116 research outputs found

    Electrophysiological analysis of the excitability of the Nerve-muscular complex under the conditions of the metabolic syndrome in young rats

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    Дослідження функціонування нейро-мязового комплексу при супутньому метаболічному синдромі у щурів

    Light Propagation in Nonlinear Waveguide and Classical Two-Dimensional Oscillator

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    The quantum optical problem of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a nonlinear waveguide is related to the solutions of the classical nonstationary harmonic oscillator using the method of linear integrals of motion [ Malkin et.al., Phys Rev. 2D (1970) p.1371 ]. An explicit solution of the classical oscillator with a varying frequency, corresponding to the light propagation in an anisotropic waveguide is obtained using the expressions for the quantum field fluctuations. Substitutions have been found which allow to establish connections of the linear and quadratic invariants of Malkin et.al. to several types of invariants of quadratic systems, considered in later papers. These substitutions give the opportunity to relate the corresponding quantum problem to that of the classical two-dimensional nonstationary oscillator, which is physically more informative.Comment: 14 pages, including one Table, 29 bibliographic references; E-mail: [email protected]

    Лечение вульгарных и подошвенных бородавок

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    The article presents data on clinical forms of warts associated with different types of human papillomavirus. The authors analyze the following wart treatment methods: excision, chemical and immune. Based on literature sources, the authors assess the efficacy, advantages and disadvantages of well-known treatment methods. The authors describe their own experience of treating primary and recurrent vulgar and plantar warts with an up-to-date chemical destruction drug - Mardil Zinc Max, a solution containing a complex compound of 1.5% zinc 2-chloropropionate in 2-chloropropionic acid. The efficacy of treatment of vulgar warts was 100%, and that of plantar ones - 62.5%. Clinical recovery was observed both in case of primary and recurrent processes. The treatment had no adverse effects or complications and was characterized by a low injury rate, good tolerance and full tissue recovery without any cosmetic defects.Приведены данные о клинических разновидностях бородавок, ассоциированных с различными видами вируса папилломы человека. Анализируются методы, применяемые для лечения бородавок: эксцизионные, химические, иммунные. На основе данных литературы рассматриваются эффективность, преимущества и недостатки известных методов терапии. Приводится собственный опыт лечения первичных и рецидивных вульгарных и подошвенных бородавок современным препаратом для химической деструкции Мардил Цинк Макс, представляющим собой раствор, содержащий комплексное соединение цинка 2-хлорпропионата 1,5% в 2-хлорпропионовой кислоте. Эффективность лечения вульгарных бородавок составила 100%, подошвенных - 62,5%, клиническое излечение наблюдали как при первичном, так и при рецидивном характере процесса. Лечение характеризовалось отсутствием побочных эффектов и осложнений, малой травматичностью, хорошей переносимостью, полным восстановлением тканей без косметических дефектов

    The role of water when canning foods

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    Aluminosilicatehalloysite nanotubes as a tool of modern nanocomposites for food safety

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    Nanoscale natural clay minerals, which include Si, O, Al, and Mg, are a class of environmentally safe inorganic materials with unique structures and diverse morphologies, including nanorods, nanofibers, and nanotubes. Aluminosilicatehallusite nanotubes (HNTs) are relatively new objects of research in materials science, they have a number of environmental and economic advantages compared to carbon nanotubes (CNTs), as well as fullerene and graphene. Natural halloysites are an order of magnitude cheaper than their synthetic counterparts. The location of halloysite is quite common, for example, in the KryvyiRih region and other places in other countries. Due to their high environmental friendliness and bioavailability, HNTs can be used in medicine, including as drug carriers with controlled release. HNTs can also exhibit (photo) catalytic properties, have high adsorption properties in relation to heavy metals Cu(II), Pb(II), Cd(II), Zn(II), Cr(IV) and Co(II) and solutions, containing dyes, pesticides and some other organic pollutants, as well as toxic gases (ammonia, hydrogen sulfide). HNTs in combination with other metals, such as Mn, Ti, acquire various practical applications. HNTs were introduced to ensure better functional photo(electro)catalytic properties of composites that can be a substrate, especially in the case of nanotube oxide decoration. For example, titanium, a white pigment, non-toxic, is included in the list of food additives and is designated as E171. Contained in food products: candies, cookies, cakes, chicken fillet, crab sticks, chewing gum, chocolate products. Although the addition of titanium dioxide in food products is permitted by many official documents, there is insufficient data in the scientific literature regarding the potential danger of titanium dioxide to the human body. Increased interest in TiO 2 is due to its high photocatalytic activity, which allows to realize processes of destruction of organic compounds, including ecotoxicants, into safe products. HNTs, or materials based on them, have found many useful applications in the treatment of drinking water and industrial wastewater. The structural features of HNTs make it possible to obtain new composite materials based on them, such as, for example, imohalite nanotubes (INTs) of a wide functional purpose and to determine the physicochemical patterns of their formation. Therefore, the relevance of the work lies in the combination of hallusite nanotubes and titanium dioxide as composite materials using electrosynthesis, and the analysis of the influence of the phase composition, photocatalytic activity of the composite material on the safety of its practical use, including in the food industry

