an average electric field of 300 V cm−1. The evidence of the 2 3 S state production is obtained to the 3.6σ level of statistical significance using a novel analysis technique of the single-shot positronium annihilation lifetime spectra. The dynamic of the Ps population on the involved levels has been studied with a rate equation model