60 research outputs found

    Studying dynamic stress effects on the behaviour of THP-1 cells by microfluidic channels

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    Atherosclerosis is a long-term disease process of the vascular system that is characterized by the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which are inflammatory regions on medium and large-sized arteries. There are many factors contributing to plaque formation, such as changes in shear stress levels, rupture of endothelial cells, accumulation of lipids, and recruitment of leukocytes. Shear stress is one of the main factors that regulates the homeostasis of the circulatory system; therefore, sudden and chronic changes in shear stress may cause severe pathological conditions. In this study, microfluidic channels with cavitations were designed to mimic the shape of the atherosclerotic blood vessel, where the shear stress and pressure difference depend on design of the microchannels. Changes in the inflammatory-related molecules ICAM-1 and IL-8 were investigated in THP-1 cells in response to applied shear stresses in an continuous cycling system through microfluidic channels with periodic cavitations. ICAM-1 mRNA expression and IL-8 release were analyzed by qRT-PCR and ELISA, respectively. Additionally, the adhesion behavior of sheared THP-1 cells to endothelial cells was examined by fluorescence microscopy. The results showed that 15 Pa shear stress significantly increases expression of ICAM-1 gene and IL-8 release in THP-1 cells, whereas it decreases the adhesion between THP-1 cells and endothelial cells

    Decreased ocular pulse amplitude and retinal nerve fibre layer in multiple sclerosis

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    This study was conducted to assess ocular pulse amplitude and retinal nerve fibre layer in patients with multiple sclerosis and their correlation with disease duration and with severity. Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness was measured by Heidelberg Retinal Tomography II (HRT-II; Heidelberg Engineering, Dossenheim, Germany) and ocular pulse amplitude was measured by dynamic contour tonometry (Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems, Port, Switzerland) in 37 multiple sclerosis patients and 72 age- and gender-matched controls. Ocular pulse amplitude was significantly reduced and retinal nerve fibre layer was significantly thinner in temporal, superotemporal, and nasal sectors in patients with multiple sclerosis regardless of having an optic neuritis attack. The retinal nerve fibre layer was thinner in eyes with a previous optic neuritis attack compared with the eyes without an attack, but the difference was not significant. Ocular pulse amplitude showed a positive correlation with visual evoked potential amplitude and a negative correlation with visual evoked potential latency. Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness showed a significant negative correlation with the disease duration but not with visually evoked potential, disease severity, nor previous optic neuritis. These findings indicate that the process of degeneration starts in the early period of the disease, as our study group is composed of early-middle-stage multiple sclerosis patients, and is independent of relapses. © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc

    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: A pediatric case

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    Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a multisystemic, metabolic and autosomal recessive inherited disorder affecting especially elastic fibers of skin, retina and blood vessels. The prevalence varies from 1:25,000 to 1:100,000. The average age of onset is 13.5 years. Yellowish papules 1-3 mm in diameter and plaques merging as linear or reticular pattern are mostly on antecubital fossae, popliteal fossae, inguinal region, lower clavicle, neck, axilla, flexural regions as umbilicus and trauma sites. Of the patients, 85% have eye involvement. The first symptom of eye involvement is spot retinal pigmentation. Cardiovascular complications occur usually in adults. The most common and early cardiovascular complication is intermittent claudication. There is no specific treatment for skin signs. Lifestyle changes may have important effects on prognosis. A male patient with 3-year history of yellowish papules on his neck and 1-year history of yellowish papules on his groins, was presented in this case report. This 7-year-old patient received a diagnosis of PXE based on medical story, clinical examination and histopathological findings. This case was presented as PXE is a rare disease and should be diagnosed by the clinician at early ages. © 2015 by Turkish Society of Dermatology

    A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP)

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    Publisher Copyright: © Copyright 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel. All rights reserved.Background: Airway stenting (AS) commenced in Europe circa 1987 with the first placement of a dedicated silicone airway stent. Subsequently, over the last 3 decades, AS was spread throughout Europe, using different insertion techniques and different types of stents. Objectives: This study is an international survey conducted by the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP) focusing on AS practice within 26 European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all EABIP National Delegates in February 2015. National delegates were responsible for obtaining precise and objective data regarding the current AS practice in their country. The deadline for data collection was February 2016. Results: France, Germany, and the UK are the 3 leading countries in terms of number of centres performing AS. These 3 nations represent the highest ranked nations within Europe in terms of gross national income. Overall, pulmonologists perform AS exclusively in 5 countries and predominately in 12. AS is performed almost exclusively in public hospitals. AS performed under general anaesthesia is the rule for the majority of institutions, and local anaesthesia is an alternative in 9 countries. Rigid bronchoscopy techniques are predominant in 20 countries. Amongst commercially available stents, both Dumon and Ultraflex are by far the most commonly deployed. Finally, 11 countries reported that AS is an economically viable activity, while 10 claimed that it is not. Conclusion: This EABIP survey demonstrates that there is significant heterogeneity in AS practice within Europe. Therapeutic bronchoscopy training and economic issues/reimbursement for procedures are likely to be the primary reasons explaining these findings.publishersversionpublishe

