873 research outputs found

    MicroRNA as Biomarkers in Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy

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    This Special Issue celebrates the 25th anniversary of the discovery of the first microRNA. The size of the microRNome and complexity of animal body plans and organ systems suggests a role for microRNAs in cell fate determination and differentiation. More than 2000 sequences have been proposed to represent unique microRNA genes in humans, with an increasing number of mechanistic roles identified in developmental, physiological, and pathological processes. Thus, dysregulation of a few key microRNAs can have a profound global effect on the gene expression and molecular programs of a cell. This great potential for clinical intervention has captured the interest and imagination of researchers in many fields. However, very few fields have been as prolific as the field of cancer research. This Special Issue provides but a glimpse of the large body of literature of microRNA biology in cancer research, containing 4 original research studies and 4 review articles that focus on specific hematologic or solid tumors in disease. Collectively, these articles highlight state-of-the-art approaches and methodologies for microRNA detection in tissue, blood, and other body fluids in a range of biomarkers applications, from early cancer detection to prognosis and treatment response. The articles also address some of the challenges regarding clinical implementation

    Cent anys s'El Salón Moderno: el primer local permanent per a cine a Elx

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    El 1915 el cinematògraf no estava implantat plenamet als teatres d'Elx, ja que els seus empresaris desconfiaven d'un costum popularitzat als barracons de fira. Un agent artístic alacantí estava convençut que la predilecció envers el cinemtògraf creixeria i s'atreví a arrendar un edifici exclusiu per a aquest esbargiment. Com que es tractava d'un invent modern, no se li ocorregué un altre nom que Salón Moderno, que no es corresponia, com passaria molts anys després, amb l'arquitectura de la qual se servia; ; no debades era l'estació depòsit del Tren Xitxarra, nom popular amb el qual es coneixía el tranvia que comunicava la indústria de Crevillent amb la capital de la provincia. L'edifici. molt senzill, estava obert pels quatre vents, condició que el fia adequat per al negoci que es pretenia, primerament, com a cine d'estiu i, després per tal d'obtenir nous ingresso

    El debat teòric sobre el periurbà i la concreció d'un planejament urbanístic en un entorn complex : el cas de Barcelona i Tolosa

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    El debat centrat en la contraposició entre el món urbà i el món rural s'ha anat esvaint paulatinament per esdevenir més complex amb el pas dels anys. Les diferències entre el que és rural i el que és urbà no són avui dràstiques ni radicals, sinó que es difuminen al llarg del territori. El periurbà s'estén en un espai de transició on se superposen diverses franges que van d'una ruralitat més gran a una de més reduïda en funció de la distància que hi ha de la ciutat central. En aquest entorn, dur a terme una activitat agrària de qualitat és cada vegada més difícil. Per això, a la Regió Metropolitana de Barcelona, s'hi ha plantejat la preservació dels espais agraris i el desenvolupament de les explotacions agrícoles amb projectes com ara el del Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. A l'Àrea Urbana de Tolosa, la situació és semblant, però l'entramat institucional i associatiu garanteix el manteniment de l'agricultura periurbana i no cal bastir mesures de planejament extraordinàries.El debate centrado en la contraposición entre lo urbano y lo rural se ha ido diluyendo paulatinamente, pero se ha hecho más complejo con el paso del tiempo. Las diferencias entre lo rural y lo urbano no son hoy drásticas y radicales, sino que se difuminan a lo largo y ancho del territorio. El periurbano se extiende en un espacio de transición donde se superponen varias franjas que van de una mayor a una menor ruralidad, en función de la distancia a la ciudad central. En este entorno, llevar a cabo una actividad agraria de calidad es cada vez más difícil. Por este motivo, en la Región Metropolitana de Barcelona se ha planteado la conservación de los espacios agrarios y el desarrollo de las explotaciones agrícolas con proyectos como puede ser el del Parque Agrario del Baix Llobregat. En el Área Urbana de Toulouse la situación es parecida, pero el entramado institucional y asociativo garantiza el mantenimiento de la agricultura periurbana y no hace falta crear medidas de planeamiento extraordinarias.Le débat centré dans l'opposition entre l'urbain et le rural a continué à se diluer lentement mais est devenu plus complexe avec le temps. Les différences entre le rural et l'urbain ne sont plus drastiques.et radicales, mais se sont estompées dans l'ensemble du territoire. Le périurbain s'étend dans un space de transition où se sont superposées différentes franges qui évoluent d'une ruralité plus accentuée à une moindre ruralité en fonction de la distance à la ville centre. Dans cet entourage, mener une activité agricole de qualité est de plus en plus difficile. C'est à cause de cela que dans la Région Métropolitaine de Barcelone on a envisagé la préservation des espaces agricoles et le développement des exploitations agricoles avec projets comme celui du Parc Agricole du Baix Llobregat. Dans l'Aire Urbaine de Toulouse, la situation est comparable, mais le réseau institutionnel et associatif donne des garanties au maintien de l'agriculture périurbaine, et dans ce cadre il n'est pas nécessaire de créer des mesures d'aménagement extraordinaires.The debate focused on the contraposition of urban and rural environments has been diluting gradually but has acquired more complexity with time. The differences between rural and urban are not today drastic neither radical: they are blurred throughout the territory. The periurban extends in a transitional space where several fringes that go from greater to smaller rurality are superposed in function of the distance to the central city. In this environment, to carry out a quality agrarian activity becomes more and more difficult. For this reason, in the Metropolitan Region of Barcelona the preservation of land spaces and the development of the agricultural exploitations has been envisaged with projects as the Agrarian Park of Baix Llobregat. In the Urban Area of Toulouse the situation is similar, but the institutional and associative framework guarantees the maintenance of the periurban agriculture and it is not necessary to create extraordinary measures of planning

