1,267 research outputs found

    Review of sclerorhynchoids (chondrichthyes: bataoidea) and its phylogenetic and taxonomic implicatons

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    Recently molecular analysis shifted long-standing conceptions regarding the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of batoids. These changes and current phylogenetic work and classifications of fossil batoids have not been integrated. Sclerorhynchoids are one of most diverse and widely recorded clades of Cretaceous batoids whose phylogenetic relations remain undetermined. With the discovery and description of specimens of sclerorhynchoids from Morocco, the present study revaluates the phylogenetic relations of the group and proposes a new topology and rearrangement of it with respect of other batoids as a suborder of Rajiformes. These changes are contrasted with previous works. Whilst these analyses do not provide the ultimate truth regarding the phylogenetic relations of the sclerorhynchoids they represent an important steppingstone for future phylogenetic works involving fossil batoids and morphological data. With the similar composition of the major clades between molecular analyses and the present study a timescaling analyses using tip-dating, basic and minimum branch length is carried out, with the objective of stablishing a possible divergence time for sclerorhynchoids and other batoids groups. These results are compared using stratigraphic indices. Overall tip-dating presented slightly better scores. The ages estimated by the morphological data recover later divergence events than those with molecular data. Diversity curves (taxonomic diversity estimate and shareholder quorum subsampling) were used to compare the estimated ages between molecular and morphological data, this comparison resulted in morphological data presenting a better overlap with possible divergence events recovered by the diversity curves. Finally, a taxonomic update of the group is presented. A total of 30 genera and 72 valid species were found as a result of the bibliographic review. The bibliographic review revealed an uneven sampling effort between regions, which needs to be addressed, to properly establish an adequate approximation to the diversity of the group and batoids

    Review of sclerorhynchoids (chondrichthyes: bataoidea) and its phylogenetic and taxonomic implicatons

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    Recently molecular analysis shifted long-standing conceptions regarding the taxonomic and phylogenetic relationships of batoids. These changes and current phylogenetic work and classifications of fossil batoids have not been integrated. Sclerorhynchoids are one of most diverse and widely recorded clades of Cretaceous batoids whose phylogenetic relations remain undetermined. With the discovery and description of specimens of sclerorhynchoids from Morocco, the present study revaluates the phylogenetic relations of the group and proposes a new topology and rearrangement of it with respect of other batoids as a suborder of Rajiformes. These changes are contrasted with previous works. Whilst these analyses do not provide the ultimate truth regarding the phylogenetic relations of the sclerorhynchoids they represent an important steppingstone for future phylogenetic works involving fossil batoids and morphological data. With the similar composition of the major clades between molecular analyses and the present study a timescaling analyses using tip-dating, basic and minimum branch length is carried out, with the objective of stablishing a possible divergence time for sclerorhynchoids and other batoids groups. These results are compared using stratigraphic indices. Overall tip-dating presented slightly better scores. The ages estimated by the morphological data recover later divergence events than those with molecular data. Diversity curves (taxonomic diversity estimate and shareholder quorum subsampling) were used to compare the estimated ages between molecular and morphological data, this comparison resulted in morphological data presenting a better overlap with possible divergence events recovered by the diversity curves. Finally, a taxonomic update of the group is presented. A total of 30 genera and 72 valid species were found as a result of the bibliographic review. The bibliographic review revealed an uneven sampling effort between regions, which needs to be addressed, to properly establish an adequate approximation to the diversity of the group and batoids

    Consejo Genético

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    Hereditary cancer affects 5-10% of the oncologic patients that we see ordinary in a medical oncology department. However, the great majority of the oncologist have a little knowledgement about this issue. The molecular and clinical advances in this field has provided us to detect high risk people to suffer some types of cancer, because they are germline mutation carriers in any susceptibility genes (genetic tests) and, also, the possibility of reduce the risk of suffering this disease almost in 100% of the cases (prophylactic surgery). In this paper we analyze the state-of-the-art in some aspects of hereditary cancer and its clinical management, also a little revision about the psychological situations in this type of clinical counselling