    Current Practice of Airway Stenting in the Adult Population in Europe: A Survey of the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP)

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    Background: Airway stenting (AS) commenced in Europe circa 1987 with the first placement of a dedicated silicone airway stent. Subsequently, over the last 3 decades, AS was spread throughout Europe, using different insertion techniques and different types of stents. Objectives: This study is an international survey conducted by the European Association of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (EABIP) focusing on AS practice within 26 European countries. Methods: A questionnaire was sent to all EABIP National Delegates in February 2015. National delegates were responsible for obtaining precise and objective data regarding the current AS practice in their country. The deadline for data collection was February 2016. Results: France, Germany, and the UK are the 3 leading countries in terms of number of centres performing AS. These 3 nations represent the highest ranked nations within Europe in terms of gross national income. Overall, pulmonologists perform AS exclusively in 5 countries and predominately in 12. AS is performed almost exclusively in public hospitals. AS performed under general anaesthesia is the rule for the majority of institutions, and local anaesthesia is an alternative in 9 countries. Rigid bronchoscopy techniques are predominant in 20 countries. Amongst commercially available stents, both Dumon and Ultraflex are by far the most commonly deployed. Finally, 11 countries reported that AS is an economically viable activity, while 10 claimed that it is not. Conclusion: This EABIP survey demonstrates that there is significant heterogeneity in AS practice within Europe. Therapeutic bronchoscopy training and economic issues/reimbursement for procedures are likely to be the primary reasons explaining these findings. (C) 2017 S. Karger AG, Base

    An appeal to the global health community for a tripartite innovation: an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List,’’ ‘‘Health in All Policies,’’ and ‘‘See-Through 21st Century Science and Ethics"

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    Diagnostics spanning a wide range of new biotechnologies, including proteomics, metabolomics, and nanotechnology, are emerging as companion tests to innovative medicines. In this Opinion, we present the rationale for promulgating an ‘‘Essential Diagnostics List.’’ Additionally, we explain the ways in which adopting a vision for ‘‘Health in All Policies’’ could link essential diagnostics with robust and timely societal outcomes such as sustainable development, human rights, gender parity, and alleviation of poverty. We do so in three ways. First, we propose the need for a new, ‘‘see through’’ taxonomy for knowledge-based innovation as we transition from the material industries (e.g., textiles, plastic, cement, glass) dominant in the 20th century to the anticipated knowledge industry of the 21st century. If knowledge is the currency of the present century, then it is sensible to adopt an approach that thoroughly examines scientific knowledge, starting with the production aims, methods, quality, distribution, access, and the ends it purports to serve. Second, we explain that this knowledge trajectory focus on innovation is crucial and applicable across all sectors, including public, private, or public–private partnerships, as it underscores the fact that scientific knowledge is a co-product of technology, human values, and social systems. By making the value systems embedded in scientific design and knowledge co-production transparent, we all stand to benefit from sustainable and transparent science. Third, we appeal to the global health community to consider the necessary qualities of good governance for 21st century organizations that will embark on developing essential diagnostics. These have importance not only for science and knowledge based innovation, but also for the ways in which we can build open, healthy, and peaceful civil societies today and for future generations

    Kauçuk fabrikasında çalışan işçilerde solunum semptomlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    Amaç: Kauçuk fabrikası işçilerdeki mesleksel maruziyetin, solunum sistemine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Metod: Kauçuk fabrikasında çalışan 141 işçinin; anamnez ve fizik muayene sonrası solunum fonksiyon testleri (SFT) değerlendirildi. Bunların sonuçlarına göre astım düşünülen bireylere Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) takibi ve cilt Prick Testi uygulandı. Bulgular:İşçilerin 116 (%82.3) erkek ve 25 (%17.7) kadındı. Maruziyetin yüksek ve daha az olduğu grup karşılaştırıldığında FEV1/FVC ve FEF2575(%)’deki düşüklük istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulundu (p<0.05). İşçilerin 9(%6.3)’unda PEF takibinde değişkenliğin % 20’den fazla olduğu bulundu. Sonuç: Sonuç olarak, çalışmamızda kauçuk endüstrisinde toz ve dumanlara maruziyetin çalışmaya bağlı solunumsal semptomlar ve hastalık gelişimi ile ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir. Bu nedenle toz maruziyetinin azaltılması ve sigara bırakma önemli önlemlerdir.Aim: In this study, our objective was to investigate whether there is any relationship between working in the rubber industry and having respiratory symptoms. Method: This study was performed on 141 workers of a rubber factory. Anamnesis, physical examination and pulmonary function tests (PFT) were evaluated. Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF) follow-up and skin Prick Test were administered to the patients according to the results of respiratory system complaints, physical examination and PFT. Result: One hundred and forty one workers who accepted to participate in the study consisted of 116 (82.3%) males and 25 females (17.7%). In the comparison group with greater exposure results were obtained in the normal range, however the parameters of FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75(%) were lower in the greater exposure group. This difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). Variability was greater than 20% in 9 (6.3%) workers in the evaluation of PEF-meter follow-up forms. Conclusion: In conclusion, our study has demonstrated that exposure to dust and smoking in rubber industry seem to be associated with the development of occupational respiratory symptoms and diseases. That&amp;#8217;s why, control of dust exposure and cessation of smoking is important in prevention of this situations

