131 research outputs found

    Indikasi Kerusakan Dingin pada Mentimun Jepang (Cucumis Sativus L.) Berdasarkan Perubahan Ion Leakage dan PH

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    In this study, the chilling induced in Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) stored at chilled temperature and the changes in its quality during storage period were examined. Change in ion leakage and pH were used as indicator of chilling injury symptopms. The sample of cucumber were stored at 5ºC (chilling) and 25ºC (non chilling). Percentage of ion leakage for cucumber stored at 5ºC was higher than that at 25 ºC at storage time of 3, 6 and 9 days. The increase in the rate of ion leakage at 5ºC indicates the chilling induced of cell membrane. The increasing tendency of pH was observed for cucumber stored at 5ºC with the value at storage time of 9 days were higher than that at 25ºC. The increase in pH could be thought as the change in acid content which indicate the occurrence of chilling injury. Changes in ion leakage and pH indicate the change in membrane permeability which related to chilling injury

    Indikasi kerusakan dingin pada mentimun Jepang (Cucumis sativus L.) berdasarkan perubahan ion leakage dan pH

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    AbstractIn this study, the chilling induced in Japanese cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) stored at chilled temperature and the changes in its quality during storage period were examined. Change in ion leakage and pH were used as indicator of chilling injury symptopms. The sample of cucumber were stored at 5ºC (chilling) and 25ºC (non chilling). Percentage of ion leakage for cucumber stored at 5ºC was higher than that at 25 ºC at storage time of 3, 6 and 9 days. The increase in the rate of ion leakage at 5ºC indicates the chilling induced of cell membrane. The increasing tendency of pH was observed for cucumber stored at 5ºC with the value at storage time of 9 days were higher than that at 25ºC. The increase in pH could be thought as the change in acid content which indicate the occurrence of chilling injury. Changes in ion leakage and pH indicate the change in membrane permeability which related to chilling injury. Keywords: chilling injury, ion leakage, pH, Japanese cucumber, low temperature storage Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis terjadinya gejala chilling injury pada mentimun Jepang (Cucumis sativus L.) yang disimpan pada suhu rendah. Perubahan ion leakage dan pH digunakan sebagai indikator terjadinya chilling injury. Sampel mentimun disimpan pada suhu 5ºC (suhu rendah) dan  and 25ºC (suhu ruang). Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan bahwa persentase dari ion leakage untuk mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 5ºC lebih tinggi dibanding pada suhu 25 ºC pada periode penyimpanan 3, 6 dan 9 hari. Kenaikan laju ion leakage pada mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 5ºC menunjukkan adanya pengaruh suhu rendah terhadap membran sel. Kecenderungan kenaikan pH terlihat pada mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu  5ºC dengan nilai lebih besar pada hari penyimpanan ke 9 dibandingkan dengan mentimun yang disimpan pada suhu 25ºC. Kenaikan pada pH menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan kandungan asam yang mengindikasikan terjadinya gejala chilling injury. Perubahan ion leakage dan pH menunjukkan terjadinya perubahan permeabilitas membran yang berkorelasi terhadap gejala chilling injury. Kata kunci: chilling injury, ion leakage, pH, mentimun Jepang, penyimpanan suhu rendahDiterima: 11 Oktober 2011; Disetujui: 20 Februari 2012

