123 research outputs found

    ‘Conflicted Justifiers’ – Are these the new Luxury Consumers?

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    Luxury consumers have changed over time and with the economic changes in the 21st century where the fastest growth of annual disposable income (OECD, 2013) has been for those in the top 20% of households earning between 150,000and150,000 and 200,000 pa, the purchase drivers have also changed. An inductive qualitative study of high net worth individuals and their luxury fashion purchases confirmed changes in drivers of consumption. An identification of a number of specific segments has contributed to a proposed new praxis based model formed from VALS. This may impact upon the way luxury fashion is marketed and furthering theoretical research undertaken in this area. The research uncovers the ‘conflicted justifier’, which crosses all age and gender demographics to form a clear approach to market to these important consumers

    Research in hydraulic brake components and operational factors influencing the hysteresis losses

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    Up-to-date automotive brake systems place stringent requirements upon the performance, reliability, and active safety. Such advanced systems as antilock braking systems (ABS), the electronic stability programme system, and the anti-slip control system assist a driver in ensuring driving safety under many conditions. The influence of the brake components on active safety systems is mainly determined through the hysteresis loop width. Among other negative outcomes, this parameter limits the possible frequency of cyclic braking during ABS operation. This paper presents an experimental analysis of the factors influencing the hysteresis pressure losses in a hydraulic brake system. The factors under investigations are the brake pedal stroke velocity, the gaps between the brake pads and the brake disc, and the configuration of the brake system. Experiments were carried out on the brake test equipment at the Automotive Engineering Department, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany

    Absence of the neutrophil serine protease cathepsin G decreases neutrophil granulocyte infiltration but does not change the severity of acute pancreatitis

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    Acute pancreatitis is characterized by an early intracellular protease activation and invasion of leukocytes into the pancreas. Cathepsins constitute a large group of lysosomal enzymes, that have been shown to modulate trypsinogen activation and neutrophil infiltration. Cathepsin G (CTSG) is a neutrophil serine protease of the chymotrypsin C family known to degrade extracellular matrix components and to have regulatory functions in inflammatory disorders. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of CTSG in pancreatitis. Isolated acinar cells were exposed to recombinant CTSG and supramaximal cholezystokinin stimulation. In CTSG(-/-) mice and corresponding controls acute experimental pancreatitis was induced by serial caerulein injections. Severity was assessed by histology, serum enzyme levels and zymogen activation. Neutrophil infiltration was quantified by chloro-acetate ersterase staining and myeloperoxidase measurement. CTSG was expessed in inflammatory cells but not in pancreatic acinar cells. CTSG had no effect on intra-acinar-cell trypsinogen activation. In CTSG(-/-) mice a transient decrease of neutrophil infiltration into the pancreas and lungs was found during acute pancreatitis while the disease severity remained largely unchanged. CTSG is involved in pancreatic neutrophil infiltration during pancreatitis, albeit to a lesser degree than the related neutrophil (PMN) elastase. Its absence therefore leaves pancreatitis severity essentially unaffected

    A Syngeneic Orthotopic Murine Model of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma in the C57/BL6 Mouse Using the Panc02 and 6606PDA Cell Lines

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    Background/Aims: To develop a clinically relevant immunocompetent murine model to study pancreatic cancer using two different syngeneic pancreatic cancer cell lines and to assess MRI for its applicability in this model. Methods: Two cell lines, 6606PDA and Panc02, were employed for the experiments. Cell proliferation and migration were monitored in vitro. Matrigelâ„¢ was tested for its role in tumor induction. Tumor cell growth was assessed after orthotopic injection of tumor cells into the pancreatic head of C57/BL6 mice by MRI and histology. Results: Proliferation and migration of Panc02 were significantly faster than those of 6606PDA. Matrigel did not affect tumor growth/migration but prevented tumor cell spread after injection thus avoiding undesired peritoneal tumor growth. MRI could reliably monitor longitudinal tumor growth in both cell lines: Panc02 had a more irregular finger-like growth, and 6606PDA grew more spherically. Both tumors showed local invasiveness. Histologically, Panc02 showed a sarcoma-like undifferentiated growth pattern, whereas 6606PDA displayed a moderately differentiated glandular tumor growth. Panc02 mice had a significantly shorter (28 days) survival than 6606PDA mice (50 days). Conclusion: This model closely mimics human pancreatic cancer. MRI was invaluable for longitudinal monitoring of tumor growth thus reducing the number of mice required. Employing two different cell lines, this model can be used for various treatment and imaging studies

    Src Dependent Pancreatic Acinar Injury Can Be Initiated Independent of an Increase in Cytosolic Calcium

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    Several deleterious intra-acinar phenomena are simultaneously triggered on initiating acute pancreatitis. These culminate in acinar injury or inflammatory mediator generation in vitro and parenchymal damage in vivo. Supraphysiologic caerulein is one such initiator which simultaneously activates numerous signaling pathways including non-receptor tyrosine kinases such as of the Src family. It also causes a sustained increase in cytosolic calcium- a player thought to be crucial in regulating deleterious phenomena. We have shown Src to be involved in caerulein induced actin remodeling, and caerulein induced changes in the Golgi and post-Golgi trafficking to be involved in trypsinogen activation, which initiates acinar cell injury. However, it remains unclear whether an increase in cytosolic calcium is necessary to initiate acinar injury or if injury can be initiated at basal cytosolic calcium levels by an alternate pathway. To study the interplay between tyrosine kinase signaling and calcium, we treated mouse pancreatic acinar cells with the tyrosine phosphatase inhibitor pervanadate. We studied the effect of the clinically used Src inhibitor Dasatinib (BMS-354825) on pervanadate or caerulein induced changes in Src activation, trypsinogen activation, cell injury, upstream cytosolic calcium, actin and Golgi morphology. Pervanadate, like supraphysiologic caerulein, induced Src activation, redistribution of the F-actin from its normal location in the sub-apical area to the basolateral areas, and caused antegrade fragmentation of the Golgi. These changes, like those induced by supraphysiologic caerulein, were associated with trypsinogen activation and acinar injury, all of which were prevented by Dasatinib. Interestingly, however, pervanadate did not cause an increase in cytosolic calcium, and the caerulein induced increase in cytosolic calcium was not affected by Dasatinib. These findings suggest that intra-acinar deleterious phenomena may be initiated independent of an increase in cytosolic calcium. Other players resulting in acinar injury along with the Src family of tyrosine kinases remain to be explored. © 2013 Mishra et al

