547 research outputs found

    One-handed hammer-spanner for chucks

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    Modified spanner wrench with a heavy hammer-piece hinged to its handle allows one hand removal of a tool from a chuck

    Resident Perceptions of Tourism in Monroe County, PA

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    This study investigated the perceptions of residents of Monroe County on the impact of tourism in Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Attitudes toward tourism were measured along economic, sociocultural, and ecological scales and compared across a variety of sociodemographic variables. The relationships between perception of tourism impact and level of attachment were also measured. Furthermore, the factor structure of the instrument was assessed. The findings of this study indicated that perceptions of tourism impact were effected by educational level and length of residence. There were no significant effects of gender, age, marital status, or income. Correlation coefficients were measured between each of the scale scores and level of attachment. For each scale, there was a moderately low positive correlation between attachment and the scale score. On the basis of eigenvalues and interpretability of results, factor analysis identified six structural dimensions of items on the questionnaire

    Participatory Varietal Selection (PVS) and Scaling of Enset landraces

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    Health-related quality of life as a predictor of pediatric healthcare costs: A two-year prospective cohort analysis

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    BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to test the primary hypothesis that parent proxy-report of pediatric health-related quality of life (HRQL) would prospectively predict pediatric healthcare costs over a two-year period. The exploratory hypothesis tested anticipated that a relatively small group of children would account for a disproportionately large percent of healthcare costs. METHODS: 317 children (157 girls) ages 2 to 18 years, members of a managed care health plan with prospective payment participated in a two-year prospective longitudinal study. At Time 1, parents reported child HRQL using the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventoryâ„¢ (PedsQLâ„¢ 4.0) Generic Core Scales, and chronic health condition status. Costs, based on health plan utilization claims and encounters, were derived for 6, 12, and 24 months. RESULTS: In multiple linear regression equations, Time 1 parent proxy-reported HRQL prospectively accounted for significant variance in healthcare costs at 6, 12, and 24 months. Adjusted regression models that included both HRQL scores and chronic health condition status accounted for 10.1%, 14.4%, and 21.2% of the variance in healthcare costs at 6, 12, and 24 months. Parent proxy-reported HRQL and chronic health condition status together defined a 'high risk' group, constituting 8.7% of the sample and accounting for 37.4%, 59.2%, and 62% of healthcare costs at 6, 12, and 24 months. The high risk group's per member per month healthcare costs were, on average, 12 times that of other enrollees' at 24 months. CONCLUSIONS: While these findings should be further tested in a larger sample, our data suggest that parent proxy-reported HRQL can be used to prospectively predict healthcare costs. When combined with chronic health condition status, parent proxy-reported HRQL can identify an at risk group of children as candidates for proactive care coordination

    Prevention of bone mineral changes induced by bed rest: Modification by static compression simulating weight bearing, combined supplementation of oral calcium and phosphate, calcitonin injections, oscillating compression, the oral diophosphonatedisodium etidronate, and lower body negative pressure

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    The phenomenon of calcium loss during bed rest was found to be analogous to the loss of bone material which occurs in the hypogravic environment of space flight. Ways of preventing this occurrence are investigated. A group of healthy adult males underwent 24-30 weeks of continuous bed rest. Some of them were given an exercise program designed to resemble normal ambulatory activity; another subgroup was fed supplemental potassium phosphate. The results from a 12-week period of treatment were compared with those untreated bed rest periods. The potassium phosphate supplements prevented the hypercalciuria of bed rest, but fecal calcium tended to increase. The exercise program did not diminish the negative calcium balance. Neither treatment affected the heavy loss of mineral from the calcaneus. Several additional studies are developed to examine the problem further

    Activity of the right cardiac ventricle and metabolism in healthy persons during an orthostatic test after short term immobilization

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    A 15 minute orthostatic test was performed on healthy male volunteers under conditions of catheterization of the right ventricle of the heart and the radial (or brachial) artery before and after 5 day bedrest in an antiorthostatic position of the body (with the foot of the bed raised 4.5 degrees). The change to a vertical position after immobilization was attended by a more marked increase in the rate of cardiac contractions, an increase of max dp/dt pressure in the right ventricle, and a decrease of cardiac and stroke indices. The decrease of the cardiac index was compensated for, to a certain measure, by a further increase in the extraction and utilization of O2 by the tissues. The arterial blood pH did not change essentially, while the decrease in pCO2 and content of standard bicarbonate was more marked

    Chemical and physical properties of bulk aerosols within four sectors observed during TRACE-P

