41 research outputs found

    Mujer inmigrante y violencia de género

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    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs: 2017/2018During the last decades the violence eradication that traditionally has been exercised on women by the mere fact of being women, has become one of the fundamental political purposes in the international realm. On the other hand, we found ourselves with the phenomenon of globalization and its consequences, among which there is the strongest migratory flows that in one or another way provoke constant movement of people who search for material security and welfare in other countries that they lack in their native land. Nowadays we can see that the victim of gender violence of foreign origin is in Spain in the situation of major and special vulnerability. The lack of establishment and family support provokes the major sensation of worry that is aggravated in many cases because of her irregular situation. The aggressor knows this situation and therefore acts with a certain sense of impunity that he won´t be denounced, either national or immigrant aggressor. The consequence of all this is the major violence that the immigrant woman suffers in Spain, a phenomenon that presents important singularities due to the values of her native country and her legal status. This is the situation that will be tackled in the work through the analysis of the corresponding official statistics and legislation

    Innovative Activity of SPA Companies in the Slovak and Czech Republic in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    In many health systems in European countries, SPA services are currently part of or a supplement to health care. Owing to their natural healing resources and long-standing traditions, the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic are important European SPA countries. In both countries, SPA tourism is also one of the most important types of tourism, and with regard to its evaluation according to the number of overnight stays and income, it constitutes a significant share of the structure of the tourism industry. One of the greatest challenges for SPA businesses was the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused travel restrictions, business closures, and a decrease in demand and revenue. The impact of the pandemic on SPA businesses in the studied countries has not yet been examined in detail. Accordingly, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the innovative activities of SPA companies in Slovakia and the Czech Republic in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research sample consists of 122 SPA enterprises from both republics. Based on the results of previous research, innovation is generally perceived as an important element in the development of society, crisis management, increasing competitiveness and commercial success. The main research method for identifying and classifying the types of innovations and innovation capabilities implemented in SPA enterprises was a questionnaire survey. The results of the conducted research revealed that the origin of SPA businesses does not affect the country or how people perceive trends. The connections between the types of introduced innovations and some benefits from the introduction of innovations as well as the barriers affecting the introduction of innovations were confirmed. It follows, for example, that companies that invest in innovation processes can improve their performance and the competitiveness of their team and reduce their costs for production or service provision. From the analysis of factors related to the introduction of innovations, it emerged that the most important factors are those that have a direct impact on economic results and the competitive advantage of businesses. On the other hand, those factors related to cultural, environmental or technical aspects of innovation are less important. Despite repeated calls, not all SPA companies operating in the SPA industry in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic participated

    Software modernization and cloudification using the ARTIST migration methodology and framework

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    International audienceCloud computing has leveraged new software development and provisioning approaches by changing the way computing, storage and networking resources are purchased and consumed. The variety of cloud offerings on both technical and business level has considerably advanced the development process and established new business models and value chains for applications and services. However, the modernization and cloudification of legacy software so as to be offered as a service still encounters many challenges. In this work, we present a complete methodology and a methodology instantiation framework for the effective migration of legacy software to modern cloud environments


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    Lietsu – is a brand-new boutique hotel, that is located in the city of Joensuu. Russian tourists form one of the biggest shares of visitors of Joensuu. The city is located near the Russian border, which makes it easy to travel. The thesis aims at forming a marketing strategy to attract Russian customers, build brand awareness and loyalty on a foreign market. In fact, it is a long-term strategy that will help business to attract target audience and reach new results. The thesis provides recommendations to the business in delivering and spreading the company’s information using internet and social media marketing. The development plan for Lietsu covers such aspects as online and offline distribution marketing channels, content production process and analyzing an existing situation. The marketing strategy for Russian market focuses on social media marketing. The primary data was collected from inter- views conducted with target audience to examine the expectations from the place to stay and with the company representatives. The secondary data encompassed of literature review, trends and sta- tistics gathered from articles, books and industry reports