    Human pluripotent stem cell-derived acinar/ductal organoids generate human pancreas upon orthotopic transplantation and allow disease modelling

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    Objective The generation of acinar and ductal cells from human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) is a poorly studied process, although various diseases arise from this compartment. Design We designed a straightforward approach to direct human PSCs towards pancreatic organoids resembling acinar and ductal progeny. Results Extensive phenotyping of the organoids not only shows the appropriate marker profile but also ultrastructural, global gene expression and functional hallmarks of the human pancreas in the dish. Upon orthotopic transplantation into immunodeficient mice, these organoids form normal pancreatic ducts and acinar tissue resembling fetal human pancreas without evidence of tumour formation or transformation. Finally, we implemented this unique phenotyping tool as a model to study the pancreatic facets of cystic fibrosis (CF). For the first time, we provide evidence that in vitro, but also in our xenograft transplantation assay, pancreatic commitment occurs generally unhindered in CF. Importantly, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) activation in mutated pancreatic organoids not only mirrors the CF phenotype in functional assays but also at a global expression level. We also conducted a scalable proof-of-concept screen in CF pancreatic organoids using a set of CFTR correctors and activators, and established an mRNA-mediated gene therapy approach in CF organoids. Conclusions Taken together, our platform provides novel opportunities to model pancreatic disease and development, screen for disease-rescuing agents and to test therapeutic procedures.This study was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, K.L. 2544/1-1 and 1-2), the Forschungskern SyStaR to AK, BIU (Böhringer Ingelheim Ulm to AK), the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation (Az., the German Cancer Aid (111879) and the Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung (2011_A200). AK is indebted to the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung for the financial support of this research project by the Eliteprogramme for Postdocs. AK is also an Else-Kröner-Fresenius Memorial Fellow. LP is supported by a research fellowship of the Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Stiftung. MH was supported by the International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine and the Bausteinprogramme (L.SBN. 110), Ulm University. MM is supported by a grant of Ulm University (Baustein for Senior Clinician Scientists). IGC is funded by the Interdisciplinary Center for Clinical Research (IZKF Aachen) and Start Program, RWTH Aachen University Medical School, Aachen, German

    Characterization of stochastic orders by L-functionals

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    Random variables may be compared with respect to their location by comparing certain functionals ad hoc, such as the mean or median, or by means of stochastic ordering based directly on the properties of the corresponding distribution functions. These alternative approaches are brought together in this paper. We focus on the class of L-functionals discussed by Bickel and Lehmann (1975) and characterize the comparison of random variables in terms of these measures by means of several stochastic orders based on iterated integrals, including the increasing convex orde

    In vivo imaging of pancreatic tumours and liver metastases using 7 Tesla MRI in a murine orthotopic pancreatic cancer model and a liver metastases model

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Pancreatic cancer is the fourth leading cause of tumour death in the western world. However, appropriate tumour models are scarce. Here we present a syngeneic murine pancreatic cancer model using 7 Tesla MRI and evaluate its clinical relevance and applicability.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>6606PDA murine pancreatic cancer cells were orthotopically injected into the pancreatic head. Liver metastases were induced through splenic injection. Animals were analyzed by MRI three and five weeks following injection. Tumours were detected using T2-weighted high resolution sequences. Tumour volumes were determined by callipers and MRI. Liver metastases were analyzed using gadolinium-EOB-DTPA and T1-weighted 3D-Flash sequences. Tumour blood flow was measured using low molecular gadobutrol and high molecular gadolinium-DTPA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>MRI handling and applicability was similar to human systems, resolution as low as 0.1 mm. After 5 weeks tumour volumes differed significantly (p < 0.01) when comparing calliper measurments (n = 5, mean 1065 mm<sup>3</sup>+/-243 mm<sup>3</sup>) with MRI (mean 918 mm<sup>3</sup>+/-193 mm<sup>3</sup>) with MRI being more precise. Histology (n = 5) confirmed MRI tumour measurements (mean size MRI 38.5 mm<sup>2</sup>+/-22.8 mm<sup>2 </sup>versus 32.6 mm<sup>2</sup>+/-22.6 mm<sup>2 </sup>(histology), p < 0,0004) with differences due to fixation and processing of specimens. After splenic injection all mice developed liver metastases with a mean of 8 metastases and a mean volume of 173.8 mm<sup>3</sup>+/-56.7 mm<sup>3 </sup>after 5 weeks. Lymphnodes were also easily identified. Tumour accumulation of gadobutrol was significantly (p < 0.05) higher than gadolinium-DTPA. All imaging experiments could be done repeatedly to comply with the 3R-principle thus reducing the number of experimental animals.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This model permits monitoring of tumour growth and metastasis formation in longitudinal non-invasive high-resolution MR studies including using contrast agents comparable to human pancreatic cancer. This multidisciplinary environment enables radiologists, surgeons and physicians to further improve translational research and therapies of pancreatic cancer.</p
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