392 research outputs found

    Dependence of the Star Formation Efficiency on the Parameters of Molecular Cloud Formation Simulations

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    We investigate the response of the star formation efficiency (SFE) to the main parameters of simulations of molecular cloud formation by the collision of warm diffuse medium (WNM) cylindrical streams, neglecting stellar feedback and magnetic fields. The parameters we vary are the Mach number of the inflow velocity of the streams, Msinf, the rms Mach number of the initial background turbulence in the WNM, and the total mass contained in the colliding gas streams, Minf. Because the SFE is a function of time, we define two estimators for it, the "absolute" SFE, measured at t = 25 Myr into the simulation's evolution (sfeabs), and the "relative" SFE, measured 5 Myr after the onset of star formation in each simulation (sferel). The latter is close to the "star formation rate per free-fall time" for gas at n = 100 cm^-3. We find that both estimators decrease with increasing Minf, although by no more than a factor of 2 as Msinf increases from 1.25 to 3.5. Increasing levels of background turbulence similarly reduce the SFE, because the turbulence disrupts the coherence of the colliding streams, fragmenting the cloud, and producing small-scale clumps scattered through the numerical box, which have low SFEs. Finally, the SFE is very sensitive to the mass of the inflows, with sferel decreasing from ~0.4 to ~0.04 as the the virial parameter in the colliding streams increases from ~0.15 to ~1.5. This trend is in partial agreement with the prediction by Krumholz & McKee (2005), since the latter lies within the same range as the observed efficiencies, but with a significantly shallower slope. We conclude that the observed variability of the SFE is a highly sensitive function of the parameters of the cloud formation process, and may be the cause of significant scatter in observational determinations.Comment: 19 pages, submitted to MNRA

    Posterior probability intervals in Bayesian wavelet estimation

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    Molecular Cloud Evolution III. Accretion vs. stellar feedback

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    We numerically investigate the effect of feedback from the ionizing radiation heating from massive stars on the evolution of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) and their star formation efficiency (SFE). We find that the star-forming regions within the GMCs are invariably formed by gravitational contraction. After an initial period of contraction, the collapsing clouds begin forming stars, whose feedback evaporates part of the clouds' mass, opposing the continuing accretion from the infalling gas. The competition of accretion against dense gas consumption by star formation (SF) and evaporation by the feedback, regulates the clouds' mass and energy balance, as well as their SFE. We find that, in the presence of feedback, the clouds attain levels of the SFE that are consistent at all times with observational determinations for regions of comparable SF rates (SFRs). However, we observe that the dense gas mass is larger in general in the presence of feedback, while the total (dense gas + stars) is nearly insensitive to the presence of feedback, suggesting that the total mass is determined by the accretion, while the feedback inhibits mainly the conversion of dense gas to stars. The factor by which the SFE is reduced upon the inclusion of feedback is a decreasing function of the cloud's mass, for clouds of size ~ 10 pc. This naturally explains the larger observed SFEs of massive-star forming regions. We also find that the clouds may attain a pseudo-virialized state, with a value of the virial mass very similar to the actual cloud mass. However, this state differs from true virialization in that the clouds are the center of a large-scale collapse, continuously accreting mass, rather than being equilibrium entities.Comment: Submitted to ApJ (abstract abridged

    High- and Low-Mass Star Forming Regions from Hierarchical Gravitational Fragmentation. High local Star Formation Rates with Low Global Efficiencies

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    We investigate the properties of "star forming regions" in a previously published numerical simulation of molecular cloud formation out of compressive motions in the warm neutral atomic interstellar medium, neglecting magnetic fields and stellar feedback. In this simulation, the velocity dispersions at all scales are caused primarily by infall motions rather than by random turbulence. We study the properties (density, total gas+stars mass, stellar mass, velocity dispersion, and star formation rate) of the cloud hosting the first local, isolated "star formation" event in the simulation and compare them with those of the cloud formed by a later central, global collapse event. We suggest that the small-scale, isolated collapse may be representative of low- to intermediate-mass star-forming regions, while the large-scale, massive one may be representative of massive star forming regions. We also find that the statistical distributions of physical properties of the dense cores in the region of massive collapse compare very well with those from a recent survey of the massive star forming region in the Cygnus X molecular cloud. The star formation efficiency per free-fall time (SFE_ff) of the high-mass SF clump is low, ~0.04. This occurs because the clump is accreting mass at a high rate, not because its specific SFR (SSFR) is low. This implies that a low value of the SFE_ff does not necessarily imply a low SSFR, but may rather indicate a large gas accretion rate. We suggest that a globally low SSFR at the GMC level can be attained even if local star forming sites have much larger values of the SSFR if star formation is a spatially intermittent process, so that most of the mass in a GMC is not participating of the SF process at any given time.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. Revised version, according to exchanges with referee. Original results unchanged. Extensive new discussion on the low global efficiency vs. high local efficiency of star formation. Abstract abridge

    Posterior probability intervals in Bayesian wavelet estimation

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    We use saddlepoint approximation to derive credible intervals for Bayesian wavelet regression estimates. Simulations show that the resulting intervals perform better than the best existing metho

    A method for reconstructing the variance of a 3D physical field from 2D observations: Application to turbulence in the ISM

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    We introduce and test an expression for calculating the variance of a physical field in three dimensions using only information contained in the two-dimensional projection of the field. The method is general but assumes statistical isotropy. To test the method we apply it to numerical simulations of hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in molecular clouds, and demonstrate that it can recover the 3D normalised density variance with ~10% accuracy if the assumption of isotropy is valid. We show that the assumption of isotropy breaks down at low sonic Mach number if the turbulence is sub-Alfvenic. Theoretical predictions suggest that the 3D density variance should increase proportionally to the square of the Mach number of the turbulence. Application of our method will allow this prediction to be tested observationally and therefore constrain a large body of analytic models of star formation that rely on it.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Macroscopic and Local Magnetic Moments in Si-doped CuGeO3_3 with Neutron and μ\muSR Studies

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    The temperature-concentration phase diagram of the Si-doped spin-Peierls compound CuGeO3_{3} is investigated by means of neutron scattering and muon spin rotation spectroscopy in order to determine the microscopic distribution of the magnetic and lattice dimerised regions as a function of doping. The analysis of the zero-field muon spectra has confirmed the spatial inhomogeneity of the staggered magnetisation that characterises the antiferromagnetic superlattice peaks observed with neutrons. In addition, the variation of the macroscopic order parameter with doping can be understood by considering the evolution of the local magnetic moment as well as of the various regions contributing to the muon signal
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