    ACTFL ノ ガイコクゴ ノウリョク キジュン オヨビ ソレ ニ モトヅク カイワ ノウリョク テスト ノ リネン ト モンダイ

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    本稿はACTFL(American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,全米外国語教育協会)の外国語能力基準とそれに基づく能力テスト、特に会話能力テストの概要を説明し、その問題点の建設的な批判を行なうことを目的として書かれたものである。冒頭ではACTFLの能力基準を機能的言語学の立場で解釈した。それから能力基準を説明した後、問題点として(1)テキストの型を独立の基準としてではなく文法の一部に編入されるべきこと、(2)基準の柱の中でどれが能力の予測性が強いかが未知であり、研究を要すること、(3)各能力レベルの記述中の諸概念(e.g.複雑なタスク、高頻度構文)の厳密な規定が必要なこと、などを指摘した。会話能力テスト法に関しては、その説明の後、一番改善を要する点はタスク能力の判定にもっとロールプレイを積極的に使うべきことを論じた。次にACTFL会話能力テストの批判者 Bachman(1987)の議論を検討し、最後に会話能力テストが語学教育に与えるポジティブなインパクトについて論じてみた。The present paper has two objectives: one is to explicate the ACTFL\u27s Proficiency Guidelines and Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) based on the Guidelines, and the other is to give constructive critiques of the Guidelines and the testing method of guideline-based OPI. The writer gives justifications for the Guidelines as a functional linguistic approach. Regarding the Guidelines, he argues for the necessity of (l) integrating the Text Type into Grammar; (2) investigation of the degree of respective predictive contribution of Function, Content/Context, Text Type and Accuracy; and (3) clearer definitions of key concepts used in the proficiency descriptions for each level. The writer argues for assigning more vital role-to-role plays in the OPI method so that the tester can assess the testee\u27s functional competence more accurately. After a critical discussion of Bachman\u27s criticism (l987) of OPI, the paper concludes with a list of positive impacts of the OPI on the teaching of a foreign language

    Association of blood pressure and renal outcome in patients with chronic kidney disease; a post hoc analysis of FROM-J study

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    It is well-known that hypertension exacerbates chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression, however, the optimal target blood pressure (BP) level in patients with CKD remains unclear. This study aimed to assess the optimal BP level for preventing CKD progression. The risk of renal outcome among different BP categories at baseline as well as 1 year after, were evaluated using individual CKD patient data aged between 40 and 74 years from FROM-J [Frontier of Renal Outcome Modifications in Japan] study. The renal outcome was defined as >= 40% reduction in estimated glomerular filtration rate to130 mmHg group. A significant increase in the renal outcome was found only in the group of diastolic BP >= 90 mmHg. The group of BP= 130 mmHg at baseline. Targeting SBP level<130 mmHg would be associated with the preferable renal outcome.Clinical Trial Registration-URL: https://www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/. Unique identifier: UMIN000001159 (16/05/2008)

    Dystrophin conferral using human endothelium expressing HLA-E in the non-immunosuppressive murine model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy

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    Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-E is a non-classical major histocompatibility complex class I (Ib) molecule, which plays an important role in immunosuppression. In this study, we investigated the immunomodulating effect of HLA-E in a xenogeneic system, using human placental artery-derived endothelial (hPAE) cells expressing HLA-E in a mouse model. In vitro cell lysis analysis by primed lymphocytes in combination with siRNA transfection showed that HLA-E is necessary for inhibition of the immune response. Similarly, in vivo cell implantation analysis with siRNA-mediated down-regulation of HLA-E demonstrates that HLA-E is involved in immunosuppression. As hPAE cells efficiently transdifferentiate into myoblasts/myocytes in vitro, we transplanted the cells into mdx mice, a model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. hPAE cells conferred dystrophin to myocytes of the ‘immunocompetent' mdx mice with extremely high efficiency. These findings suggest that HLA-E-expressing cells with a myogenic potential represent a promising source for cell-based therapy of patients with muscular dystrophy

    Prediction of response to remission induction therapy by gene expression profiling of peripheral blood in Japanese patients with microscopic polyangiitis