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    Chemical and physical aerosol data collected on the DC-8 during TRACE-P were grouped into four sectors based on back trajectories. The four sectors represent long-range transport from the west (WSW), regional circulation over the western Pacific and Southeast Asia (SE Asia), polluted transport from northern Asia with substantial sea salt at low altitudes (NNW) and a substantial amount of dust (Channel). WSW has generally low mixing ratios at both middle and high altitudes, with the bulk of the aerosol mass due to non-sea-salt water-soluble inorganic species. Low altitude SE Asia also has low mean mixing ratios in general, with the majority of the aerosol mass comprised of non-sea-salts, however, soot is also relatively important in this region. NNW had the highest mean sea salt mixing ratios, with the aerosol mass at low altitudes (\u3c2 km) evenly divided between sea salts, non-sea-salts, and dust. The highest mean mixing ratios of water-soluble ions and soot were observed at the lowest altitudes (\u3c2 km) in the Channel sector. The bulk of the aerosol mass exported from Asia emanates from Channel at both low and midaltitudes, due to the prevalence of dust compared to other sectors. Number densities show enhanced fine particles for Channel and NNW, while their volume distributions are enhanced due to sea salt and dust. Low-altitude Channel exhibits the highest condensation nuclei (CN) number densities along with enhanced scattering coefficients, compared to the other sectors. At midaltitudes (2–7 km), low mean CN number densities coupled with a high proportion of nonvolatile particles (≥65%) observed in polluted sectors (Channel and NNW) are attributed to wet scavenging which removes hygroscopic CN particles. Low single scatter albedo in SE Asia reflects enhanced soot

    Improving irrigation efficiency will be insufficient to meet future water demand in the Nile Basin

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    The Nile River Basin covers an area of approximately 3.2 million km2 and is shared by 11 countries. Rapid population growth is expected in the region. The irrigation requirements of Nile riparian countries of existing (6.4 million ha) and additional planned (3.8 million ha, 2050) irrigation schemes were calculated, and the likely water savings through improved irrigation efficiency were evaluated. We applied SPARE:WATER to calculate irrigation demands on the basis of the well-known FAO56 Crop Irrigation Guidelines. Egypt (67 km3 yr-1) and Sudan (19 km3 yr-1) consume the highest share of the 84 km3 yr-1 total (2011). Assuming todayÂ’s poor irrigation infrastructure, the total consumption was predicted to increase to 123 km3 yr-1 (2050), an amount far exceeding the total annual yield of the Nile Basin. Therefore, a key challenge for water resources management in the Nile Basin is balancing the increasing irrigation water demand basin-wide with the available water supply. We found that water savings from improved irrigation technology will not be able to meet the additional needs of planned areas. Under a theoretical scenario of maximum possible efficiency, the deficit would still be 5 km3 yr-1. For more likely efficiency improvement scenarios, the deficit ranged between 23 and 29 km3 yr-1. Our results suggest that that improving irrigation efficiency may substantially contribute to decreasing water stress on the Nile system but would not completely meet the demand. Study Region: The Nile River Basin covers an area of approximately 3.2 million km2 and is shared by 11 countries. Rapid population growth is expected in the region. Study Focus: Record population growth is expected for the study region. Therefore, the irrigation requirements of Nile riparian countries of existing (6.4 million ha) and additional planned (3.8 million ha, 2050) irrigation schemes were calculated, and likely water savings through improved irrigation efficiency were evaluated. We applied a spatial decision support system (SPARE:WATER) to calculate the irrigation demands on the basis of the well-known FAO56 Crop Irrigation Guidelines. New Hydrological Insights for the Region: Egypt (67 km3yr-1) and Sudan (19 km3yr-1) consume the highest share of 84 km3yr-1 (2011). Assuming todayÂ’s poor irrigation infrastructure, the total demand were predicted to increase to 123 km3yr-1 (2050), an amount far exceeding the total annual yield of the Nile Basin. Therefore, a key challenge for water resources management in the Nile Basin is balancing the increasing irrigation water demand and available water supply. We found that water savings from improved irrigation technology will not be able to meet the additional needs of planned areas. Under a theoretical scenario of maximum possible efficiency, the deficit would still be 5 km3yr-1. For more likely efficiency improvement scenarios, the deficit ranges between 23 and 29 km3yr-1. Our results suggest that improving irrigation efficiency may substantially contribute to decreasing water stress on the Nile system but would not completely meet the demand
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