48 research outputs found

    Microstructure determination of IQ-WB clays: a direct procedure by small-angle X-ray scattering

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    An accurate characterization of the microstructure of raw and pure homoionic clays from Wadi Bashira in Iraq (IQ-WB) has been carried out experimentally, using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and dynamic light scattering. The structures of lamellar IQ-WB dispersions were identified by these techniques and by complementary free swelling and dialysis experiments. SAXS measurements were used to resolve the characteristic distance, h(s), between individual platelets in Na IQ-WB and between platelets inside tactoids formed in Ca clays. The tactoids in raw and Ca IQ-WB have well formed lamellar structures where h(s) = 1.9 nm. The average lateral size, , of a platelet is determined to be a few hundred nanometres. Analysis of the SAXS peaks, based on the Scherrer relation, revealed a small difference in the average number of platelets per tactoid, = 6-9, depending on platelet size and the concentrations of divalent counter-ions. It was also found that the average tactoid size can be estimated from an empirical relation as follows: similar or equal to delta + alpha , where delta is a constant and alpha the slope

    Synchrotron X-ray Scattering and Monte Carlo Simulations of Structure and Forces in Silicate Nanoplatelet Dispersions

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    Clays are the world’s most widely used natural material, however, little is known regarding the microstructure as well as the forces involved in clay-water interactions, and their influence on the swelling properties. The utilization of clay platelets is nowadays a key in a number of biological and industrial applications e.g. nuclear waste management. Bentonites from different natural sources and pure Na/Ca montmorillonite platelets have been studied experimentally and theoretically. Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), dynamic light scattering (DLS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and Cryogenic-TEM were applied to provide direct information about the structure of dry clays as well as clay platelets in equilibrium with a bulk solution of given ionic composition, temperature and pH. Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been used to predict the osmotic pressure of montmorillonite dispersions. The swelling behavior is mainly regulated by counterion valency and surface charge density. Divalent counterions and high surface charge density lead to a limited swelling, while monovalent counterions favor a large swelling. This thesis has also investigated the aggregation of nanoplatelets in clay-water systems, in order to understand the effect of platelet size on the structure and swelling behavior. A new twist on aggregation phenomenon is that, really small platelets (~ 20 nm) do not form a tactoid, whereas larger platelets give rise to larger tactoids. The platelet size controls the aggregation and microstructure of silicate platelets into tactoids following an empirical relation as: N ≃ δ + α Deff, where N is the number of platelets per tactoid, Deff is the effective diameter of platelets, δ and α are constants

    Ca/Na Montmorillonite: Structure, Forces and Swelling Properties.

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    Ca/Na montmorillonite and natural Wyoming bentonite (MX-80) have been studied experimentally and theoretically. For a clay system in equilibrium with pure water, Monte Carlo simulations predict a large swelling when the clay counterions are monovalent, while in presence of divalent counterions a limited swelling is obtained with an aqueous layer between the clay platelets of about 10 A. This latter result is in excellent agreement with X-ray scattering data, while dialysis experiments give a significantly larger swelling for Ca montmorillonite in pure water. Obviously, there is one "intra-lamellar" and a second "extra-lamellar" swelling. Montmorillonite in contact with a salt reservoir containing both Na(+) and Ca(2+) counterions will only show a modest swelling unless the Na(+) concentration in the bulk is several orders of magnitude larger than the Ca(2+) concentration. The limited swelling of clay in presence of divalent counterions is a consequence of ion-ion correlations, which reduce the entropic repulsion as well as give rise to an attractive component in the total osmotic pressure. Ion-ion correlations also favor divalent counterions in a situation with a competition with monovalent ones. A more fundamental result of ion-ion correlations is that the osmotic pressure as a function of clay sheet separation becomes nonmonotonic, which indicates the possibility of a phase separation into a concentrated and a dilute clay phase, which would correspond to the "extra-lamellar" swelling found in dialysis experiments. This idea also finds support in the X-ray scattering spectra, where sometimes two peaks corresponding to different lamellar spacings appear

    Tactoid Formation in Montmorillonite

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    Aqueous dispersions of Ca montmorillonite contain small clusters of clay platelets, often named "tactoids". In these tactoids, the platelets are arranged parallel to each other with a constant spacing of 1 nm. We have used small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) to determine the average number of platelets per tactoid, . We found that this number depends on the platelet size, with larger platelets yielding larger tactoids. For a dispersion in equilibrium with a mixed electrolyte solution, the tactoid size also depends on the ratio of divalent to monovalent cations in the reservoir. Divalent counterions are strongly favored in this competition and will accumulate in the tactoids. In dispersions of pure sodium montmorillonite, that are equilibrated with a mixture of Na+ and Ca2+ cations, the Na+ cations initially cause a repulsion between the platelets, but the divalent ions rapidly replace the monovalent ones and lead to the formation of tactoids, typically within less than one hour based on the divalent to monovalent ratio. This cation exchange as well as tactoid formation can be semiquantitatively predicted from Monte Carlo simulations

