453 research outputs found

    Optimal design of an LCC-S WPT3 Z1 SAE J2954 compliant system, using NSGA-II with nested genetic algorithms for simultaneous local optimization

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    Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) for electric vehicles is one of the most promising methods that, given its advantages, will drive the deployment of electric vehicles. This paper presents a mathematical optimization method applied to the complete design of an LCC-S WPT3 Z1 11 kW system that complies with the SAE J2954 standard (Wireless Power Transfer for Light-Duty Plug-in/Electric Vehicles and Alignment Methodology, 2020). A design method based on three phases is proposed, allowing the complete inductor system, including ferrites shielding and compensation circuit components, to function in any relative primary and secondary position. In Phase 1, a multi-objective NSGA-II algorithm is designed, utilizing three nested genetic algorithms. The goal is simultaneously searching for the local optimum between the primary and secondary systems in three positions. This is achieved by modeling the circuit’s electrical and electromagnetic parameters with equations, enabling an iterative process with reduced computational time. The NSGA-II algorithm yields three scenarios: primary copper volume minimization, secondary copper volume minimization, and a compromise solution that optimizes the total volume. The result is then modeled in Phase 2 using a 3D finite element program that includes ferrite and optimal shielding, obtaining the values of inductances and mutual inductance in the three positions, as well as design data for manufacturing. This result is introduced in Phase 3 to optimize compensation circuit components using a second NSGA-II algorithm with three nested genetic algorithms. Again, three scenarios are obtained based on the desired system behavior and the optimal cost of the components. The result is validated through simulation with Matlab-Simulink and experimentally using a prototype constructed for this purpose

    Optimal design of a Low-Cost SAE JA2954 compliant WPT system using NSGA-II

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    Wireless Power Transfer (WPT) systems for electric vehicle charging are one of the most promising methods that, given the advantages they bring, will help the desired deployment of electric vehicles. This paper presents a mathematical optimisation method applied to the design of an 11 kW S-S system that complies with the SAE J2954 standard. A proposal is made to calculate the electrical parameters of the circuit based on equations that are compared with the results obtained by simulation with finite elements and experimental measurements, achieving very tight results with a reduced computational time. The NSGA-II multi-objective genetic algorithm is then applied together with the secant method, defining three different scenarios: minimisation of the primary copper volume, minimisation of the secondary copper volume and a compromise solution optimising the total primary and secondary copper volume. The result is a set of Pareto optimal solutions, from which the one that meets the standard can be extracted that suits the designer’s needs

    Ni/HZSM-5 catalyst preparation by deposition-precipitation. Part 2. Catalytic hydrodeoxygenation reactions of lignin model compounds in organic and aqueous systems

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    Nickel metal supported on HZSM-5 (zeolite) is a promising catalyst for lignin depolymerization. In this work, the ability of catalysts prepared via deposition-precipitation (DP) to perform hydrodeoxygenation (HDO) on two lignin model compounds in organic and aqueous solvents was evaluated; guaiacol in dodecane and 2-phenoxy-1-phenylethanol (PPE) in aqueous solutions. All Ni/HZSM-5 catalysts were capable of guaiacol HDO into cyclohexane at 523 K. The role of the HZSM-5 acid sites was confirmed by comparison with Ni/SiO2 (inert support) which exhibited incomplete deoxygenation of guaiacol due to the inability to perform the cyclohexanol dehydration step. The catalyst prepared with 15 wt% Ni, a DP time of 16 h, and a calcination temperature of 673 K (Ni(15)/HZSM-5 DP16_Cal673), performed the guaiacol conversion with the greatest selectivity towards HDO products, with an intrinsic rate ratio (HDO rate to conversion rate) of 0.31, and 90% selectivity to cyclohexane. Catalytic activity and selectivity of Ni/HZSM-5 (15 wt%) in aqueous environments (water and 0.1 M NaOH solution) was confirmed using PPE reactions at 523 K. After 30 min reaction time in water, Ni/HZSM-5 exhibited ~100% conversion of PPE, and good yield of the desired products; ethylbenzene and phenol (~35% and 23% of initial carbon, respectively). Ni/HZSM-5 in NaOH solution resulted in significantly higher ring saturation compared to the Ni/HZSM-5 in water or the NaOH solution control

    An Aza-Fused pi-Conjugated Microporous Framework Catalyzes the Production of Hydrogen Peroxide

