304 research outputs found

    El sello del estilo visual de Dick Pope y Mike Leigh: análisis de su obra cinematográfica

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    Visual style as part of cinema style reveals the necessity of considering what other cinema creators –like cinematographers– provide to a film. For though, visual style of Dick Pope and Mike Leigh films is analyzed. Firstly, theoretical basis that define stylometry, visual style and quantifiable photographic variables that are part of it, are established. Later on, with a methodology that combines a qualitative and a quantitative approach, an analysis is conducted.El estilo visual como parte integrante del estilo cinematográfico, revela la necesidad de reflexionar sobre lo que otros creadores cinematográficos –como el director de fotografía– aportan a un filme. Para ello, se analiza el estilo visual de la obra del director de fotografía Dick Pope junto al director Mike Leigh. En primer lugar se establecen las bases teóricas que definen la estilometría, el estilo visual y las variables fotográficas cuantificables que lo componen. Se realiza –posteriormente– un análisis con una metodología que hibrida la aproximación cualitativa con la cuantitativa

    The Relationship Between The Laws Derived From The Organs Of Mercosur And The Legal Systems Of The Countries That Comprise Mercosur

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    Starting from Ouro Preto\u27s Protocol (O.P.P.) it is certain that Mercosur has international legal subjectivity,\u27 becoming in this respect an intergovernmental organization with international legal subjectivity

    Civic participation and interactive documentaries: a contribution to the open government model

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    This research introduces the marriage between interactive documentaries (i-docs) and politics as an opportunity to motivate new civic participation and expression in the political sphere. The main objective of this study is to identify the different degrees of civic participation that i-docs permit and to setup a classification according to these levels of engagement. In order to achieve the main objective, this research has analyzed a group of documentaries using a mixture of Gaudenzi, Gifreu-Castells, and Nash methodology. The results show that it is possible to find a parallel between the closed mode and the Orwellian model; the semi-closed mode and the Tokenism model; the semi-opened mode and the playful model; and between the opened mode and the Athenian model. However, only the opened mode, used in the Global lives documentary , offers a real experience that symbolizes the purest representation of an open government system.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Taxonomía de la participación política ciudadana a través del documental interactivo

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    Esta comunicación defiende que el maridaje entre los i-docs y la política supone una oportunidad para la creación y reformulación de nuevas expresiones de participación ciudadana. Estos arquetipos facilitan que emisores y receptores puedan consumir, interaccionar y transformar el relato político, así como proponer modelos políticos más abiertos, horizontales y participativos. El objetivo principal se centra en mostrar los diferentes niveles de participación ciudadana que ofrecen los i-docs. Para ello se han analizado un conjunto de documentales aplicando la metodología de análisis propuesta por Gaudenzi, Gifreu y Nash.Ciencias de la Comunicació

    Relaciones Entre La Normativa Derivada De Los Organos Del Mercosur Y Los Sistemas Juridicos Particulares De Los Esrados Que Lo Conforman

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    A partir del protocolo de Ouro Preto (P.O.P.) es indudable que el Mercosur tiene subjetividad juridica internacional,l resultando ser en este respecto una organizaci6n intergubernamental con subjetividad juridica internacional

    BET_VH: a probabilistic tool for long-term volcanic hazard assessment

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    In this paper, we illustrate a Bayesian Event Tree to estimate Volcanic Hazard (BET_VH). The procedure enables us to calculate the probability of any kind of long-term hazardous event for which we are interested, accounting for the intrinsic stochastic nature of volcanic eruptions and our limited knowledge regarding related processes. For the input, the code incorporates results from numerical models simulating the impact of hazardous volcanic phenomena on an area and data from the eruptive history. For the output, the code provides a wide and exhaustive set of spatiotemporal probabilities of different events; these probabilities are estimated by means of a Bayesian approach that allows all uncertainties to be properly accounted for. The code is able to deal with many eruptive settings simultaneously, weighting each with its own probability of occurrence. In a companion paper, we give a detailed example of application of this tool to the Campi Flegrei caldera, in order to estimate the hazard from tephra fall. © The Author(s) 2010