    The epic dimension of sport

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    Es muy probable que no sea ésta la primera vez que se habla de épica, deporte y vida como elementos de un mismo campo semántico. Quizá. Pero he decidido unirlos en estas reflexiones por ser mi materia de estudio la épica como género literario; porque también yo he sido y soy deportista; y cabría decir, por último, aunque no menos importante, porque soy un ser humano, y serlo implica vivir una epopeya personal construida sobre la base de lo ordinario. Épica, deporte y vida: tres elementos que configuran una manera de entender la existencia como desafío. En estos años de revitalizado interés por las epopeyas, un interés que nos ha llegado de la mano del cine y de algunos clásicos literarios (La Ilíada, El Señor de los Anillos), parece adecuado incluir estos pensamientos a vuelapluma sobre un tema tan apasionante como cotidiano. Porque la épica nos muestra que el sentido de nuestro vivir es histórico y aventurero: épica en estado puro.Actividad Física y Deport

    The configuration of the Sacred Space: Sacramental essence and Christian existence

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    [Resumen] ¿Es la metáfora un concepto válido para la configuración del espacio sagrado? De ser así, ¿nos encontramos en un momento en el que, quizá, lo decisivo sea una clarificación del correlato entre la esencia cristiana, el carácter sacramental de la liturgia y, por eso, de los modos en que la arquitectura —con las demás artes— debe servir ella misma como cauce al sacramento? Esta comunicación intenta dar respuesta, desde el terreno de la Estética, a una de las preguntas que aún no han sido plenamente respondidas desde la conclusión del Concilio Vaticano ii: de qué manera el templo es y debe ser el ámbito del Misterio, y no sólo ni principalmente el escenario de una representación. Asimismo, señalamos algunas consecuencias prácticas que para el edificio religioso contemporáneo conlleva la esencia eucarística de la vida cristiana. Más allá de los corolarios prácticos del modernismo, aún presentes en la liturgia, parece hoy más que nunca necesario acometer un redescubrimiento, desde la entraña teológica sacramental del mundo, de una renovada concepción de la arquitectura religiosa que subraye su vocación natural a ser albergue del Don y del Pueblo de Dios. El terreno esencialmente superior del Arte y la Belleza divinas son, de modo primario, el locus natural donde se realiza esta vivificación del espacio sagrado, el territorio primigenio en el que la metáfora surge como primer motor de la tarea subcreativa del arquitecto

    From sound quality to sound systems: a retrospective study

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    The current socio-technological context encourages the increase of products with increasingly complex and advanced interfaces. Sound is a valuable resource capable of facilitating interaction between product and user, and conveying information about events of different nature and criticality.However, design engineering lacks unified knowledge and a consensus methodology that facilitates the characterization of sound during product development processes. This article presents a retrospective, critical and systematic review of the most relevant theoretical and practical contributions applied in design engineering, from different scientific perspectives. The result is a map of publications classified in 6 large blocks, ranging from initial psychoacoustic studies, through observations on sound semantics, to the most up-to-date approaches supported by communication theories. In this way, researchers and developers in design engineering are provided with a guide and introduction to the main key aspects of sound study and in its application to product design domain. The article collects the main bibliographical references indicating whether they are theoretical or experimental studies, the scientific field with which they relate, their chronological location, and highlighting their main contributions

    Análisis de la ley orgánica de comunicación respecto al proyecto red de comunicación alternativa: privada local, pública y comunitaria y su incidencia en las comunidades de nacionalidad Tsáchilas de santo domingo de los Tsáchilas para el 2014

