585 research outputs found

    A central limit theorem for the zeroes of the zeta function

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    On the assumption of the Riemann hypothesis, we generalize a central limit theorem of Fujii regarding the number of zeroes of Riemann's zeta function that lie in a mesoscopic interval. The result mirrors results of Soshnikov and others in random matrix theory. In an appendix we put forward some general theorems regarding our knowledge of the zeta zeroes in the mesoscopic regime.Comment: 22 pages. Incorporates referees suggestions. Contains minor corrections to published versio

    Coulomb integrals for the SL(2,R) WZNW model

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    We review the Coulomb gas computation of three-point functions in the SL(2,R) WZNW model and obtain explicit expressions for generic states. These amplitudes have been computed in the past by this and other methods but the analytic continuation in the number of screening charges required by the Coulomb gas formalism had only been performed in particular cases. After showing that ghost contributions to the correlators can be generally expressed in terms of Schur polynomials we solve Aomoto integrals in the complex plane, a new set of multiple integrals of Dotsenko-Fateev type. We then make use of monodromy invariance to analytically continue the number of screening operators and prove that this procedure gives results in complete agreement with the amplitudes obtained from the bootstrap approach. We also compute a four-point function involving a spectral flow operator and we verify that it leads to the one unit spectral flow three-point function according to a prescription previously proposed in the literature. In addition, we present an alternative method to obtain spectral flow non-conserving n-point functions through well defined operators and we prove that it reproduces the exact correlators for n=3. Independence of the result on the insertion points of these operators suggests that it is possible to violate winding number conservation modifying the background charge.Comment: Improved presentation. New section on spectral flow violating correlators and computation of a four-point functio

    Massive Scaling Limit of beta-Deformed Matrix Model of Selberg Type

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    We consider a series of massive scaling limits m_1 -> infty, q -> 0, lim m_1 q = Lambda_{3} followed by m_4 -> infty, Lambda_{3} -> 0, lim m_4 Lambda_{3} = (Lambda_2)^2 of the beta-deformed matrix model of Selberg type (N_c=2, N_f=4) which reduce the number of flavours to N_f=3 and subsequently to N_f=2. This keeps the other parameters of the model finite, which include n=N_L and N=n+N_R, namely, the size of the matrix and the "filling fraction". Exploiting the method developed before, we generate instanton expansion with finite g_s, epsilon_{1,2} to check the Nekrasov coefficients (N_f =3,2 cases) to the lowest order. The limiting expressions provide integral representation of irregular conformal blocks which contains a 2d operator lim frac{1}{C(q)} : e^{(1/2) \alpha_1 \phi(0)}: (int_0^q dz : e^{b_E phi(z)}:)^n : e^{(1/2) alpha_2 phi(q)}: and is subsequently analytically continued.Comment: LaTeX, 21 pages; v2: a reference adde

    Representations of integers by certain positive definite binary quadratic forms

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    We prove part of a conjecture of Borwein and Choi concerning an estimate on the square of the number of solutions to n=x^2+Ny^2 for a squarefree integer N.Comment: 8 pages, submitte

    The nonrelativistic limit of the Magueijo-Smolin model of deformed special relativity

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    We study the nonrelativistic limit of the motion of a classical particle in a model of deformed special relativity and of the corresponding generalized Klein-Gordon and Dirac equations, and show that they reproduce nonrelativistic classical and quantum mechanics, respectively, although the rest mass of a particle no longer coincides with its inertial mass. This fact clarifies the meaning of the different definitions of velocity of a particle available in DSR literature. Moreover, the rest mass of particles and antiparticles differ, breaking the CPT invariance. This effect is close to observational limits and future experiments may give indications on its effective existence.Comment: 10 pages, plain TeX. Discussion of generalized Dirac equation and CPT violation adde

    Random matrix theory, the exceptional Lie groups, and L-functions

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    There has recently been interest in relating properties of matrices drawn at random from the classical compact groups to statistical characteristics of number-theoretical L-functions. One example is the relationship conjectured to hold between the value distributions of the characteristic polynomials of such matrices and value distributions within families of L-functions. These connections are here extended to non-classical groups. We focus on an explicit example: the exceptional Lie group G_2. The value distributions for characteristic polynomials associated with the 7- and 14-dimensional representations of G_2, defined with respect to the uniform invariant (Haar) measure, are calculated using two of the Macdonald constant term identities. A one parameter family of L-functions over a finite field is described whose value distribution in the limit as the size of the finite field grows is related to that of the characteristic polynomials associated with the 7-dimensional representation of G_2. The random matrix calculations extend to all exceptional Lie groupsComment: 14 page

    The Selberg trace formula for Dirac operators

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    We examine spectra of Dirac operators on compact hyperbolic surfaces. Particular attention is devoted to symmetry considerations, leading to non-trivial multiplicities of eigenvalues. The relation to spectra of Maass-Laplace operators is also exploited. Our main result is a Selberg trace formula for Dirac operators on hyperbolic surfaces

    Wigner quantization of some one-dimensional Hamiltonians

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    Recently, several papers have been dedicated to the Wigner quantization of different Hamiltonians. In these examples, many interesting mathematical and physical properties have been shown. Among those we have the ubiquitous relation with Lie superalgebras and their representations. In this paper, we study two one-dimensional Hamiltonians for which the Wigner quantization is related with the orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp(1|2). One of them, the Hamiltonian H = xp, is popular due to its connection with the Riemann zeros, discovered by Berry and Keating on the one hand and Connes on the other. The Hamiltonian of the free particle, H_f = p^2/2, is the second Hamiltonian we will examine. Wigner quantization introduces an extra representation parameter for both of these Hamiltonians. Canonical quantization is recovered by restricting to a specific representation of the Lie superalgebra osp(1|2)

    Advection of vector fields by chaotic flows

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    We have introduced a new transfer operator for chaotic flows whose leading eigenvalue yields the dynamo rate of the fast kinematic dynamo and applied cycle expansion of the Fredholm determinant of the new operator to evaluation of its spectrum. The theory hs been tested on a normal form model of the vector advecting dynamical flow. If the model is a simple map with constant time between two iterations, the dynamo rate is the same as the escape rate of scalar quantties. However, a spread in Poincar\'e section return times lifts the degeneracy of the vector and scalar advection rates, and leads to dynamo rates that dominate over the scalar advection rates. For sufficiently large time spreads we have even found repellers for which the magnetic field grows exponentially, even though the scalar densities are decaying exponentially.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. Ask for figures from [email protected]
