423 research outputs found

    Morpho-kinematic analysis of the point-symmetric, bipolar planetary nebulae Hb 5 and K 3-17, a pathway to poly-polarity

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    The kinematics of the bipolar planetary nebulae Hb~5 and K 3-17 are investigated in detail by means of a comprehensive set of spatially resolved high spectral resolution, long-slit spectra. Both objects share particularly interesting characteristics, such as a complex filamentary, rosette-type nucleus, axial point-symmetry and very fast bipolar outflows. The kinematic information of Hb~5 is combined with {\it HST} imagery to construct a detailed 3D model of the nebula using the code SHAPE. The model shows that the large scale lobes are growing in a non-homologous way. The filamentary loops in the core are proven to actually be secondary lobes emerging from what appears to be a randomly punctured, dense, gaseous core and the material that forms the point symmetric structure flows within the lobes with a distinct kinematic pattern and its interaction with the lobes has had a shaping effect on them. Hb~5 and K~3-17 may represent a class of fast evolving planetary nebulae that will develop poly-polar characteristics once the nebular core evolves and expands.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures. To appear in The Astrophysical Journa


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    The new managerial trends in the public sanitary administration plead for a major protagonism of the citizens in the capture of decisions of the welfare processes and for an improvement of the quality of the hospitable offered services; Conscious of this reality, the hospitable directions are characterized by the increasing interest to develop projects of improvement of your welfare basic processes, using for it in some cases tools as the Reengineering called or Process redesign that supposes a controlled and drastic demolition of the strategic processes of added value and of the systems, the political ones and the structures of the organization that sustain them to optimize the flows of the work and the activity of an organization. In this article we study the Process redesign from a conceptual point, checking the phases necessary for your putting in march and analyzing your potential application in the Hospitable Public area. We end up by highlighting that the practice of the process redesign is not, according to your conceptual principles, feasible from an executive point of view in the public hospitals, which indicates us that the practices like that named, rigorously they cannot be such indeed and they incline rather to other organizational orientations.Las nuevas tendencias gerenciales en la administración publica sanitaria abogan por un mayor protagonismo de los ciudadanos en la toma de decisiones de los procesos asistenciales y por una mejora de la calidad de los servicios hospitalarios ofrecidos. Conscientes de esta realidad, las direcciones hospitalarias se están caracterizando por el creciente interés en desarrollar proyectos de mejora de sus procesos asistenciales básicos, utilizando para ello en algunos casos herramientas como la denominada Reingeniería o Rediseño de Procesos que supone una demolición controlada y drástica de los procesos estratégicos de valor agregado y de los sistemas, las políticas y las estructuras organizacionales que los sustentan para optimizar los flujos del trabajo y la actividad de una organización. En este artículo estudiamos el Rediseño de Procesos desde un punto conceptual, revisando las fases necesarias para su puesta en marcha y analizando su aplicabilidad potencial en el ámbito Hospitalario Público. Concluimos resaltando que la práctica del rediseño de procesos no es, según sus principios conceptuales, factible desde un punto de vista ejecutivo en los hospitales públicos, lo que nos indica que las prácticas así denominadas, rigurosamente no pueden ser tales en realidad y se inclinan más bien a otras orientaciones organizativas

    High prevalence of radiolucent periapical lesions amongst patients with inherited coagulation disorders

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    Apical periodontitis (AP) is an inflammatory lesion around the apex of a tooth caused by bacterial infection of the pulp canal system. AP appears radiographically as a radiolucent periapical lesion (RPL). The elective treatment for teeth with AP is root canal treatment (RCT). No study is available about the frequency of RPL and RCT in patients with inherited coagulation disorders (ICD). The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of RPL and RCT in patients with ICD and control subjects. In a cross-sectional study, the radiographic records of 58 patients with haemophilia A, haemophilia B or von Willebrand's disease (study group) and 58 control subjects were examined. The frequency of RPL and RCT was assessed using digital panoramic radiographs and the Periapical Index. RPL in one or more teeth was found in 67.2% of patients with ICD and in 48.3% of control subjects (odds ratio = 2.20; P = 0.038). At least one RCT was found in 34.5% and 65.5% of subjects in the study and control groups respectively (odds ratio = 0.28; P = 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis indicated that subjects with ICD had RPL with higher likelihood than control subjects (odds ratio = 7.4; P = 0.0005). Patients with ICD disorders showed a significantly higher prevalence of RPL and lower frequency of RCT than control patients. © 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. PMID: 23320531 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE

    Genomic analysis of the first european bacteriophages with depolymerase activity and biocontrol efficacy against the phytopathogen Ralstonia solanacearum

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    Ralstonia solanacearum is the causative agent of bacterial wilt, one of the most destructive plant diseases. While chemical control has an environmental impact, biological control strategies can allow sustainable agrosystems. Three lytic bacteriophages (phages) of R. solanacearum with biocontrol capacity in environmental water and plants were isolated from river water in Europe but not fully analysed, their genomic characterization being fundamental to understand their biology. In this work, the phage genomes were sequenced and subjected to bioinformatic analysis. The morphology was also observed by electron microscopy. Phylogenetic analyses were performed with a selection of phages able to infect R. solanacearum and the closely related phytopathogenic species R. pseudosolanacearum. The results indicated that the genomes of vRsoP-WF2, vRsoP-WM2 and vRsoP-WR2 range from 40,688 to 41,158 bp with almost 59% GC-contents, 52 ORFs in vRsoP-WF2 and vRsoP-WM2, and 53 in vRsoP-WR2 but, with only 22 or 23 predicted proteins with functional homologs in databases. Among them, two lysins and one exopolysaccharide (EPS) depolymerase, this type of depolymerase being identified in R. solanacearum phages for the first time. These three European phages belong to the same novel species within the Gyeongsanvirus, Autographiviridae family (formerly Podoviridae). These genomic data will contribute to a better understanding of the abilities of these phages to damage host cells and, consequently, to an improvement in the biological control of R. solanacearum

    CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey: Observational Analysis of Filaments in the Serpens South Molecular Cloud

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    We present the N2H+(J=1-0) map of the Serpens South molecular cloud obtained as part of the CARMA Large Area Star Formation Survey (CLASSy). The observations cover 250 square arcminutes and fully sample structures from 3000 AU to 3 pc with a velocity resolution of 0.16 km/s, and they can be used to constrain the origin and evolution of molecular cloud filaments. The spatial distribution of the N2H+ emission is characterized by long filaments that resemble those observed in the dust continuum emission by Herschel. However, the gas filaments are typically narrower such that, in some cases, two or three quasi-parallel N2H+ filaments comprise a single observed dust continuum filament. The difference between the dust and gas filament widths casts doubt on Herschel ability to resolve the Serpens South filaments. Some molecular filaments show velocity gradients along their major axis, and two are characterized by a steep velocity gradient in the direction perpendicular to the filament axis. The observed velocity gradient along one of these filaments was previously postulated as evidence for mass infall toward the central cluster, but these kind of gradients can be interpreted as projection of large-scale turbulence.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, published in ApJL (July 2014

    Comparación de las medidas de humedad en suelo enarenado con diferentes sensores

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    Poster[ES] Una opción ambiciosa para gestionar el riego es emplear sensores como activadores del riego. El éxito de la automatización del riego empleando sensores de humedad de suelo depende, entre otros factores, de la adaptación del sensor a las características del suelo. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar el comportamiento de tres equipos de medida de humedad en un suelo enarenado característico de los cultivos hortícolas bajo abrigo desarrollados en el Sureste de España.El trabajo ha sido cofinanciado por Fondos Europeos (FSE y FEDER) y la Consejería de Agricultura y Pesca (IFAPA Junta de Andalucía) mediante el Proyecto Transforma Conecta SAR (PP.TRA.TRA201300.10).Baeza Cano, R.; Contreras París, J.; Alonso López, F.; Cánovas Fernández, G.; López Segura, J. (2014). Comparación de las medidas de humedad en suelo enarenado con diferentes sensores. En CONFERENCIA INTERNACIONAL INFOACES. UN SISTEMA DE INFORMACIÓN PARA LAS UNIVERSIDADES LATINOAMERICANAS. LIBRO DE ACTAS. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/94683OC

    Young Planetary Nebulae: Hubble Space Telescope Imaging and a New Morphological Classification System

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    Using Hubble Space Telescope images of 119 young planetary nebulae, most of which have not previously been published, we have devised a comprehensive morphological classification system for these objects. This system generalizes a recently devised system for pre-planetary nebulae, which are the immediate progenitors of planetary nebulae (PNs). Unlike previous classification studies, we have focussed primarily on young PNs rather than all PNs, because the former best show the influences or symmetries imposed on them by the dominant physical processes operating at the first and primary stage of the shaping process. Older PNs develop instabilities, interact with the ambient interstellar medium, and are subject to the passage of photoionization fronts, all of which obscure the underlying symmetries and geometries imposed early on. Our classification system is designed to suffer minimal prejudice regarding the underlying physical causes of the different shapes and structures seen in our PN sample, however, in many cases, physical causes are readily suggested by the geometry, along with the kinematics that have been measured in some systems. Secondary characteristics in our system such as ansae indicate the impact of a jet upon a slower-moving, prior wind; a waist is the signature of a strong equatorial concentration of matter, whether it be outflowing or in a bound Keplerian disk, and point symmetry indicates a secular trend, presumably precession, in the orientation of the central driver of a rapid, collimated outflow.Comment: (to appear in The Astronomical Journal, March 2011.) The quality of the figures as it appears in the arXiv pdf output is not up-to-par; the full ms with high-quality figures is available by anonymous FTP at ftp://ftp.astro.ucla.edu/pub/morris/sahai_AJ_360163.pd

    Optical line profiles of the Helix planetary nebula (NGC 7293) to large radii

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    New, very long (25'), cuts of spatially resolved profiles of the Halpha and [N II] optical emission lines have been obtained over the face of the Helix planetary nebula, NGC 7293. These directions were chosen to supplement previous similar, though shorter, cuts as well as crossing interesting phenomena in this nebular envelope. In particular one new cut crosses the extremes of the proposed CO J=2-1 emitting outer "torus" shown by Huggins and his co-workers to be nearly orthogonal to its inner counterpart. The second new cut crosses the extensive outer filamentary arcs on either side of the bright nebular core. It is shown that NGC 7293 is composed of multiple bipolar outflows along different axes. Hubble-type outflows over a dynamical timescale of 11,000 years are shown to be occurring for all the phenomena from the smallest He II emitting core out to the largest outer filamentary structure. All must then have been ejected over a short timescale but with a range of ejection velocitiesComment: 14 pages, 7 figures, MNRAS in pres