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    "This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in ACS Catalysis, copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by the publisher. To access the final edited and published work see http://pubs.acs.org/page/policy/articlesonrequest/index.html"[EN] In order to produce hydrogen peroxide in small-scale electrochemical plants, selective catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) toward the desired species are required. Here, we report about the synthesis, characterization, ORR electrochemical behavior, and reaction mechanism of an aza-fused pi-conjugated microporous polymer, which presents high selectivity toward hydrogen peroxide. It was synthesized by polycondensation of 1,2,4,5-benzenetetramine tetrahydrochloride and triquinoyl octahydrate. A cobalt-modified version of the material was also prepared by a simple postsynthesis treatment with a Co(II) salt. The characterization of the material is consistent with the formation of a conductive robust porous covalent laminar polyaza structure. The ORR properties of these catalysts were investigated using rotating disk and rotating disk ring arrangements. The results indicate that hydrogen peroxide is almost exclusively produced at very low overpotentials on these materials. Density functional theory calculations provide key elements to understand the reaction mechanism. It is found that, at the relevant potential for the reaction, half of the nitrogen atoms of the material would be hydrogenated. This hydrogenation process would destabilize some carbon atoms in the lattice and would provide segregated charge. On the destabilized carbon atoms, molecular oxygen would be chemisorbed with the aid of charge transferred from the hydrogenated nitrogen atoms and solvation effects. Due to the low destabilization of the carbon sites, the resulting molecular oxygen chemisorbed state, which would have the characteristics of a superoxide species, would be only slightly stable, promoting the formation of hydrogen peroxide.This work has been financially supported by the MCINN-FEDER (projects CTQ2016-76221-P, MAT2013-46753-C2-1-P, and MAT2014-52305-P) and Generalitat Valenciana (project PROMETEO/2014/013).Briega-Martos, V.; Ferre Vilaplana, A.; De La Peña, A.; Segura, J.; Zamora, F.; Feliu, J.; Herrero, E. (2017). An Aza-Fused pi-Conjugated Microporous Framework Catalyzes the Production of Hydrogen Peroxide. ACS Catalysis. 7(2):1015-1024. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.6b03043S101510247

    TP100 221. Uso de Gel Plaquetario a Partir de Plasma Rico en Plaquetas Como Prevención de la Dehiscencia Esternal

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    Introducciónla dehiscencia esternal es una de las complicaciones más frecuentes en cirugía cardíaca en el postoperatorio inmediato. La propiedad del gel plaquetario de mejorar la regeneración de tejido óseo nos impulsó a ensayar su utilización en el cierre de las esternotomías.Métodosideamos un protocolo de preparación preoperatorio, sencillo y económico, a partir del fraccionamiento simple de la sangre autóloga del paciente, que se ha extraído el día anterior a la cirugía. Se crea y se infunde el gel en el propio quirófano, extendiéndose entre las dos tablas esternales en el momento del cierre.Entre 2008–2012 se realizaron 142 intervenciones cardíacas mayores, de las cuales un 72% eran varones. La edad media de los pacientes era 76,3 años. En un 65% de los casos se realizó cirugía coronaria. Los pacientes en 31% eran diabéti cos, 48% eran fumadores o exfumadores y en un 13% eran obesos (según índice de masa corporal [IMC]).Resultadossólo se produjo un caso de dehiscencia esternal (0,6%) frente al 3,5% de nuestra serie histórica.Conclusiónel gel plaquetario parece un método útil para disminuir el riesgo de dehiscencia esternal en cirugía cardíaca

    Continental shelf zones influenced by the suspended matter flows coming from Cadiz Bay

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    Due to the diversity of environments and hydrodynamics in Cadiz Bay, it is of interest to study the dynamics of sedimentary exchange between the coastal zones and continental shelf. The most abundant clay minerals on the floor of the continental shelf and Cadiz Bay, and in the particulate matter in suspension, are: illite, smectite, kaolinite + chlorite, and the interstratified clay minerals illite-smectite. The average concentration of suspended matter is 6.5 mg/l, the lowest (1.37 mg/l) being found on the inner shelf and in the inner zones of the bay less affected by currents and surge. The highest values (14 mg/l) are found in the outer bay, consistent with the distribution of muddy facies on the sea floor. The flow paths have been established from the local variations in the mineralogical associations found at the sampling stations, and by means of the alignments of the lowest values of the factor loadings at those stations most affected by the flows. The mineralogical similarity of the components of the clay fraction is related to the mixing action undergone by the components of the suspended matter reaching the bay from various sources, probably produced by the continuous action of the tidal ebb currents flowing from the inner sectors of the bay towards the continental shelf.El estudio de la dinámica de intercambio sedimentario entre las zonas litorales y la plataforma continental es de gran interés en el caso de la bahía de Cádiz, debido a su diversidad de ambientes y situaciones hidrodinámicas. Los minerales de la arcilla más abundantes en los fondos de la plataforma y la bahía, y en la materia en suspensión, son ilita, esmectita, caolinita + clorita e interestratificados ilita-esmectita. La concentración de materia sólida en suspensión indica un contenido promedio de 6,5 mg/l, apareciendo los mínimos (1,37 mg/l) en la plataforma interna y en zonas internas de la bahía no afectadas por corrientes y oleaje. Los valores más altos se dan en la bahía externa (14 mg/l), de acuerdo con la distribución de facies fangosas en el fondo. Las trayectorias de los flujos salientes se han establecido a partir de las variaciones locales de las asociaciones mineralógicas en las diferentes estaciones de muestreo, alineándose los valores más bajos de los factores en las estaciones más afectadas por la acción de los flujos. La similitud mineralógica de los componentes de la fracción arcilla en todos los ambientes se debe a la mezcla de componentes de la materia en suspensión que, desde diferentes fuentes, llegan a la bahía, y es favorecida por la acción de la corriente de reflujo mareal desde el sector más interno de la bahía a la plataforma continental.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    GUI Matlab para o cálculo de funções de Bessel usando frações continuadas