    Diseño de una marquesina de transporte público adaptada al clima frio siberiano

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    Este Proyecto Final de Carrera (PFC) ha sido realizado por la alumna Elena Senkova, para obtener el título de Graduado Superior de Diseño. Se ha llevado a cabo la petición del Departamento de Graduado Superior de Diseño de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. El tema escogido para realizar este proyecto no es una coincidencia, mi interés por este problema siempre ha estado presente en mi mente. Esta idea viene de mi propia experiencia, de vivir en un lugar conocido por sus extremas condiciones climáticas. El presente proyecto gira en torno a los problemas del clima frío y la calidad de vida de las personas que tienen que resistir estas condiciones climáticas durante su vida. En concreto el trabajo está dirigido al diseño de una marquesina de transporte público, en un sitio donde la necesidad de esperar el transporte obliga a conformarse con las circunstancias del clima, como bajas temperaturas, vientos, nevadas, etc… Una marquesina adaptada al frío, es la posible solución frente a estos problemas

    Worshipping Artemis and Hera: The Healing Landscape of Ancient Greece

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    This paper arises from the socio-cultural norms about female biology that are evident in the Greek medical theories and discusses what measures women could take in response to the concerns presented by them. Taking the viewpoint of individuals as ‘consumers’ of healing, it examines healing opportunities within the shrines of Artemis and Hera. Artemis and Hera are well known to us for their association with women, their biological and social maturation, and, consequently, conception, pregnancy and childbirth. A significant body of evidence potentially indicating a concern for female health exists in their sanctuaries, typically in the form of votive offerings. Did all the sanctuaries of Artemis and Hera offer protection for gynaecological problems? Did the two goddesses offer the same level of protection? Was this protection subject to regional variation? Investigating votives dedicated to the two deities, this paper surveys ways in which the healing landscape of ancient Greece may have functioned in regard to female patients. Evidence from major sites in Attica, the Peloponnese and Asia Minor is brought together to allow a better comparison of customs.303

    Diseño de una marquesina de transporte público adaptada al clima frio siberiano

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    Este Proyecto Final de Carrera (PFC) ha sido realizado por la alumna Elena Senkova, para obtener el título de Graduado Superior de Diseño. Se ha llevado a cabo la petición del Departamento de Graduado Superior de Diseño de la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. El tema escogido para realizar este proyecto no es una coincidencia, mi interés por este problema siempre ha estado presente en mi mente. Esta idea viene de mi propia experiencia, de vivir en un lugar conocido por sus extremas condiciones climáticas. El presente proyecto gira en torno a los problemas del clima frío y la calidad de vida de las personas que tienen que resistir estas condiciones climáticas durante su vida. En concreto el trabajo está dirigido al diseño de una marquesina de transporte público, en un sitio donde la necesidad de esperar el transporte obliga a conformarse con las circunstancias del clima, como bajas temperaturas, vientos, nevadas, etc… Una marquesina adaptada al frío, es la posible solución frente a estos problemas

    Government owned firms’ emphasis on ESG

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    We investigate 489 firms’ emphasis on ESG during the period from 2009 to 2018. We expand existing research by investigating the impact of government ownership on a firm’s ESG scores. We find that government ownership causes ESG scores to be significantly higher in the year 2009 in comparison to firms that do not have government ownership. However, this significant difference between ESG scores of government owned firms and non-government owned firms is reduced by the year 2018 as a result of convergence of their scores. Furthermore, we find evidence that for a given government owned firm, an increase in ESG score causes a positive movement in financial performance (Tobin’s Q). We also establish evidence of bidirectional causality between ESG and Tobin’s Q. Lastly, we document that should both government owned and non-government owned firms be exposed to a single industry-specific factor, the upward trend in ESG score is similar for both groups. Our results collectively indicate that government owned firms are ahead of their non-government counterparts in their ESG focus