    Türkiye'de Bronkoskopi Uygulamaları: Bir Anket Çalışması

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    Derneği, Girişimsel Pulmonoloji Çalışma Grubu olarak ülkemizde bronkoskopi uygulaması yapan hekimlerin tutum ve davranışlarını bir anket ile ortaya koymayı amaçladık. Yöntemler: Tanısal ve girişimsel bronkoskopi uygulamalarına ilişkin 23 soru içeren web tabanlı ankete katılım için hazırlanan ve anket linkini içeren davet mektubu, göğüs hastalıkları, göğüs cerrahisi, anestezi ve reanimasyon uzmanlarının e-posta gruplarına gönderildi. Ankete katılan hekimlerin verdiği yanıtlar değerlendirildi. Anketten elde edilen sonuçlar genel olarak ve branş temelinde istatistiksel analizlerle değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Anketi 93 göğüs hastalıkları, 30 göğüs cerrahisi, 23 anesteziyoloji olmak üzere toplam 146 uzman hekim yanıtladı. Ankete katılan hekimlerin %73'ü üniversite veya eğitim araştırma hastanesinde çalışıyordu, katılımcıların %47'si yılda 100'den fazla bronkoskopi yapıyordu. Katılımcıların %36'sı yaptıkları bronkoskopilerin % 38'inde sedasyon yapmadıklarını belirttiler. Diğer taraftan, sedasyon için en fazla tercih edilen ilaç midazolam (%78) idi. Topikal anestezi yöntemi olarak lidokain nebülizasyonu göğüs hastalıkları uzmanlarının %77'si tarafından kullanılırken, göğüs cerrahisi ve anesteziyoloji uzmanlarında bu oran sırasıyla %13 ve %8 olarak saptandı (p<0,001).GH'lerin %38'i tanısal bronkoskopilerinin % 23'ünü genel anestezi altında yapıyordu. İşlem sırasında nabız oksimetresi takibi % 97, suplemental Oksijen kullanımı ise % 87 oranında bulundu. Göğüs hastalıkları uzmanlarının % 60'ı bronkoskopi eğitimi için, deneyimli bir uzman denetiminde en az 100 işlem yapılmasını, % 40'ı ise aynı sayının en az 50 olmasını yeterli görüyordu. Sonuç: Anket verileri ülkemizdeki bronkoskopi deneyimi hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Bu tür anketlerin soru çeşitliliğinin ve katılımcı sayı- sının arttırılarak tekrarlanmasının önemli bir veri kaynağı oluşturacağı düşüncesindeyiz.Objective: As in the rest of the world, there are differences in attitudes and behaviours among physicians in bronchoscopy applications in our country as well. The aim of this study was to put forward the attitudes and behaviours of bronchoscopists using a questionnaire as the Working Group of Interventional Pulmonology of Turkish Respiratory Society.Methods: The invitation letter prepared individuals for participation in the web-based questionnaire containing 23 questions on the implementation of diagnostic and interventional bronchoscopy; the link to the questionnaire was sent to the e-mail groups of pulmonologists, thoracic surgeons and anesthesia and intensive care specialists. The responses of the physicians participating to the questionnaire were evaluated. The results obtained from the questionnaire were evaluated generally and on the basis of medical branches by statistical analyses.Results: The questionnaire was answered by a total of 146 specialists including 93 pulmonologists, 30 thoracic surgeons and 23 anesthesiologists. In total, 73% of the physicians responding to the questionnaire were working at the University or Training and Research Hospital and 47% of the respondents were conducting more than 100 bronchoscopies per year. Here, 36% of the respondents stated that in the bronchoscopies that they carried out, they did not sedate their patients. On the other hand, the most commonly preferred medication for sedation was midazolam (78%). While 77% of the pulmonologists used nebulised lidocaine as a topical anesthetic, these rates were 12.5% and 8.3% respectively for thoracic surgeons and anaesthesiologists (p&lt;0.001). Also, 38% of pulmonologists were conducting 23% of the diagnostic bronchoscopies under general anesthesia. During bronchoscopy, the pulse oximetry follow-up was found to be 97%, and the supplemental oxygen administration was 87%. Overall, 60% of the pulmonologists thought that at least 100 procedures must be performed under the supervision of a specialist during bronchoscopy training and 40% of them were of the opinion that the number of procedures undertaken must be at least 50.Conclusion: The data of the survey give information about the practice of bronchoscopy in Turkey. It is suggested that the repetition of such questionnaires by increasing the variety of questions and the number of participants will provide an important data sourc