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    [EN] Higher order Bessel functions are prevalent in physics and engineering and there exist different methods to evaluate them quickly and efficiently. Two of these methods are Miller's algorithm and the continued fractions algorithm. Miller's algorithm uses arbitrary starting values and normalization constants to evaluate Bessel functions. The continued fractions algorithm directly computes each value, keeping the error as small as possible. Both methods respect the stability of the Bessel function recurrence relations. Here we outline both methods and explain why the continued fractions algorithm is more efficient. The goal of this paper is both (1) to introduce the continued fractions algorithm to physics and engineering students and (2) to present a MATLAB GUI (Graphic User Interface) where this method has been used for computing the Semi-integer Bessel Functions and their zeros.[PT] Funções de Bessel de ordem mais alta são recorrentes em física e nas engenharias, sendo que há diferentes métodos para calculá-las de maneira rápida e eficiente. Dois destes métodos são o algoritmo de Miller e o algoritmo de frações continuadas. O primeiro faz uso de valores iniciais e constantes de normalização arbitrários, enquanto o segundo o faz calculando cada valor diretamente, minimizando tanto quanto possível o erro. Ambos respeitam a estabilidade das relações de recorrência das funções de Bessel. Neste trabalho descrevemos ambos os métodos e explicamos a razão pela qual o algoritmo das frações continuadas é mais eficiente. O objetivo do artigo é (1) introduzir o algoritmo de frações continuadas para estudantes de física e das engenharias e (2) apresentar um GUI (Graphic User Interface) em Matlab no qual este método foi utilizado para calcular funções de Bessel semi-inteiras e seus zeros.The authors wish to thank the financial support received from the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia under grant PAID-06-09-2734, from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through grant ENE2008-00599 and specially from the Generalitat Valenciana under grant reference 3012/2009.Hernandez Vargas, E.; Commeford, K.; Pérez Quiles, MJ. (2011). MATLAB GUI for computing Bessel functions using continued fractions algorithm. Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física. 33(1):1303-1311. https://doi.org/10.1590/S1806-11172011000100003S13031311331Giladi, E. (2007). Asymptotically derived boundary elements for the Helmholtz equation in high frequencies. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 198(1), 52-74. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2005.11.024Havemann, S., & Baran, A. J. (2004). Calculation of the phase matrix elements of elongated hexagonal ice columns using the T-matrix method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 89(1-4), 87-96. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2004.05.014Segura, J., Fernández de Córdoba, P., & Ratis, Y. L. (1997). A code to evaluate modified bessel functions based on thecontinued fraction method. Computer Physics Communications, 105(2-3), 263-272. doi:10.1016/s0010-4655(97)00069-6Bastardo, J. L., Abraham Ibrahim, S., Fernández de Córdoba, P., Urchueguía Schölzel, J. F., & Ratis, Y. L. (2005). Evaluation of Fresnel integrals based on the continued fractions method. Applied Mathematics Letters, 18(1), 23-28. doi:10.1016/j.aml.2003.12.009Barnett, A. R., Feng, D. H., Steed, J. W., & Goldfarb, L. J. B. (1974). Coulomb wave functions for all real η and ϱ. Computer Physics Communications, 8(5), 377-395. doi:10.1016/0010-4655(74)90013-

    Calcificación de discos intervertebrales como causa de tortícolis dolorosa en edad pediátrica

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    Sr. Editor: La tortícolis aguda es un motivo de consulta frecuente en pediatría. Su etiología es variada1; por lo que es importante descartar una enfermedad grave subyacente. Las calcificaciones de los discos intervertebrales son una entidad poco frecuente en la edad pediátrica que se ha descrito como causa de tortícolis dolorosa. Se presentan 3 casos de tortícolis secundaria a discopatía calcificante recogidos en nuestro hospital en los últimos 20 años, así como una revisión de la bibliografía de esta entidad. Se presenta una serie de 3 casos, diagnosticados en los últimos 20 años en un hospital de tercer nivel. La edad de los pacientes se comprendió entre los 5 y 10 años (5, 6 y 10 años), 2 pacientes fueron varones y una mujer. La sintomatología consistió en tortícolis de aparición brusca, en 2 de los casos los pacientes presentaron desviación cefálica hacia el lado derecho y uno de los casos hacia el lado izquierdo. Únicamente uno de los pacientes había presentado episodios previos autolimitados (4 episodios previos similares en los últimos 2 meses, de entre 3 y 8 días de evolución). Solo uno de los casos presentó un antecedente traumático banal previo al inicio del cuadro clínico. El período de tiempo de evolución de la sintomatología hasta su diagnóstico se comprendió entre 5 y 10 días..
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