    Reactivity, swelling and aggregation of mixed-size silicate nanoplatelets

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    Montmorillonite is a key ingredient in a number of technical applications. However, little is known regarding the microstructure and the forces between silicate platelets. The size of montmorillonite platelets from different natural sources can vary significantly. This has an influence on their swelling behavior in water as well as in salt solutions, particularly when tactoid formation occurs, that is when divalent counterions are present in the system. A tactoid consists of a limited number of platelets aggregated in a parallel arrangement with a constant separation. The tactoid size increases with platelet size and with very small nanoplatelets, similar to 30 nm, no tactoids are observed irrespectively of the platelet origin and concentration of divalent ions. The formation and dissociation of tactoids seem to be reversible processes. A large proportion of small nanoplatelets in a mixed-size system affects the tactoid formation, reduces the aggregation number and increases the extra-lamellar swelling in the system

    Flocculated Laponite-PEG/PEO dispersions with monovalent salt, a SAXS and simulation study.

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    It is well-known that clay can form lamellar structures i.e. tactoids, and recently it has been shown that the tactoid formation is dependent on the platelet diameter. To the authors knowledge, no tactoid formation has been observed for montmorillonite platelets with a diameter less than 60nm. In this study, small angle X-ray scattering in combination with coarse-grained modeling and molecular dynamics simulations have been utilized to study the sediment of Laponite-polyethylene glycol/polyethylene oxide (PEG/PEO) at elevated salt concentrations (150mM-1M). Laponite consists of platelets with a diameter of 25nm and it is known to have a relatively monodisperse size-distribution. At pH 10, the face of the platelets has a strong negative charge, whereas the rim is slightly positive. Here we show that it is possible to induce tactoids for Laponite if two constraints are fulfilled: (1) addition of high amount of salt such as NaCl, and (2) addition of a neutral polymer such as PEG. The role of the salt is to screen the repulsive interactions between the platelets and the role of the polymer is to bridge the platelets together: hence the loss in configurational entropy of the polymer is counteracted by the gain in attractive polymer-platelet interaction. As the concentration of NaCl and/or PEG increases, the Bragg peak becomes sharper, which is an indication of that larger tactoids are formed. Comparison between Laponite and montmorillonite shows that the interlayer distance between the platelets increases linearly with an increased Debye screening length for both type of clays, whereas the structure peaks of Laponite are broader compared to the montmorillonite. We argue that the main reason to the latter is due to the size of the platelets: (i) smaller platelets are less rotationally restricted and (ii) the effect of positive edge charges is larger when the platelets are smaller, which results in more irregular aggregates. In absence of the polymer, montmorillonite form tactoids above ∼0.3MNaCl whereas Laponite does not. Even though the model used is simple, we find qualitative agreement between experiments and simulations, which verifies that the underlying physics for tactoid formation is captured

    Rheo-SAXS study of shear-induced orientation and relaxation of cellulose nanocrystal and montmorillonite nanoplatelet dispersions

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    The development of robust production processes is essential for the introduction of advanced materials based on renewable and Earth-abundant resources. Cellulose nanomaterials have been combined with other highly available nanoparticles, in particular clays, to generate multifunctional films and foams. Here, the structure of dispersions of rod-like cellulose nanocrystals (CNC) and montmorillonite nanoplatelets (MNT) was probed using small-angle X-ray scattering within a rheological cell (Rheo-SAXS). Shear induced a high degree of particle orientation in both the CNC-only and CNC:MNT composite dispersions. Relaxation of the shear-induced orientation in the CNC-only dispersion decayed exponentially and reached a steady-state within 20 seconds, while the relaxation of the CNC:MNT composite dispersion was found to be strongly retarded and partially inhibited. Viscoelastic measurements and Guinier analysis of dispersions at the shear rate of 0.1 s−1 showed that the addition of MNT promotes gel formation of the CNC:MNT composite dispersions. A better understanding of shear-dependent assembly and orientation of multi-component nanoparticle dispersions can be used to process materials with improved mechanical and functional properties