    Two-Sided Derivatives for Regular Expressions and for Hairpin Expressions

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    The aim of this paper is to design the polynomial construction of a finite recognizer for hairpin completions of regular languages. This is achieved by considering completions as new expression operators and by applying derivation techniques to the associated extended expressions called hairpin expressions. More precisely, we extend partial derivation of regular expressions to two-sided partial derivation of hairpin expressions and we show how to deduce a recognizer for a hairpin expression from its two-sided derived term automaton, providing an alternative proof of the fact that hairpin completions of regular languages are linear context-free.Comment: 28 page

    Vertical-axis rotations determined from paleomagnetism of Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata within the Bolivian Andes

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    Thermal demagnetization and principal component analysis allowed determination of characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) directions from 256 sites at 22 localities in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sedimentary strata of the Bolivian Altiplano and Eastern Cordillera. An inclination-only fold test of site-mean ChRM directions from Cenozoic units (principally the Santa Lucía Formation) indicates optimum unfolding at 97.1% unfolding, consistent with a primary origin for the ChRM. For Mesozoic strata, optimum unfolding occurred at 89.2%, perhaps indicating secondary remagnetization at some locations. For Cenozoic units, comparison of locality-mean directions with expected paleomagnetic directions indicates vertical-axis rotations from 33° counterclockwise to 24° clockwise. Euler pole analysis of along-strike variation in crustal shortening within the Subandean and Interandean zones indicates 18° clockwise rotation south of the axis of curvature of the Bolivian Andes and 6° counterclockwise rotation northwest of the axis during the past 10 m.y. Along-strike variation of shortening within the Eastern Cordillera indicates 8° clockwise rotation south of the axis and 8° counterclockwise rotation northwest of the axis from 35 to 10 Ma. These vertical-axis rotations produced by along-strike variations in crustal shortening during development of the Bolivian fold-thrust belt agree well with observed rotations determined from paleomagnetism of Cenozoic rocks in the Eastern Cordillera and in the Subandean and Interandean zones. However, local rotations are required to account for complex rotations in the Cochabamba Basin and within the Altiplano. The curvature of the Bolivian Andes has been progressively enhanced during Cenozoic fold-thrust belt deformation

    Per un nou catàleg de béns protegibles a Elx

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    Anàlisi de l'estat administratiu en que es troba el Catàleg d'Edificis Protegibles de la ciutat d'Elx després de la saua aprovació i davant la revisií actual del Pla General d'Ordenació Urbana del terme municipal que ha d'incloure un Pla Especial d'Edificis Protegits , Així, aquest document ha de ser un text prou actualitzat que reflestisca la realitat de la ciutat, convertint la protecció del parimoni il·licità en una eina de futur pels que fan arquitectura a la ciutat. El nou pla de protecció ha d'establir una ferma comunicació entre el ciutadà i la història de l'arquitectura i la construcció a seua ciutat, s'ha de garantir la conservació d'exemples del major nombre de tipologies arquitectòniques possibles, singulars en molts casos a Elx o al sud del País Valencià, tot arribant a bastir fins a les obres contemporànie

    Tertiary remagnetization of Paleozoic rocks from the Eastern Cordillera and sub-Andean Belt of Bolivia

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    Paleomagnetic samples were collected from 98 sedimentary horizons in eight different Devonian to Permian sedimentary units at eight localities in the Eastern Cordillera and the sub-Andean Belt of Bolivia. For 77 sites, thermal demagnetization allowed determination of a characteristic magnetization (ChRM) with site-mean 95% confidence limit, α95, ≤15°. The ChRM is carried predominantly or entirely by hematite. Fold and reversal tests from two of the sampled localities indicate that the characteristic magnetization is synfolding, likely acquired during the earliest stages of deformation. Additionally, a modified conglomerate test at one locality and the nearly uniform direction of ChRM across the Devonian to Permian age units clearly reveals the secondary nature of the characteristic magnetization. Finally, the ChRM directions are discordant from any expected Paleozoic directions. Paleomagnetic poles calculated from the ChRM directions fall near the Cenozoic portion of the apparent polar wander path for South America. We interpret these observations to indicate widespread chemical remagnetization of these Paleozoic strata during, but prior to completion of, Cenozoic Andean folding

    Changing students' attitudes towards statistics through project-based learning in aerospace engineering

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    [EN] The application of project-based learning (PBL) in a course of statistics in the BSc. Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the Higher Technical School of Design Engineering at Universitat Politècnica de València has led to a significant and positive change in students¿ attitude towards learning and acquisition of statistical concepts. More specifically, PBL has provided the opportunity for students to overcome the limitations and preconceived barriers of classic learning methodologies and lectures, by applying statistical tools to improve the design of a cardboard glider. The PBL strategy is implemented by means of a long-term project that is carried out in teams ranging from three to four students. The project is closely supervised by the laboratory lecturers, who act as mentors to the students throughout the whole term. At the initial stage, all the teams are given the same initial design of a cardboard glider, and students apply descriptive statistics to characterize and describe the flight of the original design. Then, students are given a flight benchmark that they should improve with their final designs. By applying inference, regression, and design of experiment tools, students modify the original design to beat the benchmark. The results of a survey that has been conducted suggest that, through this methodology, students not only apply and experiment with the concepts that they learn, but their motivation, engagement, and interest in statistics is also increased.The authors would like to thank the UPV and their support by funding this article with Education Improvement and Innovation Project (PIME-185).Trull, O.; Sempere-Ferre, F.; Martínez Alzamora, MN.; Sanchez-Anguix, V. (2021). Changing students' attitudes towards statistics through project-based learning in aerospace engineering. IATED Academy. 11540-11545. https://doi.org/10.21125/edulearn.2021.2416S115401154