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    BackgroundMicroscopic polyangiitis (MPA), which is classified as an anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated small vessel vasculitis, is one of the most frequent primary vasculitides in Japan. We earlier nominated 16 genes (IRF7, IFIT1, IFIT5, OASL, CLC, GBP-1, PSMB9, HERC5, CCR1, CD36, MS4A4A, BIRC4BP, PLSCR1, DEFA1/DEFA3, DEFA4, and COL9A2) as predictors of response to remission induction therapy against MPA. The aim of this study is to determine the accuracy of prediction using these 16 predictors.MethodsThirty-nine MPA patients were selected randomly and retrospectively from the Japanese nationwide RemIT-JAV-RPGN cohort and enrolled in this study. Remission induction therapy was conducted according to the Guidelines of Treatment for ANCA-Associated Vasculitis published by the Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare of Japan. Response to remission induction therapy was predicted by profiling the altered expressions of the 16 predictors between the period before and 1 week after the beginning of treatment. Remission is defined as the absence of clinical manifestations of active vasculitis (Birmingham Vasculitis Activity Score 2003: 0 or 1 point). Persistent remission for 18 months is regarded as a “good response,” whereas no remission or relapse after remission is regarded as a “poor response.”Results“Poor” and “good” responses were predicted in 7 and 32 patients, respectively. Five out of 7 patients with “poor” prediction and 1 out of 32 patients with “good” prediction experienced relapse after remission. One out of 7 patients with “poor” prediction was not conducted to remission. Accordingly, the sensitivity and specificity to predict poor response was 85.7% (6/7) and 96.9% (31/32), respectively.ConclusionsResponse to remission induction therapy can be predicted by monitoring the altered expressions of the 16 predictors in the peripheral blood at an early point of treatment in MPA patients

    Comparison of severity classification in Japanese patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in a nationwide, prospective, inception cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare disease severity classification systems for six-month outcome prediction in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed AAV from 53 tertiary institutions were enrolled. Six-month remission, overall survival, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-free survival were evaluated. RESULTS: According to the European Vasculitis Study Group (EUVAS)-defined disease severity, the 321 enrolled patients were classified as follows: 14, localized; 71, early systemic; 170, generalized; and 66, severe disease. According to the rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) clinical grading system, the patients were divided as follows: 60, grade I; 178, grade II; 66, grade III; and 12, grade IV. According to the Five-Factor Score (FFS) 2009, 103, 109, and 109 patients had ≤1, 2, and ≥3 points, respectively. No significant difference in remission rates was found in any severity classification. The overall and ESRD-free survival rates significantly differed between grades I/II, III, and IV, regardless of renal involvement. Severe disease was a good predictor of six-month overall and ESRD-free survival. The FFS 2009 was useful to predict six-month ESRD-free survival but not overall survival. CONCLUSIONS: The RPGN grading system was more useful to predict six-month overall and ESRD-free survival than the EUVAS-defined severity or FFS 2009

    Comparison of severity classification in Japanese patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody-associated vasculitis in a nationwide, prospective, inception cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare disease severity classification systems for six-month outcome prediction in patients with antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA)-associated vasculitis (AAV). METHODS: Patients with newly diagnosed AAV from 53 tertiary institutions were enrolled. Six-month remission, overall survival, and end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-free survival were evaluated. RESULTS: According to the European Vasculitis Study Group (EUVAS)-defined disease severity, the 321 enrolled patients were classified as follows: 14, localized; 71, early systemic; 170, generalized; and 66, severe disease. According to the rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis (RPGN) clinical grading system, the patients were divided as follows: 60, grade I; 178, grade II; 66, grade III; and 12, grade IV. According to the Five-Factor Score (FFS) 2009, 103, 109, and 109 patients had ≤1, 2, and ≥3 points, respectively. No significant difference in remission rates was found in any severity classification. The overall and ESRD-free survival rates significantly differed between grades I/II, III, and IV, regardless of renal involvement. Severe disease was a good predictor of six-month overall and ESRD-free survival. The FFS 2009 was useful to predict six-month ESRD-free survival but not overall survival. CONCLUSIONS: The RPGN grading system was more useful to predict six-month overall and ESRD-free survival than the EUVAS-defined severity or FFS 2009