67 research outputs found

    Prevalence and patterns of undescended testis among primary school pupils in Kampala, Uganda

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    A cross sectional study was undertaken with the main objective of determining the prevalence and patterns of undescended testis (UDT) among 437 primary  School pupils from randomly selected primary schools in one Division of  ampala in Uganda. The study variables included age, tribe, scrotal findings, side and location of the undescended testis plus associated groin and external genitalia abnormalities. UDT was found in 27 of the 437 children. The right side alone was involved in 17 (63%), the left alone in 5 (18.5%) and was bilateral in five cases (18.5%). Sixteen (59%) of UDT were palpable in the inguinal region while in 11 (41%) could not be palpated. Ultrasonography of the groin area located five of the 11 impalpable testes. This study showed that the prevalence of UDT in the study population was 5.5% and occurred more commonly on the right side and the superficial inguinal pouch was the commonest site.Key words: Prevalence, pattern. Undescended and testis

    Biliary Atresia – An Easily Missed Cause of Jaundice amongst Children in Uganda

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    Back ground: Biliary atresia is characterized by biliary obstruction, it has an incidence of 1:15000 and presents with jaundice, acholic stools / dark urine and hepatomegaly. This disease rapidly leads to liver cirrhosis and liver failure if untreated surgically. The main objective was to establish the epidemiology of patients presenting with biliary atresia and immediate surgical outcome. Methods: A review of a prospective data base for pediatric surgical admissions from January 2012 to December 2015 was made and examined all the entries for children admitted with biliary atresia. Results: In this study 46 patients were recruited with an age range at admission of 2 weeks to 3.5 years and a peak age of 2 months. During the four years, 14 Patients had portoenterostomy done and of these 5 died within 7 days after surgery. Thirty two (32) patients were not operated, 18 of them died and 13 were still alive by the close of 2015. Conclusion: A big number of children with biliary atresia presented late with decompensated liver functions having lost time in peripheral health facilities being managed for medical jaundice.Key words: Biliary atresia, Uganda, Jaundic

    Colorectal Polyposis in a 15 Year Old Boy in Uganda - Case Report

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    Colorectal polyps usually present as rectal bleeding and are associated with increased risk of colorectal carcinoma. This is a 15 year old boy who presented with painless rectal bleeding for 9 years and mass protruding from the anus for 2 years after passing stool. He had history of 3 nephews with similar symptoms. On clinical assessment an impression of Adematous familial colorectal polyposis was made and biopsy was taken from the mass that revealed inflammatory polyps. He subsequently had a total colectomy and ileall pouch anal anastomosis with good outcome. In absence of endoscopic surveillance and diagnostic services diagnosis of colorectal polyposis syndromes is a challenge because clinicians rely on digital rectal assessment and examination under anesthesia.Key words: polyposis, polyps, Ugand

    Congenital anomalies in low- and middle-income countries: the unborn child of global surgery.

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    Surgically correctable congenital anomalies cause a substantial burden of global morbidity and mortality. These anomalies disproportionately affect children in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) due to sociocultural, economic, and structural factors that limit the accessibility and quality of pediatric surgery. While data from LMICs are sparse, available evidence suggests that the true human and financial cost of congenital anomalies is grossly underestimated and that pediatric surgery is a cost-effective intervention with the potential to avert significant premature mortality and lifelong disability

    Factors that affect quality of life among people living with HIV attending an urban clinic in Uganda: A cohort study

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    © 2015 Mutabazi-Mwesigire et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Introduction: With the availability of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and primary general care for people living with HIV (PLHIV) in resource limited settings, PLHIV are living longer, and HIV has been transformed into a chronic illness. People are diagnosed and started on treatment when they are relatively well. Although ART results in clinical improvement, the ultimate goal of treatment is full physical functioning and general well-being, with a focus on quality of life rather than clinical outcomes. However, there has been little research on the relationship of specific factors to quality of life in PLHIV. The objective of this study was to investigate factors associated with quality of life among PLHIV in Uganda receiving basic care and those on ART. Methods: We enrolled 1274 patients attending an HIV outpatient clinic into a prospective cohort study. Of these, 640 received ART. All were followed up at 3 and 6 months. Health related quality of life was assessed with the MOS-HIV Health Survey and the Global Person Generated Index (GPGI). Multivariate linear regression and logistic regression with generalized estimating equations were used to examine the relationship of social behavioral and disease factors with Physical Health Summary (PHS) score, Mental Health Summary (MHS) score, and GPGI. Results: Among PLHIV receiving basic care, PHS was associated with: sex (p=0.045) - females had lower PHS; age in years at enrollment (p=0.0001) - older patients had lower PHS; and depression (

    Trace metal distribution in the bed, bank and suspended sediment of the Ravensbourne River and its implication for sediment monitoring in an urban river

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    Purpose This study aims to identify a suitable sediment compartment for sediment quality monitoring by: (a) studying the concentration of trace metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the bed, bank and suspended sediment compartments of the Ravensbourne River to establish any differences in trace metal concentrations with compartment; (b) determining the influence of sediment particle size fractions ( 0.05) in the concentrations of metals between the suspended sediment and the < 63 μm bed sediment fraction, but there was a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the suspended sediment and the < 63 μm bank sediment fraction. There were also significant differences between the concentrations of metals in the < 63 μm and the 63 μm–2 mm fractions. Generally, the Ravensbourne River did not comply with the draft UK sediment quality guidelines for the metals analysed. Conclusions This study shows the importance of identifying a suitable sediment compartment to sample for compliance with sediment quality standards. The bed and suspended sediments are the most widely used sediment compartments for sediment monitoring, but collecting sufficient mass of the < 63 μm sediment fraction for monitoring presents a challenge for urban gravel bed rivers like the Ravensbourne River. It seems appropriate to establish individual monitoring regimes for different rivers
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