    Застосування технологічних інновацій в управлінні готельним бізнесом

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    Селезньова О. С. Застосування технологічних інновацій в управлінні готельним бізнесом / О. С. Селезньова // Економіко-правовий розвиток сучасної України : матер. ІIІ Всеукр. наук. конф. студ., аспір. та молодих вчених (22-23 листопада 2013 р., м. Одеса) / за ред. д.е.н., проф. О. М. Кібік, д.ю.н., проф. О. П. Подцерковного ; Національн. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія» – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 206-208

    Interactions between rootstock, inter-stem and scion xylem vessel characteristics of peach trees growing on rootstocks with contrasting size-controlling characteristics

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    This paper documents that while characteristics of the xylem anatomy and calculated hydraulic conductance of peach rootstock genotypes differ according to their effects on vigour of the scion they do not strongly influence the xylem characteristics of the scion. Furthermore xylem characteristics of a dwarfing rootstock genotype used as an inter-stem do not substantially influence anatomical characteristics of a vigorous rootstock below the inter-stem or the scion above it

    Unitary relation between a harmonic oscillator of time-dependent frequency and a simple harmonic oscillator with and without an inverse-square potential

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    The unitary operator which transforms a harmonic oscillator system of time-dependent frequency into that of a simple harmonic oscillator of different time-scale is found, with and without an inverse-square potential. It is shown that for both cases, this operator can be used in finding complete sets of wave functions of a generalized harmonic oscillator system from the well-known sets of the simple harmonic oscillator. Exact invariants of the time-dependent systems can also be obtained from the constant Hamiltonians of unit mass and frequency by making use of this unitary transformation. The geometric phases for the wave functions of a generalized harmonic oscillator with an inverse-square potential are given.Comment: Phys. Rev. A (Brief Report), in pres

    Geometric Phases and Mielnik's Evolution Loops

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    The cyclic evolutions and associated geometric phases induced by time-independent Hamiltonians are studied for the case when the evolution operator becomes the identity (those processes are called {\it evolution loops}). We make a detailed treatment of systems having equally-spaced energy levels. Special emphasis is made on the potentials which have the same spectrum as the harmonic oscillator potential (the generalized oscillator potentials) and on their recently found coherent states.Comment: 11 pages, harvmac, 2 figures available upon request; CINVESTAV-FIS GFMR 11/9

    Time evolution, cyclic solutions and geometric phases for the generalized time-dependent harmonic oscillator

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    The generalized time-dependent harmonic oscillator is studied. Though several approaches to the solution of this model have been available, yet a new approach is presented here, which is very suitable for the study of cyclic solutions and geometric phases. In this approach, finding the time evolution operator for the Schr\"odinger equation is reduced to solving an ordinary differential equation for a c-number vector which moves on a hyperboloid in a three-dimensional space. Cyclic solutions do not exist for all time intervals. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of cyclic solutions is given. There may exist some particular time interval in which all solutions with definite parity, or even all solutions, are cyclic. Criterions for the appearance of such cases are given. The known relation that the nonadiabatic geometric phase for a cyclic solution is proportional to the classical Hannay angle is reestablished. However, this is valid only for special cyclic solutions. For more general ones, the nonadiabatic geometric phase may contain an extra term. Several cases with relatively simple Hamiltonians are solved and discussed in detail. Cyclic solutions exist in most cases. The pattern of the motion, say, finite or infinite, can not be simply determined by the nature of the Hamiltonian (elliptic or hyperbolic, etc.). For a Hamiltonian with a definite nature, the motion can changes from one pattern to another, that is, some kind of phase transition may occur, if some parameter in the Hamiltonian goes through some critical value.Comment: revtex4, 28 pages, no figur