26 research outputs found

    Integra_et_Klima Modulbuch

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    Mit den Integra_et_Klima Unterrichtsmaterialien stehen Ihnen umfangreiche Lehrmittel für integrations- und berufsbezogene Sprachkurse zum Thema Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zur Verfügung. Zielsetzung dieser Lehrmaterialien ist die Vermittlung von Wissen zum Klimaschutz. Hierbei sollen klimafreundliche Verhaltensalternativen erlernt werden. Das Material ist insbesondere für Personengruppen aufbereitet worden, die sich bislang nur wenig mit diesem Thema beschäftigt haben. Des Weiteren werden die Integrationsbemühungen der Teilnehmenden unterstützt, indem ihnen gesellschaftlich relevantes Umweltverhalten dargelegt wird. Dies ermöglicht den Teilnehmenden nicht nur das Verstehen des Verhaltens anderer, sondern auch die Teilhabe und Partizipation innerhalb der Gesellschaft

    Eficácia do xadrez para o aluno com deficiência intelectual na aprendizagem escolar

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação Física, Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física do Programa Pró-licenciatura, 2012. Curso de Licenciatura em Educação Física a Distância.Esta pesquisa situa-se no campo Educação Especial através do xadrez para deficiência intelectual (DI). Analisando as leituras realizadas é um campo de estudo com poucas referências na educação especial, e quase que inexistente com relação ao xadrez para alunos com DI, sendo assim, ressaltamos sua importância para a educação em geral. Desta forma para investigar este tema, propõem-se a seguinte problematização: como a prática do xadrez interfere na aprendizagem escolar do aluno com Deficiência Intelectual? Que será desenvolvido na escola CENE localizada no município de Porto Velho, com um grupo de 10 alunos com deficiência intelectual. Essa pesquisa terá uma abordagem qualitativa com procedimentos metodológicos baseados em de estudo de caso na qual se busca investigar os benefícios do xadrez para o individuo com Deficiência Intelectual. Para revisão bibliográfica da literatura utilizamos como referencias os autores (FILGUTH (2007); OLIMPIO(2006), AAMR(2002); MEC (2001, 2005, 2007, 2008), FREITAS e PERES, (2008); ANDRÉ(2001)e SME/SP(2008). Deste modo, buscamos verificar de que forma a prática do xadrez contribui no processo de aprendizagem do individuo com deficiência intelectual, identificar como é desenvolvido o jogo do xadrez na escola e levantar as principais dificuldades encontradas no processo de aprendizagem do aluno com Deficiência

    Aktivierung von MigrantInnen zur energetischen Gebäudemodernisierung - Kurzbericht für Praxispartner

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    In dem von der Stiftung Mercator geförderten Projekt AMeG - Aktivierung von MigrantInnen zur energetischen Gebäudemodernisi erung - wurden neue Kommunikationswege erprobt, um mit der Hilfe von Migrantenselbstorganisationen und MultiplikatorInnen sowohl migrantische EigentümerInnen als auch MieterInnen persönlich und kultursensibel anzusprechen, über das Thema Energieeffizienz zu informieren und zur Nutzung der bestehenden Informations- und Beratungsangebote, kommunaler Förderprogramme usw. zu motivieren. Um Zugang zu den Zielgruppen der MigrantInnen zu bekommen, wurden unterschiedliche Strategien verfolgt: Quartiersbezug, Community-Bezug, Aktivierung über Unternehmernetzwerke sowie aufsuchende Beratung für EigentümerInnen. Über die begleitenden Evaluation konnte das Wissen über EignetümerInnen und MieterInnen mit Migrationshintergrund in dem Themenfeld Energieeffizienz erweitert werden. Zudem wurden wesentliche Erkenntnisse über den Prozess der Aktivierung von MigrantInnen und der Zusammenarbeit mit Migrantenselbstorganisationen generiert. Die zentralen Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen wurden in einem Workshop mit Praxispartnern reflektiert und in der Broschüre "Aktivierung von MigrantInnen zur energetischen Gebäudesanierung" für Akteure, die Maßnahmen zur Aktivierung von MigrantInnen planen, leicht verständlich und praxisnah zusammengefasst

    Prospective assessment of patient-reported outcomes and estradiol and drug concentrations in patients experiencing toxicity from adjuvant aromatase inhibitors

