152 research outputs found

    Effet de différents systèmes de culture à couverture végétale sur le stockage du carbone dans un sol argileux des Hautes Terres de Madagascar

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    Stocker du carbone dans le sol permet d'améliorer ses propriétés physico-chimiques et de réduire les émissions de dioxyde de carbone vers l'atmosphère. L'effet des systèmes en semis direct avec couverture végétale (SCV) sur le stockage de C dans le sol est étudié sur un dispositif agronomique de longue durée (11 ans) à Antsirabe, Madagascar (16°C, 1 300 mm). Quatre systèmes sont étudiés: un système en labour conventionnel avec exportation des résidus de récolte [CT m/s, rotation maïs (Zea mays L.)-soja (Glycine max. L.)], et trois systèmes en SCV sans travail du sol, et avec restitution des résidus de récolte [NT m/s, rotation maïs-soja; NT m/m-d, rotation maïs-maïs avec une couverture végétale de Desmodium uncinatum; et NT h/s-k, rotation haricot (Phaseolus vulgaris)-soja avec une couverture végétale de Pennissetum clandestinum]. Le sol est très argileux, à faible capacité d'échange cationique mais possédant des propriétés andiques pouvant influencer les potentialités de stockage du C du sol. A 0-5 cm, les teneurs en C sont plus élevées sous SCV (NT m/s, NT m/m-d et NT his) que sous labour (CT m/s), et à 5-10 cm, elles sont plus élevées sous NT m/m-d et NT m/s que sous NT h/s-k et CT m/s. Le stockage annuel de C, à masse de sol équivalente, est de 0,69 et 1,01 mg C.ha-1.an-1, sous NT m/s et NT m/m-d pour l'horizon équivalent à 0-20 cm, alors qu'il n'y a pas d'effet SCV observé pour l'horizon équivalent à 0-40 cm. Ceci peut être dû à la fois à l'absence réelle de stockage comme à une variabilité initiale des teneurs en C dans les horizons de profondeurs, car le labour n'est effectué que jusqu'à 20 cm de profondeur. Les différences de stockage de C entre NT et CT dans la couche 0-20 cm sont essentiellement attribuées aux quantités beaucoup plus importantes de résidus organiques restituées par les systèmes NT par rapport au système labouré CT, mais on peut aussi envisager qu'une partie de cette différence soit le fait d'une perte de C par érosion sous labour. Les teneurs en macroagrégats stables (MA, 200-2 000 [mu]m) sont plus élevées sous NT m/s, NT h/s-k et NT m/m-d que sous CT m/s à 0-5 cm et à 5-10 cm. Cette teneur en MA est corrélée positivement (R = 0,408, p < 0,05, n = 24) avec la teneur en C du sol, ce qui pourrait induire (i) une amélioration de l'agrégation en fonction de l'augmentation de la teneur en C du sol et (ii) une protection du C se trouvant à l'intérieur de ces agrégats contre la minéralisation microbienne. Toutefois, la respirométrie ne montre pas une protection physique de C dans les sites de protection supérieurs à 200 [mu]m pour NT m/s et CT m/s. Dans cette étude, le C stocké dans le sol pourrait alors être protégé contre la minéralisation par d'autres processus comme l'adsorption sur les colloïdes du sol ou la recalcitrance biochimique de la matière organique du sol. (Résumé d'auteur

    Plantio direto, adubação verde e suplementação com esterco de aves na produção orgânica de berinjela.

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    Sob manejo orgânico, foram avaliados, em Seropédica, RJ, os sistemas de plantio direto da berinjela(Solanum melongena) nas palhadas de Crotalaria juncea (crotalária), Pennisetum glaucum (milheto, cv. BRS 1501)e vegetação espontânea (pousio), em comparação com o plantio convencional (aração e gradagem ou enxada rotativa). Simultaneamente, foram avaliados três tipos de cultivo: berinjela em monocultura, em consórcio com crotalária e em consórcio com caupi (Vigna unguiculata, cv. Mauá). Não houve diferença entre os sistemas de plantio direto e convencional quanto à produção comercial da berinjela. A palhada da crotalária foi mais eficiente que a do milheto e do pousio para cobertura morta do solo e conseqüentemente o controle de plantas espontâneas foi maior. O cultivo simultâneo com as leguminosas não acarretou redução da produtividade da berinjela.Em um segundo estudo, foram comparados plantio direto (palhadas de crotalária e da vegetação espontânea) e plantio convencional, combinados com doses crescentes de cama de aviário (0, 100, 200 e 400 kg ha-1 de N)aplicada em cobertura. Em termos de aporte de biomassa, a crotalária foi novamente superior à vegetação espontânea.A berinjela respondeu à adubação orgânica, com produtividade máxima de 50,6 t ha-1 , correspondendo à maior dose empregada, contra 36,9 t ha-1 referentes ao controle