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    La presente investigación se ha realizado con el propósito de analizar la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación como marco que impulsa la creación del Proyecto Red de Comunicación Alternativa. Privada Local, Pública y Comunitaria y su incidencia en la provincia de Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, específicamente en sus comunidades indígenas. La Ley Orgánica de Comunicación se encuentra vigente desde el mes de junio de 2013, sin embargo la iniciativa de una red de medios comunitarios es un sueño que se viene construyendo desde el año 2009, con la participación y apoyo de diversas organizaciones privadas y sin fines de lucro que han mostrado interés por la comunicación, difusión y rescate de tradiciones, cultura, lenguaje y cosmovisión de nacionalidades indígenas del país. Por lo tanto este tipo de análisis permitirá conocer el nivel de satisfacción y percepción de cumplimiento de tales objetivos comunicacionales que los habitantes de las comunidades Tsáchilas percibieron durante el año 2014, respecto al funcionamiento de su emisora radial comunitaria Radio Sonba Pamin. Este trabajo está compuesto por cinco capítulos. El primero hace referencia al Marco Teórico donde se analizan los antecedentes de la Política Pública referente a la Ley de Comunicación y el Proyecto de Redes, y explica también la corriente de regulación en la Ley de Comunicación en países vecinos. El capítulo dos; detalla un análisis de la situación actual de la Nacionalidad Tsáchilas, los medios comunitarios y el Proyecto Redes. Finalmente también en este capítulo se examina el impacto de la Ley en las comunidades indígenas donde ha tenido alcance de ejecución. Y como sus avances se prevé que van consiguiendo una rentabilidad meramente social. En el capítulo tres se establece el diseño de la investigación y de los instrumentos de recolección de datos, entre los que constan: cuestionario de encuesta para los habitantes de las Comunidades Tsáchilas así como también de entrevistas a profesionales y expertos en el tema de medios comunitarios; quienes aportan desde su conocimiento: todo lo relacionado con medios comunitarios y su inmersión en redes de colaboración y cooperación. En el capítulo cuatro se analizan los resultados de la investigación para poder determinar la incidencia de la Ley Orgánica de Comunicación en los habitantes de las comunidades indígenas Tsáchilas. Se realiza un análisis de asociaciones entre los criterios “Nivel de Satisfacción” y “Percepción de cambio” para determinar las combinaciones de variables que ocurren con mayor frecuencia y medir la fuerza e importancia de tales combinaciones. Finalmente, en el capítulo cinco con respecto a los hallazgos encontrados durante la presente investigación y una vez cumplidos todos los aspectos propuestos que permitieron validar las bases que motivaron a realizar el estudio, se procede a realizar conclusiones y recomendaciones las cuales sirven incluso para proyectos similares que buscan obtener resultados positivos en el buen vivir de las y los ciudadanos de éste país, principalmente en aquellos individuos que habitan en zonas distantes como lo son los habitantes de algunas comunidades indígenasThis research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the Communications Law as a framework that promotes the creation of Alternative Communication Network Project. Local Private, Public and Community and their impact on the province of Santo Domingo de Los Tsáchilas, specifically in its indigenous communities. The Communications Law in force since June 2013, however the initiative of a network of community media is a dream that has been building since 2009, with the participation and support of various private and nonprofit organization that have shown interest in communication, dissemination and rescue of traditions, culture, language and worldview of indigenous nationalities in the country. Therefore this type of analysis will reveal the level of satisfaction and perceived performance of such communication objectives that residents of communities perceived Tsáchilas during 2014, regarding the operation of their community radio station Radio Sonba Pamin. This work consists of five chapters. The first concerns the Theoretical Framework where analyzes the background to the Public Policy concerning the Law of Communication and Networking Project, and explains the current regulation in communications law in neighboring countries. Chapter two; detailed analysis of the current situation of the Nationality Tsáchilas, community media and Networking Project. Finally also in this chapter the impact of the law on indigenous communities where it has had scope of implementation is examined. And as their progress is expected to go getting a purely social profitability. In chapter three the research design and data collection instruments, among which consist states: questionnaire survey for residents of Tsáchilas Communities as well as interviews with professionals and experts in the field of community media; who contribute from their knowledge: everything related to community media and immersion in networks of collaboration and cooperation. In chapter four the results of the investigation to determine the incidence of Communications Law in the inhabitants of the indigenous communities Tsáchilas are analyzed. An analysis of associations between criteria "Level of Satisfaction" and "Perception of change" is performed to determine the combinations of variables that occur more frequently and measure the strength and importance of such combinations. Finally, in chapter five with respect to the findings in the present investigation and once all of components suggested which allowed to validate the foundations that motivated the conduct the study, we proceed to make findings and recommendations which serve even for similar projects looking to get positive results in the good living of the citizens and this country, especially for individuals who live in remote areas such as the inhabitants of some indigenous communities