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    PURPOSE: Aromatase inhibitors (AI), which decrease circulating estradiol concentrations in post-menopausal women, are associated with toxicities that limit adherence. Approximately one-third of patients will tolerate a different AI after not tolerating the first. We report the effect of crossover from exemestane to letrozole or vice versa on patient-reported outcomes (PROs) and whether the success of crossover is due to lack of estrogen suppression. METHODS: Post-menopausal women enrolled on a prospective trial initiating AI therapy for early-stage breast cancer were randomized to exemestane or letrozole. Those that discontinued for intolerance were offered protocol-directed crossover to the other AI after a washout period. Changes in PROs, including pain [Visual Analog Scale (VAS)] and functional status [Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)], were compared after 3 months on the first versus the second AI. Estradiol and drug concentrations were measured. RESULTS: Eighty-three patients participated in the crossover protocol, of whom 91.3% reported improvement in symptoms prior to starting the second AI. Functional status worsened less after 3 months with the second AI (HAQ mean change AI #1: 0.2 [SD 0.41] vs. AI #2: -0.05 [SD 0.36]; p = 0.001); change in pain scores was similar between the first and second AI (VAS mean change AI #1: 0.8 [SD 2.7] vs. AI #2: -0.2 [SD 2.8]; p = 0.19). No statistical differences in estradiol or drug concentrations were found between those that continued or discontinued AI after crossover. CONCLUSIONS: Although all AIs act via the same mechanism, a subset of patients intolerant to one AI report improved PROs with a different one. The mechanism of this tolerance remains unknown, but does not appear to be due to non-adherence to, or insufficient estrogen suppression by, the second AI

    Polymorphisms in drug-metabolizing enzymes and steady-state exemestane concentration in postmenopausal patients with breast cancer

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    Discovery of clinical and genetic predictors of exemestane pharmacokinetics was attempted in 246 post-menopausal patients with breast cancer enrolled on a prospective clinical study. A sample was collected two hours after exemestane dosing at a 1 or 3 month study visit to measure drug concentration. The primary hypothesis was that patients carrying the low-activity CYP3A4*22 (rs35599367) SNP would have greater exemestane concentration. Additional SNPs in genes relevant to exemestane metabolism (CYP1A1/2, CYP1B1, CYP3A4, CYP4A11, AKR1C3/4, AKR7A2) were screened in secondary analyses and adjusted for clinical covariates. CYP3A4*22 was associated with a 54% increase in exemestane concentration (p<0.01). Concentration was greater in patients who reported White race, had elevated aminotransferases, renal insufficiency, lower body mass index, and had not received chemotherapy (all p<0.05), and CYP3A4*22 maintained significance after adjustment for covariates (p<0.01). These genetic and clinical predictors of exemestane concentration may be useful for treatment individualization in patients with breast cancer

    Bem-estar psicológico e psicologia positiva: caraterização, revisão e intervenção