    Decline in HIV Prevalence among Young Women in Zambia: National-Level Estimates of Trends Mask Geographical and Socio-Demographic Differences

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    Background: A decline in HIV incidence has been reported in Zambia and a number of other sub-Saharan countries. The trend of HIV prevalence among young people is a good marker of HIV incidence. In this study, different data sources are used to examine geographical and sub-population group differentials in HIV prevalence trends among men and women aged 15–24 years in Zambia. Design and Methods: We analysed ANC data for women aged 15–24 years from 22 sentinel sites consistently covered in the period 1994–2008, and HIV data for young men and women aged 15–24 years from the ZDHS 2001/2 and 2007. In addition, we systematically reviewed peer-reviewed articles that have reported findings on HIV prevalence and incidence among young people. Findings: Overall trends of the ANC surveillance data indicated a substantial HIV prevalence decline among young women in both urban and rural areas. However, provincial declines differed substantially, i.e. between 10 % and 68 % among urban women, and from stability to 86 % among rural women. Prevalence declines were steeper among those with the highest educational attainments than among the least educated. The ZDHS data indicated a significant reduction in prevalence between the two survey rounds among young women only. Provincial-level ZDHS changes were difficult to assess because the sample sizes were small. ANC-based trend patterns were consistent with those observed in PMTCT-based data (2002

    The effects of long-term total parenteral nutrition on gut mucosal immunity in children with short bowel syndrome: a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is defined as the malabsorptive state that often follows massive resection of the small intestine. Most cases originate in the newborn period and result from congenital anomalies. It is associated with a high morbidity, is potentially lethal and often requires months, sometimes years, in the hospital and home on total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Long-term survival without parenteral nutrition depends upon establishing enteral nutrition and the process of intestinal adaptation through which the remaining small bowel gradually increases its absorptive capacity. The purpose of this article is to perform a descriptive systematic review of the published articles on the effects of TPN on the intestinal immune system investigating whether long-term TPN induces bacterial translocation, decreases secretory immunoglobulin A (S-IgA), impairs intestinal immunity, and changes mucosal architecture in children with SBS. METHODS: The databases of OVID, such as MEDLINE and CINAHL, Cochran Library, and Evidence-Based Medicine were searched for articles published from 1990 to 2001. Search terms were total parenteral nutrition, children, bacterial translocation, small bowel syndrome, short gut syndrome, intestinal immunity, gut permeability, sepsis, hyperglycemia, immunonutrition, glutamine, enteral tube feeding, and systematic reviews. The goal was to include all clinical studies conducted in children directly addressing the effects of TPN on gut immunity. RESULTS: A total of 13 studies were identified. These 13 studies included a total of 414 infants and children between the ages approximately 4 months to 17 years old, and 16 healthy adults as controls; and they varied in design and were conducted in several disciplines. The results were integrated into common themes. Five themes were identified: 1) sepsis, 2) impaired immune functions: In vitro studies, 3) mortality, 4) villous atrophy, 5) duration of dependency on TPN after bowel resection. CONCLUSION: Based on this exhaustive literature review, there is no direct evidence suggesting that TPN promotes bacterial overgrowth, impairs neutrophil functions, inhibits blood's bactericidal effect, causes villous atrophy, or causes to death in human model. The hypothesis relating negative effects of TPN on gut immunity remains attractive, but unproven. Enteral nutrition is cheaper, but no safer than TPN. Based on the current evidence, TPN seems to be safe and a life saving solution

    A new damping modelling approach and its application in thin wall machining

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    In this paper, a new approach to modelling the damping parameters and its application in thin wall machining is presented. The approach to predicting the damping parameters proposed in this paper eliminates the need for experiments otherwise used to acquire these parameters. The damping model proposed was compared with available damping models and experimental results. A finite element analysis and Fourier transform approach has been used to obtain frequency response function (FRF) needed for stability lobes prediction. Several predicted stable regions using both experimental and numerical FRF’s for various examples gave a good comparison.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Counci