    Civic participation and interactive documentaries: A contribution to the open Government model

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    This research introduces the marriage between interactive documentaries (i-docs) and politics as an opportunity to motivate new civic participation and expression in the political sphere. The main objective of this study is to identify the different degrees of civic participation that i-docs permit and to setup a classification according to these levels of engagement. In order to achieve the main objective, this research has analyzed a group of documentaries using a mixture of Gaudenzi, Gifreu-Castells, and Nash methodology. The results show that it is possible to find a parallel between the closed mode and the Orwellian model; the semi-closed mode and the Tokenism model; the semi-opened mode and the playful model; and between the opened mode and the Athenian model. However, only the opened mode, used in the Global lives documentary, offers a real experience that symbolizes the purest representation of an open government systemEsta investigación presenta el maridaje entre i-docs y la política como una oportunidad para motivar la participación ciudadana en la esfera política. El principal objetivo de este estudio es identificar los grados de participación ciudadana que permiten los i-docs y establecer una clasificación según esos niveles de implicación cívica. Para ello, esta investigación ha analizado un conjunto de documentales utilizando la metodología propuesta por Gaudenzi, Gifreu-Castells y Nash. Los resultados muestran que existe un paralelismo entre el modelo cerrado y el paradigma orwelliano; el modelo semi-cerrado y el paradigma de la cortina de humo o Tokenism; el modelo semi-abierto y el paradigma solaz y entre el modelo abierto y el paradigma ateniense. Sin embargo, sólo el modelo abierto, como ocurre en el documental Global lives, ofrece una experiencia real que simboliza la más pura representación de la filosofía del gobierno abierto u open government

    Civic participation and interactive documentaries: a contribution to the open government model

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    This research introduces the marriage between interactive documentaries (i-docs) and politics as an opportunity to motivate new civic participation and expression in the political sphere. The main objective of this study is to identify the different degrees of civic participation that i-docs permit and to setup a classification according to these levels of engagement. In order to achieve the main objective, this research has analyzed a group of documentaries using a mixture of Gaudenzi, Gifreu-Castells, and Nash methodology. The results show that it is possible to find a parallel between the closed mode and the Orwellian model; the semi-closed mode and the Tokenism model; the semi-opened mode and the playful model; and between the opened mode and the Athenian model. However, only the opened mode, used in the Global lives documentary, offers a real experience that symbolizes the purest representation of an open government system

    Strengthening women empowerment through i-docs: Alternative forms of participation and civic engagement in the feminist movement

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    The main objective of this research is to explore how i-docs motivate and drive citizen engagement in a manner that sustains and reinforces the sense of belonging to the feminist movement. Drawing upon the eight core drives represented by each side of the Octalysis methodology, the purpose of this study is to identify the motivational elements that push citizens to participate in feminist causes and to be concerned about different feminist issues. Using a quantitative methodology, our sample comprises three feminist documentaries that enable different levels of interaction and participation: She Is Beautiful When She Is Angry, as a closed i-doc; En la brecha, as a semi-closed i-doc; and Las sinsombrero, as a semi-open i-doc. The results show that the most powerful motivational element in the three i-docs is the ‘epic meaning and calling’ core driv

    Civic participation and interactive documentaries: a contribution to the open government model

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    This research introduces the marriage between interactive documentaries (i-docs) and politics as an opportunity to motivate new civic participation and expression in the political sphere. The main objective of this study is to identify the different degrees of civic participation that i-docs permit and to setup a classification according to these levels of engagement. In order to achieve the main objective, this research has analyzed a group of documentaries using a mixture of Gaudenzi, Gifreu-Castells, and Nash methodology. The results show that it is possible to find a parallel between the closed mode and the Orwellian model; the semi-closed mode and the Tokenism model; the semi-opened mode and the playful model; and between the opened mode and the Athenian model. However, only the opened mode, used in the Global lives documentary, offers a real experience that symbolizes the purest representation of an open government system