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    O estudo do bem-estar parte de duas perspectivas: hedônica e eudaimônica. A perspectiva hedônica relaciona bem-estar ao prazer e felicidade, às experiências prazerosas; ou ainda, um equilíbrio entre estímulos positivos e negativos. Do ponto de vista eudaimônico, o bem-estar vai além da felicidade pessoal; Essa perspectiva tem a ver com o que a pessoa faz ou pensa (Lent, 2004). Portanto, o bem-estar é um construto complexo que abrange uma dimensão cognitiva e uma afetiva (Galinha & Pais Ribeiro, 2005) concebidas ambas como os principais indicadores do funcionamento positivo (Mustelier, 2016). Este trabalho tem como objetivo, no primeiro artigo, conceptualizar o Bem-estar psicológico, no segundo, fazer uma revisão integrativa de artigos sobre intervenções sobre o BEP, e, por último, no terceiro artigo, descrever estudo realizado sobre o BEP em mulheres, utilizando a EBEP, versão, de 18, versão reduzida de itens (3 por dimensão), foi construída para ser utilizada em grandes levantamentos, quantidade de participantes, por questão de brevidade e economia (Ryff, 1989).El estudio del bienestar parte de dos perspectivas: hedónica y eudaimónica. Una perspectiva hedónica relaciona el bienestar con el placer y la felicidad con las experiencias placenteras; o incluso, un equilibrio entre estímulos positivos y negativos. Desde el punto de vista eudaimónico, el bienestar va más allá de la felicidad personal; esta perspectiva tiene que ver con cómo la gente ve o piensa (Lent, 2004). Por tanto, el bienestar es un constructo complejo que engloba una dimensión cognitiva y una dimensión afectiva (Galinha & Pais Ribeiro, 2005), ambas concebidas como los principales indicadores del funcionamiento positivo (Mustelier, 2016). Este estudio tuvo como objetivo, no el primer artículo, conceptualizar el bienestar psicológico, no el segundo, hacer una revisión integradora de artículos sobre intervenciones sobre BEP, y, finalmente, no el tercer artículo, desacreditar el estudio realizado sobre el BEP en mujeres, Usando EBEP, versión de 18, versión reducida de ítems (3 por tamaño), fue construido para uso en encuestas de gran número de participantes, por brevedad y economia (Ryff, 1989).The study of well-being starts from two perspectives: hedonic and eudaimonic. A hedonic perspective relates well-being to pleasure and happy experiences to pleasurable ones; or even, a balance between positive and negative stimuli. From the eudaimonic point of view, or well-being goes beyond personal happiness. This perspective talks on how to see how people view or think (Lent, 2004). Therefore, well-being is a complex construct that encompasses a cognitive dimension and an affective dimension (Galinha & Pais Ribeiro, 2005), both conceived as the main indicators of positive functioning (Mustelier, 2016). This study aimed, not the first article, to conceptualize psychological well-being, not the second, to make an integrative review of articles on interventions on BEP, and, finally, not the third article, to discredit the study carried out on the BEP in women, Using EBEP, version of 18, reduced version of items (3 per size), was built for use in large surveys, number of participants, due to brevity and economy (Ryff, 1989)

    Integra_et_Klima Modulbuch

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    Mit den Integra_et_Klima Unterrichtsmaterialien stehen Ihnen umfangreiche Lehrmittel für integrations- und berufsbezogene Sprachkurse zum Thema Umwelt- und Klimaschutz zur Verfügung. Zielsetzung dieser Lehrmaterialien ist die Vermittlung von Wissen zum Klimaschutz. Hierbei sollen klimafreundliche Verhaltensalternativen erlernt werden. Das Material ist insbesondere für Personengruppen aufbereitet worden, die sich bislang nur wenig mit diesem Thema beschäftigt haben. Des Weiteren werden die Integrationsbemühungen der Teilnehmenden unterstützt, indem ihnen gesellschaftlich relevantes Umweltverhalten dargelegt wird. Dies ermöglicht den Teilnehmenden nicht nur das Verstehen des Verhaltens anderer, sondern auch die Teilhabe und Partizipation innerhalb der Gesellschaft

    Impact of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on physical activity of patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices—A remote monitoring study

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    ObjectivesThe study aims to investigate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity and frequency of implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) therapies of patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices. Methods and resultsPhysical activity, heart rate and ICD-therapies were assessed via routine remote monitoring over two years. We focussed on a 338-day period during COVID-19 pandemic that was divided in 6 time-intervals defined by public health interventions and compared to the previous regular year. Paired nonparametric longitudinal analysis was performed to detect differences between time-intervals. To model effects of age, sex and time we applied a nonparametric ANOVA-type-statistic. 147 patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices were analysed. Longitudinal analysis of physical activity in 2019 and 2020 showed a specific weekly and seasonal pattern. Physical activity was reduced during the pandemic (mean daily physical activity 2019: 12.4% vs. 2020: 11.5%; p70 years), physical activity was decreased in every time-interval of the year 2020. In time-intervals of eased restrictions, physical activity of younger patients (<= 70 years) was not different compared to 2019. No variation in mean heart rate, arrhythmia-burden and count of ICD-therapies was found. ConclusionPhysical activity shows fluctuations dependent on days of the week and time of the year. During the pandemic, physical activity was reduced in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices with the strongest reductions during lockdown-periods. Younger patients resumed former levels of physical activity in times of eased restrictions while older patients remained less active. Thus, activation of the elderly population is important to prevent long-term health impairments due to the pandemic